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We here report an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a scintillation proximity assay (SPA) for detection of the ganglioside FucGM1 in sera from small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients. The SPA was more sensitive and reproducible than the ELISA. In this assay, monoclonal antibodies specific for FucGM1 were bound to SPA particles and incubated with labelled FucGM1 and 100 µl test-serum overnight, and counted in a -counter. The sensitivity was 0.2 ng. Seven out of twenty sera from SCLC patients were positive, whereas none of twenty sera from healthy individuals were positive for FucGM1. The SPA was more sensitive than the previously reported HPTLC as well as a direct ELISA.Abbreviations MAb monoclonal antibody - SPA scintillation proximity assay - HPTLC high performance thin layer chromatography - SCLC small cell lung cancer - FucGM1 Fuc1-2Gal1-3GalNAc1-4(NeuAc2-3)-Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer - ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay - FCS foetal calf serum - PBS phosphate buffered saline  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 19 Patienten, die nach einer Nierentransplantation mit Imuran behandelt wurden, wiesen eine erhöhte Anzahl Chromosomenabnormitäten im Vergleich zu 30 gesunden Kontrollpersonen der gleichen Altersklasse auf. Keine signifikant erhöhte Anzahl an Chromosomenabnormitäten fand sich jedoch bei 7 Patienten, die vor und unter der Imuran-behandlung untersucht wurden. Es wird vermutet, daß die Chromosomenabnormitäten bei den 19 mit Imuran behandelten Patienten wahrscheinlich nicht durch Imuran, sondern durch die Urämie entstanden sind.
Summary 19 patients treated with Imuran after a renal transplantation showed a high frequency of chromosome abnormalities, compared with 30 healthy control persons in the same age range. No significantly higher frequency of chromosome abnormalities was, however, found in 7 patients examined before and during treatment with Imuran. It is suggested that the chromosome abnormalities found in the 19 patients treated with Imuran were probably not due to Imuran but to Uremia.
Summary Furosemide-binding proteins were isolated from cholate-solubilized membranes of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells by affinity chromatography, using furosemide as ligand. Solubilized proteins retarded by the affinity material were eluted by furosemide. In reducing and denaturing gels, the major proteins eluted by furosemide were 100 and 45 kDa. In nonreducing, nondenaturing gels, homodimers of both polypeptides were found, whereas no oligomeric proteins containing both polypeptides were seen. It is concluded that the furosemide gel binds two distinct dimeric proteins. The isolated proteins were reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles and the K+ transport activity of these vesicles was assayed by measurement of86Rb+ uptake against a large opposing K+ gradient. The reconstituted system was found to contain a K+ transporting protein, which is sensitive to Ba2+ like the K+ channel previously demonstrated to be activated in intact cells after cell swelling.  相似文献   
The Ca2+-activated maxi K+ channel is predominant in the basolateral membrane of the surface cells in the distal colon. It may play a role in the regulation of the aldosterone-stimulated Na+ reabsorption from the intestinal lumen. Previous measurements of these basolateral K+ channels in planar lipid bilayers and in plasma membrane vesicles have shown a very high sensitivity to Ca2+ with a K 0.5 ranging from 20 nm to 300 nm, whereas other studies have a much lower sensitivity to Ca2+. To investigate whether this difference could be due to modulation by second messenger systems, the effect of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation was examined. After addition of phosphatase, the K+ channels lost their high sensitivity to Ca2+, yet they could still be activated by high concentrations of Ca2+ (10 μm). Furthermore, the high sensitivity to Ca2+ could be restored after phosphorylation catalyzed by a cAMP dependent protein kinase. There was no effect of addition of protein kinase C. In agreement with the involvement of enzymatic processes, lag periods of 30–120 sec for dephosphorylation and of 10–280 sec for phosphorylation were observed. The phosphorylation state of the channel did not influence the single channel conductance. The results demonstrate that the high sensitivity to Ca2+ of the maxi K+ channel from rabbit distal colon is a property of the phosphorylated form of the channel protein, and that the difference in Ca2+ sensitivity between the dephosphorylated and phosphorylated forms of the channel protein is more than one order of magnitude. The variety in Ca2+ sensitivities for maxi K+ channels from tissue to tissue and from different studies on the same tissue could be due to modification by second messenger systems. Received: 28 February 1995/Revised: 22 December 1995  相似文献   
Summary When single-barrelled electrodes (5–60 M) were advanced under manual control from the mucosal side of the epithelium the mucosal membrane was on average indented by about 40 m before the microelectrode penetrated the cell. Since this dimpling was comparable with the total depth of the cell, which recovered its original shape within 0.5 sec, the steady intracellular potential was recorded only about 14 m from the basal (serosal) membrane. Fast recording of the associated change in potential revealed an abrupt drop to –26 mV at a mean rate of 84 V/sec, followed by a further slow drop to a steady value of about –50 mV at a mean rate of 0.28 V/sec. The initial level of –26 mV may be regarded as the potential difference across the mucosal membrane. This conclusion was confirmed by mounting the microelectrode on a piezoelectric probe, which delivered 3 m jabs in less than 0.5 msec. With this device in operation to prevent dimpling, the mean potential difference across the mucosal membrane was recorded as –29 mV. In all cases the potential across the basal membrane was recorded as –52 mV. Manual advance of the microelectrode tip within the cytoplasm yielded an intracellular potential gradient of 0.6 mV/m. The same potential profile and membrane potentials were demonstrated on penetrating the epithelium from the serosal side, and measurements with multibarrelled electrodes whose tips were staggered in depth gave roughly the same internal potential gradient. The resistivity of the cytoplasm was determined by a triple-barrelled microelectrode, and varied from 10 times that ofNecturus saline at the mucosal end of the cell to 4 times in the middle and 6 times at the serosal end.  相似文献   
Summary Gallbladders transport isotonically over a wide range of osmolarities. This ability has been assumed to depend on the geometry of the lateral intercellular spaces. We report that this geometry in theNecturus gallbladder varies extensively with the external osmolarity and dependsin vitro on the integrity of the subepithelial tissues. The structure of the living epithelium was studied by Nomarski light microscopy while ultrastructural effects were revealed by electron microscopy. The short-term effects (<60 min) of low external osmolarities were: 1) the cells became bell-shaped with an increased cell height measured centrally, 2) lateral intercellular spaces lost their convoluted character; and 3) numerous membrane-bound cavities appeared in the cells. Furthermore, long-term exposure to the low external osmolarities caused an uneven density of epithelial cells. With subepithelial tissues intact, blistering of the epithelium cell layer was evident. Qualitative electron-microscopic data indicate that the membrane of the cavities was recruited from the basolateral cell membrane. This agrees well with light-microscopic observation that the cavities were initiated as invaginations of this cell membrane.  相似文献   
This paper offers the suggestion that heat shock inhibition of tubulin synthesis accounts for the molecular mechanism by which periodic heat shocks induce cell synchrony in Tetrahymena. Each heat shock (34 °C) represses tubulin synthesis and blocks the division cycle at the point when the oral structure, rich in microtubules, would normally begin to assemble. Recovery (at 28 °C) from each heat shock is characterized by parallel derepression of tubulin synthesis and of oral development. Changes in protein synthesis patterns are complex when the temperature is shifted up and down between 28 and 34 °C and further experimental support is required in support of the hypothesis here forwarded.  相似文献   
Rat immunoglobulin E (IgE) synthesized in Xenopus laevis oocytes, injected with rat plasmacytoma mRNA, was analysed by specific immunoprecipitation and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing as well as non-reducing conditions. The results indicate that the oocytes will translate and correctly process the rat IgE heavy and light chains, resulting in secretion of a correctly assembled, normal immunoglobulin molecule. The normal, extensive glycosylation of the IgE heavy chain (e-chain) is faithfully carried out by the oocytes; therefore, this posttranslational modification is apparently of an unspecific nature, and does not depend upon a mechanism specific for plasma cells.  相似文献   
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