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Populations of the Oriental White-backed Vulture (Gyps bengalensis) have declined by over 95% within the past decade. This decline is largely due to incidental consumption of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory veterinary pharmaceutical diclofenac, commonly used to treat domestic livestock. The conservation status of other Gyps vultures in southern Asia is also of immediate concern, given the lack of knowledge regarding status of their populations and the continuing existence of taxonomic uncertainties. In this study, we assess phylogenetic relationships for all recognized species and the majority of subspecies within the genus Gyps. The continuing veterinary use of diclofenac is an unknown but potential risk to related species with similar feeding habits to Gyps bengalensis. Therefore, an accurate assessment of the phylogenetic relationships among Gyps vultures should aid in their conservation by clarifying taxonomic uncertainties, and enabling inference of their respective relatedness to susceptible G. bengalensis.  相似文献   
alpha 1-Proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1-PI), a member of the serine proteinase inhibitor superfamily, has a primary role in controlling neutrophil elastase activity within the mammalian circulation. Several studies have indicated that the reactive center region of alpha 1-PI, the amino acid sequence of which is critical to recognition of and binding to target proteinases, is highly divergent within and among species. This appears to be a consequence of accelerated rates of evolution that may have been driven by positive Darwinian selection. In order to examine this and other features of alpha 1-PI evolution in more detail, we have isolated and sequenced cDNAs representing alpha 1- PI mRNAs of the mouse species Mus saxicola and Mus minutoides and have compared these with a number of other mammalian alpha 1-PI mRNAs. Relative to other mammalian mRNAs, the extent of nonsynonymous substitution is generally high throughout the alpha 1-PI mRNA molecule, indicating greater overall rates of amino acid substitution. Within and among mouse species, the 5'-half of the mRNA, but not the 3'-half, has been homogenized by concerted evolution. Finally, the reactive center is under diversifying or positive Darwinian selection in murid rodents (rats, mice) and guinea pigs yet is under purifying selection in primates and artiodactyls. The significance of these findings to alpha 1-PI function and the possible selective forces driving evolution of serpins in general are discussed.   相似文献   
The A6 cell line was used to study the role ofS-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase (SAHHase) inthe aldosterone-induced activation of the epithelial Na+channel (ENaC). Because aldosterone increases methylation of severaldifferent molecules, and because this methylation is associated withincreased Na+ reabsorption, we tested the hypothesis thataldosterone increases the expression and activity of SAHHase protein.The rationale for this work is that general methylation may be promotedby activation of SAHHase, the only enzyme known to metabolize SAH, apotent end-product inhibitor of methylation. Although aldosteroneincreased SAHHase activity, steroid did not affect SAHHase expression.Antisense SAHHase oligonucleotide decreased SAHHaseexpression and activity. Moreover, this oligonucleotide, as well as apharmacological inhibitor of SAHHase, decreased aldosterone-inducedactivity of ENaC via a decrease in ENaC open probability. The kineticsof ENaC in cells treated with antisense plus aldosterone were similarto those reported previously for the channel in the absence of steroid. This is the first report showing that active SAHHase, in part, increases ENaC open probability by reducing the transition rate fromopen states in response to aldosterone. Thus aldosterone-induced SAHHase activity plays a critical role in shifting ENaC from a gatingmode with short open and closed times to one with longer open andclosed times.

Blockers of CFTR with well-characterized kinetics and mechanism of action will be useful as probes of pore structure. We have studied the mechanism of block of CFTR by the arylaminobenzoates NPPB and DPC. Block of macroscopic currents by NPPB and DPC exhibited similar voltage-dependence, suggestive of an overlapping binding region. Kinetic analysis of single-channel currents in the presence of NPPB indicate drug-induced closed time constants averaging 2.2 msec at −100 mV. The affinity for NPPB calculated from single-channel block, K D = 35 μm, exceeds that for other arylaminobenzoates studied thus far. These drugs do not affect the rate of activation of wild-type (WT) channels expressed in oocytes, consistent with a simple mechanism of block by pore occlusion, and appear to have a single binding site in the pore. Block by NPPB and DPC were affected by pore-domain mutations in different ways. In contrast to its effects on block by DPC, mutation T1134F-CFTR decreased the affinity and reduced the voltage-dependence for block by NPPB. We also show that the alteration of macroscopic block by NPPB and DPC upon changes in bath pH is due to both direct effects (i.e., alteration of voltage-dependence) and indirect effects (alteration of cytoplasmic drug loading). These results indicate that both NPPB and DPC block CFTR by entering the pore from the cytoplasmic side and that the structural requirements for binding are not the same, although the binding regions within the pore are similar. The two drugs may be useful as probes for overlapping regions in the pore. Received: 14 October 1999/Revised: 18 January 2000  相似文献   
Arginine decarboxylase (ADC) is an important enzyme in the production of putrescine and polyamines in plants. It is encoded by a single or low-copy nuclear gene that lacks introns in sequences studied to date. The rate of Adc amino acid sequence evolution is similar to that of ndhF for the angiosperm family studied. Highly conserved regions provide several target sites for PCR priming and sequencing and aid in nucleotide and amino acid sequence alignment across a range of taxonomic levels, while a variable region provides an increased number of potentially informative characters relative to ndhF for the taxa surveyed. The utility of the Adc gene in plant molecular systematic studies is demonstrated by analysis of its partial nucleotide sequences obtained from 13 representatives of Brassicaceae and 3 outgroup taxa, 2 from the mustard oil clade (order Capparales) and 1 from the related order Malvales. Two copies of the Adc gene, Adc1 and Adc2, are found in all members of the Brassicaceae studied to data except the basal genus Aethionema. The resulting Adc gene tree provides robust phylogenetic data regarding relationships within the complex mustard family, as well as independent support for proposed tribal realignments based on other molecular data sets such as those from chloroplast DNA.   相似文献   
The CpG Island Methylator Phenotype (CIMP) is fundamental to an important subset of colorectal cancer; however, its cause is unknown. CIMP is associated with microsatellite instability but is also found in BRAF mutant microsatellite stable cancers that are associated with poor prognosis. The isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) gene causes CIMP in glioma due to an activating mutation that produces the 2-hydroxyglutarate oncometabolite. We therefore examined IDH1 alteration as a potential cause of CIMP in colorectal cancer. The IDH1 mutational hotspot was screened in 86 CIMP-positive and 80 CIMP-negative cancers. The entire coding sequence was examined in 81 CIMP-positive colorectal cancers. Forty-seven cancers varying by CIMP-status and IDH1 mutation status were examined using Illumina 450K DNA methylation microarrays. The R132C IDH1 mutation was detected in 4/166 cancers. All IDH1 mutations were in CIMP cancers that were BRAF mutant and microsatellite stable (4/45, 8.9%). Unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis identified an IDH1 mutation-like methylation signature in approximately half of the CIMP-positive cancers. IDH1 mutation appears to cause CIMP in a small proportion of BRAF mutant, microsatellite stable colorectal cancers. This study provides a precedent that a single gene mutation may cause CIMP in colorectal cancer, and that this will be associated with a specific epigenetic signature and clinicopathological features.  相似文献   
Patterns of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were examined in 133 mole-rats constituting all four chromosomal species (2n = 52, 2n = 54, 2n = 58, and 2n = 60) of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel, as well as the peripheral isolates of 2n = 60. In the main range of the complex, a total of 28 mtDNA haplotypes were found in 64 mole-rats, with most haplotypes being unique to either a single chromosomal species or population. mtDNA divergence increased from low to high diploid number in a north-to-south direction in Israel. Overall levels of mtDNA diversity were unexpectedly the highest in the 2n = 60, the youngest species of the complex. The mtDNA haplotypes can be separated into two major groups, 2n = 52-54 and 2n = 58-60, and a phylogenetic analysis for each group revealed evidence of a few haplotypes not sorted by diploid number. The overall patterns of mtDNA divergence seen within and among the four chromosomal species are consistent with the parapatric mode of speciation as suggested from previous studies of allozyme and DNA hybridization. In a separate data set the patterns of mtDNA variation were examined across the main geographic range and across peripheral semi-isolates and isolates of the 2n = 60 chromosomal species. Fifteen haplotypes were found in 69 mole-rats. High levels of mtDNA diversity characterized the main range, semi-isolated, and even some desert isolated populations. The peripheral isolates contain much mtDNA diversity, including novel haplotypes.   相似文献   
Blockade of the CFTR chloride channel by glibenclamide was studied in Xenopus oocytes using two-electrode voltage-clamp recordings, macropatch recordings, and summations of single-channel currents, in order to test a kinetic model recently developed by us from single-channel experiments. Both the forward and reverse macroscopic reactions, at negative and positive membrane potential VM, respectively, were slow in comparison to those reactions for other CFTR pore blockers such as DPC and NPPB, resulting in prominent relaxations on the order of tens of milliseconds. The rate of the reverse reaction was voltage-dependent, and dependent on the Cl driving force, while that of the forward reaction was not. In inside-out macropatches, block and relief from block occurred in two distinct phases that differed in apparent affinity. The results are consistent with the presence of multiple glibenclamide binding sites in CFTR, with varying affinity and voltage dependence; they support the kinetic model and suggest experimental approaches for identification of those sites by mutagenesis.  相似文献   
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