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The installation of sulfate groups on the carbohydrate residues of glycoproteins, glycolipids, and glycosaminoglycans is a critical posttranslational modification that occurs in all higher eukaryotes. The Gal/GalNAc/GlcNAc-6-O-sulfotransferases (GSTs) are a recently discovered family of carbohydrate sulfotransferases that share significant sequence homology at the amino acid level and mediate a number of different biological processes such as leukocyte adhesion at sites of chronic inflammation. Structural and mechanistic studies of this family of sulfotransferases have been hindered by the lack of a productive recombinant protein expression system. We developed a baculovirus expression system for five of the seven cloned GSTs and determined their kinetic parameters using both thin-layer chromatography and a recently developed polymer dot-blot assay. We used these tools to perform the first site-directed mutagenesis study of a member of this sulfotransferase family, GST2. Using sequence alignments with other carbohydrate and cytosolic sulfotransferases, we selected residues within the putative binding regions for 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) and the carbohydrate substrate for mutagenesis. Kinetic analysis of the mutants identified residues that are essential for catalytic activity. These results should facilitate mechanistic studies and the development of small molecule inhibitors of this enzyme family to ameliorate chronic inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   
Accurate quantification of bacterial species in dental plaque is needed for microbiological diagnosis of periodontal diseases. The present study was designed to assess the sensitivity, specificity and quantitativity of the real-time PCR using the GeneAmp Sequence Detection System with two fluorescence chemistries. TaqMan probe with reporter and quencher dye, and SYBR Green dye were used for sources of the fluorescence. Primers and probes were designed for Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella intermedia and total bacteria based on the nucleotide sequences of the respective 16S ribosomal RNA genes. Since spread of antibiotic resistance genes is one of the crucial problems in periodontal therapy, quantitative detection of tetQ gene, which confers resistance to tetracycline, was included in the examination. The detection of P. gingivalis, P. intermedia and A. actinomycetemcomitans was linear over a range of 10-10(7) cells (10-10(7) copies for tetQ gene), while the quantitative range for total bacteria was 10(2)-10(7) cells. Species-specific amplifications were observed for the three periodontal bacteria, and there was no significant difference between the TaqMan and SYBR Green chemistry in their specificity, quantitativity and sensitivity. The SYBR Green assay, which was simpler than TaqMan assay in its manipulations, was applied to the clinical plaque samples. The plaque samples were obtained from eight patients (eight periodontal pockets) before and 1 week after the local drug delivery of minocycline. Although the number of P. gingivalis, P. intermedia and A. actinomycetemcomitans markedly decreased after the antibiotic therapy in most cases, higher copy numbers of the tetQ gene were detectable. The real-time PCR demonstrated sufficient sensitivity, specificity and quantitativity to be a powerful tool for microbiological examination in periodontal disease, and the quantitative monitoring of antibiotic resistance gene accompanied with the antibiotic therapy should be included in the examination.  相似文献   
Gangliosides (GGs), involved in malignant alteration and tumor progression/invasiveness, are considered as tumor biomarkers or therapeutic targets. Here, we describe the first systematic GG composition characterization in human gliosarcoma versus normal brain tissue using our recently developed mass spectrometry (MS) methods, based on nano-electrospray (nano-ESI), Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR), and chip nano-ESI quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF), complemented by thin-layer chromatographic (TLC) analysis and quantification. Combined MS enabled detection and structural assignment of 73 distinct GG species: many more than reported so far for investigated gliomas. Apart from the 7.4-times lower total GG content, gliosarcoma contained all major brain-associated species, however, in very altered proportions, exhibiting a highly distinctive pattern: GD3 (48.9%)>GD1a/nLD1>GD2/GT3>GM3>GT1b>GM2>GM1a/GM1b/nLM1>LM1>GD1b>GQ1b. MS also revealed abundant O-Ac-GD3; its sequencing provided structural evidence to postulate a novel O-Ac-GD3 isomer O-acetylated at the inner Neu5Ac-residue, previously not structurally confirmed. The high sensitivity and mass accuracy permitted the assignment of unusual minor species: GM4, Hex-HexNAc-nLM1, Gal-GD1, Fuc-GT1, GalNAc-GT1, O-Ac-GM3, di- O-Ac-GD3O-Ac-GD3, and O-Ac-GT3, not previously reported as glioma-associated. The gliosarcoma-expressed GA2 might represent a marker distinguishing astrocytic from oligodendroglial tumors. This is, to our knowledge, so far the most complete GG composition characterization of certain glioma, which demonstrates that our MS-based approach could provide essential structural information relevant to glycosphingolipid role(s) in brain tumor biology, differential diagnosis/prognosis and novel treatment concepts.  相似文献   
Korade Z  Mirnics K 《Neuron》2011,71(6):955-957
Progranulin mutations result in frontotemporal dementia, but the underlying pathophysiology has remained largely unexplained. New data by Geschwind and colleagues in this issue of Neuron uncovered that the Wnt/FZD2 signaling pathway is an early and critical contributor to disease pathology.  相似文献   
Polypharmacy, or the simultaneous use of multiple drugs to treat a single patient, is a common practice in psychiatry. Unfortunately, data on the health effects of commonly used combinations of medications are very limited. In this study, we therefore investigated the effects and interactions between two commonly prescribed psychotropic medications with sterol inhibiting side effects, trazodone (TRZ), an antidepressant, and aripiprazole (ARI), an antipsychotic. In vitro cell culture experiments revealed that both medications alone disrupted neuronal and astroglial sterol biosynthesis in dose-dependent manners. Furthermore, when ARI and TRZ were combined, exposure resulted in an additive 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) increase, as well as desmosterol (DES) and cholesterol decreases in both cell types. In adult mice, at baseline, we found that the three investigated sterols showed significant differences in distribution across the eight assessed brain regions. Furthermore, experimental mice treated with ARI or TRZ, or a combination of both medications for 8 days, showed strong sterol disruption across all brain regions. We show ARI or TRZ alone elevated 7-DHC and decreased DES levels in all brain regions, but with regional differences. However, the combined utilization of these two medications for 8 days did not lead to additive changes in sterol disturbances. Based on the complex roles of 7-DHC derived oxysterols, we conclude that individual and potentially simultaneous use of medications with sterol biosynthesis-inhibiting properties might have undesired side effects on the adult brain, with as yet unknown long-term consequences on mental or physical health.  相似文献   
The region of Grobnik, in the north west of Croatia, 15 km away from the Adriatic coast and 400 meters above the sea level, used to be known as a centre of endemic goitre. Iodine prophylaxis of 10 mg KJ added per kilo salt started in Croatia during the year 1953 and it was increased to 25 mg KJ per kilo in 1996. During 1961, the prevalence of goitre among Grobnik school children was 63%, while in the adult population it was 34%. In 1981, 18% of goitrous school children and 11% of goitrous adults were found in the same region, which shows the fall in goitre prevalence in the twenty-year period, from a severe to a mild one. The aim of this study was to estimate the effectiveness of iodine prophylaxis in goitre eradication and to compare the obtained results to those found in the same region 20 and 40 years ago, namely, in 1961 and 1981. The research was conducted in 2001. We examined 472 Grobnik inhabitants, 378 children (196 girls and 182 boys, aged 7-15 years) and 94 adults. Regarding their size thyroid glands were graded according to WHO and PAHO classification. Data regarding lifestyles and health conditions were collected by individual and family questionnaires. The prevalence of goitre in 2001 was 6.6% in school children and 6.4% in adults. In relation to 1981, we found a statistically significant fall of goitre in school children at the level of p < 0.01 (chi2 = 23.65), but the prevalence change was not statistically significant in adults (p > 0.01, chi2 = 1.419). The frequency of thyroid gland hereditary diseases in native inhabitants was high, 11.7%. There were no statistically significant differences in the prevalence of goitre or thyroid hereditary diseases between groups of native and newcomers' children. According to our results, in the year 2001 the area of Grobnik was still was a region of a mildly expressed endemic goitre. This study presents final results of a 40-year long follow up of endemic goitre eradication, demonstrating the long-term effectiveness of iodine prophylaxis.  相似文献   
Previously we have shown that adenosine operating via the A(1) receptor subtype may inhibit glutamatergic transmission in the baroreflex arc within the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) and differentially increase renal (RSNA), preganglionic adrenal (pre-ASNA), and lumbar (LSNA) sympathetic nerve activity (ASNA>RSNA≥LSNA). Since the cardiopulmonary chemoreflex and the arterial baroreflex are mediated via similar medullary pathways, and glutamate is a primary transmitter in both pathways, it is likely that adenosine operating via A(1) receptors in the NTS may differentially inhibit regional sympathetic responses evoked by activation of cardiopulmonary chemoreceptors. Therefore, in urethane-chloralose-anesthetized rats (n = 37) we compared regional sympathoinhibition evoked by the cardiopulmonary chemoreflex (activated with right atrial injections of serotonin 5HT(3) receptor agonist phenylbiguanide, PBG, 1-8 μg/kg) before and after selective stimulation of NTS A(1) adenosine receptors [microinjections of N(6)-cyclopentyl adenosine (CPA), 0.033-330 pmol/50 nl]. Activation of cardiopulmonary chemoreceptors evoked differential, dose-dependent sympathoinhibition (RSNA>ASNA>LSNA), and decreases in arterial pressure and heart rate. These differential sympathetic responses were uniformly attenuated in dose-dependent manner by microinjections of CPA into the NTS. Volume control (n = 11) and blockade of adenosine receptor subtypes in the NTS via 8-(p-sulfophenyl)theophylline (8-SPT, 1 nmol in 100 nl) (n = 9) did not affect the reflex responses. We conclude that activation of NTS A(1) adenosine receptors uniformly inhibits neural and cardiovascular cardiopulmonary chemoreflex responses. A(1) adenosine receptors have no tonic modulatory effect on this reflex under normal conditions. However, when adenosine is released into the NTS (i.e., during stress or severe hypotension/ischemia), it may serve as negative feedback regulator for depressor and sympathoinhibitory reflexes integrated in the NTS.  相似文献   
As a model for defining the role of lysosomal cathepsins in apoptosis, we characterized the action of the lysosomotropic agent LeuLeuOMe using distinct cellular models. LeuLeuOMe induces lysosomal membrane permeabilization, resulting in release of lysosomal cathepsins that cleave the proapoptotic Bcl-2 family member Bid and degrade the antiapoptotic member Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, or Mcl-1. The papain-like cysteine protease inhibitor E-64d largely prevented apoptosis, Bid cleavage, and Bcl-2/Bcl-xL/Mcl-1 degradation. The pancaspase inhibitor N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp(OMe)fluoromethyl ketone failed to prevent Bid cleavage and degradation of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 homologues but substantially decreased cell death, suggesting that cathepsin-mediated apoptosis in these cellular models mostly follows a caspase-dependent pathway. Moreover, in vitro experiments showed that one or more of the cysteine cathepsins B, L, S, K, and H could cleave Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Mcl-1, Bak, and BimEL, whereas no Bax cleavage was observed. On the basis of inhibitor studies, we demonstrate that lysosomal disruption triggered by LeuLeuOMe occurs before mitochondrial damage. We propose that degradation of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members by lysosomal cathepsins synergizes with cathepsin-mediated activation of Bid to trigger a mitochondrial pathway to apoptosis. Moreover, XIAP (X-chromosome-linked inhibitor of apoptosis) was also found to be a target of cysteine cathepsins, suggesting that cathepsins can mediate caspase-dependent apoptosis also downstream of mitochondria.  相似文献   
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