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Total Ca content and that fraction of Ca sensitive to removal by the chelator ethylene glycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate (EGTA) have been investigated in the mouse 3T3 cell as a function of growth stage, transformation with SV40 virus, and serum levels of the media. Cells were allowed to grow through several doublings in media containing (45)Ca. The cellular content of (45)Ca was used to access total cell Ca. That fraction of (45)Ca removed by EGTA was presumed to represent primarily surface-localized Ca. The data are expressed on a per cell volume basis to compensate for size differences as a function of growth stage and transformation. During exponential growth phase, the 3T3 cell contains 525pmol Ca/μl cell volume. Of this, approx. 457 pmol/μl is not removable by EGTA and, presumably, is cytoplasmically located. This value is in close agreement with previous studies on the HeLa cell (470 pmol Ca/μl cell water after the removal of the surface Ca). The low level of EGTA- removable Ca present in the 3T3 cell during early exponential growth (68 pmol Ca/μl cell volume) increases progressively with increasing cell density, and upon quiescence it is sevenfold greater. In contrast, SV40- transformed 3T3 cells growing exponentially possess total levels of Ca which are approximately two-thirds the levels of the normal 3T3 cell. However, their EGTA-sensitive Ca is not significantly different from that of exponentially growing, normal 3T3 cells. As the transformed cells continue to grow at high density, their total ca and their sensitivity to EGTA do not change, in contrast to the normal 3T3 cell. Thus, an increase in Ca associated with the cell surface appears to be correlated with growth inhibition. This has been investigated further by regulating growth of the normal and transformed cell with alterations in the serum level of the media. In 4 percent calf serum the normal cell is stopped from continued proliferation. Growth stoppage under these conditions is characterized by a nearly fourfold increase in EGTA-removable Ca, similar to the increase observed upon quiescence in depleted 10 percent serum. Similar treatment of the transformed cell does not reduce its growth rate, nor does it significantly alter Ca distribution. However, at 0.5 percent medium serum levels, the SV40 3T3 growth rate is substantially reduced and, under these conditions, EGTA-removable Ca increases twofold.  相似文献   
Extracts of organic matter from samples of airborne particulate matter have been shown to possess components capable of transforming mammalian cells. This study was done to determine if Balbc/3T3 cells exposed to extracts of air samples could, unlike their normal counterparts, in the absence of a surface for attachment, divide on agar to form aggregates, and if these cells would demonstrate a dose-response phenomenon. Untreated and solvent treated control cells failed to form large aggregates and showed a decline in viable cell number over a 6-day period. Cells treated with either cyclohexane or acetone extracts of airborne particulate matter showed a dose-response increase in cell number along with the formation of progressively larger aggregates, findings similar to those seen with the positive, benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), control. Furthermore, these findings are in direct agreement with those in the simultaneously performed standard cell transformation assay which required 21 days to perform. Results show that survival in aggregate form is a rapid in vitro test system capable of detecting potentially carcinogenic activity in complex environmental mixtures.  相似文献   
Changes in a host's environment (i.e. physical or chemical) can alter normal immune function. In aquatic organisms, exposure to stress can result in significant changes in innate immunity. In the natural environment, fish are exposed to multiple stressors simultaneously. Temperature change and/or chemical exposure as individual environmental stressors have been shown in various fish species to alter all aspects of the immune response. These same stressors have also been shown to alter plasma steroid levels in exposed fish. For this study, the effects of elevated temperature and nickel pollution on specific immune parameters of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) were determined. Fish were exposed for 1, 7 or 14d to either: waterborne nickel (Ni) at the nominal concentration of 125ppb; a 5 degrees C (+/-0.5 degrees C) rapid increase in water temperature; or, both potential stressors in combination. Medaka maintained at room temperature (25 degrees C+/-1 degrees C) served as the controls. Altered function of the innate and adaptive arms of the immune response was evaluated by assessing kidney macrophage-mediated superoxide (O(2)(-)) production and splenic T-cell proliferation, respectively. Plasma cortisol levels were analysed in the same fish as a marker of the physiological stress response. While kidney cell number was unaffected by exposure of fish to either stressor alone or both factors in combination, spleen cellularity was decreased (compared to control fish) in medaka exposed for 1d to thermal stress in combination with Ni, and to a lesser extent to thermal stress alone. T-lymphocyte proliferation by medaka splenocytes was not affected by any exposure paradigm. Unstimulated intracellular O(2)(-) production by kidney phagocytes was significantly elevated (compared to control) in medaka exposed for 1d to either thermal stress alone or temperature change in combination with Ni; by 7d, only the stressor combination significantly increased baseline O(2)(-) production. Resting levels of extracellular O(2)(-) production was significantly reduced in fish maintained for 1d at the elevated temperature. Effects on phorbol 12-myristate 13 acetate (PMA)-stimulated intracellular and extracellular O(2)(-) production were less dramatic than those observed for resting phagocytes. Exposure of medaka to elevated temperature for 14d tended (p<0.06) to reduce PMA-stimulated intracellular O(2)(-) production (compared to the time-matched control). Although exposure of fish for 14d to elevated temperature only slightly reduced stimulated extracellular O(2)(-) production, exposure for the same duration to Ni alone significantly depressed oxyradical production by kidney phagocytes (compared to the time-matched controls). Decreased plasma cortisol levels were observed in fish exposed for 7d to either an elevated water temperature or Ni (compared to the time-matched control); by 14d of exposure, no significant treatment-induced effects on cortisol levels were observed. These findings add to the growing body of literature seeking to determine what effects, if any, exposure to multiple aquatic pollution-induced effects have upon fish health and the health of impacted ecosystems.  相似文献   


Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) reduce malaria transmission by protecting individuals from infectious bites, and by reducing mosquito survival. In recent years, millions of LLINs have been distributed across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Over time, LLINs decay physically and chemically and are destroyed, making repeated interventions necessary to prevent a resurgence of malaria. Because its effects on transmission are important (more so than the effects of individual protection), estimates of the lifetime of mass distribution rounds should be based on the effective length of epidemiological protection.


Simulation models, parameterised using available field data, were used to analyse how the distribution's effective lifetime depends on the transmission setting and on LLIN characteristics. Factors considered were the pre-intervention transmission level, initial coverage, net attrition, and both physical and chemical decay. An ensemble of 14 stochastic individual-based model variants for malaria in humans was used, combined with a deterministic model for malaria in mosquitoes.


The effective lifetime was most sensitive to the pre-intervention transmission level, with a lifetime of almost 10 years at an entomological inoculation rate of two infectious bites per adult per annum (ibpapa), but of little more than 2 years at 256 ibpapa. The LLIN attrition rate and the insecticide decay rate were the next most important parameters. The lifetime was surprisingly insensitive to physical decay parameters, but this could change as physical integrity gains importance with the emergence and spread of pyrethroid resistance.


The strong dependency of the effective lifetime on the pre-intervention transmission level indicated that the required distribution frequency may vary more with the local entomological situation than with LLIN quality or the characteristics of the distribution system. This highlights the need for malaria monitoring both before and during intervention programmes, particularly since there are likely to be strong variations between years and over short distances. The majority of SSA's population falls into exposure categories where the lifetime is relatively long, but because exposure estimates are highly uncertain, it is necessary to consider subsequent interventions before the end of the expected effective lifetime based on an imprecise transmission measure.  相似文献   


Several forms of progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) segregate in more than 100 breeds of dog with each PRA segregating in one or a few breeds. This breed specificity may be accounted for by founder effects and genetic drift, which have reduced the genetic heterogeneity of each breed, thereby facilitating the identification of causal mutations. We report here a new form of PRA segregating in the Border Collie breed. The clinical signs, including the loss of night vision and a progressive loss of day vision, resulting in complete blindness, occur at the age of three to four years and may be detected earlier through systematic ocular fundus examination and electroretinography (ERG).  相似文献   


Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a severe form of retinal dystrophy. Mutations in the RPE65 gene, which is abundantly expressed in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells, account for approximately 10–15% of LCA cases. In this study we used the high turnover, and rapid breeding and maturation time of the Rpe65 -/- knockout mice to assess the efficacy of using rAAV-mediated gene therapy to replace the disrupted RPE65 gene. The potential for rAAV-mediated gene treatment of LCA was then analyzed by determining the pattern of RPE65 expression, the physiological and histological effects that it produced, and any improvement in visual function.  相似文献   
A cultured rat ovarian cell line (31 A-F(2)) was used to study the effect of growth factors (epidermal growth factor [EGF] and fibroblast growth factor [FGF]), a survival factor (ovarian growth factor [OGF]), a hormone (insulin), and an iron-binding protein (transferring) on cell proliferation and steroid production under defined culture conditions. EGF and insulin were shown to be mitogenic (half-maximal response at 0.12 nM and 0.11 muM, respectively) for 31A-F(2) cells incubated in serum-free medium. EGF induced up to three doublings in the cell population, whereas insulin induced an average of one cell population doubling. FGF, OGF, and transferrin were found not to have any prominent effect on cell division when incubated individually with 31A-F(2) cells in serum-free medium. However, a combination of EGF, OGF, insulin, and transferrin stimulated cell division to the same approximate extent as cells incubated in the presence of 5 percent fetal calf serum. EGF or insulin did not significantly affect total cell cholesterol levels (relative to cells incubated in serum-free medium) when incubated individually with 31A-F(2) cells. However, cell cholesterol levels were increased by the addition of OGF (250 percent), FGF (370 percent), or a combination of insulin and EGF (320 percent). Progesterone secretion from 31A-F(2) cells was enhanced by EGF (25 percent), FGF (80 percent), and insulin (115 percent). However, the addition of a mitogenic mixture of EGF, OGF, insulin, and transferrin suppressed progesterone secretion 150 percent) below that of control cultures. These studies have permitted us to determine that EGF and insulin are mitogenic factors that are required for the growth of 31A-F(2) cells and that OGF and transferrin are positive cofactors that enhance growth. Also, additional data suggest that cholesterol and progesterone production in 31A-F(2) cells can be regulated by peptide growth factors and the hormone insulin.  相似文献   
Incidence of childhood allergic disease including asthma (AD‐A) has risen since the mid‐20th century with much of the increase linked to changes in environment affecting the immune system. Childhood allergy is an early life disease where predisposing environmental exposures, sensitization, and onset of symptoms all occur before adulthood. Predisposition toward allergic disease (AD) is among the constellation of adverse outcomes following developmental immunotoxicity (DIT; problematic exposure of the developing immune system to xenobiotics and physical environmental factors). Because novel immune maturation events occur in early life, and the pregnancy state itself imposes certain restrictions on immune functional development, the period from mid‐gestation until 2 years after birth is one of particular concern relative to DIT and AD‐A. Several prenatal‐perinatal risk factors have been identified as contributing to a DIT‐mediated immune dysfunction and increased risk of AD. These include maternal smoking, environmental tobacco smoke, diesel exhaust and traffic‐related particles, heavy metals, antibiotics, environmental estrogens and other endocrine disruptors, and alcohol. Diet and microbial exposure also significantly influence immune maturation and risk of allergy. This review considers (1) the critical developmental windows of vulnerability for the immune system that appear to be targets for risk of AD, (2) a model in which the immune system of the DIT‐affected infant exhibits immune dysfunction skewed toward AD, and (3) the lack of allergy‐relevant safety testing of drugs and chemicals that could identify DIT hazards and minimize problematic exposure of pregnant women and children. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


All viruses in the family Bunyaviridae possess a tripartite genome, consisting of a small, a medium, and a large RNA segment. Bunyaviruses therefore possess considerable evolutionary potential, attributable to both intramolecular changes and to genome segment reassortment. Hantaviruses (family Bunyaviridae, genus Hantavirus) are known to cause human hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. The primary reservoir host of Sin Nombre virus is the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus), which is widely distributed in North America. We investigated the prevalence of intramolecular changes and of genomic reassortment among Sin Nombre viruses detected in deer mice in three western states.


Portions of the Sin Nombre virus small (S) and medium (M) RNA segments were amplified by RT-PCR from kidney, lung, liver and spleen of seropositive peromyscine rodents, principally deer mice, collected in Colorado, New Mexico and Montana from 1995 to 2007. Both a 142 nucleotide (nt) amplicon of the M segment, encoding a portion of the G2 transmembrane glycoprotein, and a 751 nt amplicon of the S segment, encoding part of the nucleocapsid protein, were cloned and sequenced from 19 deer mice and from one brush mouse (P. boylii), S RNA but not M RNA from one deer mouse, and M RNA but not S RNA from another deer mouse.


Two of 20 viruses were found to be reassortants. Within virus sequences from different rodents, the average rate of synonymous substitutions among all pair-wise comparisons (πs) was 0.378 in the M segment and 0.312 in the S segment sequences. The replacement substitution rate (πa) was 7.0 × 10-4 in the M segment and 17.3 × 10-4 in the S segment sequences. The low πa relative to πs suggests strong purifying selection and this was confirmed by a Fu and Li analysis. The absolute rate of molecular evolution of the M segment was 6.76 × 10-3 substitutions/site/year. The absolute age of the M segment tree was estimated to be 37 years. In the S segment the rate of molecular evolution was 1.93 × 10-3 substitutions/site/year and the absolute age of the tree was 106 years. Assuming that mice were infected with a single Sin Nombre virus genotype, phylogenetic analyses revealed that 10% (2/20) of viruses were reassortants, similar to the 14% (6/43) found in a previous report.


Age estimates from both segments suggest that Sin Nombre virus has evolved within the past 37–106 years. The rates of evolutionary changes reported here suggest that Sin Nombre virus M and S segment reassortment occurs frequently in nature.  相似文献   
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