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The functional molecular sizes of the protein(s) mediating the carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I) activity and the [14C]malonyl-CoA binding in purified outer-membrane preparations from rat liver mitochondria were determined by radiation-inactivation analysis. In all preparations tested the dose-dependent decay in [14C]malonyl-CoA binding was less steep than that for CPT I activity, suggesting that the protein involved in malonyl-CoA binding may be smaller than that catalysing the CPT I activity. The respective sizes computed from simultaneous analysis for molecular-size standards exposed under identical conditions were 60,000 and 83,000 DA for malonyl-CoA binding and CPT I activity respectively. In irradiated membranes the sensitivity of CPT activity to malonyl-CoA inhibition was increased, as judged by malonyl-CoA inhibition curves for the activity in control and in irradiated membranes that had received 20 Mrad radiation and in which CPT activity had decayed by 60%. Possible correlations between these data and other recent observations on the CPT system are discussed.  相似文献   
1. We have purified the AMP-activated protein kinase 4800-fold from rat liver. The acetyl-CoA carboxylase kinase and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA(HMG-CoA) reductase kinase activities copurify through all six purification steps and are inactivated with similar kinetics by treatment with the reactive ATP analogue fluorosulphonylbenzoyladenosine. 2. The final preparation contains several polypeptides detectable by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, but only one of these, with an apparent molecular mass of 63 kDa, is labelled using [14C]fluorosulphonylbenzoyladenosine. This is also the only polypeptide in the preparation that becomes significantly labelled during incubation with [gamma 32P]ATP. This autophosphorylation reaction did not affect the AMP-stimulated kinase activity. 3. In the absence of AMP the purified kinase has apparent Km values for ATP and acetyl-CoA carboxylase of 86 microM and 1.9 microM respectively. AMP increases the Vmax 3-5-fold without a significant change in the Km for either protein or ATP substrates. 4. The response to AMP depends on the ATP concentration in the assay, but at a near-physiological ATP concentration the half-maximal effect of AMP occurs at 14 microM. Studies with a range of nucleoside monophosphates and diphosphates, and AMP analogues showed that the allosteric activation by AMP was very specific. ADP gave a small stimulation at low concentrations but was inhibitory at high concentrations. 5. These results show that the AMP-activated protein kinase is the major HMG-CoA reductase kinase detectable in rat liver under our assay conditions and that it is therefore likely to be identical to previously described HMG-CoA reductase kinase(s) which are activated by adenine nucleotides and phosphorylation. The AMP-binding and catalytic domains of the kinase are located on a 63-kDa polypeptide which is subject to autophosphorylation.  相似文献   
The removal from the blood and the uptake by the liver of injected very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) preparations that had been radiolabelled in their apoprotein and cholesteryl ester moieties was studied in lactating rats. Radiolabelled cholesteryl ester was removed from the blood and taken up by the liver more rapidly than sucrose-radiolabelled apoprotein. Near-maximum cholesteryl ester uptake by the liver occurred within 5 min of the injection of the VLDL. At this time, apoprotein B uptake by the liver was only about 25% of the maximum. Maximum uptake of the injected VLDL apoprotein B label was not achieved until at least 15 min after injection, by which time the total uptakes of cholesteryl ester and apoprotein B label were very similar. The results suggest that preferential uptake of the lipoprotein cholesteryl ester by the liver occurred before endocytosis of the entire lipoprotein complex. The fate of the injected VLDL cholesteryl ester after its uptake by the liver was also monitored. Radiolabel associated with the hepatic cholesteryl ester fraction fell steadily from its early maximum level, the rate of fall being faster and more extensive when the fatty acid, rather than the cholesterol, moiety of the ester was labelled. By 30 min after the injection of VLDL containing [3H]cholesteryl ester, over one-third of the injected label was already present as [3H]cholesterol in the liver. When VLDL containing cholesteryl [14C]oleate was injected, a substantial proportion (about 25%) of the injected radiolabelled fatty acid appeared in the hepatic triacylglycerol fraction within 60 min: very little was present in the plasma triacylglycerol fraction at this time.  相似文献   
The expressed and total activities of HMG-CoA (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA) reductase (EC were measured in microsomal fractions prepared from cold-clamped liver samples [Easom & Zammit (1984) Biochem. J. 220, 733-738] from control or insulin-treated diabetic animals. Streptozotocin-induced diabetes resulted in a marked decrease in total activity of HMG-CoA reductase and in the fraction of the enzyme in the active form, but appreciable effects were only observed in the liver of animals in which the blood glucose was above 20 mM. Intravenous infusion of insulin into diabetic rats resulted in a rapid (less than 20 min) and total dephosphorylation of the enzyme in vivo without any change in total activity. Longer-term (4 h) treatment with insulin (injected intraperitoneally) produced a rapid increase in expressed/total HMG-CoA reductase activity ratio to about 90%, followed, after a lag of 2-3 h, by a 5-6-fold increase in total activity. These observations are discussed with respect to the possible role of insulin in generating and maintaining the respective diurnal rhythms in total and in expressed/total HMG-CoA reductase activity ratio observed for normal animals in vivo [Easom & Zammit (1984) Biochem. J. 220, 739-745].  相似文献   
The kinetic parameters and phosphorylation state of acetyl-CoA carboxylase were analysed after purification of the enzyme by avidin--Sepharose chromatography from extracts of isolated adipocytes treated with glucagon or adrenaline. The results provide evidence that the mechanism of inhibition of acetyl-CoA carboxylase in adipocytes treated with glucagon [Zammit & Corstorphine (1982) Biochem. J. 208, 783-788] involves increased phosphorylation of the enzyme. Hormone treatment had effects on the kinetic parameters of the enzyme similar to those of phosphorylation of the enzyme in vitro by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Glucagon treatment of adipocytes led to increased phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase in the same chymotryptic peptide as that containing the major site phosphorylated on the enzyme by purified cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in vitro [Munday & Hardie (1984) Eur. J. Biochem. 141, 617-627]. The dose--response curves for inhibition of enzyme activity and increased phosphorylation of the enzyme were very similar, with half-maximal effects occurring at concentrations of glucagon (0.5-1 nM) which are close to the physiological range. In general, the patterns of increased 32P-labelling of chymotryptic peptides induced by glucagon or adrenaline were similar, although there were quantitative differences between the effects of the two hormones on individual peptides. The results are discussed in terms of the possible roles of cyclic AMP-dependent and -independent protein kinases in the regulation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity and of lipogenesis in white adipose tissue.  相似文献   
The release of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) activity from rat liver mitochondria by increasing concentrations of digitonin was studied for mitochondrial preparations from fed, 48 h-starved and diabetic animals. A bimodal release of activity was observed only for mitochondria isolated from starved and, to a lesser degree, from diabetic rats, and it appeared to result primarily from the enhanced release of approx. 40% and 60%, respectively, of the total CPT activity. This change in the pattern of release was specific to CPT among the marker enzymes studied. For all three types of mitochondria there was no substantial release of CPT concurrently with that of the marker enzyme for the soluble intermembrane space, adenylate kinase. These results illustrate that the bimodal pattern of release of CPT reported previously for mitochondria from starved rats [Bergstrom & Reitz (1980) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 204, 71-79] is not an immutable consequence of the localization of CPT activity on either side of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Sequential loss of CPT I (i.e. the overt form) from the mitochondrial inner membrane did not affect the concentration of malonyl-CoA required to effect fractional inhibition of the CPT I that remained associated with the mitochondria. The results are discussed in relation to the possibility that altered enzyme-membrane interactions may account for some of the altered regulatory properties of CPT I in liver mitochondria of animals in different physiological states.  相似文献   
Platelet factor 4 is a small protein (Mr 7756) from the alpha-granules of blood platelets which binds strongly to and neutralizes the anticoagulant properties of heparin. From an analysis of X-ray crystallographic data a model for the binding of platelet factor 4 to heparin is proposed.  相似文献   
'Initial' and 'total' activities of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) were measured in cold-clamped samples of liver from rats at 2h intervals throughout the 24h light/dark cycle. Initial activities were obtained in microsomes (microsomal fractions) isolated and assayed in the presence of 100mM-KF, whereas 'total' activities were measured in microsomes prepared from the same homogenates but washed free of KF and incubated with exogenous partially purified rat liver protein phosphatase. The initial/total-activity ratio for HMG-CoA reductase underwent a diurnal cycle, which had a nadir 4h into the light phase (when initial activity was 28% of total activity) and a peak 12h later, i.e. 4h into the dark phase (when initial activity was 80% of total activity). These low and high points of the cycle were separated by gradual steady changes in the ratio. The characteristics of this diurnal cycle were different from those of the cycle observed for total activity, which had a plateau of high activity between 2 and 10h into the dark cycle preceded and succeeded by a very rapid increase and decrease, respectively, in the total activity of HMG-CoA reductase. The combination of the two cycles resulted in the dampening of the resultant cycle for the initial or effective activity of HMG-CoA reductase, such that the changes in initial activity around the beginning and and end of the dark phase were more gradual than would otherwise have been the case if the initial/total-activity ratio for HMG-CoA reductase were constant throughout the diurnal cycle. The physiological implications of the observed diurnal variation in the fraction of hepatic HMG-CoA reductase in the active form are discussed.  相似文献   
1. The properties of pyruvate kinase and, if present, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from the muscles of the sea anemone, scallop, oyster, crab, lobster and frog were investigated. 2. In general, the properties of pyruvate kinase from all muscles were similar, except for those of the enzyme from the oyster (adductor muscle); the pH optima were between 7.1 and 7.4, whereas that for oyster was 8.2; fructose bisphosphate lowered the optimum pH of the oyster enzyme from 8.2 to 7.1, but it had no effect on the enzymes from other muscles. Hill coefficients for the effect of the concentration of phosphoenolpyruvate were close to unity in the absence of added alanine for the enzymes from all muscles except oyster adductor muscle; it was 1.5 for this enzyme. Alanine inhibited the enzyme from all muscles except the frog; this inhibition was relieved by fructose bisphosphate. Low concentrations of alanine were very effective with the enzyme from the oyster (50% inhibition was observed at 0.4mm). Fructose bisphosphate activated the enzyme from all muscles, but extremely low concentrations were effective with the oyster enzyme (0.13mum produced 50% activation). 3. In general, the properties of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase from the sea anemone and oyster muscles are similar: the K(m) values for phosphoenolpyruvate are low (0.10 and 0.13mm); the enzymes require Mn(2+) in addition to Mg(2+) for activity; and ITP inhibits the enzymes and the inhibition is relieved by alanine. These latter compounds had no effect on enzymes from other muscles. 4. It is suggested that changes in concentrations of fructose bisphosphate, alanine and ITP produce a coordinated mechanism of control of the activities of pyruvate kinase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in the sea anemone and oyster muscles, which ensures that phosphoenolpyruvate is converted into oxaloacetate and then into succinate in these muscles under anaerobic conditions. 5. It is suggested that in the muscles of the crab, lobster and frog, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase catalyses the conversion of oxaloacetate into phosphoenolpyruvate. This may be part of a pathway for the oxidation of some amino acids in these muscles.  相似文献   
1. Oxygen-consumption rates owing to oxidation of octanoate or octanoylcarnitine by isolated mitochondria from livers of fed, starved and glucagon-treated virgin or 12-day-lactating animals were measured under State-3 and State-4 conditions, in the presence or absence of l-malate and inhibitors of tricarboxylic acid-cycle activity (malonate and fluorocitrate). 2. Mitochondria from fed lactating animals had a slightly lower rate of octanoylcarnitine oxidation than did those of fed virgin animals, whereas the rates of octanoate oxidation were unaffected. 3. Starvation of virgin animals for 24h or 48h resulted in a large (70–100%) increase in mitochondrial octanoylcarnitine oxidation; rates of octanoate oxidation were either unaffected (24 and 48h starvation in the absence of malonate and fluorocitrate) or diminished by 30% (48h starvation in the presence of inhibitors). In lactating animals, 24h starvation resulted in a smaller increase in the rate of octanoylcarnitine oxidation than that obtained for mitochondria from virgin rats. 4. Glucagon treatment (by intra-abdominal injection) of fed virgin and lactating rats increased the rate of mitochondrial oxidation of both octanoylcarnitine and octanoate. Injection of glucagon into 48h-starved virgin rats did not increase further the already elevated rate of octanoylcarnitine oxidation, but reversed the inhibition of octanoate β-oxidation observed for these mitochondria in the presence of malonate and fluorocitrate. 5. It is suggested that glucagon activates octanoylcarnitine oxidation by increasing the activity of the carnitine/acylcarnitine transport system [Parvin & Pande (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 5423–5429] and that the increase in octanoate oxidation by mitochondria from glucagon-treated animals is caused by the increased rate of ATP synthesis in these mitochondria. 6. The results are discussed in relation to the increased capacity of the liver to oxidize long-chain fatty acids and carnitine esters of medium-chain fatty acids under conditions characterized by increased ketogenesis.  相似文献   
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