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In this study, the use of trimethylchitosan (TMC), by higher solubility in comparison with chitosan, in alginate/chitosan nanoparticles containing cationic β-cyclodextrin polymers (CPβCDs) has been studied, with the aim of increasing insulin uptake by nanoparticles. Firstly, TMCs were synthesized by iodomethane, and CPβCDs were synthesized within a one-step polycondensation reaction using choline chloride (CC) and epichlorohydrine (EP). Insulin–CβCDPs complex was prepared by mixing 1:1 portion of insulin and CPβCDs solutions. Then, nanoparticles prepared in a three-step procedure based on the iono-tropic pregelation method. Nanoparticles screened using experimental design and Placket Burman methodology to obtain minimum size and polydispercity index (pdI) and the highest entrapment efficiency (EE). CPβCDs and TMC solution concentration and pH and alginate and calcium chloride solution concentrations are found as the significant parameters on size, PdI, and EE. The nanoparticles with proper physicochemical properties were obtained; the size, PdI, and EE% of optimized nanoparticles were reported as 150.82 ± 21 nm, 0.362 ± 0.036, and 93.2% ± 4.1, respectively. The cumulative insulin release in intestinal condition achieved was 50.2% during 6 h. By SEM imaging, separate, spherical, and nonaggregated nanoparticles were found. In the cytotoxicity studies on Caco-2 cell culture, no significant cytotoxicity was observed in 5 h of incubation, but after 24 h of incubation, viability was decreased to 50% in 0.5 mμ of TMC concentration. Permeability studies across Caco-2 cells had been carried out, and permeability achieved in 240 min was 8.41 ± 0.39%, which shows noticeable increase in comparison with chitosan nanoparticles. Thus, according to the results, the optimized nanoparticles can be used as a new insulin oral delivery system.KEY WORDS: alginate, cationic β-cyclodextrin, insulin nanoparticle, oral delivery, trimethyl chitosan  相似文献   
Introduction: There are few reports about sexual problems in animal models after stroke. The aim of this paper is to report the occurrence of priapism after right MCAO in Swiss albino mice. In addition, we compared neurological score and apoptosis between the priapism-affected and unaffected mice.

Methods: Swiss albino mice were subjected to 45?min’ MCAO and 7?days’ reperfusion. Mice were observed before MCAO, then daily for 7?days to assess priapism. Neurological status and apoptosis (TUNEL assay) were assessed and compared in priapism and non-priapism mice.

Results: The results showed that the incidence of priapism after MCAO in Swiss albino mice were 65%. Priapism was detectable often at day 2 after stroke. Priapism-affected group had more severe behavioural deficits after stroke compared to non-priapism stroke mice.

Conclusion: Priapism after right MCAO is not rare in albino mice and could be considered as a marker of stroke severity. Further studies are needed to assess the incidence of priapism after stroke in other animal species used for stroke studies such as rat.  相似文献   

Early signaling in camptothecin-treated MCF-7 cells followed an intrinsic pathway, but death was delayed and late events exhibited few hallmarks of apoptosis. BH3-only proteins, such as Noxa, Puma and BimEL, were activated and localized to mitochondrial sites within 24 h following drug exposure. However, caspase activity was low and death was unaffected by caspase inhibition. Transmission electron micrographs showed the presence of large vacuoles in drug-treated cells. An autophagic survival response has been attributed to MCF-7 cells following nutrient starvation or exposure to tamoxifen. Here, we show that autophagy also plays an important role in the delayed DNA damage response. Confocal microscopy revealed colocalization of mitochondria with large autophagic vacuoles and inhibitors of autophagy increased mitochondrial depolarization and caspase-9 activity, and accelerated cell death. Furthermore, downregulation of autophagy proteins, Beclin 1 and Atg7, unmasked a caspase-dependent, apoptotic response to DNA damage. We propose that a post-mitochondrial caspase cascade is delayed as a result of early disposal of damaged mitochondria within autophagosomes. Our data also suggest that the use of autophagy as a means of delaying apoptosis or prolonging survival may be characteristic of noninvasive breast tumor cells. These studies underscore a potential role for autophagy inhibitors in combination with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs in early breast cancer therapy.  相似文献   
Protein synthesis studies increasingly focus on delineating the nature of conformational changes occurring as the ribosome exerts its catalytic functions. Here, we use FRET to examine such changes during single-turnover EF-G-dependent GTPase on vacant ribosomes and to elucidate the mechanism by which fusidic acid (FA) inhibits multiple-turnover EF-G.GTPase. Our measurements focus on the distance between the G' region of EF-G and the N-terminal region of L11 (L11-NTD), located within the GTPase activation center of the ribosome. We demonstrate that single-turnover ribosome-dependent EF-G GTPase proceeds according to a kinetic scheme in which rapid G' to L11-NTD movement requires prior GTP hydrolysis and, via branching pathways, either precedes P(i) release (major pathway) or occurs simultaneously with it (minor pathway). Such movement retards P(i) release, with the result that P(i) release is essentially rate-determining in single-turnover GTPase. This is the most significant difference between the EF-G.GTPase activities of vacant and translocating ribosomes [Savelsbergh, A., Katunin, V. I., Mohr, D., Peske, F., Rodnina, M. V., and Wintermeyer, W. (2003) Mol. Cell 11, 1517-1523], which are otherwise quite similar. Both the G' to L11-NTD movement and P(i) release are strongly inhibited by thiostrepton but not by FA. Contrary to the standard view that FA permits only a single round of GTP hydrolysis [Bodley, J. W., Zieve, F. J., and Lin, L. (1970) J. Biol. Chem. 245, 5662-5667], we find that FA functions rather as a slow inhibitor of EF-G.GTPase, permitting a number of GTPase turnovers prior to complete inhibition while inducing a closer approach of EF-G to the GAC than is seen during normal turnover.  相似文献   
The effect of red light irradiation on development of Corynespora leaf spot of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Hokushin) caused by Corynespora cassiicola (Berk. & Court.) was investigated in greenhouses. In a greenhouse without red light (?Red), lesions enlarged, coalesced, and finally covered the entire leaves of cucumber. In a greenhouse with red light (+Red), however, lesion appearance was delayed relative to that under ?Red and its development was also significantly suppressed. Such difference in disease development was also observed in cucumbers grown under +Red and ?Red in the same greenhouse. Disease suppression under red light was also observed in glasshouse‐grown C. cassiicola‐inoculated cucumbers. Red light did not inhibit the infection behaviour of the pathogen. Our results indicated that the delay and suppression of Corynespora leaf spot of cucumber under +Red were due to induction of resistance in cucumber, and not to differences in environmental conditions or fungal population between the two greenhouses. Red light‐induced resistance might contribute to the development of new methods for controlling Corynespora leaf spot of greenhouse‐grown cucumber.  相似文献   
A simplified procedure for the fractionation and purification of different collagen types from various tissues is described which is particularly efficient in separating type-V from type-IV collagen, and highmol.-wt. (HMW) aggregates from 7 S collagen. Uterus and maternal villi contain 2 forms of type-V collagen -{α1(V)}2α2(V) and {α1(V)2α2(V)α3(V)}—which have been separated on DEAE-cellulose. Uterus however appears to be the richest source of both HMW aggregates and the {α1(V)2α2(V)α3(V)} collagen, and a probable relationship between these collagens is discussed.  相似文献   
We provide the first demonstration for a Na+/Ca2+ exchanger, NCX-1, in the osteoclast. We speculate that by using Na+ exchange, NCX-1 couples H+ extrusion with Ca2+ fluxes during bone resorption. Microspectrofluorimetry of fura-2-loaded osteoclasts revealed a rapid and sustained, but reversible, cytosolic Ca2+ elevation upon Na+ withdrawal. This elevation was abolished by the cytosolic introduction (by gentle permeabilization) of a highly specific Na+/Ca2+ exchange inhibitor peptide, XIP, but not its inactive analogue, sXIP. Confocal microscopy revealed intense plasma membrane immunofluorescence with an isoform-specific monoclonal anti-NCX-1 antibody applied to gently permeabilized osteoclasts. Electrophysiological studies using excised outside-in membrane patches showed a low-conductance, Na+-selective, dichlorobenzamil-sensitive, amiloride-insensitive channel that we tentatively assigned as being an NCX. Finally, to examine for physiological relevance, an osteoclast resorption (pit) assay was performed. There was a dramatic reduction of bone resorption following NCX-1 inhibition by dichlorobenzamil and XIP (but not with S-XIP). Together, the results suggest that a functional NCX, likely NCX-1, is involved in the regulation of osteoclast cytosolic Ca2+ and bone resorption.  相似文献   
Moringa leaf extract (MLE) has been shown to promote beneficial outcomes in animals and plants. It is rich in amino acids, antioxidants, phytohormones, minerals, and many other bioactive compounds with nutritional and growth-promoting potential. Recent reports indicated that MLE improved abiotic stress tolerance in plants. Our understanding of the mechanisms underlying MLE-mediated abiotic stress tolerance remains limited. This review summarizes the existing literature on the role of MLE in promoting plant abiotic stress acclimation processes. MLE is applied to plants in a variety of ways, including foliar spray, rooting media, and seed priming. Exogenous application of MLE promoted crop plant growth, photosynthesis, and yield under both nonstress and abiotic stress conditions. MLE treatment reduced the severity of osmotic and oxidative stress in plants by regulating osmolyte accumulation, antioxidant synthesis, and secondary metabolites. MLE also improves mineral homeostasis in the presence of abiotic stress. Overall, this review describes the potential mechanisms underpinning MLE-mediated stress tolerance.  相似文献   
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