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We have previously identified by chemical cross-linking a cell surface protein in Swiss 3T3 cells of apparent Mr 75,000-85,000, which may represent a major component of the receptor for peptides of the bombesin family in these cells. Because bombesin-like peptides may interact with other cell surface molecules, it was important to establish the correlation between receptor binding and functions of this complex and further characterize the Mr 75,000-85,000 cross-linked protein. Detailed time courses carried out at different temperatures demonstrated that the Mr 75,000-85,000 affinity-labelled band was the earliest cross-linked complex detected in Swiss 3T3 cells incubated with 125I-labelled gastrin-releasing peptide (125I-GRP). Furthermore, the ability of various nonradioactive bombesin agonists and antagonists to block the formation of the Mr 75,000-85,000 cross-linked complex correlated extremely well (r = 0.994) with the relative capacity of these peptides to inhibit 125I-GRP specific binding. Pretreatment with unlabelled GRP for up to 6 h caused only a slight decrease in both specific 125I-GRP binding and the affinity labelling of the Mr 75,000-85,000 protein. We also show that the cross-linked complex is a glycoprotein. First, solubilized affinity labelled Mr 75,000-85,000 complex applied to wheat germ lectin-sepharose columns was eluted by addition of 0.3 M N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. Second, treatment with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase F reduced the apparent molecular weight of the affinity-labelled band from 75,000-85,000 to 43,000, indicating the presence of N-linked oligosaccharide groups.  相似文献   
The mitotic and biosynthetic activities of the marginal and plate meristems were studied during the entire course of leaf development of Xanthium pennsylvanicum. In contrast to statements in the literature, marginal meristem activity is long in duration, as assayed by the mitotic counts and H3-thymidine incorporation. This me istem is active 23 days. The plate meristem is active for an additional 3 days after cessation of cell division in the marginal meristem, but the total duration of its mitotic activity is also approximately 23 days. Numerous periclinal cell divisions of the plate meristem form additional cell layers and contribute to the growth of the lamina in thickness. Incorporation of H3-thymidine increased during the course of leaf development. Cells between plastochronic ages 0 and 2.0 incorporated more of the radioisotopic precursor than those of younger leaf primordia. The uptake and incorporation of H3-thymidine into nuclear DNA was more sluggish during the early stages of development than in the more expanded leaves. No DNA synthesis was demonstrated after cessation of cell division in the leaf lamina. Metabolic or endomitotic DNA synthesis after leaf plastochron index (LPI) 3.0 seems improbable. No significant differences in the incorporation of H3-thymidine could be demonstrated between the marginal and plate meristems. This would indicate no distinct biosynthetic differences between the two meristems. The definitions of the marginal and plate meristems of Xanthium leaves were formulated in view of the above findings.  相似文献   
The radial forearm flap has become a versatile flap for upper extremity reconstruction. The use of the forearm flap for hand reconstruction in the patient with previously burned forearms has not been widely appreciated. In those patients whose forearms have been previously split-thickness skin-grafted on fascia, we have employed the reverse radial forearm flap as a skin graft-fascial flap for hand reconstruction and have obtained excellent functional results. Three patients at various intervals postburn are presented to demonstrate use of this flap for wrist contracture release, coverage of arthroplasties, first web space contracture release, and acute salvage of phalanges and tendons. Assessment of the hand's vascular anatomy and careful treatment of the donor area have contributed to no added morbidity and an excellent aesthetic result at the donor site.  相似文献   
Theory and analyses of fisheries data sets indicate that harvesting can alter population structure and destabilise non-linear processes, which increases population fluctuations. We conducted a factorial experiment on the population dynamics of Daphnia magna in relation to size-selective harvesting and stochasticity of food supply. Harvesting and stochasticity treatments both increased population fluctuations. Timeseries analysis indicated that fluctuations in control populations were non-linear, and non-linearity increased substantially in response to harvesting. Both harvesting and stochasticity induced population juvenescence, but harvesting did so via the depletion of adults, whereas stochasticity increased the abundance of juveniles. A fitted fisheries model indicated that harvesting shifted populations towards higher reproductive rates and larger-magnitude damped oscillations that amplify demographic noise. These findings provide experimental evidence that harvesting increases the non-linearity of population fluctuations and that both harvesting and stochasticity increase population variability and juvenescence.  相似文献   
A. Braun  B. Lemaitre  R. Lanot  D. Zachary    M. Meister 《Genetics》1997,147(2):623-634
Our aim was to identify new genes involved in the cellular aspects of defense mechanisms of Drosophila, as well as in melanotic tumor formation processes that are linked to blood cell disregulation. We have screened 1341 enhancer detector fly lines for expression of the lacZ reporter gene in larval hemocytes at the end of the third instar. We have selected 21 lines in which we observed a reproducible lacZ expression in blood cells. These lines were classified according to the subsets of hemocytes in which lacZ was expressed, and we identified five lines that can be used as lamellocyte markers. Three lines were selected for further analysis. The first exhibited strong lacZ expression in all lamellocytes. The second expressed lacZ in plasmatocytes and lamellocytes, and exhibited a melanotic tumor phenotype in larvae homozygous for the insertion. A third line showed a striking insertion-linked phenotype of melanized lymph glands (the hematopoietic organ), which resulted in the total absence of circulating hemocytes in the mutant larvae. We anticipate that this mutation, which we named domino, will prove a useful tool in the analysis of the role of hemocytes during the various aspects of immune response and melanotic tumor formation.  相似文献   
Amphiphysin (amphiphysin I), a dominant autoantigen in paraneoplastic Stiff-man syndrome, is a neuronal protein highly concentrated in nerve terminals, where it has a putative role in endocytosis. The yeast homologue of amphiphysin, Rvs167, has pleiotropic functions, including a role in endocytosis and in actin dynamics, suggesting that amphiphysin may also be implicated in the function of the presynaptic actin cytoskeleton. We report here the characterization of a second mammalian amphiphysin gene, amphiphysin II (SH3P9; BIN1), which encodes products primarily expressed in skeletal muscle and brain, as differentially spliced isoforms. In skeletal muscle, amphiphysin II is concentrated around T tubules, while in brain it is concentrated in the cytomatrix beneath the plasmamembrane of axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier. In both these locations, amphiphysin II is colocalized with splice variants of ankyrin3 (ankyrinG), a component of the actin cytomatrix. In the same regions, the presence of clathrin has been reported. These findings support the hypothesis that, even in mammalian cells, amphiphysin/Rvs family members have a role both in endocytosis and in actin function and suggest that distinct amphiphysin isoforms contribute to define distinct domains of the cortical cytoplasm. Since amphiphysin II (BIN1) was reported to interact with Myc, it may also be implicated in a signaling pathway linking the cortical cytoplasm to nuclear function.  相似文献   
Neuropeptide-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of specific components in Swiss 3T3 cells was investigated using monoclonal antibodies directed against the src transformation-associated substrates p125 focal adhesion kinase (FAK), a novel type of cytosolic tyrosine kinase, and p130. Treatment of Swiss 3T3 cells with the mitogenic peptides bombesin, vasopressin, and endothelin caused a striking increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of p125FAK, as judged either by anti-phosphotyrosine (anti-Tyr(P)) Western blots of anti-p125FAK immunoprecipitates, or by anti-p125FAK immunoblots of anti-Tyr(P) immunoprecipitates. Bombesin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of p125FAK was detectable within seconds and concentration-dependent (half-maximum effect of 0.3 nM). Neuropeptides also stimulated the tyrosine phosphorylation of a second component of M(r) 130,000, previously identified as the major p130 phosphotyrosyl protein in src-transformed cells. Bombesin stimulated p130 tyrosine phosphorylation with kinetics and concentration dependence similar to those observed for p125FAK. This is the first report to identify substrates for neuropeptide-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation; the finding that one of these substrates is a tyrosine kinase suggests the existence of a novel signal transduction pathway in the action of mitogenic neuropeptides.  相似文献   
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