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Abstract  All ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) are highly eusocial insects that are characterized by reproductive division of labor with sterile castes (worker and soldier) helping fertile castes (queen and male) to reproduce.
Ant societies, like other complex animal societies, have developed a sophisticated communication system, in which recognition behaviors are frequently involved Recognition abilities allow individuals to orient and modulate their behaviors effectively and appropriately in response to the characteristics andlor signals expressed by other organisms. Among recognition behaviors, nestmate recognition and kin recognition mechanisms have attracted great attention of sociobiologists, ecologists, insect physiologists and biochemists since 1970's. This is parallel with the popularization of Hamilton's kin selection theory. The present paper aims at reviewing the current understanding on nestmate/kin recognition in ants. This review consists of three parts. The first part concerns the diversity of recognition behaviors and their ecological implications with emphasis on nestmatelkin recognition; in the second part, the current understandings on the mechanism of nestmatelkin recognition are outlined; and in the third part, we discuss the ontogenetic development of nestmate recognition behavior and naturally mixed colonies. The study of the integration mechanism of social parasite may provide heuristic clues to the understanding of kin/nestmate recognition system.  相似文献   
用孕马血清促性腺激素,总剂量为1550—2000单位,分4—7天处理猕猴,可促使其每侧卵巢出现滤泡超数发育,随后静脉注射入绒毛膜促性腺激素2500单位,在24小时内,猕猴即可出现超数排卵。  相似文献   
褐稻虱取食试验及防治探讨   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文用茚三酮法, 以褐稻虱Nilaparvata lugens(stal)排泄的蜜露面积来测定其相对取食量.试验表明:取食量随虫期增大, 逐日取食分布各虫期呈现明显的峰期(图3);发育历期与累积取食量成幂函数关系: N(t)=0.0531t2.298式中N(t)=累积取食量, t=发育历期(天);褐稻虱各虫期取食率的变化;若以一龄若虫为1计算, 一一四龄若虫取食量比分别为1:1.66:2.10:3.16:10.26, 成虫为73.19;羽化后8天, 短翅型雌虫日均取食量比长翅型雄虫大6.33倍;按褐稻虱的取食行为, 化学防治适期以世代成虫初见期为宜.  相似文献   
毛角隐翅虫属(Trichophya Mannerheim 1830)系毛角隐翅虫亚科(TrichophyinaeGanglb.1895)的单一属。模式种为Trichophya pilicornis Gyllenhal。根据触角着生在眼的前方,11节,第1、2节很膨大,第3节以后细长如线,各节环生长毛;鞘翅缘折无与背面分隔的脊;跗节5节;腹后部渐尖等属征,不难与别的隐翅虫属区分。该属为一小属,全世界已知10种,T.pilicornis Gyll.分布全北区及东洋区;T.lativentris Casey, T.tars-  相似文献   
Zygotic embryos of taro, Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorumcultured on Linsmaier-Skoog (LS) medium without the additionof hormones develop into mature plants only in the presenceof endosperm tissue. Growth is usually evident within the firstweek of culture when embryos swell and become green. Embryosexcised from endosperm and cultured on LS containing 0-01 mg1–1 naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), and 0–01 mg 1–16-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) grow at a rate comparable withcontrols for the first week of culture. During the second week,growth rates are higher than controls primarily because embryosform elongated hypocotyl regions which often produce swollentissues and/or callus. In the presence of 200 mg 1–1 glutamineand a range of concentrations of 6-dimethylaminopurine, benzyladenine,or NAA, elongation of the hypocotyl axis is inhibited, and acompact callus may develop. Embryos grown on LS containing 200mg 1–1 glutamine and 2.0 mg 1–1 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyaceticacid form friable callus which was used to generate short-livedsuspension cultures. Growth Regulators, Glutamine, tygotic embryos, Colocasia esculenta, endosperm  相似文献   
沈杰  张席锦  丛铮  王志均 《生理学报》1990,42(2):198-202
我们曾观察到消炎痛预处理能明显减轻四氯化碳和半乳糖胺对大鼠的肝损伤作用,本工作采用原代培养的大鼠肝细胞进一步观察了这一现象。结果表明,经消炎痛整体处理后分离的大鼠肝细胞,在原代培养的条件下,对四氯化碳的损伤仍然具有明显的抵抗作用,表现为细胞内酶的漏出少于对照组。正常大鼠离体肝细胞在原代培养条件下用消炎痛处理,在相当大的剂量和相当长的时间范围内未出现明显的抗损伤作用。结果提示:消炎痛整体处理可使肝细胞本身获得抗损伤的能力,而这种抗损伤能力的产生可能有赖于肝细胞外其它因素的参与。  相似文献   
邢宝仁  甘晟光 《生理学报》1990,42(3):302-306
在20个下丘脑脑片上,用玻璃微电极细胞外记录了46个室旁核神经元的自发放电单位,观察了5-羟色胺对它们的作用。当薄片用含5-羟色胺(10~(-6)mol/L)的人工脑脊液灌流后,有16个单位放电频率明显增加,反应的潜伏期为1.21±1.21 min。这种反应可被5-羟色胺的阻断剂噻庚啶所阻断。3个单位放电频率明显减少,27个单位无明显反应。实验结果表明约1/3的下丘脑室旁核神经元能被5-羟色胺所激活。  相似文献   
稻虱跗(虫扇)的个体发生研究:生活史和寄生作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
顾秀慧  贝亚维 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):174-181
稻虱跗蝙Elenchinus japonicus Esaki et Hashimoto属(捻翅目)跗蝙科,在稻田寄生于白背稻虱、褐稻虱和灰稻虱.稻虱跗蝙在母体血腔中发育、孵化产生三爪蚴,三爪蚴通过生殖沟、生殖孔、育道和育道开口离开母体.三爪蚴离开母体在稻株上活动.一旦靠近寄主,用足抓住寄主,爬在它们身上.它通过节间膜进入寄主,变成蛆状蚴,开始取食.幼虫在寄主体内继续发育,达到足够大小,它们羽化成虫.雌成虫留在寄主体内,仅露出“帽子”(即头胸部),雄虫离开寄主,自由飞翔、雄成虫寿命很短(<12小时),它们积极寻找雌虫,进行交配,发现交配位置在育道口,支配时间约1—2秒钟.雄成虫体长1.33mm;展翅约2.25mm;雌成虫体长1.6—2.6mm,宽0.88—1.35mm;头胸部长0.2mm;育道口宽0.15mm,卵在雌成虫体内形成,而卵母细胞在雌幼虫体内发育.卵长75μm×宽40μm.第1期幼虫(三爪蚴):体长0.2mm;尾须为体长1/3.第Ⅱ期幼虫(蛆伏蚴)足和附肢都退化;第Ⅱ期幼虫分成4个龄期,具口和消化道,蛹属围蛹.卵历期7—8天,而三爪蚴历期仅1天.蛆状蚴(2—5龄)历期10—11天,蛹历期约3—4天,雌成虫历期7—8天.在实验室,每世代历期约20—23天.稻虱跗蝙的寄生作用较低,由于三爪蚴找不到稻虱很快死亡.在浙江1983—1986年调查,稻虱跗蝙对白背稻虱成、若虫寄生率5—7%,灰稻虱的寄生率为2%,褐稻虱为1%.有时白背稻虱的寄生率可达20—40%.  相似文献   
王新华  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):243-246
拟毛突摇蚊属Paratrichocladius Santos Abreu 1918隶属于直突摇蚊亚科Ortho-cladinae,迄今全世界已知十余种。Hirvenoja(1973)对本属进行了整理。本文的记载为此属在我国的首次记录。 属征:复眼小眼面间密生细毛,触角比(AR)通常大于1;翅无大毛,腋瓣是多数缘毛;肩陷中等大小,背中鬃多数;无肛尖,抱器基节具一明显的上内突。 本文记述了采自吉林、四川省的2个新种和1个新纪录种。模式标本存南开大学生物学系。  相似文献   
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