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We recently reported that the lipoxygenase product 11,12,15-trihydroxyeicosatrienoic acid (THETA) mediates arachidonic acid (AA)-induced relaxation in the rabbit aorta. This study was designed to determine whether this lipoxygenase metabolite is involved in relaxation responses to AA in rabbit small mesenteric arteries. AA (10(-9)-10(-4) M) produced potent relaxations in isolated phenylephrine-preconstricted arteries, with a maximal relaxation of 99 +/- 0.5% and EC(50) of 50 nM. The cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors indomethacin (10 microM), NS-398 (10 microM, selective for COX-2), and SC-560 (100 nM, selective for COX-1) caused a marked rightward shift of concentration responses to AA. With the use of immunohistochemical analysis, both COX-1 and COX-2 were detected in endothelium and smooth muscle of small mesenteric arteries. Indomethacin-resistant relaxations were further reduced by the lipoxygenase inhibitors cinnamyl-3,4-dihydroxy-cyanocinnamate (CDC; 1 muM), nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA; 1 microM), and ebselen (1 microM). HPLC analysis showed that [(14)C]AA was metabolized by mesenteric arteries to PGI(2), PGE(2), THETAs, hydroxyepoxyeicosatrienoic acids (HEETAs), and 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE). The production of PGI(2) and PGE(2) was blocked by indomethacin, and the production of THETAs, HEETAs, and 15-HETE was inhibited by CDC and NDGA. Column fractions corresponding to THETAs were further purified, analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and identified as 11,12,15- and 11,14,15-THETA. PGI(2), PGE(2), and purified THETA fractions relaxed mesenteric arteries precontracted with phenylephrine. The AA- and THETA-induced relaxations were blocked by high K(+) (60 mM). These findings provide functional and biochemical evidence that AA-induced relaxation in rabbit small mesenteric arteries is mediated through both COX and lipoxygenase pathways.  相似文献   
Two reactions with suggested prebiotic relevance for peptide evolution, the saltinduced peptide formation reaction and the peptide chain elongation/stabilization on clay minerals have been combined in experimental series starting from dipeptides and dipeptide/amino acid mixtures. The results show that both reactions can take place simultaneously in the same reaction environment and that the presence of mineral catalysts favours the formation of higher oligopeptides. These findings lend further support to the relevance of these reactions for peptide evolution on the primitive earth. The detailed effects of the specific clay mineral depend both on the nature of the mineral and the reactants in solution.  相似文献   
The presence of some amino acids and dipeptides under the conditions of the salt-induced peptide formation reaction (aqueous solution at 85 °C, Cu(II) and NaCl) has been found to catalyze the formation of homopeptides of other amino acids, which are otherwise produced only in traces or not at all by this reaction. The condensation of Val, Leu and Lys to form their homodipeptides can occur to a considerable extent due to catalytic effects of other amino acids and related compounds, among which glycine, histidine, diglycine and diketopiperazine exhibit the most remarkable activity. These findings also lead to a modification of the table of amino acid sequences preferentially formed by the salt-induced peptide formation (SIPF) reaction, previously used for a comparison with the sequence preferences in membrane proteins of primitive organisms  相似文献   
ACh-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation in rabbit small mesenteric arteries is resistant to N-nitro-L-arginine (L-NA) and indomethacin but sensitive to high K+, indicating the relaxations are mediated by endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factors (EDHFs). The identity of the EDHFs in this vascular bed remains undefined. Small mesenteric arteries pretreated with L-NA and indomethacin were contracted with phenylephrine. ACh (10(-10) to 10(-6) M) caused concentration-dependent relaxations that were shifted to the right by lipoxygenase inhibition and the Ca(2+)-activated K+ channel inhibitors apamin (100 nM) or charybdotoxin (100 nM) and eliminated by the combination of apamin plus charybdotoxin. Relaxations to ACh were also blocked by a combination of barium (200 microM) and apamin but not barium plus charybdotoxin. Addition of K+ (10.9 mM final concentration) to the preconstricted arteries elicited small relaxations. K+ addition before ACh restored the charybdotoxin-sensitive component of relaxations to ACh. K+ (10.9 mM) also relaxed endothelium-denuded arteries, and the relaxations were inhibited by barium but not by charybdotoxin and apamin. With the use of whole cell patch-clamp analysis, ACh (10(-7) M) stimulated voltage-dependent outward K+ current from endothelial cells, which was inhibited by charybdotoxin, indicating K+ efflux. Arachidonic acid (10(-7) to 10(-4) M) induced concentration-related relaxations that were inhibited by apamin but not by charybdotoxin and barium. Addition of arachidonic acid after K+ (10.9 mM) resulted in more potent relaxations to arachidonic acid compared with control without K+ (5.9 mM). These findings suggest that, in rabbit mesenteric arteries, ACh-induced, L-NA- and indomethacin-resistant relaxation is mediated by endothelial cell K+ efflux and arachidonic acid metabolites, and a synergism exists between these two separate mechanisms.  相似文献   
In vitro, attachment to the overlying membrane was found to affect the resting position of the hair cell bundles of the bullfrog sacculus. To assess the effects of such a deflection on mechanically decoupled hair bundles, comparable offsets were imposed on decoupled spontaneously oscillating bundles. Strong modulation was observed in their dynamic state under deflection, with qualitative changes in the oscillation profile, amplitude, and characteristic frequency of oscillation seen in response to stimulus. Large offsets were found to arrest spontaneous oscillation, with subsequent recovery upon reversal of the stimulus. The dynamic state of the hair bundle displayed hysteresis and a dependence on the direction of the imposed offset. The coupled system of hair bundles, with the overlying membrane left on top of the preparation, also exhibited a dependence on offset position, with an increase in the linear response function observed under deflections in the inhibitory direction.  相似文献   
Mutual catalysis of amino acids in the salt-induced peptide formation (SIPF) reaction is demonstrated for the case of glycine/alanine. The presence of glycine enhances dialanine formation by a factor up to 50 and enables dialanine formation at much lower alanine concentrations. The actual amounts of glycine play an important role for this catalytic effect, the optimal glycine concentration is 1/8 of the alanine concentration. The mechanism appears to be based on the formation of the intermediate Gly-Ala-Ala tripeptide, connected to one coordination site of copper(II) ion, and subsequent hydrolysis to dialanine and glycine.  相似文献   
The high sensitivity and effective frequency discrimination of sound detection performed by the auditory system rely on the dynamics of a system of hair cells. In the inner ear, these acoustic receptors are primarily attached to an overlying structure that provides mechanical coupling between the hair bundles. Although the dynamics of individual hair bundles has been extensively investigated, the influence of mechanical coupling on the motility of the system of bundles remains underdetermined. We developed a technique of mechanically coupling two active hair bundles, enabling us to probe the dynamics of the coupled system experimentally. We demonstrated that the coupling could enhance the coherence of hair bundles’ spontaneous oscillation, as well as their phase-locked response to sinusoidal stimuli, at the calcium concentration in the surrounding fluid near the physiological level. The empirical data were consistent with numerical results from a model of two coupled nonisochronous oscillators, each displaying a supercritical Hopf bifurcation. The model revealed that a weak coupling can poise the system of unstable oscillators closer to the bifurcation by a shift in the critical point. In addition, the dynamics of strongly coupled oscillators far from criticality suggested that individual hair bundles may be regarded as nonisochronous oscillators. An optimal degree of nonisochronicity was required for the observed tuning behavior in the coherence of autonomous motion of the coupled system.  相似文献   
Arachidonic acid (AA) metabolites function as EDHFs in arteries of many species. They mediate cyclooxygenase (COX)- and nitric oxide (NO)-independent relaxations to acetylcholine (ACh). However, the role of AA metabolites as relaxing factors in mouse arteries remains incompletely defined. ACh caused concentration-dependent relaxations of the mouse thoracic and abdominal aorta and carotid, femoral, and mesentery arteries (maximal relaxation: 57 ± 4%, 72 ± 4%, 82 ± 3%, 80 ± 3%, and 85 ± 3%, respectively). The NO synthase inhibitor nitro-L-arginine (L-NA; 30 μM) blocked relaxations in the thoracic aorta, and L-NA plus the COX inhibitor indomethacin (10 μM) inhibited relaxations in the abdominal aorta and carotid, femoral, and mesenteric arteries (maximal relaxation: 31 ± 10%, 33 ± 5%, 41 ± 8%, and 73 ± 3%, respectively). In mesenteric arteries, NO- and COX-independent relaxations to ACh were inhibited by the lipoxygenase (LO) inhibitors nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA; 10 μM) and BW-755C (200 μM), the K(+) channel inhibitor apamin (1 μM), and 60 mM KCl and eliminated by endothelium removal. They were not altered by the cytochrome P-450 inhibitor N-methylsulfonyl-6-(2-propargyloxyphenyl)hexanamide (20 μM) or the epoxyeicosatrienoic acid antagonist 14,15-epoxyeicosa-5(Z)-enoic acid (10 μM). AA relaxations were attenuated by NDGA or apamin and eliminated by 60 mM KCl. Reverse-phase HPLC analysis revealed arterial [(14)C]AA metabolites that comigrated with prostaglandins, trihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids (THETAs), hydroxyepoxyeicosatrienoic acids (HEETAs), and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETEs). Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids were not observed. Mass spectrometry confirmed the identity of 6-keto-PGF(1α), PGE(2), 12-HETE, 15-HETE, HEETAs, 11,12,15-THETA, and 11,14,15-THETA. AA metabolism was blocked by NDGA and endothelium removal. 11(R),12(S),15(S)-THETA relaxations (maximal relaxation: 73 ± 3%) were endothelium independent and blocked by 60 mM KCl. Western immunoblot analysis and RT-PCR of the aorta and mesenteric arteries demonstrated protein and mRNA expression of leukocyte-type 12/15-LO. Thus, in mouse resistance arteries, 12/15-LO AA metabolites mediate endothelium-dependent relaxations to ACh and AA.  相似文献   
Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) are weak sounds that emanate from the ears of tetrapods in the absence of acoustic stimulation. These emissions are an epiphenomenon of the inner ear's active process, which enhances the auditory system’s sensitivity to weak sounds, but their mechanism of production remains a matter of debate. We recorded SOAEs simultaneously from the two ears of the tokay gecko and found that binaural emissions could be strongly correlated: some emissions occurred at the same frequency in both ears and were highly synchronized. Suppression of the emissions in one ear often changed the amplitude or shifted the frequency of emissions in the other. Decreasing the frequency of emissions from one ear by lowering its temperature usually reduced the frequency of the contralateral emissions. To understand the relationship between binaural SOAEs, we developed a mathematical model of the eardrums as noisy nonlinear oscillators coupled by the air within an animal’s mouth. By according with the model, the results indicate that some SOAEs are generated bilaterally through acoustic coupling across the oral cavity. The model predicts that sound localization through the acoustic coupling between ears is influenced by the active processes of both ears.  相似文献   
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