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The study investigates the effects of the 11+ and HarmoKnee injury prevention programmes on knee strength in male soccer players. Under-21-year-old players (n=36) were divided equally into: the 11+, HarmoKnee and control groups. The programmes were performed for 24 sessions (20-25 min each). The hamstrings and quadriceps strength were measured bilaterally at 60°·s-1, 180°·s-1 and 300°·s-1. The concentric quadriceps peak torque (PT) of the 11+ increased by 27.7% at 300°·s-1 in the dominant leg (p<0.05). The concentric quadriceps PT of HarmoKnee increased by 36.6%, 36.2% and 28% in the dominant leg, and by 31.3%, 31.7% and 20.05% at 60°·s-1, 180°·s-1 and 300°·s-1 in the non-dominant leg respectively. In the 11+ group the concentric hamstring PT increased by 22%, 21.4% and 22.1% at 60°·s-1, 180°·s-1 and 300°·s-1, respectively in the dominant leg, and by 22.3%, and 15.7% at 60°·s-1 and 180°·s-1, in the non-dominant leg. In the HarmoKnee group the hamstrings in the dominant leg showed an increase in PT by 32.5%, 31.3% and 14.3% at 60°·s-1, 180°·s-1 and 300°·s-1, and in the non-dominant leg hamstrings PT increased by 21.1% and 19.3% at 60°·s-1 and 180°·s-1 respectively. The concentric hamstrings strength was significantly different between the 11+ and control groups in the dominant (p=0.01) and non-dominant legs (p=0.02). The HarmoKnee programme enhanced the concentric strength of quadriceps. The 11+ and HarmoKnee programmes are useful warm-up protocols for improving concentric hamstring strength in young professional male soccer players. The 11+ programme is more advantageous for its greater concentric hamstring strength improvement compared to the HarmoKnee programme.  相似文献   
目的:探讨新生儿肺炎(neonatal pneumonia,NP)的临床表现及x线特征,以提高对NP的临床认识。方法:选择2011年6月至2012年10月在我院确诊为NP的新生儿73例,均经x线检查,回顾性分析患儿的临床资料,总结并分析患儿的临床表现及x线特征。结果:NP患儿的临床症状主要表现为呼吸急促、发绀、咳嗽、吐沫、呛奶和三凹征,部分患儿体温正常;NP的x线影像表现具有多样性,以不同程度的支气管肺炎多见,主要表现为肺纹理增多增密,局部肺野透光度降低或透光度增强。结论:NP患儿的临床症状以呼吸急促、发绀、咳嗽、吐沫、呛奶和三凹征为主,x线检查可为NP的早期诊断提供重要的临床信息,临床医师应根据NP患儿的x线影像的多样性,密切结合患儿的临床症状,做出综合分析。  相似文献   
Speciation of arsenic and selenium was carried out on water samples taken from rivers used as water intake points in the vicinity of landfill areas used for land-based waste disposal system. Leachates from these landfill areas may contaminate the river water through underground seepage or overflowing, especially after a heavy downpour. Preconcentration of the chemical species was done using a mixture of ammonium pyrrolidinethiocarbamate-chloroform (APDTC-CHCl3). Because only the reduced forms of both arsenic and selenium species could be extracted by the preconcentrating mixture, suitable reducing agents such as 25% sodium thiosulfate for As(III) and 6M HCl for Se(IV) were used throughout the studies. Care was taken to exclude the interfering elements such as the alkali and alkali earth metals from the inorganic arsenic and selenium species by introducing 12% EDTA solution as the masking agent. The extracted mixture was irradiated in a thermal neutron flux of 4 × 1012/cm/s from a TRIGA Mk.II reactor at the Malaysia Institute of Nuclear Technology Research (MINT). Gamma rays of 559 keV and 297 keV from76As and75Se, respectively, were used in the quantitative determination of the inorganic species. Mixed standards of As(III) and Se(IV) used in the percentage efficiency procedure were prepared from salts of Analar grade. The water quality evaluation was viewed from the ratio of the inorganic species present.  相似文献   
目的:分析特定人群超重患病率,以及超重与高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常、脂肪肝等相关疾病的关系,为及早预防慢性非传染性疾病奠定基础。方法:对平房地区采取长效避孕措施的603名户籍农村已婚育龄妇女进行健康体检,按体重指数(BMI)分为正常组、超重组和肥胖组,比较各组间高血压、高血糖、高血脂、脂肪肝等相关疾病检出率的差异。结果:特定人群超重发病率及超重相关疾病检出率的差异均具有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:平房地区特定人群超重及肥胖发病率未明显高于国内平均水平及全市水平。但超重及肥胖与高血压、糖尿病、血脂异常、脂肪肝等疾病存在较大相关关系,为了进一步降低心脑血管高危因素和死亡率。需采取早期、有效的措施控制超重和肥胖倾向。  相似文献   
从拟南芥中克隆了RD29A基因的启动子(Prd29A)及DREB1M基因的DNA片段,构建Prd29A:DREB1A融合基因,采用合成的接头将该融合基因插入到植物表达载体pBI121中,经鉴定,确认正确.  相似文献   
Cryptosporidium, a protozoan parasite, can cause cryptosporidiosis which is a gastrointestinal disease that can infect humans and livestock. Cattle are the most common livestock that can be infected with this protozoan. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium infection in cattle in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia and to find out the association between the occurrence of infection and 3 different ages of cattle (calves less than 1 year, yearling, and adult cattle). The samples were processed by using formol-ether concentration technique and stained by modified Ziehl Neelsen. The results showed that 15.9% (24/151) of cattle were positive for Cryptosporidium oocysts. The occurrence of Cryptosporidium in calves less than 1 year was the highest with the percentage of 20.0% (11/55) followed by yearling and adult cattle, with the percentage occurrence of 15.6 % (7/45) and 11.8% (6/51), respectively. There was no significant association between the occurrence and age of cattle and presence of diarrhea. Good management practices and proper hygiene management must be taken in order to reduce the infection. It is highly important to control the infection since infected cattle may serve as potential reservoirs of the infection to other animals and humans, especially animal handlers.  相似文献   
牙茜葭  任惠泽  董孝斌  周旭 《生态学报》2023,43(4):1426-1436
2021年4月,我国15头野生亚洲象(Elephas maximus)从西双版纳一路北迁至昆明市受到了全世界的关注,分析我国野生亚洲象分布区土地利用变化、生态系统服务供需关系如何影响野生亚洲象分布,对保护亚洲象与提高当地人类福祉具有重要的意义。利用生态系统服务价值当量因子法和生态系统服务需求模型计算中国野生亚洲象分布区1990、2005、2015年生态系统服务供给价值与需求指数,通过空间标准化匹配出四种生态系统服务供需模式,探究我国野生亚洲象偏好分布的供需模式。结果表明,林地、草地和耕地是最主要的土地利用类型,1990—2015年,林地、草地和耕地的面积变化率分别为1.09%、-4.82%、-4.86%。1990、2005、2015年生态系统供给总价值分别为6108.55亿元、7434.41亿元、13973.37亿元;生态系统服务需求不断提高,整体呈现中间高,四周低的分布格局。在研究的25年内,亚洲象分布于高供给-高需求与高供给-低需求区域,且有向高供给-高需求区域迁徙的趋势。  相似文献   
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