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A new trisaccharide sugar chain was identified in bovine blood coagulation factors VII and IX. A pentapeptide isolated from factor VII contained Ser-52, which could not be identified with a gas-phase sequencer, suggesting an unknown substituent on the serine residue (Takeya, H. et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem., in press). The same results were obtained for a pentapeptide containing Ser-53 of factor IX. Component sugar analysis revealed that the peptide contained 1 mol of glucose and 2 mol of xylose. This sugar component was also confirmed by high-resolution fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric analysis of the pentapeptide. The trisaccharide was released from the peptides by means of beta-elimination reaction and its reducing end was coupled with 2-aminopyridine. The fluorescent pyridylamino (PA-) derivative of the trisaccharide was purified by gel-filtration and reversed-phase HPLC. The sugar composition of the PA-trisaccharide was found to be 2 mol of xylose and 1 mol of PA-glucose. These results indicate the existence of a (Xyl2)Glc-Ser structure in factors VII and IX.  相似文献   
The steady-state kinetic parameters of human alpha-thrombin and the alpha-thrombin-staphylocoagulase complex as to the chromogenic substrate, H-D-Phe-Pip-Arg-p-nitroanilide (S-2238), were determined. At pH 8.0 and 37 degrees C, the Km values for alpha-thrombin and the complex for S-2238 were 7.9 microM and 7.7 microM, respectively. The kcat of this amidase reaction catalyzed by the complex was 127 s-1, which had apparently decreased from the kcat of 197 s-1 determined for free alpha-thrombin. This difference in the kinetic parameter between alpha-thrombin and the complex was also observed using the fluorogenic substrate, Boc-Val-Pro-Arg-4-methylcoumaryl-7-amide. Moreover, the fibrinogen clotting activity of the alpha-thrombin-staphylocoagulase complex was less than half that of alpha-thrombin, suggesting that the alpha-thrombin active site in the complex is different in catalytic ability from that of free alpha-thrombin. Other evidence supporting this view was as follows: The alpha-thrombin-staphylocoagulase complex is insensitive to antithrombin III, the complex shows much weaker binding to hirudin, as compared to free alpha-thrombin, and the amidase pH-profiles of the complex and free alpha-thrombin differ from each other. These results indicate that the microenvironment of the active site of alpha-thrombin is significantly altered by the complex formation with staphylocoagulase.  相似文献   
Staphylocoagulase-binding region in human prothrombin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A staphylocoagulase-binding region in human prothrombin was studied by utilizing several fragments prepared from prothrombin by limited proteolysis. Bovine prothrombin, prethrombin 1, prethrombin 2, and human diisopropylphosphorylated alpha-thrombin strongly inhibited formation of the complex ("staphylothrombin") between human prothrombin and staphylocoagulase, but bovine prothrombin fragment 1 and fragment 2 had no effect on the complex formation, indicating that the binding region of human prothrombin for staphylocoagulase is located in the prethrombin 2 molecule. To identify further the staphylocoagulase-binding region, human alpha-thrombin was cleaved into the NH2-terminal large fragment (Mr = 26,000) and the COOH-terminal fragment (Mr = 16,000) by porcine pancreatic elastase. Of these fragments, the COOH-terminal fragment, which includes Asn-200 to the COOH-terminal end of the alpha-thrombin molecule, partially inhibited the complex formation between staphylocoagulase and human prothrombin. In contrast, the NH2-terminal large fragment did not show any inhibitory effect on the staphylothrombin formation. These results suggest that the staphylocoagulase interacts with human prothrombin through the COOH-terminal region of alpha-thrombin B chain. Other plasma proteins, factor X, factor IX, protein C, protein S, protein Z, all of which are structurally similar to prothrombin, did not inhibit the staphylothrombin formation at all, indicating that a specific interaction site with staphylocoagulase is contained only in the prothrombin molecule.  相似文献   
Factor IX BM Nagoya (IX Nagoya) is a natural mutant of factor IX responsible for severe hemophilia B. A patient with this mutant is characterized by a markedly prolonged ox brain prothrombin time. IX Nagoya was purified from the patient's plasma by immunoaffinity chromatography with an anti-factor IX monoclonal antibody column. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that treatment of IX Nagoya with factor XIa/Ca2+ resulted in cleavage only at the Arg145-Ala146 bond. Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography of a trypsin digest of IX Nagoya showed an aberrant peptide, which was further digested with proteinase Asp-N. Primary structure analysis of one of the Asp-N peptides revealed that Arg180 is replaced by Trp. An essentially complete (99%) amino acid sequence of IX Nagoya was obtained by sequencing fragments derived from a lysyl endopeptidase digest in which no other substitutions in the catalytic triad or substrate binding site were found. We also found that IX Nagoya is activated by alpha-chymotrypsin or rat mast cell chymase by monitoring the rate of factor X activation using a fluorogenic peptide substrate in the presence of factor VIII, phospholipids, and Ca2+. These results indicate that the substitution of Arg180 by Trp impairs the cleavage by factor XIa required for activation of this zymogen and that the substitution causes hemophilia BM.  相似文献   
Sixty-one Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato strains from various sources (ticks, human, and wild animals) in Japan and two strains from ticks in Far Eastern Russia were classified on the basis of reactivity with 16 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to outer surface protein A (OspA) and by DNA-DNA hybridization assay. Eleven OspA serotypes (J1 to J11) were recognized among the Japanese and the Far East Russian isolates (serotypes J1 to J9 were identified as B. garinii, serotype J10 was identified as B. afzelii, and serotype J11 corresponded to B. japonica), whereas 7 OspA serotypes for North American and European isolates previously reported (Bettina Wilske et al, J. Clin. Microbiol. 31:340-350, 1993) were not observed except for OspA serotype 2 which showed identical reactivity with OspA serotype J10. This finding provides helpful information for understanding the geographical distribution of Lyme disease borrelia and the development of vaccine and diagnostic tests. In conclusion: 1. B. burgdorferi sensu stricto has not been observed in Japan, 2. Japanese B. afzelii isolates are closely related to those from Europe, 3. B. garinii isolates from Japan are highly heterogeneous and apparently different from European B. garinii isolates.  相似文献   
Five-mm sections of elongation zones of Zea mesocotyls wereincubated for designated periods with various concentrationsof IAA. In vitro protein phosphorylation in the soluble fraction(85,000 x g supernatant) prepared from the sections was analyzedby sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.The phosphorylation of proteins in the soluble fraction thathad been prepared from sections incubated for 20 min in thepresence of 10{small tilde}s M IAA was greater than that inthe sections incubated for 20 min without IAA. The amount ofphosphorylation of proteins per protein became higher when higherconcentrations increased (10{small tilde}8—10{small tilde}5M).The growth of sections incubated in the presence of 10{smalltilde}8 M IAA or higher concentrations was greater than thatof sections incubated in the absence of IAA. The promotion ofgrowth by IAA was greater at higher concentrations of IAA. Proteinsin the soluble fraction, prepared from sections incubated for20 min in the presence of 10{small tilde}5 M IAA, were phosphorylatedin the presence of either 10 fM cAMP, 10 µM cGMP, 100µM W-7, 100 µM W-5, 20 µM H-7 or 20 µMHA1004. The calmodulin antagonist, W-7, and the inhibitor ofprotein kinase C, H-7, inhibited the phosphorylation of proteinsstimulated by incubation with IAA. These results suggest thatIAA promotes cell elongation via protein phosphorylation thatdepends on calmodulin-dependent protein kinase and protein kinaseC. (Received November 29, 1995; Accepted May 20, 1996)  相似文献   
A poorly understood marked decrease (circa 50% of control) in local cerebral glucose utilization is caused by sublethal doses of NaCN. The decrease is global, occurring in essentially all brain regions and is entirely reversible within hours, leaving no obvious pathology. This event is not unique to NaCN in so far as a strikingly similar pattern of decreased glucose utilization occus with some other toxins. Nor can it be attributed to a direct action of NaCN since local application by microdialysis to the striatum produces a global depression. These results imply that some widely distributed system or substance is involved. We speculate the existence of a system possibly related to the reticular activating system that senses a fall in energy production and acts globally to make cells quiescent and thus would give some protection from excitotoxic driven damage.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Sidney Ochs.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that widelyforaging generalist lizard,Eumeces okadae, visually discriminates palatable queen ants from unpalatable worker ants. The workers ofCamponotus japonicus andLasius niger were rejected on sight, while the queens of both species were eaten with little prior chemical examination by tongue flicks or licks. Comparison of the lizards' responses towards the workers and wingless queens of similar size indicated that neither body size nor presence or absence of wings accounted for difference in responses toward the 2 ant castes. The lizards probably discriminated different ant castes by body proportions.  相似文献   
Crossing experiments and food-choice tests show that two sympatric species of phytophagous ladybird beetles, Epilachna niponica and E. yasutomii, are reproductively isolated by host-plant specificity. Adult beetles selected their natural hosts when given choices, though some accepted the host of the other species when no choice was offered. In each species, survival of larvae to the second instar was significantly higher on their own host plant. No evidence for sexual isolation, gametic isolation, hybrid inviability, or reduced hybrid fertility was detected. Reproductive isolation by host specificity is an important prerequisite for certain models of sympatric speciation. Although the present example supports the plausibility of such models, an allopatric origin of host-plant specificity cannot be discounted.  相似文献   
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