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We compiled >200 nuclear export signal (NES)-containing CRM1 cargoes in a database named NESdb. We analyzed the sequences and three-dimensional structures of natural, experimentally identified NESs and of false-positive NESs that were generated from the database in order to identify properties that might distinguish the two groups of sequences. Analyses of amino acid frequencies, sequence logos, and agreement with existing NES consensus sequences revealed strong preferences for the Φ1-X(3)-Φ2-X(2)-Φ3-X-Φ4 pattern and for negatively charged amino acids in the nonhydrophobic positions of experimentally identified NESs but not of false positives. Strong preferences against certain hydrophobic amino acids in the hydrophobic positions were also revealed. These findings led to a new and more precise NES consensus. More important, three-dimensional structures are now available for 68 NESs within 56 different cargo proteins. Analyses of these structures showed that experimentally identified NESs are more likely than the false positives to adopt α-helical conformations that transition to loops at their C-termini and more likely to be surface accessible within their protein domains or be present in disordered or unobserved parts of the structures. Such distinguishing features for real NESs might be useful in future NES prediction efforts. Finally, we also tested CRM1-binding of 40 NESs that were found in the 56 structures. We found that 16 of the NES peptides did not bind CRM1, hence illustrating how NESs are easily misidentified.  相似文献   
Nuclear import of HuR, a shuttling RNA-binding protein, is associated with reduced stability of its target mRNAs. Increased function of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme involved in responding to metabolic stress, was recently shown to reduce the cytoplasmic levels of HuR. Here, we provide evidence that importin alpha1, an adaptor protein involved in nuclear import, contributes to the nuclear import of HuR through two AMPK-modulated mechanisms. First, AMPK triggered the acetylation of importin alpha1 on Lys(22), a process dependent on the acetylase activity of p300. Second, AMPK phosphorylated importin alpha1 on Ser(105). Accordingly, expression of importin alpha1 proteins bearing K22R or S105A mutations failed to mediate the nuclear import of HuR in intact cells. Our results point to importin alpha1 as a critical downstream target of AMPK and key mediator of AMPK-triggered HuR nuclear import.  相似文献   
Conformational heterogeneity of karyopherin beta2 is segmental   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karyopherinbeta2 (Kap beta2) or transportin imports numerous RNA binding proteins into the nucleus. Kap beta2 binds substrates in the cytoplasm and targets them through the nuclear pore complex, where RanGTP dissociates them in the nucleus. Here we report the 3.0 A crystal structure of unliganded Kap beta2, which consists of a superhelix of 20 HEAT repeats. Together with previously reported structures of NLS and Ran complexes, this structure provides understanding of conformational heterogeneity that accompanies ligand binding. The Kap beta2 superhelix is divided into three major segments. Two of them (HEAT repeats 9-13 and 14-18), which constitute the substrate binding site, are rigid elements that rotate relative to each other about a flexible hinge. The third (HEAT repeats 1-8), which constitutes the Ran binding site, exhibits conformational changes throughout its length. An analogous segmental architecture is also observed in Importin beta, suggesting that it is functionally significant and may be conserved in other import karyopherins.  相似文献   
Karyopherins and nuclear import   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Proteins of the karyopherin alpha and karyopherin beta families play a central role in nucleocytoplasmic transport. Recently, crystal structures of karyopherin alpha and its complexes with nuclear localization signal peptides, a karyopherin beta2-Ran complex and complexes of full-length and fragments of karyopherin beta1 with import substrates, Ran and nucleoporins have been solved. These karyopherin structures provide valuable insights into understanding the molecular mechanism of nuclear import, especially substrate recognition, substrate release by GTPase and interactions with the nuclear pore complex.  相似文献   
The Karyopherin-β family of nuclear transport factors mediates the majority of nucleocytoplasmic transport. Although each of the 19 Karyopherin-βs transports unique sets of cargos, only three classes of nuclear localization and export signals, or NLSs and NESs, have been characterized. The short basic classical-NLS was first discovered in the 1980s and their karyopherin-bound structures were first reported more than 10 years ago. More recently, structural and biophysical studies of Karyopherin-β2-cargo complexes led to definition of the complex and diverse PY-NLS. Structural knowledge of the leucine-rich NES is finally available more than 10 years after the discovery of its recognition by the exportin CRM1. We review recent findings relating to how these three classes of nuclear targeting signals are recognized by their Karyopherin-β nuclear transport factors.  相似文献   
There are currently at least 53 structures of components of nuclear transport in the Protein Databank. In addition to providing critical insights into molecular mechanisms of nuclear transport, these atomic resolution structures provide a large body of information that could guide biochemical and cell biological analyses involving nuclear transport proteins. This paper catalogs 53 crystal and NMR structures of nuclear transport proteins, with the emphasis on providing information useful for mutagenesis and overexpression of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   
A novel HIV-1 recombinant clade (CRF51_01B) was recently identified among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Singapore. As cases of sexually transmitted HIV-1 infection increase concurrently in two socioeconomically intimate countries such as Malaysia and Singapore, cross transmission of HIV-1 between said countries is highly probable. In order to investigate the timeline for the emergence of HIV-1 CRF51_01B in Singapore and its possible introduction into Malaysia, 595 HIV-positive subjects recruited in Kuala Lumpur from 2008 to 2012 were screened. Phylogenetic relationship of 485 amplified polymerase gene sequences was determined through neighbour-joining method. Next, near-full length sequences were amplified for genomic sequences inferred to be CRF51_01B and subjected to further analysis implemented through Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling and maximum likelihood methods. Based on the near full length genomes, two isolates formed a phylogenetic cluster with CRF51_01B sequences of Singapore origin, sharing identical recombination structure. Spatial and temporal information from Bayesian MCMC coalescent and maximum likelihood analysis of the protease, gp120 and gp41 genes suggest that Singapore is probably the country of origin of CRF51_01B (as early as in the mid-1990s) and featured a Malaysian who acquired the infection through heterosexual contact as host for its ancestral lineages. CRF51_01B then spread rapidly among the MSM in Singapore and Malaysia. Although the importation of CRF51_01B from Singapore to Malaysia is supported by coalescence analysis, the narrow timeframe of the transmission event indicates a closely linked epidemic. Discrepancies in the estimated divergence times suggest that CRF51_01B may have arisen through multiple recombination events from more than one parental lineage. We report the cross transmission of a novel CRF51_01B lineage between countries that involved different sexual risk groups. Understanding the cross-border transmission of HIV-1 involving sexual networks is crucial for effective intervention strategies in the region.  相似文献   
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