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A new phosphorylating agent, S-(N-monomethoxytritylaminoethyl)-O-(O-chlorophenyl) phosphorothioate, was prepared and reacted with a 5'-hydroxyl group of an oligonucleotide using 1-mesitylene-sulfonyl-3-nitrotriazole (MSNT) as a condensing agent. After base labile protecting groups were removed, the partially deprotected oligonucleotide was separated on a reversed phase column and converted to the oligonucleotide with an aminoethyl or a phosphoryl group at the 5'-end by treatment with 80% acetic acid or iodine-water, respectively. The syntheses of ppT, pppT, A5'pp5'T and A5'ppp5'T were also performed by treatment of 5'-O-(N-monomethoxytritylaminoethylthiophosphoryl) thymidine with tri-n-octylammonium salt of phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid, pA and ppA, respectively.  相似文献   
A tridecaribonucleotide, r-UGAGCUUCGGCUC, and two analogues r(UGAGC)d(UUCG)r(GCUC) and r-UGAGCUUCIGCUC, which form a hairpin structure with a four-base-paired stem and a UUCG loop, were synthesized by the solid-phase phosphoramidite method. Properties of these three oligomers and d-TGAGCTTCGGCTC, the DNA analogue, were studied by UV, CD and NMR spectroscopy. The melting temperature (Tm) data suggest that the 2'-hydroxy1 groups and the 2-amino group of guanosine in the loop (9G) stabilize the CUUCGG hairpin which is known to have an unusually high Tm. NMR studies show that this 9G takes a syn conformation and the phosphodiester backbone has a turn at 9G-10G which is a junction of the stem and loop.  相似文献   
In the cultured acute lymphoblastic leukemic (ALL) cell line, clones of sensitive cells are killed by receptor-occupying concentrations of glucocorticoids. In addition, several types of resistance have been identified. The types of resistance are r- (glucocorticoid binding site loss), ract/l (activation labile receptors) and r+ly- (defective lysis mechanism). The two types of receptor mutants have been examined for the presence and expression of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) gene. Southern blot analysis, using a full-length cDNA probe for human GR, shows that the gene in both is grossly intact. Examination of the expression of the gene by Northern blots reveals the presence of normal, 7-kb message in both types of receptor mutants, though in amounts somewhat reduced from wild-type. This report focuses on the activation labile mutants. Since characterization of these mutants suggests that they can bind ligand but not retain it during activation, we hypothesized that they would respond normally to a ligand that could not be lost during activation. This seems to be the case. When the covalent affinity ligand dexamethasone mesylate, itself a partial glucocorticoid agonist/antagonist, is used, the ract/l cells are killed to an extent corresponding to that evoked by a sub-optimal concentration of the full agonist dexamethasone. We conclude: (1) that the ract/l receptors can function to kill cells if provided a ligand that they do not lose during activation; (2) that the partial agonist activity of dexamethasone mesylate for cell killing is not due to release of a small amount of free dexamethasone; (3) that the poor agonist activity of dexamethasone mesylate receptor complexes suggests that the role of steroid is strictly to participate in conversion of the receptor to its DNA binding form, after which presence of the steroid actually interferes with proper receptor action.  相似文献   
On the day after ovulation, the thecal tissue and associated mural granulosa lutein cells of the rabbit corpus luteum were separated from the granulosa lutein 'core' by dissection and these tissues were cultured separately or together (whole corpus luteum) in defined medium for 10 days on stainless-steel grids. The medium was changed completely every 24 h. Replicate tissues were cultured with testosterone (10 ng/ml), but no other hormones were added to the medium. Progesterone production increased during the first 2 days of culture for whole corpus luteum, granulosa lutein cells and the thecal compartment which also included granulosa lutein cells. After 3 days, the production of progesterone declined gradually, but was still detectable on Day 10. The production of the metabolite, 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone, by whole corpus luteum was equal to or greater than that of progesterone. Without the addition of testosterone, the granulosa lutein cells produced little (10 pg/culture) oestradiol during 1 day of culture, but the thecal compartment and whole corpus luteum each produced about 100 pg/culture on Day 1 and declining quantities over the next 2 days. In the presence of testosterone added to the medium, the formation of oestradiol was greatly increased for all tissues for 5-6 days of culture, after which time oestradiol was no longer detectable with or without testosterone in medium. Transmission electron microscopy of cells after 10-12 days of culture revealed fine structure that is characteristic of luteal cells, including abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lipid droplets, and junctions between the luteal cells. The corpus luteum in culture resembles the corpus luteum in situ in that steroidogenesis and differentiation can proceed for a period after ovulation without extrinsic hormonal stimulation.  相似文献   
On Day 10 of pseudopregnancy, rabbits were given an i.v. injection of hCG (10-20 i.u.) that was sufficient to cause new ovulations and the loss of follicular oestradiol secretion. There was an immediate 3-4-fold rise in serum progesterone which returned to near prestimulation values (approximately 27 ng/ml) within 12 h in the presence of an implant containing oestradiol-17 beta. In the absence of oestradiol, serum progesterone continued to decline to reach low values (approximately 4 ng/ml) within 24 h and the original corpora lutea subsequently regressed. The administration of oestradiol 24 h after injection of hCG, when progesterone secretion was low, arrested any further decline in progesterone and then restored serum progesterone to normal values. This steroidogenic effect of oestradiol in vivo was a function of enhanced luteal steroidogenesis; corpora lutea removed and incubated for 12 h produced progesterone at high, linear rates, whereas the corpora lutea from animals that did not receive oestradiol produced low or insignificant quantities of progesterone in vitro. We conclude that hCG at these doses is compatible with continued responsiveness of the corpora lutea to oestrogen and that hCG produces its luteolytic effect primarily by ovulating follicles, thus stopping the secretion of the luteotrophic hormone, oestradiol.  相似文献   
Gelatinases have been purified from the exudate in the chronic-phase (day 7) of carrageenin-induced inflammation in rats. The day-7 exudate gelatinases gave two peaks on Sephadex G-150 gel filtration, the initial step of the purification. The molecular weights of the gelatinases corresponding to the two peaks were about 300 kDa (HMW fraction) and about 110 kDa (LMW fraction), respectively. The gelatinase in the HMW fraction has been purified to homogeneity; the purified gelatinase gave a single band corresponding to a molecular weight of 57 kDa on both SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and SDS-gelatin PAGE. On the other hand, the gelatinase purified from the LMW fraction was found to consist of three species, with molecular weights of 66, 64, and 57 kDa, as judged on SDS-gelatin PAGE. Granulation tissue-derived fibroblasts in culture mainly produced the 64-kDa species, which was converted to a 57-kDa species on treatment with 4-amino-phenylmercuric acetate, while rat macrophages and polymorphonuclear leukocytes mainly secreted the 96-kDa species. These results suggest that exudate gelatinases are largely produced by fibroblasts in granulation tissue and that they bind to exudate proteins, resulting in the formation of complexes with molecular weights of about 300 kDa and about 110 kDa. The gelatinases purified from the HMW and LMW fractions are metalloproteinases, as judged from the results of inhibitor experiments. Both the gelatinases degraded gelatin, but showed to proteolytic activity toward alpha-casein or type I collagen. Type IV collagen was degraded at 35 degrees C by the gelatinases purified from the LMW fraction but not by that from the HMW fraction.  相似文献   
Recent advances suggest that neurons of the anterior intraparietal area play a critical role in the visual guidance of hand action. The parietal cortex appears to process in-coming binocular visual signals of the three-dimensional features of objects and matches these signals with the motor signals, which come from the ventral premotor cortex, that will be required for hand manipulation of the object.  相似文献   
ONO-802 was used in the form of vaginal suppositories for the termination of early pregnancy in 63 healthy volunteers. Fifty-four (86%) of the 63 cases had complete abortions and remaining 9 (14%) had incomplete abortions.One (1.6%) of the 63 cases complained of nausea and vomiting, and 3 (4.8%) complained of headaches. No other side effects were observed.These results suggest that ONO-802 is acceptable in the form of vaginal suppositories for the termination of early pregnancy.  相似文献   
We have isolated and sequenced two overlapping cDNA fragments which could encode the complete amino acid sequence of rat testis fructose-6-phosphate,2-kinase:fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase. Northern blot analysis revealed that the major 2-kilobase mRNA isolated from rat testis hybridized with a cDNA fragment. A full length cDNA, which encoded a protein of 468 amino acids, was constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli. The expressed protein, purified to homogeneity, showed a Mr of 55,000 by gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions, compared to the deduced Mr of 54,023. Fru-6-P,2-kinase:Fru-2,6-bisphosphatase with the same Mr 55,000 was also present in rat testis extract. The active enzyme was a dimer as judged by molecular sieve filtration. The expressed enzyme was bifunctional with specific activities of 90 and 22 milliunits/mg of the kinase and the phosphatase activities, respectively. Various kinetic constants of the expressed fructose 6-P,2-kinase were KmFru 6-P = 85 microM and KmATP = 270 microM, and those of fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase were KmFru 2,6-P2 = 21 microM and KiFru 6-P = 3.4 microM. The enzyme was phosphorylated by Fru-2,6[2-32P]P2 and also by protein kinase C, but not by cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which is in contrast to the liver and heart isozymes.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the regulatory effects of glycosaminoglycans such as heparin and heparan sulfate on T cell proliferation induced by thymic stromal cell monolayer or its derived T cell growth factor (TCGF). A thymic stromal cell clone (MRL104.8a) supported the growth of Ag-specific, IL-2-dependent Th cell clone (9-16) in the absence of Ag and IL-2 by producing a unique TCGF designated as thymic stroma-derived T cell growth factor (TSTGF). The addition of heparin to cultures in which the growth of 9-16 Th cells was otherwise stimulated by the MRL104.8a monolayer or a semipurified sample of the TSTGF resulted in heparin dose-dependent inhibition of 9-16 Th proliferation. The dose of heparin required for inducing 50% reduction of TSTGF-induced proliferation of Th at a given cell number was found to be proportional to the magnitude of the TSTGF added to cultures, suggesting that heparin exerted its inhibitory effect by binding to the TSTGF rather than by acting on Th cells. A similar growth-inhibiting effect of heparin was observed in IL-7-dependent proliferation of pre-B cell line or Th, but not in IL-2-dependent T cell proliferation or IL-3-dependent myeloid cell proliferation. A strong affinity of TSTGF and IL-7 for heparin was confirmed by the fact that both TSTGF and IL-7 adhered to columns of heparin-agarose and were eluted by salt. When various glycosaminoglycans were tested for the heparin-like Th growth-regulatory capacity, heparan sulfate exhibited Th growth-inhibiting ability comparable to that observed for heparin. These results indicate that the activity of thymic and/or bone marrow stroma-derived lymphocyte growth factor (TSTGF/IL-7) but not of Th-producing TCGF (IL-2) is negatively regulated by heparin or heparan sulfate, which would represent major glycosaminoglycans in the extra-cellular matrix of stromal cells.  相似文献   
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