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The actions of a series of 15 Ca2+ channel antagonists including D-600, nifedipine, and diltiazem were examined against K+ depolarization and muscarinic receptor induced responses in guinea pig bladder smooth muscle. Responses of bladder are very dependent upon extracellular Ca2+ and sensitive to the Ca2+ channel antagonists, the tonic component more than the phasic component of response. Regardless of stimulant, K+ or methylfurmethide (MF), or component of response, the same rank order of antagonist activities is expressed, suggestive of a single structure-activity relationship and the existence of a single category of binding site which may, however, exist in several affinity states. High affinity binding of [3H]nitrendipine (KD = 1.1 X 10(-10) M) occurs in bladder membranes, and similar high affinity binding was found in microsomal preparations from other smooth muscles including guinea pig and rat lung, rat vas deferens, uterus, and stomach. [3H]nitrendipine binding in the bladder was sensitive to displacement by other 1,4-dihydropyridines, paralleling their pharmacologic activities and showing excellent agreement with binding data previously obtained for guinea pig ileal smooth muscle. Comparison of pharmacologic data for inhibition of K+- and MF-induced responses by a common series of Ca2+ channel antagonists in bladder and ileum revealed excellent correlations. Neither pharmacologic nor binding studies suggest significant differences in Ca2+ channel antagonist properties in smooth muscle from bladder and intestine.  相似文献   
Custom prefabrication of free flaps provides an unlimited variety of applications, since flaps can be created with expendable tissues and without restriction to naturally occurring vascular territories. These principles also can be used to customize flaps that could not be completed by conventional means. We report a case of scalp reconstruction using a random-pattern abdominal flap in which a radial artery fascial flap was induced to serve as the vascular carrier. In addition to providing durable scalp coverage, the prefabricated free flap enabled salvage of an abdominal flap that would otherwise have been aborted after intermediate transfer to the forearm.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effects of the Ca2+ channel antagonists D-600, diltiazem, nifedipine and seven 1,4-dihydropyridine analogs of nifedipine against 80 mM K+ depolarization induced responses in guinea pig trachea, parenchyma, and pulmonary artery and rat renal and mesenteric artery preparations were determined. Together with similar data previously obtained for guinea pig ileum and bladder, these data permitted an assessment of tissue selectivity of action in smooth muscles of a series of Ca2+ channel antagonists under constant conditions (saline composition) and an identical challenge (K+ depolarization). Very similar rank orders of activity were expressed in all tissues suggesting that the same basic structure-activity relationship operates. However, the series of antagonists were significantly less active in respiratory smooth muscle than in other visceral or vascular smooth muscles. pA2 values for a series of 1,4-dihydropyridine antagonists measured in guinea pig taenia coli against Ca2+-induced responses in K+-depolarizing media correlated with mean inhibitory concentration values against K+-induced responses, suggesting that the latter were an appropriate measure of antagonist potency. pA2 values measured for nifedipine, D-600, and diltiazem against Ca2+-induced responses in taenia coli in the presence of a depolarizing K+ saline, or methylfurmethide, histamine, or 5-hydroxytryptamine did not differ, suggesting that the same channels were activated regardless of stimulant.  相似文献   

The performance of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors has great dependence on its plasmonic material’s frequency response, which is described by the complex dielectric function. Through history, researchers developed and enhanced mathematical models to accurately describe the material dielectric function. Although many papers compared the accuracy of different dielectric function models and stated its limitations, none of it addressed the effect of dielectric function model on the SPR sensor’s characteristics. In this paper, we investigated the performance of the three most used dielectric function models (Drude, Lorentz-Drude, and Brendel-Bormann) and their effect on the theoretically obtained sensor parameters when used in a gold SPR sensor’s model and validated it with the experimentally measured dielectric function. The result showed that using less accurate dielectric function’s model has a drastic effect on the theoretically obtained sensor’s parameters. Among the three models, the widely used Drude model was not the most accurate; alternatively, Brendel-Bormann model was the most accurate.

The nervous system is ectodermal in origin. All nerve ganglia arise separately by proliferation and later delamination from the ectoderm, not by invagination. They become secondarily connected to one another by commissures and connectives developing as extensions from the peripheral layer of ganglionic nerve cells. Rudiments of the cerebral, pedal, pleural and intestinal (parietal) ganglia arise almost simultaneously at a relatively early stage (Stage V). The cerebral ganglia develop from the ectoderm of the head plates. Rudiments of the pedal and pleural ganglia are separate at their inception. They later fuse (Stage VI) to form a pleuro-pedal ganglionic mass on each side. The 2 intestinal ganglia are symmetrical at the beginning, but they soon lose their symmetry as a result of torsion. The right ganglion crosses to the left over the gut and persists as the supraintestinal ganglion. The left or subintestinal ganglion shifts to the right and forward, and fuses with the right pleural ganglion (Stage VIII), thus obscuring the chiastoneury. The paired buccal and single visceral (abdominal) ganglia start differentiating in Stage VII. The former develop from the ectodermal wall of the stomodaeum, while the visceral ganglion delaminates from the right wall of the visceral sac, then shifts to the left during torsion. The statocysts develop early (Stage V) from 2 ectodermal invaginations on either side of the rudimentary foot. They later separate from the overlying ectoderm and statoconi appear in their lumina. Contrary to earlier reports on related ampullariids, the osphradium proved to be ontogenetically older than the mantle and mantle cavity. It starts differentiating as a thickened ectodermal plate in the right wall of the visceral sac (Stage V). During torsion, it becomes engulfed in the mantle cavity and shifts to the left side, then is carried forward as the mantlegrow. The eyes develop late (Stage IX) as ectodermal invaginations which rapidly separate from the ectoderm to form closed vesicles. Their cells start differentiating before hatching to form the retina, in which pigment is deposited, and the inner cornea. The lens is secreted in the lumen of the eye and grows by addition of concentric layers of secretion.  相似文献   
The paper focuses on the evaluation of transpiration as a physiological process, which is very sensitive to drought stress. Reactions of 25-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees to drought were examined during 2009 summer. Sap flow rate (SF), meteorological and soil characteristics were measured continually. Vapour pressure deficit of the air (VPD) and cumulative transpiration deficit (KTD) was calculated. During the second half of the vegetation period, the decrease in soil water content was observed and irrigation was applied to a group of spruce trees, while the second group was treated under natural soil drought. On the days, when the differences in transpiration between irrigated (IR) and non-irrigated (NIR) trees were significant (21 days), transpiration of NIR trees was only 23% of the transpiration of IR trees. We found significant differences in transpiration when the soil water content (SWC) of NIR variant at a depth of 5–15 cm ranged from 10.4 to 13.7%. Under both regimes of water availability, daily transpiration significantly responded to atmospheric conditions. However, the influence of all assessed meteorological parameters on SF of NIR trees was significantly lower than on IR tree. The dependency of transpiration on evaporative demands of atmosphere decreased with the decreasing soil moisture. Cumulative transpiration deficit of the stand during the entire evaluated period was 50.9 mm. The difference between the transpiration of the mean NIR tree and of the mean IR tree was 278.8 L over the assessed period of 47 days (5.9 L per day). The transpiration of NIR trees was 40.3% from the transpiration of IR trees during this period.  相似文献   
This study examines the relationship between blood pressure and the religious practices of Kuwaitis as members of a Muslim society. Religious variables were measured via a sociocultural questionnaire. Blood pressure measurements were taken with a sphygmomanometer. Non-opportunistic samples were taken from 223 Kuwaitis. The difference in religious commitment between Muslim Sunnis and Muslim Shiites was examined using a t-test. Matrix correlation was used to examine the relationship between religious commitment and some other variables. Multiple regression was conducted to determine the effect of religiosity on blood pressure, as well as statistically controlling for other variables such as body mass index, socioeconomic status, smoking, gender and age. It was found that both systolic and diastolic blood pressure were affected by religious commitment and religious activities  相似文献   
The receptor for the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPAR) is a widely recognized master regulator of cell migration and uPAR88-92 is the minimal sequence required to induce cell motility. We and others have previously documented that the uPAR88-92 sequence, even in the form of synthetic linear peptide (SRSRY), interacts with the formyl peptide receptor type 1 (FPR1), henceforth inducing cell migration of several cell lines, including monocytes. FPR1 is mainly expressed by mammalian phagocytic leukocytes and plays a crucial role in chemotaxis. In this study, we present evidence that the cyclization of the SRSRY sequence generates a new potent and stable inhibitor of monocyte trafficking. In rat basophilic leukaemia RBL-2H3/ETFR cells expressing high levels of constitutively activated FPR1, the cyclic SRSRY peptide ([SRSRY]) blocks FPR1 mediated cell migration by interfering with both internalization and ligand-uptake of FPR1. Similarly to RBL-2H3/ETFR cells, [SRSRY] competes with fMLF for binding to FPR1 and prevents agonist-induced FPR1 internalization in human monocyte THP-1 cells. Unlike scramble [RSSYR], [SRSRY] inhibits fMLF-directed migration of monocytes in a dose-dependent manner, with IC50 value of 0.01 nM. PMA-differentiated THP-1 cell exposure to fMLF gradient causes a marked cytoskeletal re-organization with the formation of F-actin rich pseudopodia that are prevented by the addition of [SRSRY]. Furthermore, [SRSRY] prevents migration of human primary monocytes and trans-endothelial migration of monocytes. Our findings indicate that [SRSRY] is a new FPR1 inhibitor which may suggest the development of new drugs for treating pathological conditions sustained by increased motility of monocytes, such as chronic inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   
The evolution of hypermutators in response to antibiotic treatment in both clinical and laboratory settings provides a unique context for the study of adaptive evolution. With increased mutation rates, the number of hitchhiker mutations within an evolving hypermutator population is remarkably high and presents substantial challenges in determining which mutations are adaptive. Intriguingly however, hypermutators also provide an opportunity to explore deeply the accessible evolutionary trajectories that lead to increased organism fitness, in this case the evolution of antibiotic resistance to the clinically relevant antibiotic tigecycline by the hospital pathogen Acinetobacter baumannii. Using a continuous culture system, AB210M, a clinically derived strain of A. baumannii, was evolved to tigecycline resistance. Analysis of the adapted populations showed that nearly all the successful lineages became hypermutators via movement of a mobile element to inactivate mutS. In addition, metagenomic analysis of population samples revealed another 896 mutations that occurred at a frequency greater than 5% in the population, while 38 phenotypically distinct individual colonies harbored a total of 1712 mutations. These mutations were scattered throughout the genome and affected ~40% of the coding sequences. The most highly mutated gene was adeS, a known tigecycline-resistance gene; however, adeS was not solely responsible for the high level of TGC resistance. Sixteen other genes stood out as potentially relevant to increased resistance. The five most prominent candidate genes (adeS, rpsJ, rrf, msbA, and gna) consistently re-emerged in subsequent replicate population studies suggesting they are likely to play a role in adaptation to tigecycline. Interestingly, the repeated evolution of a hypermutator phenotype in response to antibiotic stress illustrates not only a highly adaptive strategy to resistance, but also a remarkably efficient survey of successful evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   
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