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The 113,463-bp nucleotide sequence of the linear plasmid pSLA2-M of Streptomyces rochei 7434AN4 was determined. pSLA2-M had a 69.7% overall GC content, 352-bp terminal inverted repeats with 91% (321/352) identity at both ends, and 121 open reading frames. The rightmost 14.6-kb sequence was almost (14,550/14,555) identical to that of the coexisting 211-kb linear plasmid pSLA2-L. Adjacent to this homologous region an 11.8-kb CRISPR cluster was identified, which is known to function against phage infection in prokaryotes. This cluster region as well as another one containing two large membrane protein genes (orf78 and orf79) were flanked by direct repeats of 194 and 566 bp respectively. Hence the insertion of circular DNAs containing each cluster by homologous recombination was suggested. In addition, the orf71 encoded a Ku70/Ku80-like protein, known to function in the repair of double-strand DNA breaks in eukaryotes, but disruption of it did not affect the radiation sensitivity of the mutant. A pair of replication initiation genes (orf1-orf2) were identified at the extreme left end. Thus, pSLA2-M proved to be a composite linear plasmid characterized by self-defense genes and homology with pSLA2-L that might have been generated by multiple recombination events.  相似文献   
The adoption and abandonment of first names through time is a fascinating phenomenon that may shed light on social dynamics and the forces that determine cultural taste in general. Here we show that baby name dynamics is governed almost solely by deterministic forces, even though the emerging abundance statistics resembles the one obtained from a pure drift model. Exogenous events are shown to affect the name dynamics very rarely, and most of the year-to-year fluctuations around the deterministic trend may be attributed solely to demographic noise. We suggest that the rise and fall of a name reflect an "infection" process with delay and memory. The symmetry between adoption and abandonment speed emerges from our model without further assumptions.  相似文献   
A lab-on-chip consisting of a unique integration of whole-cell sensors, a MOEMS (Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical-System) modulator, and solid-state photo-detectors was implemented for the first time. Whole-cell sensors were genetically engineered to express a bioluminescent reporter (lux) as a function of the lac promoter. The MOEMS modulator was designed to overcome the inherent low frequency noise of solid-state photo-detectors by means of a previously reported modulation technique, named IHOS (Integrated Heterodyne Optical System). The bio-reporter signals were modulated prior to photo-detection, increasing the SNR of solid-state photo-detectors at least by three orders of magnitude. Experiments were performed using isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) as a preliminary step towards testing environmental toxicity. The inducer was used to trigger the expression response of the whole-cell sensors testing the sensitivity of the lab-on-chip. Low intensity bio-reporter optical signals were measured after the whole-cell sensors were exposed to IPTG concentrations of 0.1, 0.05, and 0.02 mM. The experimental results reveal the potential of this technology for future implementation as an inexpensive massive method for rapid environmental toxicity detection.  相似文献   
The customary method for controlling leishmaniasis and sand fly bites in Israel is the spraying of large quantities of residual insecticides on walls of houses and neighboring surfaces. However, the high summer temperatures, strong radiation, and dust limit the efficacy of the method. The sand fly vectors of Leishmania appeared to come uphill to the village of Kfar Adumim. Therefore, to block their path and improve control, beta-cyfluthrine or DDT were repeatedly sprayed on a strip of cloth that was stretched on the ground along and near the peripheral houses. The efficacy of the treatments was examined by comparing the proportions of sand flies that had been caught before and after the treatments, below and above the belt. The capture near the houses of sand flies that had been marked by colored sugar baits below the protective belt indicated that they were moving uphill and crossing the strip. The catches showed a gradual uphill decrease, up to the houses, in the number of sand flies. However, the proportions of sand flies caught in the different sites were similar before and after insecticide treatments showing that the belt was ineffective. Laboratory tests of pieces of the sprayed strip and exposure of sand flies to similar pieces indicated that the lack of effect was not caused by deficiency of insecticides.  相似文献   
Dermal nitrate preparations are claimed to be useful in the treatment of angina, as their slow absorption by-passing the liver leads to a sustained action. Ten patients with angina were exercised on a treadmill after dermal application of 16.64 mg glyceryl trinitrate or 100 mg isosorbide dinitrate or placebo. Exercise duration was significantly increased at one and three hours for both nitrate preparations but not at six hours after application. The calculated workload achieved was significantly increased (p less than 0.01) at one and three hours for both preparations and at six hours (p less than 0.05) for isosorbide dinitrate. Headaches were common with glyceryl trinitrate cream. The dermal nitrate preparations studied had a duration of antianginal action similar to that of oral nitrate tablets. Aside from their value when the oral route cannot be used or absorption may be delayed, dermal nitrate preparations have no advantage over oral preparations for angina pectoris.  相似文献   
One of the major challenges that developing organs face is scaling, that is, the adjustment of physical proportions during the massive increase in size. Although organ scaling is fundamental for development and function, little is known about the mechanisms that regulate it. Bone superstructures are projections that typically serve for tendon and ligament insertion or articulation and, therefore, their position along the bone is crucial for musculoskeletal functionality. As bones are rigid structures that elongate only from their ends, it is unclear how superstructure positions are regulated during growth to end up in the right locations. Here, we document the process of longitudinal scaling in developing mouse long bones and uncover the mechanism that regulates it. To that end, we performed a computational analysis of hundreds of three-dimensional micro-CT images, using a newly developed method for recovering the morphogenetic sequence of developing bones. Strikingly, analysis revealed that the relative position of all superstructures along the bone is highly preserved during more than a 5-fold increase in length, indicating isometric scaling. It has been suggested that during development, bone superstructures are continuously reconstructed and relocated along the shaft, a process known as drift. Surprisingly, our results showed that most superstructures did not drift at all. Instead, we identified a novel mechanism for bone scaling, whereby each bone exhibits a specific and unique balance between proximal and distal growth rates, which accurately maintains the relative position of its superstructures. Moreover, we show mathematically that this mechanism minimizes the cumulative drift of all superstructures, thereby optimizing the scaling process. Our study reveals a general mechanism for the scaling of developing bones. More broadly, these findings suggest an evolutionary mechanism that facilitates variability in bone morphology by controlling the activity of individual epiphyseal plates.  相似文献   
In order to broaden the available genetic variation of melon, we developed an ethyl methanesulfonate mutation library in an orange-flesh ‘Charentais’ type melon line that accumulates β-carotene. One mutagenized M2 family segregated for a novel recessive trait, a yellow–orange fruit flesh (‘yofI’). HPLC analysis revealed that ‘yofI’ accumulates pro-lycopene (tetra-cis-lycopene) as its major fruit pigment. The altered carotenoid composition of ‘yofI’ is associated with a significant change of the fruit aroma since cleavage of β-carotene yields different apocarotenoids than the cleavage of pro-lycopene. Normally, pro-lycopene is further isomerized by CRTISO (carotenoid isomerase) to yield all-trans-lycopene, which is further cyclized to β-carotene in melon fruit. Cloning and sequencing of ‘yofI’ CRTISO identified two mRNA sequences which lead to truncated forms of CRTISO. Sequencing of the genomic CRTISO identified an A–T transversion in ‘yofI’ which leads to a premature STOP codon. The early carotenoid pathway genes were up regulated in yofI fruit causing accumulation of other intermediates such as phytoene and ζ-carotene. Total carotenoid levels are only slightly increased in the mutant. Mutants accumulating pro-lycopene have been reported in both tomato and watermelon fruits, however, this is the first report of a non-lycopene accumulating fruit showing this phenomenon.  相似文献   
A major hurdle to the successful clinical use of some viral vectors relates to the innate, adaptive, and memory immune responses that limit the efficiency and duration of transgene expression. Some of these drawbacks may be circumvented by using vectors derived from nonhuman viruses such as canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2). Here, we evaluated the potential of CAV-2 vectors for gene transfer to the respiratory tract. We found that CAV-2 transduction was efficient in vivo in the mouse respiratory tract, and ex vivo in well-differentiated human pulmonary epithelia. Notably, the in vivo and ex vivo efficiency was poorly inhibited by sera from mice immunized with a human adenovirus type 5 (HAd5, a ubiquitous human pathogen) vector or by human sera containing HAd5 neutralizing antibodies. Following intranasal instillation in mice, CAV-2 vectors also led to a lower level of inflammatory cytokine secretion and cellular infiltration compared to HAd5 vectors. Moreover, CAV-2 transduction efficiency was increased in vitro in human pulmonary cells and in vivo in the mouse respiratory tract by FK228, a histone deacetylase inhibitor. Finally, by using a helper-dependent CAV-2 vector, we increased the in vivo duration of transgene expression to at least 3 months in immunocompetent mice without immunosuppression. Our data suggest that CAV-2 vectors may be efficient and safe tools for long-term clinical gene transfer to the respiratory tract.  相似文献   
Whole-cell biosensors are potential candidates for on-line and in situ environmental monitoring. In this work we present a new design of a whole-cell bioluminescence biosensor for water toxicity detection, based on genetically engineered Escherichia coli bacteria, carrying a recA::luxCDABE promoter-reporter fusion. Sensitive optical detection is achieved using a single photon avalanche photodiode (SPAD) working in the Geiger mode. The present work describes a simple mathematical model for the kinetic process of the bioluminescence based SOS toxin response of E. coli bacteria. We find that initially the bioluminescence signal depends on the time square and we show that the spectral intensity of the bioluminescence signal is inverse proportional to the frequency. We get excellent agreement between the theoretical model and the measured light signal. Furthermore, we present experimental results of the bioluminescent signal measurement using a SPAD and a photomultiplier, and demonstrate improvement of the measurement by applying a matched digital filter. Low intensity bioluminescence signals were measured after the whole-cell sensors were exposed to various toxicant concentrations (5, 15 and 20ppm).  相似文献   
Papua New Guinea (PNG) has become the focus of climate change mitigation initiatives such as reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, but defensible estimates of forest carbon are lacking. Here we present a methodology for estimating aboveground forest carbon, and apply it to a large Permanent Sample Plot system maintained by Papua New Guinea Forest Research Institute. We report the first estimates of forest carbon in lowland tropical forest in PNG. Average aboveground carbon in stems >10 cm diam. for 115 selectively harvested 1-ha plots in lowland tropical forest was 66.3±3.5 Mg C/ha (95% CI) while for 10 primary forest plots the average was 106.3±16.2 Mg C/ha. We applied ratios based on field observations, in-country studies, and the literature to estimate unmeasured pools of aboveground carbon (stems <10 cm diam., fine litter and coarse woody debris). Total aboveground carbon was estimated at 90.2 and 120.8 Mg C/ha in selectively harvested and primary lowland forest, respectively. Our estimate for primary tropical forest is lower than biome averages for tropical equatorial forest, and we hypothesize that frequent disturbances from fire, frost, landslides, and agriculture are limiting carbon stock development. The methodology and estimates presented here will assist the PNG government in its preparedness for mitigation initiatives, are of interest to communities that are seeking to participate in voluntary carbon markets, and will encourage transparency and consistency in the estimation of forest carbon.  相似文献   
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