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We investigated the molecular forms of endothelin (ET) related peptides in porcine spinal cord by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with radioimmunoassays using three antisera raised against ET-1 and C-terminal fragments of ET-1 and big ET-1. ET-1 and its oxidized form were isolated as major immunoreactive peptides and sequenced. Furthermore, immunoreactivities like ET-3 and big ET-1(22-39) (contents: less than 8% and less than 1% of ET-1, respectively) were detected based on their chromatographic retention times and characteristics of immunoreactivity to the antisera. Big ET-1 was only scarcely detected. Immunohistochemical study showed the presence of ET-1-like immunoreactivity in motoneurons, dorsal horn neurons and dot- and fiber-like structures in the dorsal horn of lumbar spinal cord. These results indicate that ET-1 is present not only in endothelial cells but also in spinal cord, and that big ET-1 is converted into ET-1 in spinal cord by specific processing between Trp21-Val22. The data also indicate that ET-1 may act as a neuropeptide in the central nervous system.  相似文献   
A heterotrimeric G-protein in vertebrate photoreceptor cells is called transducin (T alpha beta gamma), whose gamma-subunit is a mixture of two components, T gamma-1 and T gamma-2. T gamma-2 is S-farnesylated and partly carboxyl methylated at the C-terminal cysteine residue, whereas T gamma-1 lacks the modified cysteine residue. To elucidate the physiological significance of the double modifications in T gamma, we established a simple chromatographic procedure to isolate T gamma-1, methylated T gamma-2 and non-methylated T gamma-2 on a reversed phase column. Taking advantage of the high and reproducible yield of T gamma from the column, we analyzed the composition of T gamma subspecies in the T alpha-T beta gamma complex which did not bind with transducin-depleted rod outer segment membranes containing metarhodopsin II. The binding of T alpha-T beta gamma with the membranes was shown to require the S-farnesylated cysteine residue of T gamma, whose methylation further enhanced the binding. This synergistic effect was not evident when T alpha was either absent or converted to the GTP-bound form which is known to dissociate from T beta gamma. Thus we concluded that a formation of the ternary complex, T alpha-T beta gamma-metarhodopsin II, is enhanced by the farnesylation and methylation of T gamma. This suggests that the double modifications provide most efficient signal transduction in photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   
To clarify the function of cyclic nucleotides in rod outer segments (ROS) of frog retinas, we studied cyclic nucleotide-dependent phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of protein. cGMP or cAMP with [gamma-32P]ATP in the dark enhanced the phosphorylation of two ROS proteins with Mr = 10,500 (Band 1) and 8,500 (Band 2) according to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. The phosphorylation was maximally enhanced at 2.0 mM cGMP and cAMP in the presence of Mg2+. The cGMP-activated protein kinase showed near-optimal activity between pH 6.5 and 8.0. GMP, GDP, GTP, AMP, and ADP did not enhance the phosphorylation. The stoichiometry of the phosphate incorporated into Bands 1 and 2 could not be calculated because the amount of Bands 1 and 2 was too small to measure. Both 32P-phosphorylated Bands 1 and 2 (32P-Bands 1 and 2) were solubilized during preparation and the molecular weight of each, in the native preparation, was 19,000. Their isoelectric point was 5.2. The sites of phosphorylation were the serine residue(s). DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column chromatography gave a good separation of Bands 1 and 2 from other 32P-phosphoproteins at 60 mM NaCl. Dephosphorylation of 32P-Bands 1 and 2 in dark-adapted ROS suspension required Mn2+ or Mg2+; the former was more effective than the latter at concentrations below 0.5 mM. Both phosphorylation and dephosphorylation were inhibited by Zn2+.  相似文献   
Filiform papillae, which were densely distributed all over the dorsal surface of the lingual body, were crown-shaped, with a central, circular area that sloped in the anterior direction and several branches that surrounded it in a semicircle from the back of the central area. Dome-shaped, fungiform papillae were scattered among these filiform papillae. At the posterior end of the lingual body, there were four circumvallate papillae. Prominent microridges and elevated intercellular borders were widely distributed in the central area of the filiform papillae and the interpapillar region. On the surface of the branches of the filiform papillae, microridges were rarely seen. On the surface of the fungiform papillae, indistinct microridges were observed. Histologically, the dorsal lingual epithelium revealed three different regions: the epithelium on the anterior side of the filiform papillae, the epithelium on the posterior side of the filiform papillae and the interpapillar epithelium. Whereas the basal and suprabasal cells are similar throughout, differences characterize the intermediate and surface layers. Keratohyalin granules appear predominantly in the intermediate layer in the epithelium on the anterior side of filiform papillae. In the epithelium on the posterior side of the filiform papillae, no keratohyalin granules occur and, instead, tonofibrils are prominent. The cells become significantly flattened. In the interpapillar epithelium, no keratohyalin granules are visible, and the tonofilaments occupy almost the entire cytoplasm of most cells in the intermediate and surface layers. The cells are larger in volume in these layers.  相似文献   
The pigment cell-specific gene, located at the brown (b)-locus in mouse, encodes the protein that determines the type of melanin synthesized. This protein is known as tyrosinase-related protein, but here we tentatively term it b-locus protein to avoid confusions with the related sequence cross-hybridizing to the tyrosinase gene. In order to identify the mutation at the b-locus, we have cloned and characterized the b-locus protein gene of BALB/c mouse (b/b, c/c). The gene is about 18 kb long and organized into 8 exons and 7 introns. Sequence analysis of the b-locus protein gene reveals four base changes within the protein-coding regions: two missense mutations and two silent mutations. Two missense mutations result in the Cys to Tyr substitution at position 86 (codon 110) and the Arg to His substitution at position 302 (codon 326) of a b-locus protein molecule. Using allele-specific amplification, we confirmed that these missense mutations are actually present in the genomic DNA of two b-mutant strains examined, BALB/c and DBA/2 (b/b, C/C) mice, suggesting that these mutations are specific for the mutant mice at the b-locus. Moreover, we are able to show that the b-locus protein containing Tyr 86 is not reactive with the anti-b-locus protein monoclonal antibody, TMH-1, in transient expression assays.  相似文献   
Despite intensive studies of muscular dystrophy of chicken, the responsible gene has not yet been identified. Our recent studies mapped the genetic locus for abnormal muscle (AM) of chicken with muscular dystrophy to chromosome 2q using the Kobe University (KU) resource family, and revealed the chromosome region where the AM gene is located has conserved synteny to human chromosome 8q11-24.3, where the beta-1 syntrophin (SNTB1), syndecan 2 (SDC2) and Gem GTPase (GEM) genes are located. It is reasonable to assume those genes might be candidates for the AM gene. In this study, we cloned and sequenced the chicken SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM genes, and identified sequence polymorphisms between parents of the resource family. The polymorphisms were genotyped to place these genes on the chicken linkage map. The AM gene of chromosome 2q was mapped 130 cM from the distal end, and closely linked to calbindin 1 (CALB1). SNTB1 and SDC2 genes were mapped 88.5 cM distal and 27.6 cM distal from the AM gene, while the GEM gene was mapped 18.5 cM distal from the AM gene and 9.1 cM proximal from SDC2. Orthologues of SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM were syntenic to human chromosome 8q. SNTB1, SDC2 and GEM did not correspond to the AM gene locus, suggesting it is unlikely they are related to chicken muscular dystrophy. However, this result also suggests that the genes located in the proximal region of the CALB1 gene on human chromosome 8q are possible candidates for this disease.  相似文献   
Several water-soluble pigments were purified from gametangiaof Bryopsis maxima by liquid chromatography and characterizedby pyridylamination and high-performance anion-exchange chromatography.The structure of the main red pigment is proposed based on thedata of infrared spectrum, Mass spectrum, 1H and 13C NMR spectraand pyridylamino analysis. As a consequence, this pigment containeda tetrapyrrole with phytol and a sugar chain comprised of xyloseand glucose. The sequence of the sugars in the chain was determinedbased on its Mass spectrum. The pigment was similar to chlorophyll-originpigments observed in other plants. No aldehyde group, however,was present at C5 in the open tetrapyrrole chain. (Received August 3, 1994; Accepted November 10, 1994)  相似文献   
9-cis-Retro-γ;rhodopsin (λmax = 420 nm) was prepared from 9-cis-retro-γ-retinal and cattle opsin. After cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K), the pigment was irradiated with light at 380 nm. The spectrum shifted to the longer wavelengths, owing to formation of a batho product. This fact indicates that the conjugated double bond system from C-5 to C-8 of the chromophoric retinal in rhodopsin was not necessary for formation of bathorhodopsin. Reirradiation of the batho product with light at wavelengths longer than 520 nm yielded a mixture composed of presumably 9- or 11-cis forms of retro-γ-rhodopsin. These three isomers are interconvertible by light at liquid nitrogen temperature. Thus the retro-γ-rhodopsin system is similar in photochemical reaction at 77 K to cattle rhodopsin system. Each system has its own batho product. Based on these results, it was infered that the formation of bathorhodopsin is due to photoisomerization of the chromophoric retinal of rhodopsin and is not due to translocation of a proton on the ring or on the side chain from C-6 to C-8 of the chromophoric retinal to the Schiff-base nitrogen.  相似文献   
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