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An enzyme preparation from beef liver catalyzed the isomerization and epimerization of D-erythrose 4-phosphate to D-erythrulose 4-phosphate and D-threose 4-phosphate. The presence of D-erythrulose 4-phosphate and D-threose 4-phosphate was demonstrated by several analytical methods. After dephosphorylation, the presence of D-erythrulose and D-threose was confirmed by thin-layer chromatography, gas-liquid chromatography and an enzymatic method depending upon D-erythrulose reductase. The enzymatic products were also identified and simultaneously quantitated by a new procedure using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Each of three tetroses was distinguished by the combination of the reduction with sodium borodeuteride and the determination of relative intensities of the ion pairs m/z 379 and 380 of sugar tetritol trifluoroacetate. By gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, we observed that D-threose 4-phosphate was also converted into D-erythrulose 4-phosphate and D-erythrose 4-phosphate. At the equilibrium, about 90% of the tetrose 4-phosphate existed in the form of D-erythrulose 4-phosphate. On the basis of gas chromatography/mass spectrometric evidence together with gas chromatographic and thin-layer chromatographic patterns, it is suggested that the single enzyme of the beef liver catalyzed both reactions of isomerization and epimerization of aldotetrose 4-phosphate.  相似文献   
A new snake-eel,Apterichtus keramanus, is described on the basis of a single 276-mm TL specimen trawled from the coast of Kerama Islands, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The species is unique in the genus in having the posterior nostril opening entirely inside the mouth and a dark band running from the anteroventral margin of the eye to the upper lip.  相似文献   
Kinetics of the change of photosystem (PS) composition in cyanobacteriainduced by chromatic light were studied in relation to cellproliferation. The study was made for two unicellular strains,Synechococcus NIBB 1059 and Synechocystis (Aphanocapsa) PCC6714. We found that (1) the change to a higher or lower PS I/IIratio was due to acceleration or suppression of apparent PSI formation, and (2) it progressed on a similar time scale tothat of the cell proliferation. The apparent rate constant ofthe change in the PS I/II ratio was proportional to that ofcell proliferation, µ, when this was low, but at highvalues of µ the increase in the rate constant of the changein the PS I/II ratio became smaller, causing a deviation fromthe linear relationship. Results indicate that under autotrophicconditions, the photoregulated composition change occurs asa result of thylakoid development, which accompanies cell proliferation. (Received June 23, 1986; Accepted December 5, 1986)  相似文献   
Cytogenetic examination of four Japanese hagfish species belonging to the order Myxinida (Eptatretus okinoseanus, E. burgeri. Paramyxine atami, and Myxine garmani) revealed differences in chromosome number between germ cells (spermatocytes and spermatogonia) and somatic cells (liver, blood, gill, and kidney). The differences in chromosome number between spermatogonia (54, 52, 48, and 16) and somatic cells (34, 36, 34, and 14) were 20, 16, 14, and 2 in E. okinoseanus, E. burgeri, P. atami, and M. garmani, respectively. The amount of DNA in a somatic cell (2C) relative to that in a germ cell (2C) averaged 54.6% (E. okinoseanus type A), 44.9% (E. okinoseanus type B), 79.1% (E. burgeri), 60.0% (P. atami), and 70.2% (M. garmani). These results clearly indicate that chromosome elimination takes place during early cleavage in the four hagfish species of Myxinida living in Japanese waters, except in the ancestral germline cells. C-banding of metaphase chromosome preparations of germline and somatic cells from each hagfish species revealed that the C-band-positive chromatin in the ancestral somatic cells had been almost completely eliminated. Three patterns of elimination of this chromatin are discussed.  相似文献   
The coupling mechanism between the bilaterally paired optic lobe circadian pacemakers in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus was investigated by recording locomotor activity, under constant light or constant red light, after the optic nerve was unilaterally severed.
1.  The majority (about 70%) of the animals showed a locomotor rhythm with 2 rhythmic components; one freerunning with a period of 25.33 ± 0.41 (SD) h and the other with 24.36 ± 0.37 (SD) h under constant light (Fig. 3A).
2.  Removal of the intact side optic lobe abolished the longer period component (Fig. 4A), while the operation on the operated side caused a reverse effect (Fig. 4B), indicating that the longer and the shorter period components are driven by the pacemaker on the intact and the operated side, respectively.
3.  The activity driven by a pacemaker was inhibited during the subjective day of the contralateral pacemaker (circadian time 0–10, Fig. 5).
4.  The freerunning periods of the two components were not constant but varied as a function of the mutual phase angle relationship (Figs. 3A, 7, 8).
These results suggest that the 2 optic lobe pacemakers weakly couple to one another and that the cricket maintains a stable temporal structure in its behavior through the phase-dependent mututal inhibition of activity and the phase-dependent freerunning period modulation.  相似文献   
In a monensin-resistant mutant (Monr-31) of Chinese hamster ovary cells, the O-linked sugar chains of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor are altered, suggesting a mutation at a Golgi apparatus gene. In a compactin-resistant mutant (MF-2) of Chinese hamster V79 cells, the mature LDL receptor is apparently 5000 daltons smaller; the difference is due to altered glycosylation of O-linked sugar chains. Hybrids between MF-2 and Monr-31 still produced LDL receptor molecules with aberrant sugar chains; thus both mutants are in the same complementation group. Krieger and his colleagues (Krieger, M., Kingsley, D., Sege, R., Hobbie, L., and Kozarsky, K. (1985) Trends. Biochem. Sci. 10, 447-452) have classified Chinese hamster ovary cell mutants with altered LDL receptor structure into four groups: ldlA, ldlB, ldlC, and ldlD. Cell-cell hybrids between their ldl mutants and Monr-31 produced wild type mature LDL receptors with normal molecular sizes, suggesting that these compactin- and monensin-resistant mutants define a new class of LDL receptor mutant. Since both of our mutants are defective in internalization of LDL, we assign them as int mutants. This may imply a further etiology for hypercholesterolemia, and cases can now be examined for such a class.  相似文献   
Two putative serum precursors which cross-react with antiserum against murine senile amyloid protein (ASSAM) were isolated from the high density lipoprotein (HDL) of normal mouse serum. Apolipoproteins designated "apoSASSAM-1" and "apoSASSAM-2" have the same molecular weight as tissue amyloid fibril protein. ApoSASSAM-1 and apoSASSAM-2 migrate to an intermediate position between apoA-I and apoC on alkaline-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and are present mainly in HDL apoproteins and to a slight extent in very low density lipoprotein apoproteins when compared to apoC. ApoSASSAM-1 and apoSASSAM-2 are polymorphic; there are two apparent isoproteins of apoSASSAM-1 with isoelectric points of 4.72 and 4.79 and two major isoproteins of apo-SASSAM-2. Subunit bands of ASSAM separated by alkaline-urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and that migrated to the same positions as apoSASSAM-1 and apoSASSAM-2 were labeled by anti-apoSASSAM-1 antiserum. The amino acid compositions of apoSASSAM-1 and apoSASSAM-2 were much the same and closely resembled those of ASSAM and mouse apoA-II. Sequence analysis of apoSASSAM and ASSAM revealed a blocked amino terminus. ApoSASSAM is considered to be a mouse apoA-II and probably transforms to amyloid fibril "ASSAM" in tissues through a process yet to be clarified.  相似文献   
Development of fin-supports and fin-rays was observed in larval and juvenileChanos chanos, Chondrification of the caudal complex started at 4.70 mm SL. Ossification of the caudal elements started at 7.80 mm SL and was nearly completed at about 30 mm SL. Cartilaginous fusion of caudal elements, which occurs in hypurals of higher teleostean fishes but is not seen in lower teleosts, was observed between the neural arch of the preural centrum 1 and that of the ural centrum 1 via a small cartilage bridging the distal tips of the two arches. Caudal finrays began to develop at 6.60 mm SL, and an adult complement of principal rays was attained at 7.35 mm SL. Dorsal and anal pterygiophore elements were first evident at 6.70 mm and 6.65 mm SL, respectively. All proximal radiais were formed at 8.15 mm SL in both fins. Formation of dorsal and anal fin-rays started simultaneously at 8.60 mm SL, and adult fin-ray complements were attained at 10,00 mm and 10.70 mm SL, respectively. In the pectoral fin, the cleithrum, coraco-scapular cartilage and blade-like cartilage (fin plate) had already been formed at 4.65 mm SL. The mesocoracoid was observed to originate from the coraco-scapular cartilage and become detached from it in the course of ossification. Pectoral fin-ray formation started at 13.80 mm SL and was completed in number of rays at 20.00 mm SL. In the pelvic fin, the basipterygium was first evident at 13.00 mm SL. Pelvic fin-rays appeared at 13.80 mm SL and attained their adult count at 17.15 mm SL.  相似文献   
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