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The social behavior pattern of a solitary male at Koshima was studied by means of radio-telemetry. The relationship between the solitary males and the troop was estimated from radio-tracking data of the former's location and movement, and by direct observation of the latter at each corresponding hour.For most of day, the solitary male stayed within a distance of about 20 to 150 m from the central part of the troop, occasionally approaching it. His movement also was synchronized with that of the troop. For two nights, the solitary male slept at places which were about 200 m from the sleeping sites of the troop and faced them across the beach. The relationship between the solitary male and the troop did not seem to be strongly antagonistic.It can be assumed that the solitary male was moving according to certain pre-determined relationships or social contacts with the troop. The example of this solitary male shows the existence of the solitary male that follows and maintains contact with the troop, even outside the copulatory season.This study was sponsored by Scientific Research Grant No. 91620 of the Ministry of Education to the Japan Monkey Centre.  相似文献   
The cells of the subodontoblastic cell-rich layer in dental pulp are speculated to contain odontoblast progenitor cells because of their positional relationship with odontoblasts as well as their high alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. However, it has yet to be determined whether these cells have the ability to differentiate into odontoblastic cells. In the present study, we firstly found that the majority of cells in the subodontoblastic layer expressed Thy-1, a cell-surface marker of stem and progenitor cells. Then, we evaluated the capacity of Thy-1 high- and low-expressing (Thy-1(high) and Thy-1(low)) cells separated from rat dental pulp cells by use of a fluorescence-activated cell sorter to differentiate into hard tissue-forming cells in vitro and in vivo. Following stimulation with bone morphogenetic protein-2, Thy-1(high) cells in vitro showed accelerated induction of ALP activity and formation of alizarin red-positive mineralized matrix compared with Thy-1(low) cells. Furthermore, subcutaneous implantation of Thy-1(high) cells efficiently induced the formation of bone-like matrix. These results collectively suggest that Thy-1-positive dental pulp cells localized in the subodontoblastic layer had the ability to differentiate into hard tissue-forming cells, and thus these cells may serve as a source of odontoblastic cells.  相似文献   
Deuterium oxide solutions of schizophyllan, a triple-helical polysaccharide, undergoing an order-disorder transition centered at 17 degrees C, were studied by optical rotation (OR) and heat capacity (C(p)) to elucidate the molecular mechanism of the transition and water structure in the solution and frozen states. The ordered structure at low temperature consisted of the side chains and water in the vicinity forming an ordered hydrogen-bonded network surrounding the helix core and was disordered at higher temperature. In the solution state appeared clearly defined transition curves in both the OR and C(p) data. The results for three samples of different molecular weights were analyzed theoretically, treating this transition as a typical linear cooperative transition from the ordered to disordered states and explained quantitatively if the molecular weight polydispersity of the sample was considered. The excess heat capacity C(EX)(p) defined as the C(p) minus the contributions from schizophyllan and D(2)O was estimated. In the frozen state it increased with raising temperature above 150 K until the mixture melted. This was compared with the dielectric increment observed in this temperature range and ascribed to unfreezable water. From the heat capacity and dielectric data, unfreezable water is mobile but more ordered than free water. In the solution state, the excess heat capacity originates from the interactions of D(2)O molecules as bound water and structured water, and so forth. Thus the schizophyllan triple helix molds water into various structures of differing orders in solution and in the solid state.  相似文献   
In the developing mouse embryo, leftward fluid flow on the ventral side of the node determines left–right (L-R) asymmetry. However, the mechanism by which the rotational movement of node cilia can generate a unidirectional flow remains hypothetical. Here we have addressed this question by motion and morphological analyses of the node cilia and by fluid dynamic model experiments. We found that the cilia stand, not perpendicular to the node surface, but tilted posteriorly. We further confirmed that such posterior tilt can produce leftward flow in model experiments. These results strongly suggest that L-R asymmetry is not the descendant of pre-existing L-R asymmetry within each cell but is generated de novo by combining three sources of spatial information: antero-posterior and dorso-ventral axes, and the chirality of ciliary movement.  相似文献   
Effects of free proline accumulation in petunias under drought stress   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Petunias (Petunia hybrida cv. 'Mitchell') accumulate free proline (Pro) under drought-stress conditions. It is therefore believed that Pro acts as an osmoprotectant in plants subjected to drought conditions. Petunia plants were transformed by Delta(1)-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase genes (AtP5CS from Arabidopsis thaliana L. or OsP5CS from Oryza sativa L.). The transgenic plants accumulated Pro and their drought tolerance was tested. The Pro content amounted to 0.57-1.01% of the total amino acids in the transgenic plants, or 1.5-2.6 times that in wild-type plants grown under normal conditions. The transgenic plant lines tolerated 14 d of drought stress, which confirms that both P5CS transgenes had full functionality. Exogenous L-Pro treatment caused the plants to accumulate Pro; plants treated with 5 mM L-Pro accumulated up to 18 times more free Pro than untreated plants. Exogenous L-Pro restricted the growth of wild-type petunias more than that of Arabidopsis plants. The capacity for free Pro accumulation might depend on the plant species. The growth of petunia plants was influenced not only by the Pro concentration in the plants, but by the ratio of the Pro content to the total amino acids, because the growth of the transgenic petunia plants appeared normal.  相似文献   
Arginine decarboxylase (ADC) catalyzes the first step of polyamine (PA) biosynthesis to produce putrescine (Put) from arginine (Arg). One of the 2 Arabidopsis ADC genes, AtADC2, is induced in response to salt stress causing the accumulation of free Put. To analyze the roles of stress-inducible AtADC2 gene and endogenous Put in stress tolerance, we isolated a Ds insertion mutant of AtADC2 gene (adc2-1) and characterized its phenotypes under salt stress. In the adc2-1 mutant, free Put content was reduced to about 25% of that in the control plants and did not increase under salt stress. Furthermore, the adc2-1 mutant was more sensitive to salt stress than the control plants. The stress sensitivity of adc2-1 was recovered by the addition of exogenous Put. These results indicate that endogenous Put plays an important role in salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. AtADC2 is a key gene for the production of Put under not only salinity conditions, but also normal conditions.  相似文献   
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