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Perturbation experiments, in which a certain gene is knocked out and the expression levels of other genes are observed, constitute a fundamental step in uncovering the intricate wiring diagrams in the living cell and elucidating the causal roles of genes in signaling and regulation. Here we present a novel framework for analyzing large cohorts of gene knockout experiments and their genome-wide effects on expression levels. We devise clustering-like algorithms that identify groups of genes that behave similarly with respect to the knockout data, and utilize them to predict knockout effects and to annotate physical interactions between proteins as inhibiting or activating. Differing from previous approaches, our prediction approach does not depend on physical network information; the latter is used only for the annotation task. Consequently, it is both more efficient and of wider applicability than previous methods. We evaluate our approach using a large scale collection of gene knockout experiments in yeast, comparing it to the state-of-the-art SPINE algorithm. In cross validation tests, our algorithm exhibits superior prediction accuracy, while at the same time increasing the coverage by over 25-fold. Significant coverage gains are obtained also in the annotation of the physical network.  相似文献   
Receptacle growth in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch. cv.Ozark Beauty) occurred after either pollination or auxin treatment.In a strawberry variant genotype (Washington State UniversitySelection No. 12/13), pollination did not lead to receptaclegrowth but application of -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) at anthesisresulted in normal receptacle growth. The receptacles of OzarkBeauty retained their ability to respond to auxin at least upto 36 days after anthesis. However, delay of auxin applicationto the receptacles of the variant genotype resulted in decreasedauxin-responsive growth and auxin application after the 10thday of anthesis led to very little growth. The loss of auxin-responsivegrowth of the receptacle of the variant genotype was not associatedwith any loss of auxin binding activity of receptacle membranes.If auxin was not supplied to the receptacles of the variantgenotype at anthesis, the receptacles did not grow and a polypeptideof 52,000 Mr accumulated. Application of NAA to the receptaclesof the variant genotype at anthesis or on the fifth day afteranthesis resulted in the growth of the receptacle and the 52,000Mr polypeptide did not accumulate. Application of NAA to thereceptacles of the variant genotype on the 10th or the 15thday after anthesis led to very little growth of the receptacleand the 52,000 Mr polypeptide accumulated to high levels. Theseresults suggested a correlation between the lack of receptaclegrowth in response to auxin and accumulation of the 52,000 Mrpolypeptide. 1 Current adress: The Institute of Applied Research, Ben GurionUniversity of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel. (Received August 6, 1984; Accepted December 11, 1984)  相似文献   
Flowering in the short-day plant Lemna paucicostata 6746 canbe induced under continuous light by the addition of ferricyanie,ferrocyanide or KCN to M-sucrose medium. Each substance is nearly10 times more effective when the flasks are covered by glassbeakers than when cotton plugs are used. By contrast, when floweringis induced under continuous light by copper or by short-daytreatment, neither flowering nor growth are affected by whetherglass beakers or cotton plugs are used. Ferricyanide, ferrocyanideand KCN are also able to induce long-day flowering when theplants are grown on Msucrose medium in small beakers that areplaced in a covered storage dish that also contains a solutionof one of these compounds. Addition of a KOH trap to the storagedish completely blocks the flowering induced by these compounds.If [14C]ferrocyanide is added to the storage dish both the M-sucrosemedium and the plants contain significant amounts of radioactivity,the amount of radioactivity being proportional to the floweringresponse. These results indicate that ferricyanide, ferrocyanideand KCN break down to release HCN and that it is the HCN whichis responsible for inducing flowering in L. paucicostata 6746under continuous light. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Osaka Kyoiku University,Ikeda, Osaka 563, Japan. 2Present address: Institute of Horticulture, The Volcani Center,P. O. B. 6, Bet-Dagan, Israel. (Received January 17, 1983; Accepted March 24, 1983)  相似文献   
Hydrolysis by endothelial lipases of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins of diabetic origin were compared to lipoproteins of non-diabetic origin. The plasma lipoprotein fraction of density < 1.006 g/ml, including chylomicrons and VLDL, were incubated in vitro with post-heparin plasma (PHP) lipases. The lipoproteins of diabetic origin were hydrolysed at a significantly slower rate than lipoproteins from normal rats by the lipoprotein lipase component of PHP. However, if rats were fasted for 16 h prior to lipoprotein recovery, no differences in rates of VLDL hydrolysis were observed. Slower hydrolysis of lipoproteins of diabetic origin reflected a decrease in the apolipoprotein CII/CIII ratio and other changes in the apolipoprotein profile. To assess whether diabetic rats were less able to clear triacylglycerol independent of changes in the nature of the lipoproteins, we monitored the clearance of chylomicron-like lipid emulsions in hepatectomized rats. In vivo, emulsion triacylglycerol hydrolysis was not slowed due to diabetes. However, control and diabetic rats, which had been fasted for 16 h, cleared triacylglycerol at about twice the rate of fed rats. Triacylglycerol secretion rates in diabetic and control rats were similar, whether fed or fasted. We conclude that in streptozocin diabetic rats, hypertriglyceridemia was not due to overproduction of chylomicron- or VLDL-triacylglycerol, nor to decreased endothelial lipase activities. Rather, in fed diabetic rats, the triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins are poorer substrates for lipoprotein lipase. This may lead to slower formation of remnants which would exacerbate slow remnant removal. VLDL of diabetic origin were hydrolysed as efficiently as VLDL from control donors, suggesting that in the fed state the lipolytic defect may be specific for chylomicrons.  相似文献   
Pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (PHP-Ia) is a hereditary disease characterized by resistance to PTH and other hormones that act via cAMP. Patients have deficient activity of Gs, the subunit of the G protein, which couples hormone receptors to stimulation of adenylate cyclase. We describe two new mutations discovered in two sporadic patients with PHP-Ia. Using genomic DNA, we have amplified exons 2–13 of the Gs gene (GNAS1) by PCR, and sequenced the resulting products. Both patients had Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy, resistance to multiple hormones, and deficient Gs activity. In the first patient, a deletion of a C in exon 5 at codon 115 was found. In the second patient, an insertion of a C in exon 10 at codon 267 was detected. Both these heterozygous mutations cause frameshift, and predict decreased production of Gs. This report adds two new Gs mutations to the known ten mutations recently described.  相似文献   
Summary Lymphocyte blastogenesis was used as an assay of Immune RNA (I-RNA) activity. Normal, non-immune human lymphocytes following incubation with xenogeneic antitumor I-RNA extracted from the lymphoid organs of specifically immunized sheep underwent blastogenesis when exposed to solubilized human tumor antigens in vitro. Blastogenic responses were, unexpectedly, relatively specific for the tumor type used to immunize the I-RNA donor sheep. No significant blastogenic responses were elicited by the I-RNA extracts or by the antigen preparations themselves. This study suggests that normal, human lymphocytes incubated (sensitized) with I-RNA, in vitro, behave, in terms of antigen recognition, like lymphocytes which have previously been sensitized to tumor antigens and demonstrates that xenogeneic Immune RNA will mediate afferent limb immune responses to human tumor antigens.Supported, in part, by Public Health Service Grant CA-18321 from the National Institute of Health  相似文献   
We compared the acute effect of insulin on the human colonic intestinal epithelial cell line CaCo-2 and the transformed human hepatic cell line HepG2. Over 24 h, 100 nM and 10 µM insulin significantly inhibited the secretion of apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 from HepG2 cells to 63 and 49% of control, respectively. Insulin had no effect on the secretion of apoB-48 from CaCo-2 cells. There was no effect of insulin on the cholesterol ester or free cholesterol concentrations in HepG2 or CaCo-2 cells. HepG2 and CaCo-2 cells bound insulin with high affinity, leading to similar stimulation of insulin receptor protein tyrosine kinase activation. Protein kinase C or mitogen-activated protein kinase activity in the presence or absence of insulin was not correlated with apoB-48 production in CaCo-2 cells. Therefore, insulin acutely decreases the secretion of apoB-100 in hepatic HepG2 cells, but does not acutely modulate the production or secretion of apoB-48 from CaCo-2 intestinal cells.  相似文献   
We have developed a simple method for single-step cloning of any PCR product into a plasmid. A novel selection principle has been applied, in which activation of a drug selection marker is achieved following homologous recombination. In this method a DNA fragment is amplified by PCR with standard oligonucleotides that contain flanking tails derived from the host plasmid and the complete lambdaPR or rrnA1 promoter regions. The resulting PCR product is then electroporated into an Escherichia coli strain harboring both the phage lambda Red functions and the host plasmid. Upon homologous recombination of the PCR fragment into the plasmid, expression of a drug selection marker is fully induced due to restoration of its truncated promoter, thus allowing appropriate selection. Recombinant plasmid vectors encoding beta-galactosidase and neomycin phosphotransferase were constructed by using this method in two well-known Red systems. This cloning strategy significantly reduces both the time and costs associated with cloning procedures.  相似文献   
Site-directed mutagenesis of a thermostable alkaline phytase from Bacillus sp. MD2 was performed with an aim to increase its specific activity and activity and stability in an acidic environment. The mutation sites are distributed on the catalytic surface of the enzyme (P257R, E180N, E229V and S283R) and in the active site (K77R, K179R and E227S). Selection of the residues was based on the idea that acid active phytases are more positively charged around their catalytic surfaces. Thus, a decrease in the content of negatively charged residues or an increase in the positive charges in the catalytic region of an alkaline phytase was assumed to influence the enzyme activity and stability at low pH. Moreover, widening of the substrate-binding pocket is expected to improve the hydrolysis of substrates that are not efficiently hydrolysed by wild type alkaline phytase. Analysis of the phytase variants revealed that E229V and S283R mutants increased the specific activity by about 19% and 13%, respectively. Mutation of the active site residues K77R and K179R led to severe reduction in the specific activity of the enzyme. Analysis of the phytase mutant-phytate complexes revealed increase in hydrogen bonding between the enzyme and the substrate, which might retard the release of the product, resulting in decreased activity. On the other hand, the double mutant (K77R-K179R) phytase showed higher stability at low pH (pH 2.6-3.0). The E227S variant was optimally active at pH 5.5 (in contrast to the wild type enzyme that had an optimum pH of 6) and it exhibited higher stability in acidic condition. This mutant phytase, displayed over 80% of its initial activity after 3 h incubation at pH 2.6 while the wild type phytase retained only about 40% of its original activity. Moreover, the relative activity of this mutant phytase on calcium phytate, sodium pyrophosphate and p-nitro phenyl phosphate was higher than that of the wild type phytase.  相似文献   
Fundamental aspects of embryonic and post-natal development, including maintenance of the mammalian female germline, are largely unknown. Here we employ a retrospective, phylogenetic-based method for reconstructing cell lineage trees utilizing somatic mutations accumulated in microsatellites, to study female germline dynamics in mice. Reconstructed cell lineage trees can be used to estimate lineage relationships between different cell types, as well as cell depth (number of cell divisions since the zygote). We show that, in the reconstructed mouse cell lineage trees, oocytes form clusters that are separate from hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells, both in young and old mice, indicating that these populations belong to distinct lineages. Furthermore, while cumulus cells sampled from different ovarian follicles are distinctly clustered on the reconstructed trees, oocytes from the left and right ovaries are not, suggesting a mixing of their progenitor pools. We also observed an increase in oocyte depth with mouse age, which can be explained either by depth-guided selection of oocytes for ovulation or by post-natal renewal. Overall, our study sheds light on substantial novel aspects of female germline preservation and development.  相似文献   
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