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Exposure of male Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) for 10 weeks to short photoperiod (SP) providing 10 hr light: 14 hr darkness (10:14 LD) produced a significant reduction in the weights of the reproductive organs, plasma thyroxine (T4) levels and free T4 index (FT4I) compared to the values of animals exposed to long photoperiod (LP, 14:10 LD). C57bl male house mice (Mus musculus) kept in SP (10:14 LD) had reproductive organ weights equivalent to those of mice kept in long days (14:10 LD) and lower T3 uptake (T3U) values. Male gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) exposed to 13 weeks of SP (10:14 LD) had lower body weights, testes and seminal vesicle weights and higher T3U values compared to LP (14:10 LD) controls. However, no effect was seen on plasma T4 and triiodothyronine (T3) values nor the FT4I and free T3 index (FT3I). White-footed male mice (Peromyscus leucopus) exposed to SP (8:16 LD) had significantly lower testes and seminal vesicle weights while plasma T4 and T3 levels were unaffected. Snell strain house mice (Mus musculus) exposed to SP (8:16 LD) had normal reproductive organ weights compared to the values of LP-exposed (16:8 LD) control animals. However, there was a significant depression in T3 and in the FT3I in the SP animals.  相似文献   
In the albino mutant of an Okinawa strain of Locusta migratoria (L.) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), albinism is caused by the absence of the dark‐colour‐inducing neurohormone (DCIN), which is present in the corpora cardiaca (CC) of normally coloured phenotypes. This study tests whether the absence of DCIN is responsible for albinism in an albino mutant of another locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.) (Orthoptera: Acrididae). This seemed feasible because a single Mendelian unit controls albinism in both species. However, implantation of CC, or injection of an extract of CC, from albino donors of S. gregaria, induce dark coloration in crowded nymph recipients of the Okinawa albino mutant of L. migratoria, as effectively as do implanted CC, or injections of extract of CC, from normal phenotype donors of S. gregaria. Therefore, DCIN is present in the albino mutant of S. gregaria, and consequently, the albinism in this mutant is not caused by its absence. Implantation of CC, or injection of extracts of CC, from albino donors of S. gregaria to conspecific albino nymphs does not induce darkening. Only extremely high doses of synthetic DCIN injected into albino nymphs of S. gregaria are effective, inducing some darkening. The dose to induce such darkening in albino nymphs of S. gregaria is 50 nmol, ≈ 5 × 106 times higher than that (10 femtomol) needed to induce equivalent darkening in nymphs of the Okinawa albinos of L. migratoria. The results are discussed and some possible explanations of the observed effects outlined.  相似文献   
Melatonin, the chief hormone of the pineal gland, is produced and secreted into the blood in a circadian manner with maximal production always occurring during the dark phase of the light:dark cycle. Whereas the 24h rhythm of melatonin production is very robust in young animals including humans, the cycle deteriorates during ageing. The rhythm of melatonin can be substantially preserved during ageing by restricting the food intake of experimental animals; this same treatment increases the life span of the animals. The exogenous administration of melatonin to non-food restricted animals also reportedly increases their survival. Moreover, melatonin has been shown to have immunoenhancing effects and oncostatic properties. The implication of these studies is that melatonin may have both direct and indirect beneficial effects in delaying ageing processes or it may retard the development of processes (e.g., immunodeficiency and tumor growth) which contribute to a reduced life span.  相似文献   
Thyroxine 5'-deiodinase activity was studied in male rat Harderian gland homogenates. The reaction rate was proportional to the tissue content in the homogenate and dependent on pH, with an optimum pH of 7.0, and temperature, between 4-37 degrees C. 5'-deiodinase activity was increased by dithiothreitol (DTT) in a dose-dependent manner, and inhibited moderately by propylthiouracil (PTU) and strongly by iopanoic acid (IA). Thyroidectomy enhanced the enzymatic activity (30-fold above the control value) but this increase is totally prevented by the in vivo iopanoic acid treatment. Thyroxine 5'-deiodinase activity was also dependent on T4 concentration (Km = 3.3 nM; Vmax = 10 fmol 125I-released/mg protein/h) and exhibited a nyctohemeral rhythmicity with a maximal activity at 03.00 h (4-fold above basal values) and minimal activity between 12.00-21.00 h.  相似文献   
In this present study we evaluated the ability of a recently synthesized melatonin antagonist, N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-5-methoxytryptamine (ML-23), to antagonize the effects of afternoon injections of melatonin on the reproductive and thyroid axes in the female Syrian hamster. Thirty-six animals were divided into four groups and treated daily for 13 weeks with an afternoon injection of melatonin (25 micrograms/injection) or saline diluent. ML-23 was given via the drinking water to both melatonin- and saline-treated groups. The experiment was continued until 78% of melatonin-treated animals exhibited acyclicity. The results show that ML-23 partially reversed the effects of melatonin on pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations but was without effect on the decreased pituitary and plasma prolactin concentrations induced by melatonin treatment. Furthermore, ML-23 antagonized the effects of melatonin on plasma thyroxine levels and significantly increased plasma triiodothyronine concentrations and the free triiodothyronine index when used in combination with melatonin. The decrease in ovarian weight and plasma estradiol, but not progesterone, obtained with melatonin treatment also was reversed by ML-23. Our data suggest that ML-23 prevents the effects of melatonin treatment on ovarian weight, pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone levels, plasma estradiol, and thyroxine concentrations in the female Syrian hamster. Since ML-23 did not prevent the effects of melatonin on pituitary weight, plasma luteinizing hormone and prolactin, and pituitary prolactin concentrations, the actions of ML-23 may involve only peripheral sites of action of melatonin. Alternatively, the dose of ML-23 may not have been optimal to prevent all of the central effects of the indoleamine.  相似文献   
The paper deals with the direct experimental proof that human immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) contains a reactive disulfide bond that can be opened by 3,3'-dithiobis(6-nitrobenzoate) (DTNB) within 24 h by a SH-catalysed disulfide exchange reaction. These results were obtained with the purified IgG1 myeloma protein and confirm earlier indirect evidence based on correlation analysis of DTNB reactivity and quantitative IgG1 determination. The reactive disulfide bond is most likely the one between Cys235 of the heavy chains in the "hinge"-region, activated for the disulfide exchange by the protonated amino groups of Lys231 as turned out by analysis of IgG1. As with the whole molecule, one mol of reactive disulfide was found per mol of the Fc-fragment. 0.8 mol of labile S-S bonds was detected per mol of F(ab)2. After separation of the excess of reagent, the sedimentation pattern still corresponded with the dimer. The unaltered antigenic properties as well as the crystallizability speak against any severe conformational changes. Therefrom it was concluded that in approximately 80% of the F(ab)2 molecules one of the two inter heavy chain-bridges was opened. With the isolated F(ab)-fragment a reaction with DTNB was ascertained to an extent of 20%, which is probably due to an altered stability of the heavy-light chain-SS-bridge. However, no influence on the sedimentation pattern was observed. The intrachainar disulfide bonds of neither the heavy nor the light chain reacted with DTNB to a measurable extent.  相似文献   
The pineal has been previously shown to be an important factor in the regulation of testicular function in photoperiodic mammals. The effects of lack or increase in pineal hormones on testicular hormonal receptors has, therefore, been examined. Pinealectomy decreased the concentration of testicular LH receptors in hamsters exposed to either a long or short photoperiod but had no effect on the concentration of testicular PRL receptors. In animals exposed to a short photoperiod, pinealectomy prevented testicular regression and the concomitant decreases in total LH and PRL receptor contents. Treatment for 12 weeks with either melatonin or 5-methoxytryptamine caused a decrease in testicular PRL receptor levels, whereas the only changes in LH receptor levels were due to melatonin-induced testicular regression. The present results indicate that some of the effects of pineal hormones on the testes are independent of the pineal-induced changes in testes mass and are the consequence of long-term action. Furthermore, testicular function appears to be affected by both the lack or the increase in pineal hormones.  相似文献   
Harderian gland (HG) weight and lysosomal enzyme activity were evaluated after 21-day-old female rats were singly caged in a long (LP; 14:10 LD) or short (SP; 8:16 LD) photoperiod and fed on one of two dietary regimens (fed ad libitum or 50% underfed) for 50 days; an additional fed and an underfed group of animals in LP were injected every afternoon with 100 micrograms melatonin. Absolute HG weights were significantly lower in all underfed groups compared to their respective fed controls or to the LP fed control group. Absolute HG weights of underfed rats in SP were significantly lower than the underfed rats in LP. Relative HG weights (mg/100 g body wt) were significantly higher in the underfed saline or melatonin-treated groups compared to their respective fed controls; however, HG of the underfed SP group were not different from SP-fed controls. No significant differences in HG acid phosphatase, hexosaminidase, and beta-glucuronidase activities were observed in any of the treatment groups maintained in LP. Acid phosphatase, hexosaminidase, and beta-glucuronidase activities were significantly elevated in HG of underfed animals maintained in SP compared to their respective fed controls or to the LP-underfed group. Both the underfed control and the underfed-melatonin treated groups had lower pineal protein values than their respective fed groups; underfed animals in 8:16 LD had similar pineal protein values compared to those of the fed control group in SP. Significant effects of photoperiod and underfeeding with no interaction between these variables were observed on pineal acid phosphatase. The fed group maintained in 8:16 LD had significantly higher acid phosphatase activity than the fed group kept in 14:10 LD. In conclusion, underfeeding resulted in severely reduced body weights and absolute Harderian gland weights. Increased activity in certain lysosomal enzymes occurred in both the pineal and Harderian gland and in some instances this was dependent upon the light cycle and dietary regimen to which the animals were exposed.  相似文献   
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