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The effects of strong light in combination with elevated temperatures on the photosynthetic system were examined in 4 dipterocarp tree species with ecologically different habitats. The 4 dipterocarp tree species were: Shorea platyclados originated from upper dipterocarp forests, Shorea parvifolia– lowland and hill dipterocarp forests, Shorea assamica– lowland dipterocarp forests, and Dipterocarpus oblongifolius– riparian fringes. S. platyclados and D. oblongifolius have higher growth and survival rates in open sites than S. parvifolia and S. assamica. Tolerance of high temperature among the species was assessed by determining the critical temperatures (Tc) at which the minimal fluorescence (Fo) began to rise sharply. This was measured by exposing plants to an increasing temperature of about 1°C min?1. The intrinsic thermotolerance of the thylakoid membrane appears to be the highest for D. oblongifolius (Tc=46.4°C), intermediate for S. platyclados (45.7°C), and lowest for S. parvifolia and S. assamica (45.2 and 45.3°C, respectively). The temperature‐dependent efficiency of PSII electron transport (ΔF/F′m), photochemical quenching (qP), and the efficiency of light capture of open PSII (F′v/F′m) were measured at the photosynthetic steady state at least 10 min after the light exposure (180 μmol m?2 s?1 PFD). Stable temperature responses of ΔF/F′m and qP were observed in S. platyclados and D. oblongifolius, while those in S. parvifolia and S. assamica were more temperature‐dependent and severely affected at 45°C. Little difference was observed in temperature‐dependent F′v/F′m among species. Photoinhibitory light exposure (1600 μmol m?2 s?1 PFD) for 2 h at 40°C had little effect on the recovery kinetics from photoinhibition of S. platyclados and D. oblongifolius compared with those at 35°C. In contrast, the recovery from photoinhibition was retarded in S. parvifolia and S. assamica. These findings suggest that even at 40°C, a temperature below Tc, an exposure to strong light exacerbated photoinhibition in S. parvifolia and S. assamica corresponding to the closure of PSII reaction centers, as indicated by the decrease in qP at this temperature. Thus, S. platyclados and D. oblongifolius, which occur at uplands and riparian fringes with frequent disturbances, are suggested to have higher photosynthetic tolerance to elevated temperatures contributing to a circumvention of photoinhibition.  相似文献   
We investigated how leaf gas exchange and hydraulic properties acclimate to increasing evaporative demand in mature beech trees, Fagus crenata Blume and Fagus japonica Maxim., growing in their natural habitat. The measurements in the top canopy leaves were conducted using a 16-m-high scaffolding tower over two growing seasons. The daily maxima of net photosynthetic rate for the early growing season were close to the annual maximum value (11.9 mol m–2 s–1 in F. crenata and 7.7 mol m–2 s–1 in F. japonica). The daily maxima of water vapor stomatal conductance were highest in the summer, approximately 0.3 mol m–2 s–1 in F. crenata and 0.15 mol m–2 s–1 in F. japonica. From the early growing season to the summer season, the leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit increased and the daily minima of leaf water potentials decreased. However, there was no loss of leaf turgor in the summer as a result of effective osmotic adjustment. Both the soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance per unit leaf area and the twig hydraulic conductivity simultaneously increased in the summer, probably as a result of production of new vessels in the xylem. These results suggest that both osmotic adjustment and increased hydraulic conductance resulted in the largest diurnal maximum of stomatal conductance in the summer, resulting in the lowest relative stomatal limitation on net photosynthetic rate, although the leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit was highest. These results indicate that even in a mesic forest, in which excessive hydraulic stress does not occur, the seasonal acclimation of hydraulic properties at both the single leaf and whole plant levels are important for plant carbon gain.  相似文献   
To investigate the adaptive capacity to a strong light environment when planted on degraded land, we examined photosynthetic properties in relation to photoinhibition for the sun-leaves of six tropical fruit tree species native to Malaysia before and after transplanting. The six species were: Bouea macrophylla (Bm), Callerya atropurpurea (Ca), Canarium pilosum (Cp), Cynometra cauliflora (Cc), Morinda citrifolia (Mc) and Syzygium sp. (Ssp), which produce edible fruit for endemic animals and birds, and are candidates for corridor plantations. Based on the measurements performed before transplanting, the degree of chronic photoinhibition indicated by the decrease in pre-dawn F v/F m was well associated with an accumulation of excessive excitation energy in PSII indicated by a decrease in photochemical quenching (qP). Among the species, Ca and Mc showed lower degrees of photoinhibition with higher qP. Higher electron transport rates (ETR) were observed with higher qP whereas there was no significant relationship between regulatory thermal dissipation (indicated by ) and qP. Energy dissipation via electron transport was suggested to be important in keeping qP high and preventing photoinhibition when compared among species. Cc and Bm showed lower ETR and higher susceptibility to photoinhibition before and after transplanting. New Cp and Mc leaves developed after transplanting showed increased area-based leaf nitrogen content (N area) and stomatal conductance (gs) compared with those before transplanting resulting in higher light-saturated net photosynthetic rates (A max) and ETR, and contributing to mitigate photoinhibition. In contrast to these species, Ca achieved high A max with a water conservative manner (indicated by its relatively lower gs), where the higher carboxylation efficiency accompanied with the higher N area allowed them to maintain relatively high A max and ETR at lower intercellular CO2 concentration.  相似文献   
Interspecific ecophysiological differences in response to different light environments are important to consider in regeneration behavior and forest dynamics. The diurnal changes in leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of two dipterocarps, Shorea leprosula (a high light-requiring) and Neobalanocarpus heimii (a low light-requiring), and a pioneer tree species (Macaranga gigantea) growing in open and gap sites were examined. In the open site, the maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pn), photosystem II (PSII) quantum yield (; F/Fm), and relative electron transport rate (r-ETR) through PSII at a given photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was higher in S. leprosula and M. gigantea than in N. heimii, while non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) at a given PPFD was higher in N. heimii. The maximum values of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in M. gigantea and S. leprosula was higher in the open site (8–11 mol m–2 s–1) than in the gap site (5 mol m–2 s–1), whereas that in N. heimii was lower in the open site (2 mol m–2 s–1) than in the gap site (4 mol m–2 s–1), indicating that N. heimii was less favorable to the open site. These data provide evidence to support the hypothesis that ecophysiological characteristics link with plants regeneration behavior and successional status. Although Pn and stomatal conductance decreased at midday in M. gigantea and S. leprosula in the open site, both r-ETR and leaf temperature remained unchanged. This indicates that stomatal closure rather than reduced photochemical capacity limited Pn in the daytime. Conversely, there was reduced r-ETR under high PPFD conditions in N. heimii in the open site, indicating reduced photochemical capacity. In the gap site, Pn increased in all leaves in the morning before exposure to direct sunlight, suggesting a relatively high use of diffuse light in the morning.  相似文献   
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