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张一婧  薛勇彪 《植物学报》2007,24(3):372-388
自交不亲和性是一种广泛存在于显花植物中的种内生殖障碍, 可以抑制近亲繁殖而促进异交。其中, 以茄科、玄参科和蔷薇科为代表的配子体自交不亲和性是最常见的类型。这类自交不亲和性是由单一的多态性S-位点所控制。目前的研究发现这一位点至少包含两个自交不亲和反应特异性决定因子: 花柱中的S-核酸酶和花粉中的SLF(S-Locus F-box)蛋白。该文将主要介绍并讨论基于S-核酸酶的自交不亲和性分子机制的研究进展。  相似文献   
Structural features of the rice chromosome 4 centromere   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
Zhang Y  Huang Y  Zhang L  Li Y  Lu T  Lu Y  Feng Q  Zhao Q  Cheng Z  Xue Y  Wing RA  Han B 《Nucleic acids research》2004,32(6):2023-2030
Orchard understory represents an important component of the orchards, performing numerous functions related to soil quality, water relations and microclimate, but little attention has been paid on its effect on soil C sequestration. In the face of global climate change, fruit producers also require techniques that increase carbon (C) sequestration in a cost-effective manner. Here we present a case study to compare the effects of understory management (sod culture vs. clean tillage) on soil C sequestration in four subtropical orchards. The results of a 10-year study indicated that the maintenance of sod significantly enhanced the soil C stock in the top 1 m of orchard soils. Relative to clean tillage, sod culture increased annual soil C sequestration by 2.85 t C ha-1, suggesting that understory management based on sod culture offers promising potential for soil carbon sequestration. Considering that China has the largest area of orchards in the world and that few of these orchards currently have sod understories, the establishment and maintenance of sod in orchards can help China increase C sequestration and greatly contribute to achieving CO2 reduction targets at a regional scale and potentially at a national scale.  相似文献   
蒋卓远  查艳  石小峰  张永彪 《遗传》2022,(2):117-134
神经嵴细胞(neural crest cells,NCCs)是一类脊椎动物特有的可迁移的多能干细胞,其可分化为软骨细胞、神经元和黑色素细胞等多种类型细胞。NCCs的形成、迁移和分化受到严格调控,任何扰乱NCCs发育的因素都可导致胚胎发育畸形。由神经嵴细胞发育异常所导致的一系列疾病统称为神经嵴病(neurocristopathies,NCPs)。NCPs种类繁多且表型复杂,可累及人体多个部位(颅面部、心脏、肠胃和皮肤等),严重危害患者的身体机能和心理健康。NCPs占所有出生缺陷患儿的1/3,遗传因素是导致NCPs的主要风险因素,但环境风险因子以及基因–环境交互作用异常也可导致NCPs。本文对神经嵴细胞和神经嵴病及其致病机制进行综述,为系统认知神经嵴细胞发育以及神经嵴病提供参考,为了解神经嵴病的病因以及开展有效防控提供科学支撑。  相似文献   
Rice functional genomics is a scientific approach that seeks to identify and define the function of rice genes, and uncover when and how genes work together to produce phenotypic traits. Rapid progress in rice genome sequencing has facilitated research in rice functional genomics in China. The Ministry of Science and Technology of China has funded two major rice functional genomics research programmes for building up the infrastructures of the functional genomics study such as developing rice functional genomics tools and resources. The programmes were also aimed at cloning and functional analyses of a number of genes controlling important agronomic traits from rice. National and international collaborations on rice functional genomics study are accelerating rice gene discovery and application.  相似文献   
Qiao H  Wang H  Zhao L  Zhou J  Huang J  Zhang Y  Xue Y 《The Plant cell》2004,16(3):582-595
Self-incompatibility S-locus-encoded F-box (SLF) proteins have been identified in Antirrhinum and several Prunus species. Although they appear to play an important role in self-incompatible reaction, functional evidence is lacking. Here, we provide several lines of evidence directly implicating a role of AhSLF-S(2) in self-incompatibility in Antirrhinum. First, a nonallelic physical interaction between AhSLF-S(2) and S-RNases was demonstrated by both coimmunoprecipitation and yeast two-hybrid assays. Second, AhSLF-S(2) interacts with ASK1- and CULLIN1-like proteins in Antirrhinum, and together, they likely form an Skp1/Cullin or CDC53/F-box (SCF) complex. Third, compatible pollination was specifically blocked after the treatment of the proteasomal inhibitors MG115 and MG132, but they had little effect on incompatible pollination both in vitro and in vivo, indicating that the ubiquitin/26S proteasome activity is involved in compatible pollination. Fourth, the ubiquitination level of style proteins was increased substantially after compatible pollination compared with incompatible pollination, and coimmunoprecipitation revealed that S-RNases were ubiquitinated after incubating pollen proteins with compatible but not with incompatible style proteins, suggesting that non-self S-RNases are possibly degraded by the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway. Fifth, the S-RNase level appeared to be reduced after 36 h of compatible pollination. Taken together, these results show that AhSLF-S(2) interacts with S-RNases likely through a proposed SCF(AhSLF-S2) complex that targets S-RNase destruction during compatible rather than incompatible pollination, thus providing a biochemical basis for the inhibition of pollen tube growth as observed in self-incompatible response in Antirrhinum.  相似文献   
Lan L  Chen W  Lai Y  Suo J  Kong Z  Li C  Lu Y  Zhang Y  Zhao X  Zhang X  Zhang Y  Han B  Cheng J  Xue Y 《Plant molecular biology》2004,54(4):471-487
To monitor gene expression profiles during pollination and fertilization in rice at a genome scale, we generated 73,424 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from the green/etiolated shoot and pistil (0-5 h after pollination, 5hP) of rice, which were subsequently used to construct a cDNA microarray containing ca. 10 000 unique rice genes. This microarray was used to analyze gene expression in pistil unpollinated (UP), 5hP and 5DAP(5 days after pollination), anther, shoot, root, 10-day-old embryo (10EM) and 10-day-old endosperm (10EN). Clustering analysis revealed that the anther has a gene-expression profile more similar to root than to pistil and most pistil-preferentially expressed genes respond to pollination and/or fertilization. There are 253 ESTs exhibiting differential expression (e +/- 2-fold changes) during pollination and fertilization, and about 70% of them can be assigned a putative function. We also recovered 20 genes similar to pollination-related and/or fertility-related genes previously identified as well as genes that were not implicated previously. Microarray and real-time PCR analyses showed that the array sensitivity was estimated at 1-5 copies of mRNA per cell, and the differentially expressed genes showed a high correlation between the two methods. Our results indicated that this cDNA microarray constructed here is reliable and can be used for monitoring gene expression profiles in rice. In addition, the genes that differentially expressed during pollination represent candidate genes for dissecting molecular mechanism of this important biological process in rice.  相似文献   
Sexual reproduction is essential for the life cycle of most angiosperms. However, pseudovivipary is an important reproductive strategy in some grasses. In this mode of reproduction, asexual propagules are produced in place of sexual reproductive structures. However, the molecular mechanism of pseudovivipary still remains a mystery. In this work, we found three naturally occurring mutants in rice, namely, phoenix (pho), degenerative palea (dep), and abnormal floral organs (afo). Genetic analysis of them indicated that the stable pseudovivipary mutant pho was a double mutant containing both a Mendelian mutation in DEP and a non-Mendelian mutation in AFO. Further map-based cloning and microarray analysis revealed that dep mutant was caused by a genetic alteration in OsMADS15 while afo was caused by an epigenetic mutation in OsMADS1. Thus, OsMADS1 and OsMADS15 are both required to ensure sexual reproduction in rice and mutations of them lead to the switch of reproductive habit from sexual to asexual in rice. For the first time, our results reveal two regulators for sexual and asexual reproduction modes in flowering plants. In addition, our findings also make it possible to manipulate the reproductive strategy of plants, at least in rice.  相似文献   
An introduction to the China Rice Functional Genomics Program   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The China Rice Functional Genomics Program (CRFGP) was initiated in 1999 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China under the National Basic Sciences Initiative and was expected to last for an initial period of five years. The CRFGP involves 20 research groups from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and some major universities and focuses on the identification of genes controlling flowering, plant architecture, fertility, reproduction, metabolic controls and stress responses in rice through a combinatorial approach based on genetics, molecular biology and functional genomics as well as the generation of intellectual properties related to crop breeding and improvements. We will briefly describe the mission of the CRFGP as well as its recent progress.  相似文献   
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