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Identifying local adaptation is crucial in conservation biology to define ecotypes and establish management guidelines. Local adaptation is often inferred from the detection of loci showing a high differentiation between populations, the so‐called FST outliers. Methods of detection of loci under selection are reputed to be robust in most spatial population models. However, using simulations we showed that FST outlier tests provided a high rate of false‐positives (up to 60%) in fractal environments such as river networks. Surprisingly, the number of sampled demes was correlated with parameters of population genetic structure, such as the variance of FSTs, and hence strongly influenced the rate of outliers. This unappreciated property of river networks therefore needs to be accounted for in genetic studies on adaptation and conservation of river organisms.  相似文献   
In comparative genomics, gene order data is often modeled as signed permutations. A classical problem for genome comparison is to detect common intervals in permutations, that is, genes that are colocalized in several species, indicating that they remained grouped during evolution. A second largely studied problem related to gene order is to compute a minimum scenario of reversals that transforms a signed permutation into another. Several studies began to mix the two problems and it was observed that their results are not always compatible: Often, parsimonious scenarios of reversals break common intervals. If a scenario does not break any common interval, it is called perfect. In two recent studies, Berard et al. defined a class of permutations for which building a perfect scenario of reversals sorting a permutation was achieved in polynomial time and stated as an open question whether it is possible to decide, given a permutation, if there exists a minimum scenario of reversals that is perfect. In this paper, we give a solution to this problem and prove that this widens the class of permutations addressed by the aforementioned studies. We implemented and tested this algorithm on gene order data of chromosomes from several mammal species and we compared it to other methods. The algorithm helps to choose among several possible scenarios of reversals and indicates that the minimum scenario of reversals is not always the most plausible  相似文献   


Huntington’s disease (HD) is caused by the abnormal expansion of the polyglutamine tract in the human Huntingtin protein (polyQ-hHtt). Although this mutation behaves dominantly, huntingtin loss of function also contributes to HD pathogenesis. Indeed, wild-type Huntingtin plays a protective role with respect to polyQ-hHtt induced defects.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The question that we addressed here is what part of the wild-type Huntingtin is responsible for these protective properties. We first screened peptides from the Huntingtin protein in HeLa cells and identified a 23 aa peptide (P42) that inhibits polyQ-hHtt aggregation. P42 is part of the endogenous Huntingtin protein and lies within a region rich in proteolytic sites that plays a critical role in the pathogenesis process. Using a Drosophila model of HD, we tested the protective properties of this peptide on aggregation, as well as on different polyQ-hHtt induced neuronal phenotypes: eye degeneration (an indicator of cell death), impairment of vesicular axonal trafficking, and physiological behaviors such as larval locomotion and adult survival. Together, our results demonstrate high protective properties for P42 in vivo, in whole animals. These data also demonstrate a specific role of P42 on Huntington’s disease model, since it has no effect on other models of polyQ-induced diseases, such as spinocerebellar ataxias.


Altogether our data show that P42, a 23 aa-long hHtt peptide, plays a protective role with respect to polyQ-hHtt aggregation as well as cellular and behavioral dysfunctions induced by polyQ-hHtt in vivo. Our study also confirms the correlation between polyQ-hHtt aggregation and neuronal defects. Finally, these results strongly suggest a therapeutic potential for P42, specific of Huntington’s disease.  相似文献   
Prodiplosis longifila Gagné (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is an insect pest that attacks various types of crops, including tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae), a vegetable with substantial economic significance worldwide. Prodiplosis longifila is a widely distributed pest in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, countries characterized by the presence of significant geographic barriers like the Andes Mountains. It has been reported that geographic barriers affect the dynamics and genetic differentiation of insect populations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the diversity, genetic structure, and demographic history of P. longifila through the analysis of sequences within the mitochondrial region of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and rDNA‐ITS2 in 27 populations located in Colombia and Ecuador. Analyses were performed on populations distributed in three geographic groups separated by the presence of the Andes Mountains. A total of 11 haplotypes were identified with the COI gene and only one haplotype in the rDNA‐ITS2 was found. Analyses of population structure and demographic history revealed that there is a structure associated with the Andes, which is reflected in an uneven distribution of the haplotype frequencies between regions, but even so, gene flow between populations was detected which produces low genetic differentiation. Because P. longifila has a short‐range dispersion that determines its territorial nature, it would be expected that other factors are producing the genetic exchange between populations. We suggest that the anthropogenic effect produced by farming practices, such as the use of seedlings as seed, which may carry P. longifila larvae, cause passive dispersal of pest throughout the Andes, particularly in Colombia.  相似文献   
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease resulting in cognitive and behavioral impairment. The two classic pathological hallmarks of AD include extraneuronal deposition of amyloid ?? (A??) and intraneuronal formation of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). NFTs contain hyperphosphorylated tau. Tau is the major microtubule-associated protein in neurons and stabilizes microtubules (MTs). Cyclin dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), when activated by the regulatory binding protein p25, phosphorylates tau at a number of proline-directed serine/threonine residues, resulting in formation of phosphorylated tau as paired helical filaments (PHFs) then in subsequent deposition of PHFs as NFTs. Beginning with the structure of Roscovitine, a moderately selective CDK5 inhibitor, we sought to conduct structural modifications to increase inhibitory potency of CDK5 and increase selectivity over a similar enzyme, cyclin dependent kinase 2 (CDK2). The design, synthesis, and testing of a series of 1-isopropyl-4-aminobenzyl-6-ether-linked benzimidazoles is presented.  相似文献   
Protein evolution is governed by processes that alter primary sequence but also the length of proteins. Protein length may change in different ways, but insertions, deletions and duplications are the most common. An optimal protein size is a trade‐off between sequence extension, which may change protein stability or lead to acquisition of a new function, and shrinkage that decreases metabolic cost of protein synthesis. Despite the general tendency for length conservation across orthologous proteins, the propensity to accept insertions and deletions is heterogeneous along the sequence. For example, protein regions rich in repetitive peptide motifs are well known to extensively vary their length across species. Here, we analyze length conservation of coiled‐coils, domains formed by an ubiquitous, repetitive peptide motif present in all domains of life, that frequently plays a structural role in the cell. We observed that, despite the repetitive nature, the length of coiled‐coil domains is generally highly conserved throughout the tree of life, even when the remaining parts of the protein change, including globular domains. Length conservation is independent of primary amino acid sequence variation, and represents a conservation of domain physical size. This suggests that the conservation of domain size is due to functional constraints. Proteins 2015; 83:2162–2169. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Measuring levels of mRNAs in the process of translation in individual cells provides information on the proteins involved in cellular functions at a given point in time. The protocol dubbed Translating Ribosome Affinity Purification (TRAP) is able to capture this mRNA translation process in a cell-type-specific manner. Based on the affinity purification of polysomes carrying a tagged ribosomal subunit, TRAP can be applied to translatome analyses in individual cells, making it possible to compare cell types during the course of developmental processes or to track disease development progress and the impact of potential therapies at molecular level. Here we report an optimized version of the TRAP protocol, called TRAP-rc (rare cells), dedicated to identifying engaged-in-translation RNAs from rare cell populations. TRAP-rc was validated using the Gal4/UAS targeting system in a restricted population of muscle cells in Drosophila embryos. This novel protocol allows the recovery of cell-type-specific RNA in sufficient quantities for global gene expression analytics such as microarrays or RNA-seq. The robustness of the protocol and the large collections of Gal4 drivers make TRAP-rc a highly versatile approach with potential applications in cell-specific genome-wide studies.  相似文献   
Population distributions are affected by a variety of spatial processes, including dispersal, intraspecific dynamics and habitat selection. Within reef‐building coral communities, these processes are especially important during the earliest life stages when reproduction provides mobility among sessile organisms and populations experience the greatest mortality bottlenecks both before and immediately after settlement. Here, we used large‐area imaging to create photomosaics that allowed us to identify and map the location of 4681 juvenile (1–5 cm diameter) and 25 902 adult (>5 cm diameter) coral colonies from eight 100‐m2 plots across the forereef of Palmyra Atoll. Using metrics of density, percent cover and the relative location of each colony within each plot, we examined abundance and spatial relationships between juvenile and adult coral taxa. Within coral taxa, juvenile density was generally positively related to the numerical density and percent cover of adults. Nearest neighbor analyses showed aggregation of juveniles near adults of the same taxon for two of the focal taxa (Pocillopora and Fungiids), while all other taxa showed random spatial patterning relative to adults. Three taxa had clustered distributions of juveniles overall. Additionally, we found that on a colony level, juveniles for five of nine focal taxa (accounting for >98% of all identified juveniles) associated with a specific habitat type, with four of those five taxa favoring unconsolidated (e.g. rubble) over consolidated substrata. The general lack of clustering in juvenile corals contrasts with consistent clustering patterns seen in adult corals, suggesting that adult spatial patterns are largely driven by processes occurring after maturity such as partial colony mortality, including fission and fragmentation. The association of many taxa with unconsolidated habitat also suggests that corals may play an important role in colonizing natural rubble patches that could contribute to reef stabilization over time.  相似文献   
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