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Partial activation of Mucor rouxii cAMP-dependent protein kinase by cAMP was obtained when kemptide was used as substrate, but complete activation was attained with cAMP plus protamine or histone. Full activation could not be achieved by increasing kemptide or cAMP concentration. Complete activation by cAMP could be obtained by addition of 10 microM polylysine, 10 microM lysine-rich histone or 0.5 mM spermine plus spermidine. The degree of stimulation could be up to 5-fold, depending on the amount of enzyme in the assay. The same concentrations of polycations increased 1.5-2.3-fold the Vmax of kemptide phosphorylation by the free catalytic subunits of both Mucor and bovine heart protein kinases; 10 microM polyarginine inhibited completely the activity of both enzymes.  相似文献   
Alzheimer''s disease (AD) pathology is characterized by loss of memory cognitive and behavioral deterioration. One of the hallmarks of AD is amyloid β (Aβ) plaques in the brain that consists of Aβ oligomers and fibrils. It is accepted that oligomers, particularly dimers, are toxic species that are produced extracellularly and intracellularly in membranes. It is believed that the disruption of membranes by polymorphic Aβ oligomers is the key for the pathology of AD. This is a first study that investigate the effect of polymorphic “α‐helix/random coil” and “fibril‐like” Aβ dimers on 1,2‐dioleoyl‐sn‐glycero‐3‐phosphocholine (DOPC) membrane. It has been found that the DOPC membrane promotes Aβ1–42 “fibril‐like” dimers and impedes Aβ1–42 “α‐helix/random coil” dimers. The N‐termini domains within Aβ1–42 dimers play a role in Aβ aggregation in membrane milieus. In addition, the aromatic π–π interactions (involving residues F19 and F20 in Aβ1–42) are the driving forces for the hydrophobic interactions that initiate the primary nucleation of polymorphic Aβ1–42 dimers within DOPC membrane. Finally, the DOPC bilayer membrane thickness is locally decreased, and it is disrupted by an embedded distinct Aβ1–42 dimer, due to relatively large contacts between Aβ1–42 monomers and the DOPC membrane. This study reveals insights into the molecular mechanisms by which polymorphic early‐stage Aβ1–42 dimers have distinct impacts on DOPC membrane.  相似文献   
The pathological prion protein PrP(Sc) is the only known component of the infectious prion. In cells infected with prions, PrP(Sc) is formed posttranslationally by the refolding of the benign cell surface glycoprotein PrP(C) into an aberrant conformation. The two PrP isoforms possess very different properties, as PrP(Sc) has a protease-resistant core, forms very large amyloidic aggregates in detergents, and is only weakly immunoreactive in its native form. We now show that prion-infected rodent brains and cultured cells contain previously unrecognized protease-sensitive PrP(Sc) varieties. In both ionic (Sarkosyl) and nonionic (n-octyl beta-D-glucopyranoside) detergents, the novel protease-sensitive PrP(Sc) species formed aggregates as small as 600 kDa, as measured by gel filtration. The denaturation dependence of PrP(Sc) immunoreactivity correlated with the size of the aggregate. The small PrP(Sc) aggregates described here are consistent with the previous demonstration of scrapie infectivity in brain fractions with a sedimentation coefficient as small as 40 S [Prusiner et al. (1980) J. Neurochem. 35, 574-582]. Our results demonstrate for the first time that prion-infected tissues contain protease-sensitive PrP(Sc) molecules that form low MW aggregates. Whether these new PrP(Sc) species play a role in the biogenesis or the pathogenesis of prions remains to be established.  相似文献   
Malaria parasites (Plasmodium falciparum) provide an excellent system in which to study the genomic effects of strong selection in a recombining eukaryote because the rapid spread of resistance to multiple drugs during the last the past 50 years has been well documented, the full genome sequence and a microsatellite map are now available, and haplotype data can be easily generated. We examined microsatellite variation around the dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) gene on chromosome 4 of P. falciparum. Point mutations in dhfr are known to be responsible for resistance to the antimalarial drug pyrimethamine, and resistance to this drug has spread rapidly in Southeast (SE) Asia after its introduction in 1970s. We genotyped 33 microsatellite markers distributed across chromosome 4 in 61 parasites from a location on the Thailand/Myanmar border. We observed minimal microsatellite length variation in a 12-kb (0.7-cM) region flanking the dhfr gene and diminished variation for approximately 100 kb (6 cM), indicative of a single origin of resistant alleles. Furthermore, we found the same or similar microsatellite haplotypes flanked resistant dhfr alleles sampled from 11 parasite populations in five SE Asian countries indicating recent invasion of a single lineage of resistant dhfr alleles in locations 2000 km apart. Three features of these data are of especially interest. (1). Pyrimethamine resistance is generally assumed to have evolved multiple times because the genetic basis is simple and resistance can be selected easily in the laboratory. Yet our data clearly indicate a single origin of resistant dhfr alleles sampled over a large region of SE Asia. (2). The wide valley ( approximately 6 cM) of reduced variation around dhfr provides "proof-of-principle" that genome-wide association may be an effective way to locate genes under strong recent selection. (3). The width of the selective valley is consistent with predictions based on independent measures of recombination, mutation, and selection intensity, suggesting that we have reasonable estimates of these parameters. We conclude that scanning the malaria parasite genome for evidence of recent selection may prove an extremely effective way to locate genes underlying recently evolved traits such as drug resistance, as well as providing an opportunity to study the dynamics of selective events that have occurred recently or are currently in progress.  相似文献   
This study examines prey selection by Magellanic horned owls (Bubo magellanicus) in an ecotonal steppe area of northwestern Argentine Patagonia, and analyzes morphological and behavioral traits of the owls main rodent prey. The owls diet was studied for two years, along with field estimates of rodent abundance. The frequency distribution of rodents was significantly different from that estimated from trapping, indicating that Magellanic horned owl behaved as a selective predator. Eligmodontia morgani and Abrothrix xanthorhinus, the smallest species inhabiting open areas, were consumed in lower proportion than their occurrence estimated from the trapped sample, whereas the larger Abrothrix longipilis and Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, which inhabited bushy habitats, were eaten in a greater proportion than their estimated abundance. It is suggested that distinctive morphological and behavioral characteristics among prey interacting with the owl hunting strategy, accounted for their differential vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   
The study of cell responses to environmental changes poses many experimental challenges: cells need to be imaged under changing conditions, often in a comparative manner. Multiwell plates are routinely used to compare many different strains or cell lines, but allow limited control over the environment dynamics. Microfluidic devices, on the other hand, allow exquisite dynamic control over the surrounding conditions, but it is challenging to image and distinguish more than a few strains in them. Here we describe a method to easily and rapidly manufacture a microfluidic device capable of applying dynamically changing conditions to multiple distinct yeast strains in one channel. The device is designed and manufactured by simple means without the need for soft lithography. It is composed of a Y-shaped flow channel attached to a second layer harboring microwells. The strains are placed in separate microwells, and imaged under the exact same dynamic conditions. We demonstrate the use of the device for measuring protein localization responses to pulses of nutrient changes in different yeast strains.  相似文献   
Necroptosis is a regulated and inflammatory form of cell death. We, and others, have previously reported that necroptotic cells release extracellular vesicles (EVs). We have found that necroptotic EVs are loaded with proteins, including the phosphorylated form of the key necroptosis-executing factor, mixed lineage kinase domain-like kinase (MLKL). However, neither the exact protein composition, nor the impact, of necroptotic EVs have been delineated. To characterize their content, EVs from necroptotic and untreated U937 cells were isolated and analyzed by mass spectrometry-based proteomics. A total of 3337 proteins were identified, sharing a high degree of similarity with exosome proteome databases, and clearly distinguishing necroptotic and control EVs. A total of 352 proteins were significantly upregulated in the necroptotic EVs. Among these were MLKL and caspase-8, as validated by immunoblot. Components of the ESCRTIII machinery and inflammatory signaling were also upregulated in the necroptotic EVs, as well as currently unreported components of vesicle formation and transport, and necroptotic signaling pathways. Moreover, we found that necroptotic EVs can be phagocytosed by macrophages to modulate cytokine and chemokine secretion. Finally, we uncovered that necroptotic EVs contain tumor neoantigens, and are enriched with components of antigen processing and presentation. In summary, our study reveals a new layer of regulation during the early stage of necroptosis, mediated by the secretion of specific EVs that influences the microenvironment and may instigate innate and adaptive immune responses. This study sheds light on new potential players in necroptotic signaling and its related EVs, and uncovers the functional tasks accomplished by the cargo of these necroptotic EVs.Subject terms: Necroptosis, Cell death and immune response  相似文献   
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