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Eucalypts are the most widely planted hardwood trees in the world occupying globally more than 18 million hectares as an important source of carbon neutral renewable energy and raw material for pulp, paper and solid wood. Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) in Eucalyptus have been localized on pedigree-specific RAPD or AFLP maps seriously limiting the value of such QTL mapping efforts for molecular breeding. The availability of a genus-wide genetic map with transferable microsatellite markers has become a must for the effective advancement of genomic undertakings. This report describes the development of a novel set of 230 EMBRA microsatellites, the construction of the first comprehensive microsatellite-based consensus linkage map for Eucalyptus and the consolidation of existing linkage information for other microsatellites and candidate genes mapped in other species of the genus.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide microarrays were used to profile directly extracted rRNA from environmental microbial populations without PCR amplification. In our initial inspection of two distinct estuarine study sites, the hybridization patterns were reproducible and varied between estuarine sediments of differing salinities. The determination of a thermal dissociation curve (i.e., melting profile) for each probe-target duplex provided information on hybridization specificity, which is essential for confirming adequate discrimination between target and nontarget sequences.  相似文献   
Aquatic and semiaquatic vegetation in Yaroslavl oblast has a long history of study and is described in detail for different types of waterbodies. The present summary report includes 65 formations. There are 36 formations in the hydrophilic vegetation of lakes, 39 in reservoirs, 39 in ponds, and 42 in rivers. More than half of the total list is made up of formations with the dominance of helophytes. Unique data have been obtained which make possible to trace changes in the structure of the lake vegetation in the course of natural succession and the formation of the reservoir vegetation since its filling as a result of long-term observations conducted by researchers in the waterbodies of the region. The penetration of alien species into the territory of the region can change the structure of hydrophilic vegetation.  相似文献   
Summary The synthesis of virus-specific macromolecules was studied in the reconstituted system containing inner membrane-matrix fraction from rat liver mitochondria and infectious RNA of Venezuelian equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus. In a series of preliminary experiments it was shown that isolated submitochondrial fraction was completely free of interfering cytoplasmic contaminations and particularly, of cytoplasmic 80S ribosomes. VEE RNA when added to submitochondrial system caused significant stimulation of RNA and protein synthesis. These processes were resistant to actinomycin D which inhibited profoundly the synthesis of proper mitochondrial macromolecules. The stimulating effect of VEE RNA in experiments with submitochondrial system was about three times higher than that with intact mitochondria. The stimulation of14C-amino acid incorporation increased as a function of incubation time; a certain lag-period being observed. The newly formed virus-specific RNA's and ribonucleoproteins were identified with the aid of sedimentation analysis. In particular, radioactive RNA's with sedimentation coefficients 40S and 26-18S were isolated from the incubated system. These RNA's are similar respectively to VEE genome RNA and doublestranded VEE replicative RNA. In double labelling experiments with3H-uridine and14Camino acids it was shown that VEE RNA induced synthesis of ribonucleoproteins containing newly formed RNA and protein. These RNP possessed sedimentation coefficients 60-80S, 140S and 300S in sucrose gradient and buoyant densities 1.32 and 1.50 g/cm3 in cesium chloride gradients. These properties of ribonucleoproteins synthesized de novo in submitochondrial system are close to those of RNP intermediates of VEE virus reproduction in the infected cells. We concluded that viral RNA could program virus-specific synthesis in the submitochondrial system under conditions that eliminated the contribution of cytoplasmic ribosomes.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to evaluate angiogenesis according to CD34 antigen expression in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive and negative breast carcinomas.


This study comprised 64 cases of infiltrating ductal carcinoma in postmenopausal women divided into two groups: Group A: ER-positive, n = 35; and Group B: ER-negative, n = 29. The anti-CD34 monoclonal antibody was used as a marker for endothelial cells. Microvessel count was carried out in 10 fields per slide using a 40× objective lens (magnification 400×). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using Student's t-test (p < 0.05).


The mean number of vessels stained with the anti-CD34 antibody in the estrogen receptor-positive and negative tumors was 23.51 ± 1.15 and 40.24 ± 0.42, respectively. The number of microvessels was significantly greater in the estrogen receptor-negative tumors (p < 0.001).


ER-negative tumors have significantly greater CD34 antigen expression compared to ER-positive tumors.
zeta-Crystallin is a novel nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate:quinone reductase, present at enzymatic levels in various tissues of different species, which is highly expressed in the lens of some hystricomorph rodents and camelids. We report here the complementary DNA (cDNA) cloning of zeta-crystallin from liver libraries in guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), where zeta-crystallin is highly expressed in the lens, and in the laboratory mouse (Mus musculus), where expression in the lens occurs only at enzymatic levels. A 5' untranslated sequence different from the one previously reported for the guinea pig lens cDNA was found in these clones. We also report the isolation of genomic clones including the complete guinea pig zeta-crystallin gene and the 5' region of this gene in mouse. These results show the presence of two promoters in the guinea pig zeta-crystallin gene, one responsible for expression at enzymatic levels and the other responsible for the high expression in the lens. The guinea pig lens promoter is not present in the mouse gene. This is the first example in which the recruitment of an enzyme as a lens crystallin can be explained by the acquisition of an alternative lens- specific promoter.   相似文献   
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