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The extracellular matrices (ECM) produced by cultured bovine corneal endothelial cells and chick embryo fibroblasts were compared for their induction of cell attachment, proliferation and differentiation. The corneal endothelial ECM (cECM) induced a comparable and rapid attachment and flattening of both human Ewing's sarcoma and colon carcinoma cells which utilize fibronectin and laminin as adhesive glycoproteins, respectively. In contrast, the ECM produced by fibroblasts (fECM) readily supported the attachment and flattening of Ewing's sarcoma cells but had only a small effect on the carcinoma cells. Vascular endothelial cells were stimulated to proliferate by both types of matrices, but to a lesser extent by the fECM. In contrast, the formation of a closely apposed, non-overlapping and contact-inhibited endothelial cell monolayer was only dictated by the cECM. Vascular endothelial cells cultured on fECM grew on top of each other and incorporated [3H]thymidine even late at confluency. Neurite outgrowth (ciliary ganglion cells) and network formation (adult rat oligodendrocytes) were promoted by both types of matrices but in a more consistent manner with the cECM. It is likely that the small amounts of laminin deposited by chick embryo fibroblasts into their ECM are responsible for its efficient induction of neurite outgrowth and for the limited degree of carcinoma cell attachment and flattening. It is thus demonstrated that differences in chemical composition and supramolecular arrangement between cECM and fECM result not only in differences in the attachment, spreading and proliferative responses of cells but also in the expression of their characteristic morphological appearance and differentiated functions.  相似文献   
Endothelial cells are known to bind to laminin, and two peptides derived from the laminin A (CTFALRGDNP) and B1 (CDPGYIGSR) chains block the capillary-like tube formation on a laminin-rich basement membrane matrix, Matrigel. In the present study, we have used various in vitro and in vivo assays to investigate the angiogenic-biologic effects of a third active site in the laminin A chain, CSRARKQAASIKVAVSADR (designated PA22-2) on endothelial cells. The SIKVAV-containing peptide was as active as the YIGSR-containing peptide for endothelial cell attachment but was less active than either the RGD-containing peptide or intact laminin. Endothelial cells seeded on this peptide appeared fibroblastic with many extended processes, unlike the normal cobblestone morphology observed on tissue culture plastic. In addition, in contrast to normal tube formation on Matrigel, short irregular structures formed, some of which penetrated the matrix and sprouting was more apparent. Analysis of endothelial cell conditioned media of cells cultured in the presence of this peptide indicated degradation of the Matrigel and zymograms demonstrated active collagenase IV (gelatinase) at 68 and 62 Kd. A murine in vivo angiogenesis assay and the chick yolk sac/chorioallantoic membrane assays with the peptide demonstrated increased endothelial cell mobilization, capillary branching, and vessel formation. These data suggest that the -SIKVAV-site may play an important role in initiating branching and formation of new capillaries from the parent vessels, a behavior that is observed in vivo in response to tumor growth or in the normal vascular response to injury.  相似文献   
Effects of non-thermal plasma on mammalian cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thermal plasmas and lasers have been widely used in medicine to cut, ablate and cauterize tissues through heating; in contrast, non-thermal plasma produces no heat, so its effects can be selective. In order to exploit the potential for clinical applications, including wound healing, sterilization, blood coagulation, and cancer treatment, a mechanistic understanding of the interaction of non-thermal plasma with living tissues is required. Using mammalian cells in culture, it is shown here that non-thermal plasma created by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) has dose-dependent effects that range from increasing cell proliferation to inducing apoptosis. It is also shown that these effects are primarily due to formation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). We have utilized γ-H2AX to detect DNA damage induced by non-thermal plasma and found that it is initiated by production of active neutral species that most likely induce formation of organic peroxides in cell medium. Phosphorylation of H2AX following non-thermal plasma treatment is ATR dependent and ATM independent, suggesting that plasma treatment may lead to replication arrest or formation of single-stranded DNA breaks; however, plasma does not lead to formation of bulky adducts/thymine dimers.  相似文献   
Hydrolysis of L-phenylalanyl-p-nitroanilide (PPA) and glycyl-p-nitroanilide by extracts from resting vetch seeds was shown to be the effect of two different arylamidases. One of them, PPAase, was 2000-fold purified on hydroxylapatide, DEAE-cellulose and by gel filtration through Sephadex G-100. The preparation obtained was nearly homogenous chromatographycally. Molecular weight of PPAase, as shown by means of gel filtration, was 66000, K(m) was calculated to be 1.64-10-4 M. PPAase was inhibited by SH-reagents and partially by o-oxyquinoline. Some increase in the enzyme activity was observed in the presence of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ in low concentrations. The enzyme hydrolysed amino acid arylamides with hydrophobic side groups and some dipeptides, which had at least one hydrophobic amino acid and did not contain amino acids with polar group.  相似文献   
Enhancing chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation is of paramount importance in providing effective regenerative therapies and improving the rate of fracture healing. This study investigated the potential of non-thermal atmospheric dielectric barrier discharge plasma (NT-plasma) to enhance chondrocyte and osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. Although the exact mechanism by which NT-plasma interacts with cells is undefined, it is known that during treatment the atmosphere is ionized generating extracellular reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS) and an electric field. Appropriate NT-plasma conditions were determined using lactate-dehydrogenase release, flow cytometric live/dead assay, flow cytometric cell cycle analysis, and Western blots to evaluate DNA damage and mitochondrial integrity. We observed that specific NT-plasma conditions were required to prevent cell death, and that loss of pre-osteoblastic cell viability was dependent on intracellular ROS and RNS production. To further investigate the involvement of intracellular ROS, fluorescent intracellular dyes Mitosox (superoxide) and dihydrorhodamine (peroxide) were used to assess onset and duration after NT-plasma treatment. Both intracellular superoxide and peroxide were found to increase immediately post NT-plasma treatment. These increases were sustained for one hour but returned to control levels by 24 hr. Using the same treatment conditions, osteogenic differentiation by NT-plasma was assessed and compared to peroxide or osteogenic media containing β-glycerolphosphate. Although both NT-plasma and peroxide induced differentiation-specific gene expression, neither was as effective as the osteogenic media. However, treatment of cells with NT-plasma after 24 hr in osteogenic or chondrogenic media significantly enhanced differentiation as compared to differentiation media alone. The results of this study show that NT-plasma can selectively initiate and amplify ROS signaling to enhance differentiation, and suggest this technology could be used to enhance bone fusion and improve healing after skeletal injury.  相似文献   
The phyllosphere is one of the largest habitats for terrestrial microorganisms. To gain a better insight into the factors underlying the composition of bacterial communities inhabiting leaf surfaces we performed culture-dependent and independent (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) analyses on the bacteria associated with the leaves of three plant species: Amygdalus communis, Citrus paradisi, and Nicotiana glauca. We found that the culturable classes Bacilli and Actinobacteria were the predominant classes on the phyllosphere of all three plant species. In contrast to this consistency on the bacterial class level, we found a significant variation on the bacterial species-level based on the culturable methods. Although some variation was detected among individual plants within one plant species, the inter-specific variability exceeded the intra-specific variability. C. paradisi leaf surface had the highest predicted total species richness (Chao 2 and ICE) and the highest species diversity (βw) among the three plant species. Our findings demonstrate that environmental conditions, mainly the plant species within a site, govern the bacterial community composition on leaf surfaces.  相似文献   

A theoretical method is developed for calculation of melting curves of covalent complexes of DNA with antitumor drugs. The method takes into account all the types of chemical modifications of the double helix caused by platinum compounds and DNA alkylating agents: 1) monofunctional adducts bound to one nucleotide; 2) intrastrand cross-links which appear due to bidentate binding of a drug molecule to two nucleotides that are included into the same DNA strand; 3) interstrand cross-links caused by bidentate binding of a molecule to two nucleotides of different strands. The developed calculation method takes into account the following double helix alterations at sites of chemical modifications: 1) a change in stability of chemically modified base pairs and neighboring ones, that is caused by all the types of chemical modifications; 2) a change in the energy of boundaries between helical and melted regions at sites of chemical modification (local alteration of the factor of cooperativity of DNA melting), that is caused by all the types of chemical modifications, too; 3) a change in the loop entropy factor of melted regions that include interstrand cross-links; 4) the prohibition of divergence of DNA strands in completely melted DNA molecules, which is caused by interstrand cross-links only. General equations are derived, and three calculation methods are proposed to calculate DNA melting curves and the parameters that characterize the helix-coil transition.  相似文献   

DNA interstrand cross-links are usually formed due to bidentate covalent or coordination binding of a cross-linking agent to nucleotides of different strands. However interstrand linkages can be also caused by any type of chemical modification that gives rise to a strong local stabilization of the double helix. These stabilized sites conserve their helical structure and prevent local and total strand separation at temperatures above the melting of ordinary AT and GC base pairs. This local stabilization makes DNA melting fully reversible and independent of strand concentration like ordinary covalent interstrand cross-links. The stabilization can be caused by all the types of chemical modifications (interstrand cross-links, intrastrand cross-links or monofunctional adducts) if they give rise to a strong enough local stabilization of the double helix. Our calculation demonstrates that an increase in stability by 25 to 30 kcal in the free energy of a single base pair of the double helix is sufficient for this “cross-linking effect” (i.e. conserving the helicity of this base pair and preventing strand separation after melting of ordinary base pairs). For the situation where there is more then one stabilized site in a DNA duplex (e.g., 1 stabilized site per 1000 bp), a lower stabilization per site is sufficient for the “cross-linking effect” (18–20 kcal). A substantial increase in DNA stability was found in various experimental studies for some metal-based anti-tumor compounds. These compounds may give rise to the effect described above. If ligand induced stabilization is distributed among several neighboring base pairs, a much lower minimum increase per stabilized base pair is sufficient to produce the cross-linking effect (1 bp- 24.4 kcal; 5 bp- 5.3 kcal; 10 bp- 2.9 kcal, 25 bp- 1.4 kcal; 50 bp- 1.0 kcal). The relatively weak non-covalent binding of histones or protamines that cover long regions of DNA (20–40 bp) can also cause this effect if the salt concentration of the solution is sufficiently low to cause strong local stabilization of the double helix. Stretches of GC pairs more than 25 bp in length inserted into poly(AT) DNA also exhibit properties of stabilizing interstrand cross-links.  相似文献   
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