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To isolate and identify the plasma factor which stimulates prostaglandin I 2 production by rat aortic ring, a human plasma fraction which showed a major stimulating activity on prostaglandin I 2 production was purified by ultrafiltrate, Sephadex G-10 gel filtration and QAE-Sephadex column chromatography. The purified plasma factor was identified as acid by its ultraviolet and infrared absorption spectroscopy, and 1H nmr and 13C nmr spectroscopy. The stimulating activity of the purified plasma factor and that of authentic uric acid coincided with each other. The stimulating potency of uric acid at its physiological concentration in human plasma (about 50 μg/ml) was half of the deproteinized human plasma, and was about 30 fold stronger than that of L-tryptophan, a cofactor of prostaglandin hyperoxidase.  相似文献   
To obtain direct evidence for a relationship between hemagglutinin (HA) cleavability and the virulence of avian influenza A viruses, we generated a series of HA cleavage mutants from a virulent virus, A/turkey/Ontario/7732/66 (H5N9), by reverse genetics. A transfectant virus containing the wild-type HA with R-R-R-K-K-R at the cleavage site, which was readily cleaved by endogenous proteases in chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF), was highly virulent in intramuscularly or intranasally/orally inoculated chickens. By contrast, a mutant containing the HA with an avirulent-like sequence (R-E-T-R) at the cleavage site, which was not cleaved by the proteases in CEF, was avirulent in chickens, indicating that a genetic alteration confined to the HA cleavage site can affect cleavability and virulence. Mutant viruses with HA cleavage site sequences of T-R-R-K-K-R or T-T-R-K-K-R were as virulent as viruses with the wild-type HA, whereas a mutant with a two-amino-acid deletion but retention of four consecutive basic residues (R-K-K-R) was as avirulent as a virus with the avirulent-type HA. Interestingly, although a mutant containing an HA with R-R-R-K-T-R, which has reduced cleavability in CEF, was as virulent as viruses with high HA cleavability when given intramuscularly, it was less virulent when given intranasally/orally. We conclude that the degree of HA cleavability in CEF predicts the virulence of avian influenza viruses.  相似文献   
Prevalence of feline viral antibodies in random-source laboratory cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over a period of 1973 to 1979, a serologic survey of virus infections was conducted on feline sera collected in four universities which located in different prefectures; Obihiro, Saitama, Kanagawa and Tokyo. A significant hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody titer of 1 : 8 or higher to feline panleukopenia virus (FPLV) was detected in 130 (58%) of the 226 sera used. No remarkable difference in the HI antibody prevalence in cats to FPLV was recognized by years or localities. Of a total of 188 cats tested, 99 (53%) presented positive serum neutralizing (SN) antibody titers to the No. 1 strain of feline calicivirus (FCV). Especially in Kanagawa, 17 (77%) of the 22 cats had positive SN titers. However, only 42 (22%) of the 188 sera showed positive SN titers to the Kyoritsu strain of FCV. Such lower positivity in the cats was observed with 13% in the SN test to human reovirus type 3 (Reo-3). The incidence of positive SN antibodies to feline rhinotracheitis virus (FRV) also remained in low values of 20 to 27% with the exception of high percentage of 86 in Tokyo. The dissemination of FPLV, FRV, FCV and Reo-3 was briefly discussed in relation with the age distribution of viral antibodies in cats.  相似文献   
Among the proprotein-processing subtilisin-related endoproteases, furin has been a leading candidate for the enzyme that activates the hemagglutinin (HA) of virulent avian influenza viruses. In the present study, we examined the cleavage activity of two other recently isolated ubiquitous subtilisin-related proteases, PACE4 and PC6, using wild-type HA of A/turkey/Ireland/1378/83 (H5N8) and a series of its mutant HAs. Vaccinia virus-expressed wild-type HA was not cleaved in human colon adenocarcinoma LoVo cells, which lack active furin. This processing defect was corrected by the expression of furin and PC6 but not of PACE4 and a control wild-type vaccinia virus. PC6 showed a sequence specificity similar to that with the endogenous proteases in cultured cells. When LoVo cells were infected with a virulent avian virus, A/turkey/Ontario/7732/66 (H5N9), only noninfectious virions were produced because of the lack of HA cleavage. However, when the cells were coinfected with vaccinia virus that expressed either furin or PC6, the avian virus underwent multiple cycles of replication, indicating that both furin and PC6 specifically cleave the virulent virus HA at the authentic site. These data suggest that PC6, as well as furin, can activate virulent avian influenza viruses in vivo, implying the presence of multiple HA cleavage enzymes in animals.  相似文献   
The activation process of secretory or membrane-bound zinc enzymes is thought to be a highly coordinated process involving zinc transport, trafficking, transfer and coordination. We have previously shown that secretory and membrane-bound zinc enzymes are activated in the early secretory pathway (ESP) via zinc-loading by the zinc transporter 5 (ZnT5)-ZnT6 hetero-complex and ZnT7 homo-complex (zinc transport complexes). However, how other proteins conducting zinc metabolism affect the activation of these enzymes remains unknown. Here, we investigated this issue by disruption and re-expression of genes known to be involved in cytoplasmic zinc metabolism, using a zinc enzyme, tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP), as a reporter. We found that TNAP activity was significantly reduced in cells deficient in ZnT1, Metallothionein (MT) and ZnT4 genes (ZnT1 −/− MT −/− ZnT4 −/− cells), in spite of increased cytosolic zinc levels. The reduced TNAP activity in ZnT1 −/− MT −/− ZnT4 −/− cells was not restored when cytosolic zinc levels were normalized to levels comparable with those of wild-type cells, but was reversely restored by extreme zinc supplementation via zinc-loading by the zinc transport complexes. Moreover, the reduced TNAP activity was adequately restored by re-expression of mammalian counterparts of ZnT1, MT and ZnT4, but not by zinc transport-incompetent mutants of ZnT1 and ZnT4. In ZnT1 −/− MT −/− ZnT4 −/− cells, the secretory pathway normally operates. These findings suggest that cooperative zinc handling of ZnT1, MT and ZnT4 in the cytoplasm is required for full activation of TNAP in the ESP, and present clear evidence that the activation process of zinc enzymes is elaborately controlled.  相似文献   
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in a liver with advanced-stage chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is induced by hepatitis C virus, which chronically infects about 170 million people worldwide. To elucidate the associations between gene groups in hepatocellular carcinogenesis, we analyzed the profiles of the genes characteristically expressed in the CHC and HCC cell stages by a statistical method for inferring the network between gene systems based on the graphical Gaussian model. A systematic evaluation of the inferred network in terms of the biological knowledge revealed that the inferred network was strongly involved in the known gene-gene interactions with high significance Open image in new window , and that the clusters characterized by different cancer-related responses were associated with those of the gene groups related to metabolic pathways and morphological events. Although some relationships in the network remain to be interpreted, the analyses revealed a snapshot of the orchestrated expression of cancer-related groups and some pathways related with metabolisms and morphological events in hepatocellular carcinogenesis, and thus provide possible clues on the disease mechanism and insights that address the gap between molecular and clinical assessments.  相似文献   
Abstract: The possible roles of oxalic acid, veratryl alcohol, and manganese were investigated in relation to lignin biodegradation by white-rot basidiomycetes. Oxalate inhibited both lignin peroxidase (LiP) and manganese-peroxidase (MnP). and was decarboxylated by the mediation of veratryl alcohol and Mn. Oxalate was shown to regulate the mineralization of lignin in the in vivo system of Phanerochaete chrysosporium . In the brown-rot wood decay process, oxalic acid may serve as an acid catalyst as well as an electron donor for the Fenton reaction, to breakdown cellulose and hemicellulose. Oxaloacetase and glyoxylate oxidase may play a key role in production of oxalic acid by white-rot and brown-rot basidiomycetes such as Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Coriolus versicolor and Tyromyces palustris . A possible role of oxalate metabolism is discussed in relation to the physiology of wood-rotting fungi.  相似文献   
The genome of influenza A virus consists of eight single-strand negative-sense RNA segments, each comprised of a coding region and a noncoding region. The noncoding region of the NS segment is thought to provide the signal for packaging; however, we recently showed that the coding regions located at both ends of the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase segments were important for their incorporation into virions. In an effort to improve our understanding of the mechanism of influenza virus genome packaging, we sought to identify the regions of NS viral RNA (vRNA) that are required for its efficient incorporation into virions. Deletion analysis showed that the first 30 nucleotides of the 3' coding region are critical for efficient NS vRNA incorporation and that deletion of the 3' segment-specific noncoding region drastically reduces NS vRNA incorporation into virions. Furthermore, silent mutations in the first 30 nucleotides of the 3' NS coding region reduced the incorporation efficiency of the NS segment and affected virus replication. These results suggested that segment-specific noncoding regions together with adjacent coding regions (especially at the 3' end) form a structure that is required for efficient influenza A virus vRNA packaging.  相似文献   
Summary The evolutionary relation of vertebrate myoglobin and the hemoglobin chains including the agnathan hemoglobin chain is investigated on the basis of a new view of amino acid changes that is developed by canonical discriminant analysis of amino acid residues at individual sites. In contrast to the clear discrimination of amino acid residues between myoglobin, hemoglobin a chain, and hemoglobin chain in warm-blood vertebrates, the three types of globins in the lower class of vertebrates show so much variation that they are not well discriminated. This is seen particularly at the sites that are ascertained in mammals to carry the amino acid residues participating in stabilizing the monomeric structure in myoglobin and the residues forming the subunit contacts in hemoglobin. At these sites, agnathan hemoglobin chains are evaluated to be intermediate between the myoglobin and hemoglobin chains of gnathostomes. The variation in the phylogenetically lower class of globins is also seen in the internal region; there the amino acid residues of myoglobin and hemoglobin chains in the phylogenetically higher class exhibit an example of parallel evolution at the molecular level. New quantities, the distance of sequence property between discriminated groups and the variation within each group, are derived from the values of discriminant functions along the peptide chain, and this set of quantities simply describes an overall feature of globins such that the distinction between the three types of globins has been clearer as the vertebrates have evolved to become jawed, landed, and warm-blooded. This result strongly suggests that the functional constraint on the amino acid sequence of a protein is changed by living conditions and that severe conditions constitute a driving force that creates a distinctive protein from a less-constrained protein.Offprint requests to: J. Otsuka  相似文献   
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