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The 5' cap and 3' poly(A) tail of classical eukaryotic mRNAs functionally communicate to synergistically enhance translation initiation. Synergy has been proposed to result in part from facilitated ribosome recapture on circularized mRNAs. Here, we demonstrate that this is not the case. In poly(A)-dependent, ribosome-depleted rabbit reticulocyte lysates, the addition of exogenous poly(A) chains of physiological length dramatically stimulated translation of a capped, nonpolyadenylated mRNA. When the poly(A):RNA ratio approached 1, exogenous poly(A) stimulated translation to the same extent as the presence of a poly(A) tail at the mRNA 3' end. In addition, exogenous poly(A) significantly improved translation of capped mRNAs carrying short poly(A(50)) tails. Trans stimulation of translation by poly(A) required the eIF4G-poly(A)-binding protein interaction and resulted in increased affinity of eIF4E for the mRNA cap, exactly as we recently described for cap-poly(A) synergy. These results formally demonstrate that mRNA circularization per se is not the cause of cap-poly(A) synergy at least in vitro.  相似文献   
Length–weight relationships (LWR) were estimated for four fish species caught in the Tucuruí Lake Conservation Units Mosaic (03°48’15.7”S, 049°033’033,3”W; 04°13’18.2”S, 049°041’038.5”W and 04°17’57.1”S, 049°026’006.3”W). The samples were collected trimonthly between March 2013 and December 2014, using seven different gill nets (20 × 3.0 m; mesh size: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 mm between opposing knots) spending for twelve hours per day.  相似文献   
Microwave photonics systems rely fundamentally on the interaction between microwave and optical signals. These systems are extremely promising for various areas of technology and applied science, such as aerospace and communication engineering, sensing, metrology, nonlinear photonics, and quantum optics. In this article, we present the principal techniques used in our lab to build microwave photonics systems based on ultra-high Q whispering gallery mode resonators. First detailed in this article is the protocol for resonator polishing, which is based on a grind-and-polish technique close to the ones used to polish optical components such as lenses or telescope mirrors. Then, a white light interferometric profilometer measures surface roughness, which is a key parameter to characterize the quality of the polishing. In order to launch light in the resonator, a tapered silica fiber with diameter in the micrometer range is used. To reach such small diameters, we adopt the "flame-brushing" technique, using simultaneously computer-controlled motors to pull the fiber apart, and a blowtorch to heat the fiber area to be tapered. The resonator and the tapered fiber are later approached to one another to visualize the resonance signal of the whispering gallery modes using a wavelength-scanning laser. By increasing the optical power in the resonator, nonlinear phenomena are triggered until the formation of a Kerr optical frequency comb is observed with a spectrum made of equidistant spectral lines. These Kerr comb spectra have exceptional characteristics that are suitable for several applications in science and technology. We consider the application related to ultra-stable microwave frequency synthesis and demonstrate the generation of a Kerr comb with GHz intermodal frequency.  相似文献   

Using apple consumption in Belgium as a case study, this study examines the environmental impacts associated with Belgian (BE) and New Zealand (NZ) apples, how impacts evolve throughout the year and how packaging affects this impact. Additionally, impacts associated with food losses and food waste along the chain are assessed. The study aims to delineate the most important factors in determining environmental impacts associated with apple.


The environmental impacts are calculated using the ILCD (International Reference Life Cycle Data System) approach. The functional unit is 1 kg of apples purchased by a consumer in the supermarket. Primary data was collected through players along the chain. Various scenarios are analysed for both the BE and NZ apples, based on the moment of purchase and packaging method. Food loss and waste impacts are assessed by splitting the impacts along the chain into three categories: apples lost along the supply chain, apples purchased and eaten by the consumer and apples purchased and wasted by the consumer.

Results and discussion

For all impact categories assessed, NZ apples come at a higher environmental cost than BE ones due to overseas transport. For both BE and NZ apples, minimum impacts are found for bulk apples at the beginning of the season, whereas maximum values are found for pre-packed apples at the end of the season. For BE apples, the choice of packaging method highly affects the impact, while it is negligible relative to shipping impacts for NZ apples. Altering secondary packaging materials of BE apples allows for impact reductions up to 50%. In the case of climate change, food waste and losses contribute up to 25% or 15% for BE or NZ apples, respectively, as all lost food travels in vain through the food chain and needs to be disposed of.


The study shows the importance of origin and packaging, whereas the moment of purchase hardly affects the environmental impact of apples. From a supply chain perspective, there is room for improvement as altering the use of secondary packaging greatly reduces impacts along the chain. The study further highlights how impacts are magnified by food waste and losses.

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - After publishing the abovementioned article in the “Online First Articles” list, an error was discovered.  相似文献   
Polyadenylation stimulates translation of capped eukaryotic mRNAs and those carrying picornaviral internal ribosome entry segments (IRESes) in vivo. Rabbit reticulocyte lysates (RRL) reproduce poly(A)-mediated translation stimulation in vitro after partial depletion of ribosomes and ribosome-associated factors. Here, we have evaluated the effects of varying different parameters (extent of extract depletion, cleavage of eIF4G, concentrations of KCl, MgCl2 and programming mRNA) on IRES-driven translation efficiency and poly(A)-dependency in ribosome-depleted RRL. For comparison, the study included a standard capped, polyadenylated mRNA. Dramatic differences were observed in the abilities of the different IRESes to direct translation in ribosome-depleted extracts. While the hepatitis A virus IRES was incapable of driving translation in physiological conditions in depleted RRL, mRNAs carrying the foot-and-mouth disease virus and hepatitis C virus IRESes were translated significantly better than a standard cellular mRNA in the same conditions. Indeed, the capacities of these IRESes to direct translation in ribosome-depleted RRL were similar to those reported previously in certain cell lines. Both the abilities of the IRESes to drive translation and their individual salt optima in ribosome-depleted extracts suggest that these elements have dramatically different affinities for some component(s) of the canonical translation machinery. Finally, using poliovirus as an example, we show that the ribosome-depleted system is well suited to the study of the translational capacity of naturally occurring IRES variants.  相似文献   
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