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不同番茄材料对B型烟粉虱个体发育和繁殖能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以甘蓝寄主上连续繁殖多代后的B型烟粉虱为对象,对其在8种番茄材料(4个栽培番茄、3个多毛番茄和1个醋栗番茄)上的产卵量、体型大小、发育历期、存活率以及第2代成虫的产卵量和寿命等生物学参数进行观察.自然情况下(10:00-14:00)接虫,烟粉虱在多毛番茄LA2329上的平均产卵量显著低于栽培番茄9706上的产卵量(分别为11粒,164粒).羽化后,烟粉虱雌虫在多毛番茄LA1777上的寿命显著低于在栽培番茄Moneymaker上的存活寿命(分别为5d,22d);而羽化后雌虫在LA1777上的平均产卵量显著低于在栽培番茄早粉2号上的产卵量(分别为7粒/头,95粒/头).在其他参数,如体型大小、存活率、发育历期等,没有显著性的变化.结果显示,较多毛番茄而言,栽培番茄是烟粉虱的较好寄主.而且,在评价抗烟粉虱番茄材料时,平均产卵量、羽化后雌虫寿命及产卵量是3个有效的评价参数.  相似文献   
氮磷对污水净化中藻类叶绿素含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在室内模拟生物净化槽中比较研究了氮磷对污水中藻类叶绿素含量和污水净化的影响。污水中磷含量均为7mg/L左右,氮含量分别为77.4、44.4、24.8和13.5mg/L,结果发现TN/TP=77.4/7.01mg/L组,污水经7d净化,藻类叶绿素含量最高,污水净化效果较好。四个实验组比较,叶绿素含量随TN/TP比例的上升而上升,呈显著正相关。  相似文献   
硒结合蛋白1(Selenium—binding protein 1,SBP1)与肿瘤相关,并可以与重金属镉直接结合。该研究构建了白鳍鲨SBP1重组质粒Myc-SBP1并转染人HL-702细胞,利用CCK-8和CFDASE检测Cd胁迫下的细胞增殖情况,利用流式细胞仪检测细胞内ROS的水平。结果显示,过表达白鳍鲨sBP1可拮抗cd对HL-7702细胞的毒害作用。在100μmol/L的CdCl2应激下,表达SBP1组存活率为76.4%。约为对照组存活率的2倍,实验组的细胞增殖指教和分裂能力也略高于对照组。一级结构分析表明,白鳍鲨SBP1具有两个CXXC区域,为抗氧化位点,具有2个HxD和3个HXXH保守区域,它们为推测的Cd结合位点,为在HL-7702细胞中表达白鳍鲨SBP1蛋白能拮抗Cd的结构基础。此外,ROS检测实验表明白鳍鲨SBP1蛋白能显著降低胞内ROS水平,提示硒结合蛋白除通过直接与Cd结合降低毒性外,降低重金属引起的氧化胁迫也可能发挥一定解毒作用。  相似文献   
Most of the germplasm resources in Brassica juncea produce silique with only two locules, whereas a few varieties can produce silique with three or four locules. The increase in locule number in B. juncea has been shown to cause an increase in the number of seeds per silique, resulting in an increase in the yield per plant. Thus, the development of high-locule-number varieties may be an effective way of improving the yield of B. juncea. Duoshi, a B. juncea landrace originating from the Qinghai–Tibetan plateau, produces silique with 3–4 locules. Genetic analysis has shown that the high-locule-number trait in Duoshi is determined by two recessive genes, tentatively designated as Bjln1 and Bjln2. For fine mapping of the Bjln1 gene, a BC3 population was developed from the cross between Duoshi (multilocular parent) and Xinjie (bilocular parent). Using a combination of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and bulked segregant analysis, only two AFLP markers linked to Bjln1 were identified. Preliminary linkage analysis showed that the two AFLP markers were located on the same side of Bjln1. Blast analysis revealed that the sequences of the two AFLP markers had homologues on Scaffold000019 at the bottom of B. rapa A7. Using the results of linkage analysis and BlastN searches, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were subsequently developed based on the sequence information from B. rapa A7. Seven SSR markers were eventually identified, of which ln 8 was co-segregated with Bjln1. ln 7 and ln 9, the closest flanking markers, were mapped at 2.0 and 0.4 cM distant from the Bjln1 gene, respectively. The SSR markers were cloned, sequenced and mapped on A7 of B. rapa (corresponding to J7 in the A genome of B. juncea). The two closest flanking markers, ln 7 and ln 9, were mapped within a 208-kb genomic region on B. rapa A7, in which the Bjln1 gene might be included. The present study may facilitate cloning of the Bjln1 gene as well as the selection process for developing multilocular varieties in B. juncea by marker-assisted selection and genetic engineering.  相似文献   
Genes encoding two proteins corresponding to elongation factor G (EF-G) were cloned from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The proteins encoded by these genes are both members of the EFG I subfamily. The gene encoding one of the forms of EF-G is located in the str operon and the resulting protein is referred to as EF-G1A while the gene encoding the other form of EF-G is located in another part of the genome and the resulting protein is referred to as EF-G1B. These proteins were expressed and purified to 98% homogeneity. Sequence analysis indicated the two proteins are 90/84% similar/identical. In other organisms containing multiple forms of EF-G a lower degree of similarity is seen. When assayed in a poly(U)-directed poly-phenylalanine translation system, EF-G1B was 75-fold more active than EF-G1A. EF-G1A pre-incubate with ribosomes in the presence of the ribosome recycling factor (RRF) decreased polymerization of poly-phenylalanine upon addition of EF-G1B in poly(U)-directed translation suggesting a role for EF-G1A in uncoupling of the ribosome into its constituent subunits. Both forms of P. aeruginosa EF-G were active in ribosome dependent GTPase activity. The kinetic parameters (K M) for the interaction of EF-G1A and EF-G1B with GTP were 85 and 70 μM, respectively. However, EF-G1B exhibited a 5-fold greater turnover number (observed k cat) for the hydrolysis of GTP than EF-G1A; 0.2 s-1 vs. 0.04 s-1. These values resulted in specificity constants (k cat obs/K M) for EF-G1A and EF-G1B of 0.5 x 103 s-1 M-1 and 3.0 x 103 s-1 M-1, respectively. The antibiotic fusidic acid (FA) completely inhibited poly(U)-dependent protein synthesis containing P. aeruginosa EF-G1B, but the same protein synthesis system containing EF-G1A was not affected. Likewise, the activity of EF-G1B in ribosome dependent GTPase assays was completely inhibited by FA, while the activity of EF-G1A was not affected.  相似文献   
ARID1A (AT-rich interactive domain 1A) has recently been identified as a tumor suppressor gene. Its mRNA expression is significantly low in many breast cancers; this is often associated with more aggressive phenotypes. However, the underlying molecular mechanism for its low expression has not been fully understood. This study was undertaken to evaluate the contribution of gene copy number variation, mutations, promoter methylation and histone modification to ARID1A’s low expression. 38 pairs of breast invasive ductal carcinomas and their normal breast tissue counterparts from the same patients were randomly selected for gene expression and copy number variation detection. Promoter methylation and histone modification levels were evaluated by MeDIP-qPCR and ChIP-qPCR, respectively. PCR product Sanger sequencing was carried out to detect the exon mutation rate. Twenty-two out of 38 invasive ductal carcinomas in the study (57.9%) revealed ARID1A mRNA low expression by realtime RT-PCR. The relative promoter methylation level was, significantly higher in ARID1A mRNA low expression group compared with its high expression group (p<0.001). In the low expression group, nineteen out of 22 invasive ductal carcinomas (86.4%) exhibited ARID1A promoter hypermthylation. In addition, the promoter hypermethylation was accompanied with repressive histone modification (H3K27Me3). Although five out of 38 invasive ductal carcinomas (13.2%) exhibited loss of ARID1A gene copy number by realtime PCR and nine exon novel mutations are seen from eight out of 33 invasive ductal carcinomas (24.2%), there was no statistically significant difference in both ARID1A mRNA low and high expression groups (p = 0.25,and p = 0.68, respectively). We demonstrate that promoter hypermethylation was the main culprit for ARID1A mRNA low expression in invasive ductal carcinomas. The influence of mutation and copy number variation on the expression were statistically insignificant at mRNA level, and were, therefore, not considered the main causes for ARID1A mRNA low expression in invasive breast cancer.  相似文献   
The mechanism of age‐related decline in the angiogenic potential of the myocardium is not yet fully understood. Our previous report revealed that the aging of cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (CMECs) led to changes in their expression of receptor Trk isoforms: among the three isoforms (TrkB‐FL, TrkB‐T1 and TrkB‐T2), only the truncated TrkB‐T1 isoform continued to be expressed in aged CMECs, which led to decreased migration of CMECs in aging hearts. Thus far, how BDNF induces signalling through the truncated TrkB‐T1 isoform in aged CMECs remains unclear. Here, we first demonstrated that aged CMECs utilize BDNF–TrkB‐T1 signalling to recruit Willin as a downstream effector to further activate the Hippo pathway, which then promotes migration. These findings suggest that the aging process shifts the phenotype of aged CMECs that express TrkB‐T1 receptors by transducing BDNF signals via the BDNF–TrkB‐T1–Willin–Hippo pathway and that this change might be an important mechanism and therapeutic target of the dysfunctional cardiac angiogenesis observed in aged hearts.  相似文献   
As a complicated micro-ecosystem, gut microbes are closely related to metabolic disease, immune disease and tumor (such as constipation. Long-term constipation would cause intestinal mucosal injury, enteritis, ileus, etc., thus inducing intestine cancer). In this research, intestine cancer model group and Codonopsis foetens treatment group were successfully constructed, and the variation of intestinal microbes were analyzed by 16S rRNA sequence. Results showed that there were changes in bacteria abundance of Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Deferribacteres, Tenericutes, and Actinobacteria, etc. Codonopsis foetens could directly or indirectly affect the growth and metabolism of Deferribacteres by altering the nutritional ingredient and pH value of intestine “medium”, thus affecting the occurrence and development of intestinal microbes.  相似文献   
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