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Transposable elements derived from the 7SL RNA gene, such as Alu elements in primates, have had remarkable success in several mammalian lineages. The results presented here show a broad spectrum of functions for genomic segments that display sequence composition similarities with the 7SL RNA gene. Using thoroughly documented loci, we report that DNaseI-hypersensitive sites can be singled out in large genomic sequences by an assessment of sequence composition similarities with the 7SL RNA gene. We apply a root word frequency approach to illustrate a distinctive relationship between the sequence of the 7SL RNA gene and several classes of functional genomic features that are not presumed to be of transposable origin. Transposable elements that show noticeable similarities with the 7SL sequence include Alu sequences, as expected, but also long terminal repeats and the 5′-untranslated regions of long interspersed repetitive elements. In sequences masked for repeated elements, we find, when using the 7SL RNA gene as query sequence, distinctive similarities with promoters, exons and distal gene regulatory regions. The latter being the most notoriously difficult to detect, this approach may be useful for finding genomic segments that have regulatory functions and that may have escaped detection by existing methods.  相似文献   
The physiology of the cold-shock response in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 at a subzero temperature, and cold-induced adaptation to heat shock, were investigated. Preincubation of cells at 8°C led to the development of cryotolerance, i.e., an enhanced capacity to survive exposure to freezing temperature (-20°C). Pretreatment with chemicals considered to be chaotropic agents did not induce cryotolerance or, in contrast, led to a decrease in survival capacity at -20°C. Interestingly, preincubation at 8°C led also to thermololerance to a 52°C challenge, but preincubation of cells at 42°C for 30 min did not improve their capacity to survive freezing-thawing exposure. These results demonstrate that cold- and heat-shock responses are physiologically linked by a complex relation. Furthermore, food processing at low temperature before subzero or heat treatment may need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   
In a previous work, we have described the tryptic cleavage of yeast flavocytochrome b2 into its two functional domains: a cytochrome b2 core and a flavodehydrogenase. The lactate dehydrogenase efficiency of the latter was, however, dramatically low, only about 1% that of intact flavocytochrome b2. Our present study concerns a new flavodehydrogenase derivative of Hansenula anomala flavocytochrome b2 which spontaneously dissociates from the cytochrome domain when the polypeptide bridge connecting them is cleaved by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease I. This flavodehydrogenase was purified and some of its functional and structural properties were studied. It presents an exceptionally high lactate dehydrogenase activity, about 80% that of flavocytochrome b2. This result clearly demonstrates that the cytochrome domain is not necessary for the lactate dehydrogenase function and suggests an autonomous folding for both domains. Our results are discussed in terms of 'gene fusion'.  相似文献   
Carbohydrate-starved cultures of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis IL1403 showed enhanced resistance to heat, ethanol, acid, osmotic, and oxidative stresses. This cross-protection seems to be established progressively during the transitional growth phase, with maximum resistance occurring when cells enter the stationary phase. Chloramphenicol or rifamycin treatment does not abolish the development of a tolerant cell state but, on the contrary, seems to provoke this response in L. lactis subsp. lactis.  相似文献   
Angiogenesis, the formation of capillaries from pre-existing blood vessels, is a key process in tissue engineering. If blood supply cannot be established rapidly, there is insufficient oxygen and nutrient transport and necrosis of the implanted tissue will occur. Recent studies indicate that the human dental pulp contains precursor cells, named dental pulp stem cells (hDPSC) that show self-renewal and multilineage differentiation capacity. Since these cells can be easily isolated, cultured and cryopreserved, they represent an attractive stem cell source for tissue engineering. Until now, only little is known about the angiogenic abilities and mechanisms of the hDPSC. In this study, the angiogenic profile of both cell lysates and conditioned medium of hDPSC was determined by means of an antibody array. Numerous pro-and anti-angiogenic factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and endostatin were found both at the mRNA and protein level. hDPSC had no influence on the proliferation of the human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1), but were able to significantly induce HMEC-1 migration in vitro. Addition of the PI3K-inhibitor LY294002 and the MEK-inhibitor U0126 to the HMEC-1 inhibited this effect, suggesting that both Akt and ERK pathways are involved in hDPSC-mediated HMEC-1 migration. Antibodies against VEGF also abolished the chemotactic actions of hDPSC. Furthermore, in the chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay, hDPSC were able to significantly induce blood vessel formation. In conclusion, hDPSC have the ability to induce angiogenesis, meaning that this stem cell population has a great clinical potential, not only for tissue engineering but also for the treatment of chronic wounds, stroke and myocardial infarctions.  相似文献   
Tolerance to digestive stresses is one of the main factors limiting the use of microorganisms as live probiotic agents. Susceptibility to bile salts and tolerance acquisition in the probiotic strain Propionibacterium freudenreichii SI41 were characterized. We showed that pretreatment with a moderate concentration of bile salts (0.2 g/liter) greatly increased its survival during a subsequent lethal challenge (1.0 g/liter, 60 s). Bile salts challenge led to drastic morphological changes, consistent with intracellular material leakage, for nonadapted cells but not for preexposed ones. Moreover, the physiological state of the cells during lethal treatment played an important role in the response to bile salts, as stationary-phase bacteria appeared much less sensitive than exponentially growing cells. Either thermal or detergent pretreatment conferred significantly increased protection toward bile salts challenge. In contrast, some other heterologous pretreatments (hypothermic and hyperosmotic) had no effect on tolerance to bile salts, while acid pretreatment even might have sensitized the cells. Two-dimensional electrophoresis experiments revealed that at least 24 proteins were induced during bile salts adaptation. Identification of these polypeptides suggested that the bile salts stress response involves signal sensing and transduction, a general stress response (also triggered by thermal denaturation, oxidative toxicity, and DNA damage), and an alternative sigma factor. Taken together, our results provide new insights into the tolerance of P. freudenreichii to bile salts, which must be taken into consideration for the use of probiotic strains and the improvement of technological processes.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that human recombinant soluble melanotransferrin (hr-sMTf) interacts with the single-chain zymogen pro urokinase-type plasminogen activator (scu-PA) and plasminogen. In the present work, the impact of exogenous hr-sMTf on endothelial cells (EC) migration and morphogenic differentiation into capillary-like structures (tubulogenesis) was assessed. hr-sMTF at 10 nM inhibited by 50% the migration and tubulogenesis of human microvessel EC (HMEC-1). In addition, in hr-sMTf-treated HMEC-1, the expression of both urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (u-PAR) and low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) are down-regulated. However, fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis revealed a 25% increase in cell surface u-PAR in hr-sMTf-treated HMEC-1, whereas the binding of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA)*plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) complex is decreased. This reduced u-PA-PAI-1 binding is correlated with a strong inhibition of the HMEC-1 plasminolytic activity, indicating that exogenous hr-sMTf treatment alters the internalization and recycling processes of free and active u-PAR at the cellular surface. Overall, these results demonstrate that exogenous hr-sMTf affects plasminogen activation at the cell surface, thus leading to the inhibition of EC movement and tubulogenesis. These results are the first to consider the potential use of hr-sMTf as a possible therapeutic agent in angiogenesis-related pathologies.  相似文献   
We observed that in vivo and in vitro a small fraction of the glycolytic enzyme enolase became covalently modified by its substrate 2-phosphoglycerate (2-PG). In modified Escherichia coli enolase, 2-PG was bound to Lys341, which is located in the active site. An identical reversible modification was observed with other bacterial enolases, but also with enolase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and rabbit muscle. An equivalent of Lys341, which plays an important role in catalysis, is present in enolase of all organisms. Covalent binding of 2-PG to this amino acid rendered the enzyme inactive. Replacement of Lys341 of E.coli enolase with other amino acids prevented the automodification and in most cases strongly reduced the activity. As reported for other bacteria, a significant fraction of E.coli enolase was found to be exported into the medium. Interestingly, all Lys341 substitutions prevented not only the automodification, but also the export of enolase. The K341E mutant enolase was almost as active as the wild-type enzyme and therefore allowed us to establish that the loss of enolase export correlates with the loss of modification and not the loss of glycolytic activity.  相似文献   
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