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To investigate the role mitochondrial membrane lipids play in the actions of CR (calorie restriction), C57BL/6 mice were assigned to four groups (control and three 40% CR groups) and the CR groups were fed diets containing soya bean oil (also in the control diet), fish oil or lard. The fatty acid composition of the major mitochondrial phospholipid classes, proton leak and H2O2 production were measured in liver mitochondria following 1 month of CR. The results indicate that mitochondrial phospholipid fatty acids reflect the PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid) profile of the dietary lipid sources. CR significantly decreased the capacity of ROS (reactive oxygen species) production by Complex III but did not markedly alter proton leak and ETC (electron transport chain) enzyme activities. Within the CR regimens, the CR-fish group had decreased ROS production by both Complexes I and III, and increased proton leak when compared with the other CR groups. The CR-lard group showed the lowest proton leak compared with the other CR groups. The ETC enzyme activity measurements in the CR regimens showed that Complex I activity was decreased in both the CR-fish and CR-lard groups. Moreover, the CR-fish group also had lower Complex II activity compared with the other CR groups. These results indicate that dietary lipid composition does influence liver mitochondrial phospholipid composition, ROS production, proton leak and ETC enzyme activities in CR animals.  相似文献   
C4 photosynthesis evolved multiple times independently in angiosperms, but most origins are relatively old so that the early events linked to photosynthetic diversification are blurred. The grass Alloteropsis semialata is an exception, as this species encompasses C4 and non-C4 populations. Using phylogenomics and population genomics, we infer the history of dispersal and secondary gene flow before, during and after photosynthetic divergence in A. semialata. We further analyse the genome composition of individuals with varied ploidy levels to establish the origins of polyploids in this species. Detailed organelle phylogenies indicate limited seed dispersal within the mountainous region of origin and the emergence of a C4 lineage after dispersal to warmer areas of lower elevation. Nuclear genome analyses highlight repeated secondary gene flow. In particular, the nuclear genome associated with the C4 phenotype was swept into a distantly related maternal lineage probably via unidirectional pollen flow. Multiple intraspecific allopolyploidy events mediated additional secondary genetic exchanges between photosynthetic types. Overall, our results show that limited dispersal and isolation allowed lineage divergence, with photosynthetic innovation happening after migration to new environments, and pollen-mediated gene flow led to the rapid spread of the derived C4 physiology away from its region of origin.  相似文献   
Peptide toxins of arthropods are one of the potential sources of bioactive substances. Toxins are able to bind to calcium channels and block them. Ca2+ ions play an important role in many cell processes, in particular, in apoptosis. In this work, we study the effect of some arthropod toxins on intracellular processes associated with the induction of apoptosis. Synthetic analogs of U5‐scytotoxin‐Sth1a, ω‐hexatoxin‐Hv1a, ω‐theraphotoxin‐Hhn2a, and μ‐agatoxin‐Aa1a toxins—inhibitors of calcium L, P, and Q channels and sodium channels were used in the study. Apoptosis was induced by AC‐1001 H3 peptide. We study the effect of toxins on the level of apoptosis, ROS, mitochondrial potential, GSH, and ATP in CHO‐K1 cells. We show that all the tested toxins are able to dose dependently block the induction of apoptosis triggered by AC‐1001 H3 and reduce the level of natural apoptosis in CHO‐K1 cells. Cell incubation with apoptosis inducer AC‐1001 H3 in the presence and absence of toxins causes an increase in the intracellular concentrations of ROS, ATP, and mitochondrial potential and decreases the GSH concentration. The present study reveals the antiapoptotic effect of a number of arthropod peptide toxins. The toxins studied can represent a novel approach used in the treatment of pathologies associated with the activation of apoptotic mechanisms.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic parasites of the genus Plasmodium cause malaria by invading and developing within host erythrocytes. Here, we demonstrate that PfShelph2, a gene product of Plasmodium falciparum that belongs to the Shewanella-like phosphatase (Shelph) subfamily, selectively hydrolyzes phosphotyrosine, as shown for other previously studied Shelph family members. In the extracellular merozoite stage, PfShelph2 localizes to vesicles that appear to be distinct from those of rhoptry, dense granule, or microneme organelles. During invasion, PfShelph2 is released from these vesicles and exported to the host erythrocyte. In vitro, PfShelph2 shows tyrosine phosphatase activity against the host erythrocyte protein Band 3, which is the most abundant tyrosine-phosphorylated species of the erythrocyte. During P. falciparum invasion, Band 3 undergoes dynamic and rapid clearance from the invasion junction within 1 to 2 s of parasite attachment to the erythrocyte. Release of Pfshelph2 occurs after clearance of Band 3 from the parasite-host cell interface and when the parasite is nearly or completely enclosed in the nascent vacuole. We propose a model in which the phosphatase modifies Band 3 in time to restore its interaction with the cytoskeleton and thus reestablishes the erythrocyte cytoskeletal network at the end of the invasion process.  相似文献   
Disease-causing aberrations in the normal function of a gene define that gene as a disease gene. Proving a causal link between a gene and a disease experimentally is expensive and time-consuming. Comprehensive prioritization of candidate genes prior to experimental testing drastically reduces the associated costs. Computational gene prioritization is based on various pieces of correlative evidence that associate each gene with the given disease and suggest possible causal links. A fair amount of this evidence comes from high-throughput experimentation. Thus, well-developed methods are necessary to reliably deal with the quantity of information at hand. Existing gene prioritization techniques already significantly improve the outcomes of targeted experimental studies. Faster and more reliable techniques that account for novel data types are necessary for the development of new diagnostics, treatments, and cure for many diseases.
This article is part of the “Translational Bioinformatics" collection for PLOS Computational Biology.

What to Learn in This Chapter

  • Identification of specific disease genes is complicated by gene pleiotropy, polygenic nature of many diseases, varied influence of environmental factors, and overlying genome variation.
  • Gene prioritization is the process of assigning likelihood of gene involvement in generating a disease phenotype. This approach narrows down, and arranges in the order of likelihood in disease involvement, the set of genes to be tested experimentally.
  • The gene “priority" in disease is assigned by considering a set of relevant features such as gene expression and function, pathway involvement, and mutation effects.
  • In general, disease genes tend to 1) interact with other disease genes, 2) harbor functionally deleterious mutations, 3) code for proteins localizing to the affected biological compartment (pathway, cellular space, or tissue), 4) have distinct sequence properties such as longer length and a higher number of exons, 5) have more orthologues and fewer paralogues.
  • Data sources (directly experimental, extracted from knowledge-bases, or text-mining based) and mathematical/computational models used for gene prioritization vary widely.


The common or brinjal eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) belongs to the Leptostemonum Clade (the “spiny” solanums) of the species-rich genus Solanum (Solanaceae). Unlike most of the genus, the eggplant and its relatives are from the Old World; most eggplant wild relatives are from Africa. An informal system for naming eggplant wild relatives largely based on crossing and other biosystematics data has been in use for approximately a decade. This system recognises several forms of two broadly conceived species, S. incanum L. and S. melongena. Recent morphological and molecular work has shown that species-level differences exist between these entities, and a new species-level nomenclature has been identified as necessary for plant breeders and for the maintenance of accurately named germplasm.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We examined herbarium specimens from throughout the wild species ranges as part of a larger revision of the spiny solanums of Africa. Based on these morphological and molecular studies, we delimited species in the group to which the common eggplant belongs and constructed identification keys for the group. We also examined the monophyly of the group considered as the eggplant relatives by previous authors.


We recognise ten species in this group: S. aureitomentosum Bitter, S. campylacanthum A.Rich., S. cerasiferum Dunal, S. incanum L., S. insanum L., S. lichtensteinii Willd., S. linnaeanum Hepper & P.-M.L.Jaeger, S. melongena L., S. rigidum Lam. and S. umtuma Voronts. & S.Knapp. We review the history of naming and provide keys and character lists for all species. Ploidy level differences have not been investigated in the eggplant wild relatives; we identify this as a priority for improvement of crop wild relative use in breeding. The application of species-level names to these entities will help focus new collecting efforts for brinjal eggplant improvement and help facilitate information exchange.  相似文献   
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