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In recent years, black ginseng, a new type of processed ginseng product, has attracted the attention of scholars globally. Ginsenoside and ginseng polysaccharide, the main active substances of black ginseng, have been shown to carry curative effects for many diseases. This article focuses on the mechanism of their action in anti-inflammatory response, which is mainly divided into three aspects: activation of immune cells to exert immune regulatory response; participation in inflammatory response-related pathways and regulation of the expression level of inflammatory factors; effect on the metabolic activity of intestinal flora. This study identifies active anti-inflammatory components and an action mechanism of black ginseng showing multi-component, multi-target, and multi-channel characteristics, providing ideas and a basis for a follow-up in-depth study of its specific mechanism.  相似文献   
高原人体左心室舒张功能和顺应性的改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用同步描记心电图、心音图、颈动脉搏动图和心尖搏动图以测定高原人体的左心室舒张功能和顺应性。在4个不同海拔高度进行实验,即76m(海平对照)、2161m、3270m和4179m,每一高度40名健康男性青年,高原3组世居、移居各20名。结果显示:随着海拔增高,主动舒张时间指数(TRTI)有减小趋势,RF波相对振幅(F/H)逐渐降低,A波相对振幅(A/D)则渐趋增大,3270m以上增大明显(p<0.05),舒张振幅时间指数(DATI)逐渐降低,3270m以上差异极显著(p<0.001)。高原世居与移居者相比,在海拔4179m出现明显差别,移居组TRTI、DATI、F/H较低而A/D较高(D<0.05)。测定射血前期与左室射血时间比值(PEP/LVET)、射血分数(EF)及左室周径纤维平均缩短速度(mVcf)3项指标作对照,显示在此高度左室收缩功能仍能保持。高原慢性心肌缺氧可能是导致左室舒张功能和顺应性轻度降低的原因。  相似文献   
The discovery of reduced flavin mononucleotide and fatty aldehydes as essential factors of light emission facilitated study of bacterial luminescence. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying bacterial luminescence have been studied for more than 60 years, the structure of the bacterial fatty acid reductase complex remains unclear. Here, we report the cryo-EM structure of the Photobacterium phosphoreum fatty acid reductase complex LuxC–LuxE to a resolution of 2.79 Å. We show that the active site Lys238/Arg355 pair of LuxE is >30 Å from the active site Cys296 of LuxC, implying that catalysis relies on a large conformational change. Furthermore, mutagenesis and biochemical experiments support that the L-shaped cleft inside LuxC plays an important role in substrate binding and reaction. We obtained a series of mutants with significantly improved activity as measured by in vitro bioluminescence assays and demonstrated that the double mutant W111A/F483K displayed the highest activity (370% of the WT). Our results indicated that the activity of LuxC significantly affects the bacterial bioluminescence reaction. Finally, we expressed this mutated lux operon in Escherichia coli but observed that the in vivo concentrations of ATP and NADPH limited the enzyme activity; thus, we conclude that the luminous intensity mainly depends on the level of metabolic energy.  相似文献   
观察了20位志愿者在接种试验性流行性出血热(EHF)地鼠肾细胞(GHKC)双价灭活疫苗后的细胞免疫反应,并以其体液免疫反应作对照观察。用淋巴细胞转化试验测定细胞免疫水平。结果首针疫苗接种后42天和56天,特异性刺激指数(SSI)和非特异性刺激指数(NSI)均较免疫前显著增高(P_(SSI)<0.001;P_(NSI)<0.02),免疫后SSI累计阳转率为100%,NSI累计阳转率为60%,免疫后6个月二者均降低至正常水平。免疫后56天测定抗体,荧光抗体阳转率为100%;微量感染性中和试验表明,针对家鼠型病毒L99株中和抗体阳转率为95%,而针对野鼠型病毒JR株阳转率为65%。  相似文献   
运城市野菜资源开发利用现状调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运城市野菜资源丰富,具有很高的开发利用价值;阐述了运城市野菜资源的开发利用现状和存在问题,并提出开展野菜重点资源调查与研究,制定野菜资源的保护措施,充分实现野菜的综合开发利用,并列举出几种主要野菜的形态特征,营养价值及药用价值。  相似文献   
根据OC-IΔD86基因序列, 设计合成了7条寡核苷酸片段, 通过重叠延伸PCR技术合成了OC-IΔD86基因, 利用设计好的BamH I/ Xho I酶切位点将OC-IΔD86基因克隆到原核表达载体pet21b中, 在1 mmol/L的IPTG 诱导后5 h, OC-IDD86融合基因在大肠杆菌中得到表达, 表达产物处于可溶状态, 其表达量占总蛋白的11.4%, 可溶性蛋白的16.4%; 利用Ni-NTA系统纯化该蛋白并经PEG20000浓缩后, 活性分析表明该蛋白酶抑制剂在体外表现出对木瓜蛋白酶明显的抑制作用。这为转OC-IΔD86基因的抗根结线虫植物基因工程抗体制备, 以及进一步体内的抗根结线虫研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
大气颗粒物污染对土地覆盖变化的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
土地利用-覆盖变化(LUCC)直接或间接影响颗粒物污染。了解颗粒物污染对LUCC的响应,对维护和改善生态环境具有重要的意义。基于卫星遥感技术,从广域的空间尺度分析颗粒物污染对LUCC的响应。使用MODIS数据分别提取与颗粒物污染相关性较高的城市用地、林地等土地利用类型,确定土地利用类型的变化趋势,利用长时间序列MODIS气溶胶光学厚度(AOD,Aerosol optical depth)产品分析颗粒物污染与土地利用类型的变化的相关性。以山东省青岛市、淄博市、济南市3个典型城市为例,研究了AOD随土地利用类型的变化趋势。同时,考虑并分析了颗粒物污染对土地利用变化响应的敏感性,以及城市区域变化对环境的影响。研究结果表明,不同的城市类型,由于决定环境变化主导因素的差异,颗粒物污染对LUCC的响应具有明显的差异。青岛市地区,由于受海洋影响显著,大气颗粒物污染与LUCC的相关性较低,如中度污染天气与林地的相关系数为-0.451;而淄博市和济南市的相关系数分别为-0.473、-0.507。  相似文献   
基于RS和GIS的开封市土地覆盖分形   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以RS和GIS为技术手段,利用开封市0.61m空间分辨率的QuickBird卫星遥感数据,采用分形几何方法研究了斑块的面积效应和覆盖类型分形的关系,并对覆盖类型的分形特征差异等进行了分析。结果表明,开封市防护林地和农田的平均斑块面积较大,分维数也较大,而水体的分维数较小,说明防护林和农田斑块的边界结构特征比水体更为复杂。斑块的分维值具有尺度依赖性,同一类型中大的斑块往往具有较大的分维值,其原因是大斑块经常出现不同类型的斑块相互嵌套,小斑块则很少出现甚至不出现这种现象。  相似文献   
In dry climates with long, hot summers and freezing winters, such as that of the southern Great Plains of North America, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) has proven potential as a cellulosic bioenergy feedstock. This trial looked at dry matter (DM) and N yield dynamics of switchgrass overseeded with cool-season legumes and rye (Secale cereale L.), compared to switchgrass fertilized with 0, 56 and 112 kg N ha-1 yr-1 at an infertile and a fertile location. Optimal N fertilizer rate on switchgrass was 56 kg N ha-1 at the infertile location. Legume yield was greater in the first season after planting, compared to subsequent years where annual legumes were allowed to reseed and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was allowed to grow. This suggests that the reseeding model for annual legumes will not work in switchgrass swards grown for biomass unless soil seed banks are built up for more than one year, and that overseeding with alfalfa may have to be repeated in subsequent years to build up plant populations. Overseeding rye and legumes generally did not suppress or enhance switchgrass biomass production compared to unfertilized switchgrass. However, cumulative spring and fall biomass yields were generally greater due to winter and spring legume production, which could be beneficial for grazing or soil conservation systems, but not necessarily for once-yearly late autumn harvest biofuel production systems.  相似文献   
Degradation of proteins mediated by ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (UPP) plays important roles in the regulation of eukaryotic cell cycle. In this study, the functional roles and regulatory mechanisms of UPP in mouse oocyte meiotic maturation, fertilization, and early embryonic cleavage were studied by drug-treatment, Western blot, antibody microinjection, and confocal microscopy. The meiotic resumption of both cumulus-enclosed oocytes and denuded oocytes was stimulated by two potent, reversible, and cell-permeable proteasome inhibitors, ALLN and MG-132. The metaphase I spindle assembly was prevented, and the distribution of ubiquitin, cyclin B1, and polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) was also distorted. When UPP was inhibited, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/p90rsk phosphorylation was not affected, but the cyclin B1 degradation that occurs during normal metaphase-anaphase transition was not observed. During oocyte activation, the emission of second polar body (PB2) and the pronuclear formation were inhibited by ALLN or MG-132. In oocytes microinjected with ubiquitin antibodies, PB2 emission and pronuclear formation were also inhibited after in vitro fertilization. The expression of cyclin B1 and the phosphorylation of MAPK/p90rsk could still be detected in ALLN or MG-132-treated oocytes even at 8 h after parthenogenetic activation or insemination, which may account for the inhibition of PB2 emission and pronuclear formation. We also for the first time investigated the subcellular localization of ubiquitin protein at different stages of oocyte and early embryo development. Ubiquitin protein was accumulated in the germinal vesicle (GV), the region between the separating homologous chromosomes, the midbody, the pronuclei, and the region between the separating sister chromatids. In conclusion, our results suggest that the UPP plays important roles in oocyte meiosis resumption, spindle assembly, polar body emission, and pronuclear formation, probably by regulating cyclin B1 degradation and MAPK/p90rsk phosphorylation.  相似文献   
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