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The Barn Owl Tyto alba was the most common owl killed on motorways in northeastern France. The possible causes of this mortality and the age, sex and body condition of the road-killed birds in 1991–1994 have been investigated. The number of birds killed on roads was highest in the period from early autumn to late winter, i.e. during the non-breeding period, and showed a pattern similar to that of the temporal difference between sunset, which varies with day length, and peak of traffic, the occurrence of which is constant throughout the year. An autumnal mortality peak, concomitant with the post-fledging dispersal, was mainly of immature birds, especially females. A second mortality peak in late winter was composed mainly of mature birds, with an equal proportion of males and females. From autumn to winter, there was no significant change in body mass in the different age and sex categories of birds killed on roads, except for mature males which had a significantly lower body mass in winter. From early autumn to late winter, the mean body mass of immature owls killed on motorways did not differ significantly from that of captive immatures fed ad libitum. This suggests that the immature birds were in good body condition. In contrast, the body mass of road-killed mature females was significantly lower than that of captive mature females over the same time periods. In mature males in late winter, a drop in body mass in both road-killed and captive birds suggests an endogenous seasonal phenomenon. Except for mature females, Barn Owls killed on roads in 1991–1994 were in good body condition. This does not support the idea that only birds in poor body condition were killed. We conclude that the mortality of Barn Owls on motorways in autumn and winter was probably related to the concomitance between the peak of traffic and the onset of hunting activity and the large number and dispersal of immature individuals during the same period.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. Climate change has been occurring at unprecedented rates and its impacts on biological populations is beginning to be well documented in the literature. For many species, however, long‐term records are not available, and trends have not been documented. 2. Using museum specimens from southern USA, we show that the stream‐dwelling beetle Gyretes sinuatus has shown an 8% increase in body size and change in body shape (fineness ratio) from 1928 to 1988. Any directional morphological change observed over time could be an indicator of a microevolutionary response. 3. During these 60 years, there have also been changes in temperature, precipitation, and location of collection sites. Unlike the global trend, mean annual temperature in the region has decreased, and furthermore, total annual precipitation has increased. By investigating how these various ecological and geographical variables may affect body size and shape, we can examine which pressures may promote larger and/or thinner beetles. 4. Results indicate that mean annual temperature was the most predictive variable for the change in size and shape. We suggest there is an adaptive role for temperature on body size and shape of stream dwelling organisms. 5. We found that museum specimens can be invaluable resources of information when collection date and location information is available. We promote the use of such specimens for future studies of the morphological response to climate change.  相似文献   
  • 1 The species number, the abundance per species and the body length of arthropods foraging within the crowns of an over-storey rainforest tree from Australia, Argyrodendron actinophyllum (Sterculiaceae), were investigated by interception trap sampling and restricted canopy fogging. Emphasis was placed upon the interpretation of trap data. Arthropods were trapped continuously day and night, over a 2-year period and the final analyses examined the attributes of 759 species which represented 20,500 individuals.
  • 2 The proportion of‘rare’species (Le. collected once) intercepted was high (35.7%), although lower than in other similar rainforest surveys. Neither the α log-series nor the log-normal distribution could be fitted to the relationship between number of species and number of individuals, since the number of rare species was much higher than predicted and the mode of the distribution could not be identified. The proportion of rare species was higher in fogging collections (452%) than in trap collections.
  • 3 The data are compared with a study of Bornean arboreal beetles, obtained by fogging trees during a single sampling event. Several patterns were common to both data sets. However, the three-dimensional plot of the variables describing the structure of the arthropod community showed a notably rougher surface than in the case of Bornean beetles.
  • 4 Although several factors may complicate the interpretation of the three-dimensional plots, long-term and continuous sampling may alter our perception of complex arthropod communities. This methodology is imperative for a proper understanding of arthropod community structure in rain forests.
The spatial ecology of wintering Eurasian Woodcocks Scolopax rusticola was investigated to determine whether hunting-free forest reserves offer adequate protection to all individuals. The analysis of movements performed by 65 radiotagged Woodcocks during three consecutive winters in Brittany revealed the existence of three types of individual strategies. During daylight hours, 34% of birds remained in a unique core area (of 1.1 ha) during January and February while 18% used several core areas successively (never came back to a previously used core) and 48% alternated between several core areas (exploratory movements around several core areas visited several times). Alternating diurnal strategies seemed to result from a lower abundance of food (earthworms), whereas this was not the case in the unique core-use strategy. The successive core-use strategy was considered as a subset of the 'unique' strategy, for which birds were forced to change sites because of a lower abundance of food after depletion. During the night, 62% of birds showed alternative core-use whereas 33% lived in a unique core and the 'successive' strategy was almost absent. As food abundance was similar in the night cores used by birds under each strategy, we discuss the reasons for the nocturnal strategies in relation to individual differences in territoriality or the ability to detect predators. Both diurnal and nocturnal strategies led most of the birds to leave the reserve, and the important use of bocage and hedges by day (by 39% of birds) and meadows at night (83% of birds used meadows on more than 70% of nights), around the protected forest, call for their inclusion in management plans around reserves.  相似文献   
The abundance, activity and species richness of arthropods, particularly of insect herbivores, were investigated in the upper canopy and understorey of a lowland rainforest at La Makandé, Gabon. In total 14 161 arthropods were collected with beating, flight interception and sticky traps, from six canopy sites, during the day and at night, from mid-January to mid-March 1999. The effects of stratum were most important, representing between 40 and 70% of the explained variance in arthropod distribution. Site effects represented between 20 and 40% of the variance and emphasized the néed for replication of sampling among canopy sites. Time effects (diel activity) explained a much lower percentage of variance (6–9%). The density and abundance of many arthropod taxa and species were significantly higher in the upper canopy than in the understorey. Arthropod activity was also higher during the day than at night. In particular, insect herbivores were 2.5 times more abundant and twice as speciose in the upper canopy than in the understorey, a probable response to the greater and more diverse food resources in the former stratum. Faunal overlap between the upper canopy and understorey was low. The most dissimilar herbivore communities foraged in the understorey at night and the upper canopy during the day. Further, a taxonomic study of a species-rich genus of herbivore collected there (Agrilus , Coleoptera Buprestidae) confirmed that the fauna of the upper canopy was different, diverse and very poorly known in comparison to that of the understorey. Herbivore turnover between day and night was rather high in the upper canopy and no strong influx of insect herbivores from lower foliage to the upper canopy was detected at night. This suggests that insect herbivores of the upper canopy may be resident and well adapted to environmental conditions there.  相似文献   
The evolution and determinants of host specificity in Lamellodiscus species (Monogenea, Diplectanidae) were investigated. The 20 known Mediterranean species were studied, all parasites of fishes from the family Sparidae (Teleostei). An index of specificity, which takes into account the phylogenetic relationships of their fish host species, was defined. The link between specificity and its potential determinants was investigated in a phylogenetic context using the method of independent contrasts. Host specificity in Lamellodiscus species appeared to be highly constrained by phylogeny, but also linked to host size. Mapping specificity onto the parasite phylogenetic tree suggests that specialist species do not represent an evolutionary dead end, and that specialization is not a derived condition. It is hypothesized that the ability to be generalist or specialist in Lamellodiscus is controlled by intrinsic, phylogenetically-related characteristics, and that specialist species tend to use large hosts, which may be more predictable.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77, 431−443.  相似文献   
Annexins are calcium-binding proteins that have been associated in plants with different biological processes such as responses to abiotic stress and early nodulation stages. Until now, the implication of annexins during plant–pathogen interactions has not been reported. Here, a novel plant annexin gene induced in tobacco BY-2 cell suspension cultures infected with the phytopathogenic bacterium Rhodococcus fascians (strain D188) has been identified . Expression of this gene, called Ntann12 , is also induced, but to a lower extent, by a strain (D188-5) that is unable to induce leafy gall formation. This gene was also induced in BY-2 cells infected with Pseudomonas syringae but not in cells infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens or Escherichia coli. Ntann12 expression was also found to be stimulated by abiotic stress, including NaCl and abscissic acid, confirming a putative role in stress signal transduction pathways. In addition, promoter- GUS analyses using homozygous transgenic tobacco seedlings showed that the developmentally controlled expression of Ntann12 is altered upon R. fascians infection. Finally, up-regulation of Ntann12 during leafy gall ontogenesis was confirmed by RT-qPCR. Discussion is focused on the potential role of Ntann12 in biotic and abiotic stress responses and in plant development, both processes that may involve Ca2+-dependent signalling.  相似文献   
This work presents a cooperative effort to integrate new molecular (isozyme and SSU analyses) characters into the morphological taxonomy of the genus Gigaspora (Glomales). Previous analyses of published Gigaspora SSU sequences indicated the presence of a few polymorphic nucleotides in the region delimited by primers NS71-SSU 1492'. In our study, the SSU of 24 isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi from the Gigasporaceae were amplified and the NS71-SSU 1492' region was directly sequenced. The corresponding sequences of four more isolates of AM fungi from Gigasporaceae, already published, were also included in our analyses. Three Gigaspora groups were identified on the basis of a 6 nucleotide-long 'molecular signature': Gigaspora rosea group ( G. rosea + G. albida ), Gigaspora margarita group ( G. margarita + G. decipiens ) and Gigaspora gigantea , which constituted a group by itself. The isozyme profiles (malate dehydrogenase, MDH) of 12 of these 28 isolates, and seven other isolates not sequenced, were compared. The results obtained further supported the grouping of isolates provided by the SSU analysis. Both SSU and MDH analysis indicated that two out of the 35 isolates had been misidentified, which was confirmed when their morphology was reassessed. The use of the Gigaspora intrageneric molecular signature as a quick, unambiguous and objective method to recognize Gigaspora isolates under any (field or laboratory) experimental conditions is suggested.  相似文献   
We have established a simple soil-based experimental system that allows a small and sustained restriction of growth of Arabidopsis by low nitrogen (N). Plants were grown in a large volume of a peat–vermiculite mix that contained very low levels of inorganic N. As a control, inorganic N was added in solid form to the peat–vermiculite mix, or plants were grown in conventional nutrient-rich solids. The low N growth regime led to a sustained 20% decrease of the relative growth rate over a period of 2 weeks, resulting in a two- to threefold decrease in biomass in 35- to 40-day-old plants. Plants in the low N regime contained lower levels of nitrate, lower nitrate reductase activity, lower levels of malate, fumarate and other organic acids and slightly higher levels of starch, as expected from published studies of N-limited plants. However, their rosette protein content was unaltered, and total and many individual amino acid levels increased compared with N-replete plants. This metabolic phenotype reveals that Arabidopsis responds adaptively to low N by decreasing the rate of growth, while maintaining the overall protein content, and maintaining or even increasing the levels of many amino acids.  相似文献   
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