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For almost a century the amphibian notochord has been analyzed from either the structural or functional point of view. Relatively complete data have been collected concerning several aspects of its structure. Some of that data will be reviewed in this report. The functional role of the notochord has also occasionally been analyzed. Only recently, however, have extensive data begun to emerge which deal directly with cause-effect relationships which may or may not exist between the notochord and surrounding tissues of the embryonic axial structure system. This report will re-evaluate the role of the notochord in amphibian embryogenesis, and provide a review of the historical perspective in which recent discoveries should be interpreted.  相似文献   
郑彦芬  吴福桢 《昆虫学报》1992,35(2):208-210
甲蟋属Acanthoplistus Saussure,1877隶属于蟋蟀总科、蟋蟀科。以前Chopard等蟋蟀分类专家曾根据此属的外部形态特征将其归于铁蟋科,1983年Gorochov l研究其外生殖器后认为Acanthoplistus属应属于蟋蟀科更为合理。其属征是前胸背板方形,盘区前缘向后凹星缓弧形,后缘平直,盘区和侧叶之间具明显纵隆线;足短,侧扁,后胫节具刺  相似文献   
广东柑橘园的昆虫演替   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1937年到1973年的三十七年间,广东潮汕地区柑橘害虫的防治,大致可以分为四个阶段:即人工及土农药防冶阶段(1937—1952年)、有机氯杀虫剂阶段(1953—1958年)、有机磷杀虫剂阶段(1959—1964年)和杀螨剂兼用阶段(1965年至现在)。土农药阶段的昆虫特点是种类多、区系复杂。有机氯阶段淘汰了咀嚼式口器的主要害虫和适应能力比较差的吸收式口器害虫。有机磷阶段又淘汰了另一部分比较顽强的吸收式口器害虫。能产生抗药性的或新侵入、新发展的害虫种群数量上升,成为主要种类。这类害虫以橘全爪螨最为突出,三十七年间出现了三次显著变化。 导致柑橘园昆虫群落变化的主要原因在于不合理施用化学农药。它使天敌数量减少;有的害虫产生抗药性,或者由于繁殖力强,种群数量庞大;或栖息场所隐蔽,未受淘汰,成为再猖獗的虫源。作者调查和比较了施药与不施药的柑橘园昆虫区系后,见到施药柑橘园的昆虫种类较少,反映了昆虫区系的简化,但优势种群的数量则明显增多。 近年来,有些地区新侵入柑橘园成为优势种群的尺蛾科害虫,是由于引种未经检疫的带虫覆盖作物种苗——毛蔓豆所造成的。光绿橘天牛是由于施药后削弱了其竞争种——星天牛,才使种间关系改变的。吸果夜蛾的增加为害则与“柑橘上山”,开垦山地和旱地种柑有关。 提出控制柑橘害虫种群的途径,首先是合理施用化学农药:选用选择性农药的品种及改进施药方法,注意用药量和施药次数。其次为繁殖有效的天敌,例如腹管颏瓢虫或植绥螨等。农业技术防冶应作为一种基础措施而与化学防治及生物防治相结合,通过综合防治的途径,把柑橘害虫的防治推向新水平。  相似文献   
北京及银川常见蟋蟀鸣叫习性与种类鉴定(直翅目:蟋蟀总科)   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
约从本世纪中叶起,昆虫分类学家注意到蟋蟀、蚱蜢、螽斯及蝉类雄虫的鸣声可用于鉴定种类。由于近代物理技术的发展,人们已能把昆虫鸣声准确录音,在示波器上显示其特征,并摄影制图,帮助分析鉴定。六十年代全世界已有三百余种鸣虫的鸣声作了录音带,这一成就大大推动了分类鉴定工作。如美国已被认识的蟋蟀原为65种,由于对鸣声的分析鉴定导致40个新种的发现,使总数达到105种。 1978—1982年,作者等把北京、银川常见的7种蟋蟀进行饲养和观察,以了解其生活  相似文献   
Species of Aspergillus produce a diverse array of secondary metabolites, and recent genomic analysis has predicted that these species have the capacity to synthesize many more compounds. It has been possible to infer the presence of 55 gene clusters associated with secondary metabolism in Aspergillus flavus ; however, only three metabolic pathways—aflatoxin, cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and aflatrem—have been assigned to these clusters. To gain an insight into the regulation of and to infer the ecological significance of the 55 secondary metabolite gene clusters predicted in A. flavus, we examined their expression over 28 diverse conditions. Variables included culture medium and temperature, fungal development, colonization of developing maize seeds and misexpression of laeA , a global regulator of secondary metabolism. Hierarchical clustering analysis of expression profiles allowed us to categorize the gene clusters into four distinct clades. Gene clusters for the production of aflatoxins, CPA and seven other unknown compound(s) were identified as belonging to one clade. To further explore the relationships found by gene expression analysis, aflatoxin and CPA production were quantified under five different cell culture environments known to be conducive or nonconducive for aflatoxin biosynthesis and during the colonization of developing maize seeds. Results from these studies showed that secondary metabolism gene clusters have distinctive gene expression profiles. Aflatoxin and CPA were found to have unique regulation, but are sufficiently similar that they would be expected to co-occur in substrates colonized with A. flavus .  相似文献   
冯平章  吴福桢 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):213-218
弯翅蠊属(Panesthia Serville,1831)是弯翅蠊科(Panesthiidae)中最大的类群。其种类生活于树林的枯枝朽木、地面落叶、垃圾、石缝及各种堆积物中,以各种腐殖质、树皮下的木质为生。过去,Brunner De Wattenwyl, C., Saussure, H., Hanitsch, R.以及Bey-Bienko,G.等曾零星报道过中国弯翅蠊10种,除2种异名,实为8种。近几年,我们结合野外采集,鉴定各地林虫标本,整理了我国弯翅蠊属,鉴定出8种,其中3种为中国的已知种,3种为中国新纪录,2个新种。本文长度单位均为mm。  相似文献   
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