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紫茎泽兰的化学成分初报   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
紫茎泽兰(Eupalorium adenophorum Spreng)原产中美墨西哥,现在滇南一带广泛分布,对林、牧业生产造成严重危害。其化学成分研究未见报道。 从紫茎泽兰的叶和花序中,分到九个单体,经详细的光谱解析和与标准品对照,其中五个成分的化学结构分别为:正三十二烷n-dotriacontane(1),β-谷甾醇β-sitosterol(2),豆甾醇stigmasterol(3),蒲公英醇棕榈酸酯taraxasteryl palmitate(4),蒲公英醇乙酸酯taraxastcryl acetate(5)。  相似文献   
Background aimsThe potential protective effects of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) on some kidney diseases has been reported. However, the effect of MSCs on doxorubicin-induced nephropathy is still poorly understood.MethodsRats with doxorubicin-induced kidney injuries were treated with human cord-derived MSCs. Human MSCs were first labeled with 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine to track their homing in kidneys after infusion.ResultsAlleviation of proteinuria, decreased serum albumin, alleviation of lipid disorders and histologic alterations were found in rats 4 weeks after treatment with MSCs, particularly in rats that were given repeat doses. Decreases in serum levels of interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α and prostaglandin E2 and decreases in messenger RNA levels of kidney tissue cylooxygenase-2 and EP4 were found in MSC-treated rats. MSC-treated rats also displayed an increase in serum interleukin-10 levels.ConclusionsThese results indicate that MSCs ameliorate doxorubicin-induced kidney injuries and inflammation, suggesting a potential clinical treatment for inflammatory kidney diseases.  相似文献   
用SARS冠状病毒全基因组芯片杂交方法分析SARS-CoV   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为从临床样品中检测和分析SARSCoV病毒打基础,并为分析SARSCoV病毒的复制和转录等机理提供一种有效方法。以SARS冠状病毒TOR2株序列作为标准设计和制备一种覆盖SARS冠状病毒全基因组的寡聚核苷酸芯片,探针长度为70nt,每相邻的探针序列重复25nt,共660条。用该芯片分析了细胞培养的SARSCoV病毒总RNA、7个SARSCoV病毒的基因克隆片段。对RNA样品用随机引物进行反转录PCR获得cDNA。对DNA用随机引物扩增和dUTPcy3标记。结果用这种芯片杂交检测SARSCoV病毒RNA可见阳性信号呈全基因组分布,并且有多处连续的阳性信号点;用正常人的白细胞RNA为对照,杂交未出现明显阳性信号。检测7个SARSCoV病毒基因克隆片段,在该片段相应的探针区段出现连续阳性信号点。这种方法可有效地检测和分析样品中SARS冠状病毒全基因组的信息。  相似文献   
本实验调查了武汉东湖浮游植物水华的各种成份以及水柱沉淀物内叶绿素α含量,根据碳与叶绿素α关系,给定了一回归方程,并计算出沉淀物中藻类活体相应的碳、氮、磷含量。从平均数值看,武汉东湖浮游植物水华的C,N,P含量分别为39.30,7.98及0.94(%);其干湿比为0.20,碳、氮比为5.10,碳、磷比为46.54,碳与叶绿素α之比则为133.32。 1983年东湖水柱沉淀物中浮游植物活体叶绿素α下沉量平均每天每平方米为43.8675微克(Ⅰ站)及35.5881微克(Ⅱ站)。利用东湖浮游植物水华各种成份含量及其各种比率计算出的东湖水柱沉淀物中浮游植物活体碳、氮、磷量,按顺序每天每平方米分别为2.53,0.50,0.05毫克(Ⅰ站)及2.09,0.41,0.04毫克(Ⅱ站)。  相似文献   
本文就不同学者的观点,讨论了有机碎屑的具体定义问题。从有机碎屑产生的具体途径来看,细菌侵入已死亡的有机体这一时刻,就是碎屑形成的开始。根据Golterman的藻类矿化概念,以细菌侵入藻细胞这一时相作为有机碎屑的开始期;作者将隆线溞,水华束丝藻、螺旋鱼腥藻和铜绿微囊藻的碎屑开始期分别定为:心跳停止和细菌入侵(枝角类)、藻丝体断裂期(水华束丝藻及螺旋鱼腥藻)、灰蓝色细胞质显现期(铜绿微囊藻)。碎屑开始期及其后的各种形态均属碎屑范畴。    相似文献   
新疆察布查尔锡伯族体质特征调查   总被引:44,自引:9,他引:35  
本文调查了新疆察布查尔锡伯族居民220人(男130人、女90人),年龄从20岁到78岁。观察22项,测量65项。调查结果表明,锡伯族居民具有典型的黄种人东亚人种的特征。如头圆宽且高,胡须少,眼裂狭窄、上眼睑褶皱多达睫毛处。耳大、鼻梁较直、鼻高中等,指距长、骨盆宽等。这些特征用等差级数法比较,与达斡尔族、华北地区汉族、蒙古族较接近,与苗族、黎族较远。  相似文献   
Mutations in PKHD1 (polycystic kidney and hepatic disease gene 1) gene cause the autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD). Fibrocystin/polyductin (FPC), encoded by PKHD1, is a membrane-associated receptor-like protein. Although it is widely accepted that cystogenesis is mostly due to aberrant cell proliferation and apoptosis, it is still unclear how apoptosis is regulated. The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship among apoptosis, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) in FPC knockdown kidney cells. We show that PKHD1-silenced HEK293 cells demonstrate a higher PI3K/Akt activity. Selective inhibition of PI3K/Akt using LY294002 or wortmannin in these cells increases serum starvation-induced HEK293 cell apoptosis with a concomitant decrease in cell proliferation and higher caspase-3 activity. PI3K/Akt inhibition also leads to increased NF-κB activity in these cells. We conclude that the PI3K/Akt pathway is involved in apoptotic function in PKHD1-silenced cells, and PI3K/Akt inhibition correlates with upregulation of NF-κB activity. These observations provide a potential platform for determining FPC function and therapeutic investigation of ARPKD.  相似文献   
The NAD-dependent deacetylase Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) plays a vital role in leukemogenesis. Nicotinamide (NAM) is the principal NAD+ precursor and a noncompetitive inhibitor of SIRT1. In our study, we showed that NAM enhanced the sensitivity of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) to doxorubicin (DOX) via SIRT1. We found that SIRT1 high expression in CML patients was associated with disease progression and drug resistance. Exogenous NAM efficiently repressed the deacetylation activity of SIRT1 and induced the apoptosis of DOX-resistant K562 cells (K562R) in a dose-dependent manner. Notably, the combination of NAM and DOX significantly inhibited tumor cell proliferation and induced cell apoptosis. The knockdown of SIRT1 in K562R cells enhanced NAM+DOX-induced apoptosis. SIRT1 rescue in K562R reduced the NAM+DOX-induced apoptosis. Mechanistically, the combinatory treatment significantly increased the cleavage of caspase-3 and PARP in K562R in vitro and in vivo. These results suggest the potential role of NAM in increasing the sensitivity of CML to DOX via the inhibition of SIRT1.  相似文献   
采用大田试验,观察了晨熙超级稻专用肥对水稻两优234生物学特性的影响,施肥后其生育期短,耐高温能力强,抗纹枯病好;分析了超级稻专用肥对两优234产量构成因子的贡献,即增加有效分蘖(有效穗),千粒重;试验了超级稻专用肥对水稻的高产栽培。按成熟度分期收获,实收产量,两优234亩产711kg,Y两优1号亩产705kg,广两优476亩产670kg,丰两优4号亩产700kg,丰两优香1号亩产680kg,扬两优6号亩产730kg。  相似文献   
The metabolism and homeostasis of the skeletal system have historically been considered to be associated with the endocrine system. However, this view has been expanded with the recognition of several neural pathways playing important roles in the regulation of bone metabolism via central relays. In particular, bone metabolism and homeostasis have been reported to be precisely modulated by the central neural signaling. Initiated by the finding of leptin, the axis of neural regulation on bone expands rapidly. The semaphorin–plexin system plays an important role in the cross-talk between osteoclasts and osteoblasts; a complex system has also been identified and includes neuropeptide Y and cannabinoids. These findings facilitate our understanding of the central neuropeptides and neural factors in the modulation of bone metabolism and homeostasis, and these neuronal pathways also represent an area of research scenario that identifies the novel regulation between brain and bone. These regulatory mechanisms correlate with other homeostatic networks and demonstrate a more intricate and synergetic bone biology than previously envisioned. As such, this review summarizes the current knowledge of the neural regulation of bone metabolism and homeostasis, as well as its role in skeletal diseases and discusses the emerging challenges presented in this field.  相似文献   
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