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Lipid peroxidation in Peridinium samples taken from two differentdepths in Lake Kinneret fluctuated throughout the spring withan overall increasing trend. Samples from 0.5 and 5 m showeda similar peroxidation pattern, which was maximal after thefall off in algal biomass. The rapid decline in Peridinium biomasscoincided with ambient lake temperatures of 21–23C. Fattyacid composition profiles were similar at both depths, althoughafter the peak of the bloom, a significant increase in polyunsaturatedfatty acids and oleic acid was only found at 0.5 m, togetherwith a decrease in the percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids.These effects were related to ambient light stress rather thana result of lipid peroxidation. Lake samples taken at differentperiods of the bloom and incubated at various temperatures showeddifferential peroxidation. Higher temperatures caused increasedlipid peroxidation, but this appeared to be dependent on thesampling period. Samples withdrawn from the lake at the beginningof the bloom showed little peroxidation after a 5 day incubationat 14C, room temperature (25C) or ambient lake temperature(16C) compared to mid-bloom samples in which there was a significantincrease in peroxidation when they were incubated at room temperature(25C) or ambient lake temperature (22C). Incubation at 14Cinhibited peroxidation; however, samples from mid-bloom againshowed enhanced peroxidation compared with those from the beginningof the bloom. These in situ results suggested a relationshipbetween temperature, another environmental variable during thebloom and lipid peroxidation in Peridinium. As total dissolvedinorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations fall significantly duringthe progress of the bloom and represent an important sourceof environmental stress, laboratory experiments were establishedto investigate the synergistic effect of temperature and carbonnutrition on lipid peroxidation in Peridinium cultures. Increasedtemperature alone caused a slight increase in lipid peroxidation,but this was greatly augmented by carbon limitation. Althoughcarbon limitation induced increased catalase activity, at highertemperatures activity declined after 48 h, allowing for thesubstantial increase in lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   
Early neonatal mortality in England and Wales in the second quarter of 1970 after a major influenza epidemic was slightly but significantly higher than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year. An increase was also noted in the first quarter of 1970. Analysis of infant mortality and an index of influenza prevalence over the past quarter-century indicates that similar increases occurred in relation to four of the other five major influenza epidemics during the period, the exception being the “Asian ''flu” epidemic of the autumn of 1957. It is suggested that the increased mortality in 1970 was the consequence of an increase in the prematurity rate, but we have no evidence to indicate whether the effect is specifically due to the virus or is nonspecific in nature.  相似文献   
The effect of manipulating cereal aphid population development, by either adding aphids or spraying with an aphid-specific insecticide, on the predatory mite fauna was investigated. Populations of the anystid mite, Anystis baccarum (L.) were very small until late June when numbers built up rapidly at the time of the aphid population decline. There was however, no significant relationship between aphids and numbers of mites over the whole season. Preliminary electrophoretic analysis of two enzymes in the gut of anystid mites indicated that they may have been feeding on thrips, Limothrips cerealium Haliday. The free-living soil Mesostigmata had two population peaks, each related, the first positively and the second negatively to aphid populations.  相似文献   
The continental coasts and remote islands in the high-latitude Southern Hemisphere, including the subantarctic region, are characterized by many endemic species, high abundance of taxa, and intermediate levels of biodiversity. The macroalgal flora of these locations has received relatively little attention. Filamentous green algae are prolific in the intertidal of southern islands, but the taxonomy, distribution, and evolutionary history of these taxa are yet to be fully explored, mostly due to the difficulty of access to some of these locations. In this study, we examined specimens of the order Cladophorales from various locations in the high-latitude Southern Hemisphere including the subantarctic (the Auckland Islands, Bounty Islands, Campbell Island, Macquarie Island, and Kerguelen Islands), as well as mainland New Zealand, the Chatham Islands, Chile, and Tasmania. The analyses of the rDNA sequences of the samples revealed the existence of two new clades in a phylogeny of the Cladophoraceae. One of these clades is described as the novel genus Vandenhoekia gen. nov., which contains three species that are branched or unbranched. The amended genus Rama is reinstated to accommodate the other clade, and contains four species, including the Northern Hemisphere “Cladophora rupestris.” In Rama both branched and unbranched morphologies are found. It is remarkable that gross morphology is not a predictor for generic affiliations in these algae. This study illustrates that much can still be learned about diversity in the Cladophorales and highlights the importance of new collections, especially in novel locations.  相似文献   
The stage of pollen development at the time of anther culture is an important factor in the production of haploids. The objectives of the current study were to develop a staining procedure for peanut (Arachis hypogaea L., ssp. hypogaea) microspores, to describe and document the stages of microsporogenesis in peanut, and to confirm a previous report concerning correlations of peanut floral bud shape with stage of microspore development. A staining procedure using propionic carmine provided adequate staining of pollen mother cells, microspores, and pollen. Pollen mother cells and microspores could easily be differentiated by their size and cell wall structure. Plants grown in a controlled environment were found to have highly synchronized microspore development, both within an anther and among anthers contained in the same bud. In addition, floral bud shape was confirmed as a reliable indicator of anther stage in peanuts.  相似文献   
The chemical syntheses of the 3-sulphates of 16 alpha-acetoxy-, 16 alpha-hydroxy- and 16 beta-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone as their triethylammonium salts are described preparatory to studies of the metabolism of [7 alpha-3 H]dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate by homogenates of human foetal liver. Five main radioactive products of the incubation were separated by partition chromatography on a Celite column. Two were identified as 16 alpha-and 16 beta-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone 3-sulphates by crystallization to constant specific radioactivity before and after solvolysis. The yields of the conversion to the two epimers were 24.4% (16 alpha) and 1.8% (16 beta).  相似文献   
One of the first critical steps in the pathogenesis of amoebic gill disease (AGD) of farmed salmon is the adhesion of the causative amoeba to the host. The current study aimed to investigate the potential involvement of glycan-binding proteins expressed on the extracellular surface of Neoparamoeba perurans in gill tissue recognition and binding. The glycan-binding properties of the surface membrane of N. perurans and the carbohydrate binding profile of Atlantic salmon gill-derived epithelial cells were identified through the use of glycan and lectin microarrays, respectively. The occurrence of specific carbohydrate-mediated binding was then further assessed by in vitro attachment assays using microtitre plates pre-coated with the main glycan candidates. Adhesion assays were also performed in the presence of exogenous saccharides with the aim of blocking glycan-specific binding activity. Comparative analysis of the results from both lectin and glycan arrays showed significant overlap, as some glycans to which binding by the amoeba was seen were reflected as being present on the gill epithelial cells. The two main candidates proposed to be involved in amoeba attachment to the gills are mannobiose and N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc). Adhesion of amoebae significantly increased by 33.5 and 23% when cells were added to α1,3-Mannobiose-BSA and GalNAc-BSA coated plates. The observed increased in attachment was significantly reduced when the amoebae were incubated with exogenous glycans, further demonstrating the presence of mannobiose- and GalNAc-binding sites on the surfaces of the cells. We believe this study provides the first evidence for the presence of a highly specific carbohydrate recognition and binding system in N. perurans. These preliminary findings could be of extreme importance given that AGD is an external parasitic infestation and much of the current research on the development of alternative treatment strategies relies on either instant amoeba detachment or blocking parasite attachment.  相似文献   
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