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Microorganisms residing in the rumens of cattle represent a rich source of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes, since their diet consists of plant-based materials that are high in cellulose and hemicellulose. In this study, a metagenomic library was constructed from buffalo rumen contents using pCC1FOS fosmid vector. Ninety-three clones from the pooled library of approximately 10,000 clones showed degrading activity against AZCL-HE-Cellulose, whereas four other clones showed activity against AZCL-Xylan. Contig analysis of pyrosequencing data derived from the selected strongly positive clones revealed 15 ORFs that were closely related to lignocellulose-degrading enzymes belonging to several glycosyl hydrolase families. Glycosyl hydrolase family 5 (GHF5) was the most abundant glycosyl hydrolase found, and a majority of the GHF5s in our metagenomes were closely related to several ruminal bacteria, especially ones from other buffalo rumen metagenomes. Characterization of BT-01, a selected clone with highest cellulase activity from the primary plate screening assay, revealed a cellulase encoding gene with optimal working conditions at pH 5.5 at 50 °C. Along with its stability over acidic pH, the capability efficiently to hydrolyze cellulose in feed for broiler chickens, as exhibited in an in vitro digestibility test, suggests that BT-01 has potential application as a feed supplement.  相似文献   
Ubiquitous microbial communities in river sediments actively govern organic matter decomposition, nutrient recycling, and remediation of toxic compounds. In this study, prokaryotic diversity in two major rivers in central Thailand, the Chao Phraya (CP) and the Tha Chin (TC) distributary was investigated. Significant differences in sediment physicochemical properties, particularly silt content, were noted between the two rivers. Tagged 16S rRNA sequencing on a 454 platform showed that the sediment microbiomes were dominated by Gammaproteobacteria and sulfur/sulfate reducing Deltaproteobacteria, represented by orders Desulfobacteriales and Desulfluromonadales together with organic degraders Betaproteobacteria (orders Burkholderiales and Rhodocyclales) together with the co-existence of Bacteroidetes predominated by Sphingobacteriales. Enrichment of specific bacterial orders was found in the clayey CP and silt-rich TC sediments, including various genera with known metabolic capability on decomposition of organic matter and xenobiotic compounds. The data represent one of the pioneered works revealing heterogeneity of bacteria in river sediments in the tropics.  相似文献   
The Thailand flood crisis in 2011 was one of the largest recorded floods in modern history, causing enormous damage to the economy and ecological habitats of the country. In this study, bacterial and fungal diversity in sediments and waters collected from ten flood areas in Bangkok and its suburbs, covering residential and agricultural areas, were analyzed using high-throughput 454 pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer sequences. Analysis of microbial community showed differences in taxa distribution in water and sediment with variations in the diversity of saprophytic microbes and sulfate/nitrate reducers among sampling locations, suggesting differences in microbial activity in the habitats. Overall, Proteobacteria represented a major bacterial group in waters, while this group co-existed with Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Actinobacteria in sediments. Anaeromyxobacter, Steroidobacter, and Geobacter were the dominant bacterial genera in sediments, while Sulfuricurvum, Thiovirga, and Hydrogenophaga predominated in waters. For fungi in sediments, Ascomycota, Glomeromycota, and Basidiomycota, particularly in genera Philipsia, Rozella, and Acaulospora, were most frequently detected. Chytridiomycota and Ascomycota were the major fungal phyla, and Rhizophlyctis and Mortierella were the most frequently detected fungal genera in water. Diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria, related to odor problems, was further investigated using analysis of the dsrB gene which indicated the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria of families Desulfobacteraceae, Desulfobulbaceae, Syntrobacteraceae, and Desulfoarculaceae in the flood sediments. The work provides an insight into the diversity and function of microbes related to biological processes in flood areas.  相似文献   
A subterranean limestone cave, Manao-Pee, was investigated for bacterial diversity and potential secondary metabolites production. Comparative 16 S rRNA analysis revealed that cave soil was highly dominated by Actinobacteria; whereas, Proteobacteria was highly abundant outside the cave. As Actinobacteria are biotechnologically valuable for their secondary metabolites, the diversity of the β-ketoacyl synthase (KSβ) was investigated. The results showed that the identified KSβ has 61–80% amino acid sequence identity to known sequences. Phylogenetic analysis placed some of the sequences in novel clades, suggesting the presence of novel KSβ domains. Thus, Manao-Pee cave is a promising habitat to discover potential novel bioactive compounds.  相似文献   
Decomposition of lignocelluloses by cooperative microbial actions is an essential process of carbon cycling in nature and provides a basis for biomass conversion to fuels and chemicals in biorefineries. In this study, structurally stable symbiotic aero-tolerant lignocellulose-degrading microbial consortia were obtained from biodiversified microflora present in industrial sugarcane bagasse pile (BGC-1), cow rumen fluid (CRC-1), and pulp mill activated sludge (ASC-1) by successive subcultivation on rice straw under facultative anoxic conditions. Tagged 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing revealed that all isolated consortia originated from highly diverse environmental microflora shared similar composite phylum profiles comprising mainly Firmicutes, reflecting convergent adaptation of microcosm structures, however, with substantial differences at refined genus level. BGC-1 comprising cellulolytic Clostridium and Acetanaerobacterium in stable coexistence with ligninolytic Ureibacillus showed the highest capability on degradation of agricultural residues and industrial pulp waste with CMCase, xylanase, and β-glucanase activities in the supernatant. Shotgun pyrosequencing of the BGC-1 metagenome indicated a markedly high relative abundance of genes encoding for glycosyl hydrolases, particularly for lignocellulytic enzymes in 26 families. The enzyme system comprised a unique composition of main-chain degrading and side-chain processing hydrolases, dominated by GH2, 3, 5, 9, 10, and 43, reflecting adaptation of enzyme profiles to the specific substrate. Gene mapping showed metabolic potential of BGC-1 for conversion of biomass sugars to various fermentation products of industrial importance. The symbiotic consortium is a promising simplified model for study of multispecies mechanisms on consolidated bioprocessing and a platform for discovering efficient synergistic enzyme systems for biotechnological application.  相似文献   
Industrial bagasse collection sites at sugar mills are an important resource for biomass-based industries and represent a unique ecological niche in lignocellulose degradation. In this study, microbial community structures at regions with varying microenvironmental conditions contained within a bagasse collection site were explored using tagged 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. Overall, remarkable differences in microbial community structures were found in aerobic surface and oxygen-limited interior regions of the pile. A variety of Alphaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria represented the majority of bacteria in the aerobic upper-pile regions with the predominance of acetic acid bacteria towards the outer surface. Diverse Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Acidobacteria represented the predominant phyla at the exterior soil-contact pile base with an increasing abundance of anaerobic Spirochaetes with the increasing depth, where it shared similar community structures to that in the open-field soil from decomposed bagasse. Using complementary shotgun pyrosequencing, a variety of genes encoding various glycosyl hydrolases targeting cellulose and hemicellulose degradation were identified in the oxygen-limited interior pile base. Most were relevant to orders Clostridiales, Bacteroidales, Sphingobacteriales, and Cytophagales, suggesting their role in lignocellulose degradation in this region, as evidenced by the decrease in cellulose and respective increase in lignin fractions of the biomass. Partial carbon flux in the anoxic region was metabolized through mixed methanogenesis pathways as suggested by the annotated functional genes in methane synthesis. This study gives insights into native microbial community structures and functions in this unique lignocellulose degrading environment and provides the basis for controlling microbial processes important for utilization of bagasse in bio-industries.  相似文献   
The ruminal microbiome of cattle plays an important role not only in animal health and productivity but also in food safety and environment. Microbial profiles of rumen fluid obtained from dairy cows fed on three different fiber/starch diet compositions were characterized. Tagged 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing and statistical analysis revealed that the dominant ruminal bacteria shared by all three sample groups belonged to phyla Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria. However, the relative abundance of these bacterial groups was markedly affected by diet composition. In animals fed with a high fiber diet, the fibrolytic and cellulolytic bacteria Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Fibrobacteraceae were found in highest abundance compared with animals fed other diets with lower fiber content. The polysaccharide-degrading Prevotellaceae and Flavobacteriaceae bacteria were most abundant in the rumen of cows fed on diet with the highest starch content. These data highlight the ruminal microbiome’s ability to adapt to feed composition and also provide a basis for the development of feed formulation systems designed to improve livestock productivity.  相似文献   
Copy number variation (CNV) is a major genetic polymorphism contributing to genetic diversity and human evolution. Clinical application of CNVs for diagnostic purposes largely depends on sufficient population CNV data for accurate interpretation. CNVs from general population in currently available databases help classify CNVs of uncertain clinical significance, and benign CNVs. Earlier studies of CNV distribution in several populations worldwide showed that a significant fraction of CNVs are population specific. In this study, we characterized and analyzed CNVs in 3,017 unrelated Thai individuals genotyped with the Illumina Human610, Illumina HumanOmniexpress, or Illumina HapMap550v3 platform. We employed hidden Markov model and circular binary segmentation methods to identify CNVs, extracted 23,458 CNVs consistently identified by both algorithms, and cataloged these high confident CNVs into our publicly available Thai CNV database. Analysis of CNVs in the Thai population identified a median of eight autosomal CNVs per individual. Most CNVs (96.73%) did not overlap with any known chromosomal imbalance syndromes documented in the DECIPHER database. When compared with CNVs in the 11 HapMap3 populations, CNVs found in the Thai population shared several characteristics with CNVs characterized in HapMap3. Common CNVs in Thais had similar frequencies to those in the HapMap3 populations, and all high frequency CNVs (>20%) found in Thai individuals could also be identified in HapMap3. The majorities of CNVs discovered in the Thai population, however, were of low frequency, or uniquely identified in Thais. When performing hierarchical clustering using CNV frequencies, the CNV data were clustered into Africans, Europeans, and Asians, in line with the clustering performed with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data. As CNV data are specific to origin of population, our population-specific reference database will serve as a valuable addition to the existing resources for the investigation of clinical significance of CNVs in Thais and related ethnicities.  相似文献   
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