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Diastolic mechanical oscillations of right ventricular rabbit papillary muscles investigated at 15 degrees C in the perfusion chamber were analysed using a relaxation model with 6 parameters. From this analysis follows that the first diastolic oscillation amplitude plotted against the driving interval ("interval amplitude curve" of the first diastolic oscillation) shows tow maxima thus differing from the shape of the interval strength curve of the preceding driven contraction. It is concluded that the amplitude of diastolic oscillations is less determined by the Ca-amount released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum during the action potential than by the frequency of processes which effect the Ca release and the Ca-sequestration. The damping ratio varies within the range of tested driving intervals (0.36 to 10 s). After an extrasystole damping ratio and period of diastolic oscillation are diminished compared with the values after regularly driven contractions.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of small shortening imposed on frog muscle fibers during sarcomere-isometric tetani. Sarcomere length was initially kept constant, then slightly shortened (1%-5% of initial length) and clamped again for the remainder of the tetanus. Force level after the shortening was higher than the force level preceding the release. The size of the increase was larger than that predicted by the descending limb of the linear force-length relation. The difference between measured and predicted force levels increased with sarcomere length. At a sarcomere length of 3.2 microns, the force level after the shortening was higher by 50% than the force level expected from the linear descending limb. Dispersion of sarcomere-length within the sampled region was measured by two independent methods: striation imaging and analysis of the intensity profile of the first diffraction order. Sarcomere-length inhomogeneity in the sampled region was too small (standard deviation from the average sarcomere-length was +/- 0.03 microns) to account for the size of the increase in force. We studied the dependence of increase in tetanic force level after small sarcomere-length release on the size, velocity and timing of the release, as well as on initial sarcomere-length. Release size was the major determinant of the amount of increase in force. Release of 20 nm per half sarcomere was sufficient to produce an almost full force increase. Larger releases increased the force only moderately. Over the range studied, release velocity and timing had little or no effect.  相似文献   
Some critical remarks on the interpretation of staircase and potentiation phenomena (rabbit heart muscle). Isometric contractions of rabbit papillary muscles and atrial strips were investigated at temperatures from 13.2 degrees C to 35 degrees C after rests of different duration at constant stimulation frequency before rest, in a period after rest and in a transition phase following a step of stimulation frequency. Changes in potentiation as well as changes in dynamics after rest and dynamics after steps of stimulation frequency are caused by lowering the temperature. Any hypothesis on the subject of Ca-movements between intracellular stores would have to account for changes in potentiation, staircase phenomena and the development of after-contractions at low temperatures.  相似文献   
In different cell types, activation of signal transduction pathways leads to the generation of calcium oscillations and/or waves. Due to this important impact for cellular function, calcium waves are the subject of intensive investigations. To study interactions of cell organelles with no influence of the cell membrane, sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles and well-coupled mitochondria were reconstituted. For the first time, we demonstrate the generation and propagation of calcium waves in a suspension of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles, embedded in an agarose gel. The propagation dynamics resemble those of calcium waves in living cells. Moreover, the addition of well-coupled mitochondria leads to more pronounced and significantly faster propagating waves, demonstrating the importance of the mitochondrial Ca(2+) transport. The experimental and simulation results indicate the resemblance of the in vitro system to an excitable medium.  相似文献   
In this paper we develop a reaction-diffusion system describing the calcium dynamics in an agarose gel system with resuspended vesicles from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR vesicles). We focus on a simple model: compared with living cells (e.g. cardiac myocytes) an important property of the agarose gel system is the absence of the sarcolemma and the spatial separation of the calcium release units (CRUs). Our model includes the kinetics of ryanodine sensitive receptors (RyRs), the activity of the SERCA pumps and the diffusion of free calcium. We describe numerical simulations which show a biphasic relationship between the density of the CRUs and the propagation velocity of spreading waves. The non-monotony can be explained by changes in the amplitude of the local calcium concentration. We formulate implications for the in vitro system which could be verified in future experiments.  相似文献   
Clusters of calcium-loaded sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles in agarose gel were previously shown to behave as an excitable medium that propagates calcium waves. In a 3D-hexagonal disposition, the distance between neighboring spheres (which may stand for SR vesicles) is constant and the relationship between distance and vesicular protein concentration is expected to be nonlinear. To obtain a distribution of SR vesicles at different protein concentrations as homogeneous as possible, liquid agarose gels were carefully stirred. Electron micrographs, however, did not confirm the expected relationship between inter-SR vesicle distance and vesicular protein concentration. Light micrographs, to the contrary, resulted in a protein concentration-dependent disposition of clusters of SR vesicles, which is described by a linear function. Stable calcium waves in agarose gel occurred at SR vesicle protein concentrations between 7 and 16 g/l. At lower protein concentrations, local calcium oscillations or abortive waves were observed. The velocities of calcium waves were optimum at approximately 12 g/l and amounted to nearly 60 microm/s. The corresponding distance of neighboring calcium release units was calculated to be approximately 4 microm. The results further show that calcium signaling in the described reaction-diffusion system is optimal in a relatively small range of diffusion lengths. A change by +/-2 microm resulted in a reduction of the propagation velocity by 40%. It would appear that 1), the distance between calcium release units (clusters of ryanodine receptors in cells) is a sensitive parameter concerning propagation of Ca2+ signals; and 2), a dysfunction of the reaction-diffusion system in living cells, however, might have a negative effect on the spreading of intracellular calcium signals, thus on the cell's function.  相似文献   
Calcium oscillations and waves have been observed not only in several types of living cells but also in less complex systems of isolated cell organelles. Here we report the determination of apparent Ca2+ diffusion coefficients in a novel excitable medium of agarose gel with homogeneously distributed vesicles of skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum. Spatiotemporal calcium patterns were visualized by confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy. To obtain characteristic parameters of the velocity curvature relationship, namely, apparent diffusion coefficient, velocity of plane calcium waves, and critical radius, positively and negatively curved wave fronts were analyzed. It is demonstrated that gel-immobilized cell organelles reveal features of an excitable medium. Apparent Ca2+ diffusion coefficients of the in vitro system, both in the absence or in the presence of mitochondria, were found to be higher than in cardiac myocytes and lower than in unbuffered agarose gel. Plane calcium waves propagated markedly slower in the in vitro system than in rat cardiac myocytes. Whereas mitochondria significantly reduced the apparent Ca2+ diffusion coefficient of the in vitro system, propagation velocity and critical size of calcium waves were found to be nearly unchanged. These results suggest that calcium wave propagation depends on the kinetics of calcium release rather than on diffusion.  相似文献   
Spontaneous calcium waves in isolated rat cardiomyocytes were investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy using the fluorescent Ca(2+)-indicator fluo-4 AM. With increasing calcium overload propagation velocities reinforced. The calcium wavespeed was significantly diminished by drugs which interfere with the calcium uptake of both the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and mitochondria, respectively. Stepwise addition of thapsigargin, a highly specific inhibitor of SERCA, decreased the wavespeed and allowed the determination of flux control coefficients which were found to be increasing from 0.15-0.75 in dependence on calcium overload. Kd was estimated to be between 0.4 and 0.6 nM TG. At 5 mM TG wavespeed was significantly reduced by almost 50%. Spontaneous calcium waves did not occur in bathing solutions with more than 20 nM thapsigargin. Calcium wave velocity was also reduced in the presence of the oxygen-bridged dinuclear ruthenium amine complex RU 360 which specifically blocks the mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. The observed effects are likely due to a reduction of the ryanodine receptor's open probability. It is suggested that the intracellular Ca2+ signaling depends on both SR lumenal and cytosolic calcium concentration.  相似文献   
Colliding spherical calcium waves in enzymatically isolated rat cardiac myocytes develop new wavefronts propagating perpendicular to the original direction. When investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), using the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator fluo-3 AM, "cusp"-like structures become visible that are favorably approximated by double parabolae. The time-dependent position of the vertices is used to determine propagation velocity and negative curvature of the wavefront in the region of collision. It is evident that negatively curved waves propagate faster than positively curved, single waves. Considering two perfectly equal expanding circular waves, we demonstrated that the collision of calcium waves is due to an autocatalytic process (calcium-induced calcium release), and not to a simple phenomenon of interference. Following the spatiotemporal organization in simpler chemical systems maintained under conditions far from the thermodynamic equilibrium (Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction), the dependence of the normal velocity on the curvature of the spreading wavefront is given by a linear relation. The so-called velocity-curvature relationship makes clear that the velocity is enhanced by curvature toward the direction of forward propagation and decreased by curvature away from the direction of forward propagation (with an influence of the diffusion coefficient). Experimentally obtained velocity data of both negatively and positively curved calcium waves were approximated by orthogonal weighted regression. The negative slope of the straight line resulted in an effective diffusion coefficient of 1.2 x 10(-4) mm2/s. From the so-called critical radius, which must be exceeded to initiate a traveling calcium wave, a critical volume (with enhanced [Ca2+]i) of approximately 12 microm3 was calculated. This is almost identical to the volume that is occupied by a single calcium spark.  相似文献   
Spontaneous calcium waves in enzymatically isolated rat cardiac myocytes were investigated by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) using the fluorescent Ca2+-indicator fluo-3 AM. As recently shown, a spreading wave of enhanced cytosolic calcium appears, most probably during Ca2+ overload, and is initiated by an elementary event called a "calcium spark." When measured by conventional fluorescence microscopy the propagation velocity of spontaneous calcium waves determined at several points along the cardiac myocyte was previously found to be constant. More precise measurements with a CLSM showed a nonlinear propagation. The wave velocity was low, close to the focus, and increased with increasing time and propagation length, approaching a maximum of 113 microns/s. This result was surprising, inasmuch as for geometrical reasons a decrease of the propagation velocity might be expected if the confocal plane is not identical with that plane where the focus of the wave was localized. It is suggested that the propagation velocity is essentially dependent on the curvature of the spreading wave. From the linear relationship of velocity versus curvature, a critical radius of 2.7 +/- 1.4 microns (mean +/- SD) was worked out, below which an outward propagation of the wave will not take place. Once released from a sufficiently extended cluster of sarcoplasmic reticulum release channels, calcium diffuses and will activate its neighbors. While traveling away, the volume into which calcium diffuses becomes effectively smaller than at low radii. This effect is the consequence of the summation of elementary events (Ca2+ sparks) and leads to a steeper increase of the cytosolic calcium concentration after a certain diffusion path length. Thus the time taken to reach a critical threshold of [Ca2+]i at the neighboring calcium release sites decreases with decreasing curvature and the wave will propagate faster.  相似文献   
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