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Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) provide a number of ecosystem services as important members of the soil microbial community. Increasing evidence suggests AMF diversity is at least partially controlled by the identities of plants in the host plant neighborhood. However, much of this evidence comes from greenhouse studies or work in invaded systems dominated by single plant species, and has not been tested in species-rich grasslands. We worked in 67 grasslands spread across the three German Biodiversity Exploratories that are managed primarily as pastures and meadows, and collected data on AMF colonization, AMF richness, AMF community composition, plant diversity, and land use around focal Plantago lanceolata plants. We analyzed the data collected within each Exploratory (ALB Schwäbische Alb, HAI Hainich-Dün, SCH Schorfheide-Chorin) separately, and used variance partitioning to quantify the contribution of land use, host plant neighborhood, and spatial arrangement to the effect on AMF community composition. We performed canonical correspondence analysis to quantify the effect of each factor independently by removing the variation explained by the other factors. AMF colonization declined with increasing land use intensity (LUI) along with concurrent increases in non-AMF, suggesting that the ability of AMF to provide protection from pathogens declined under high LUI. In ALB and HAI mowing frequency and percent cover of additional P. lanceolata in the host plant neighborhood were important for AMF community composition. The similar proportional contribution of land use and host neighborhood to AMF community composition in a focal plant rhizosphere suggests that the diversity of this important group of soil microbes is similarly sensitive to changes at large and small scales.  相似文献   
Fungal diversity and community composition are mainly related to soil and vegetation factors. However, the relative contribution of the different drivers remains largely unexplored, especially in subtropical forest ecosystems. We studied the fungal diversity and community composition of soils sampled from 12 comparative study plots representing three forest age classes (Young: 10–40 yrs; Medium: 40–80 yrs; Old: ≥80 yrs) in Gutianshan National Nature Reserve in South-eastern China. Soil fungal communities were assessed employing ITS rDNA pyrotag sequencing. Members of Basidiomycota and Ascomycota dominated the fungal community, with 22 putative ectomycorrhizal fungal families, where Russulaceae and Thelephoraceae were the most abundant taxa. Analysis of similarity showed that the fungal community composition significantly differed among the three forest age classes. Forest age class, elevation of the study plots, and soil organic carbon (SOC) were the most important factors shaping the fungal community composition. We found a significant correlation between plant and fungal communities at different taxonomic and functional group levels, including a strong relationship between ectomycorrhizal fungal and non-ectomycorrhizal plant communities. Our results suggest that in subtropical forests, plant species community composition is the main driver of the soil fungal diversity and community composition.  相似文献   
Large-scale (temporal and/or spatial) molecular investigations of the diversity and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) require considerable sampling efforts and high-throughput analysis. To facilitate such efforts, we have developed a TaqMan real-time PCR assay to detect and identify AMF in environmental samples. First, we screened the diversity in clone libraries, generated by nested PCR, of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of AMF in environmental samples. We then generated probes and forward primers based on the detected sequences, enabling AMF sequence type-specific detection in TaqMan multiplex real-time PCR assays. In comparisons to conventional clone library screening and Sanger sequencing, the TaqMan assay approach provided similar accuracy but higher sensitivity with cost and time savings. The TaqMan assays were applied to analyze the AMF community composition within plots of a large-scale plant biodiversity manipulation experiment, the Jena Experiment, primarily designed to investigate the interactive effects of plant biodiversity on element cycling and trophic interactions. The results show that environmental variables hierarchically shape AMF communities and that the sequence type spectrum is strongly affected by previous land use and disturbance, which appears to favor disturbance-tolerant members of the genus Glomus. The AMF species richness of disturbance-associated communities can be largely explained by richness of plant species and plant functional groups, while plant productivity and soil parameters appear to have only weak effects on the AMF community.Arbuscular mycorrhizae are mutualistic associations between roots of plants and fungi that have been present for more than 400 million years (54). Approximately 80% of examined land plants (71), and almost all fungi of the phylum Glomeromycota (60), are capable of forming such associations. The main benefit of this relationship for plants is that it facilitates their acquisition of nutrients (especially P and N), while the fungus receives photoassimilates (7, 62). About 200 Glomeromycota species have been described to date, based on spore morphology (http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/∼schuessler/amphylo/amphylogeny.html), but there is increasing molecular evidence of significantly higher diversity in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (10, 72).Diverse AMF communities have been detected in a wide range of plant communities (inter alia grasslands, boreal forests, and tropical communities; for an overview, see reference 48). Hence, AMF have been considered to be tolerant of wide ranges of ecological conditions and capable of associating with diverse plant partners. Identifying the factors regulating their community assemblages is challenging, but AMF community composition has been shown to be influenced by plant species diversity (e.g., see references 10, 22, and 33), and conversely, significant effects of AMF species and communities on the diversity and productivity of plant communities have been described (25, 68). Soil physicochemical parameters like phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon availability (e.g., see references 4, 9, and 31); pH (17); moisture content (53); and disturbance (30) also reportedly influence AMF distribution. Hence, there is some support for niche theory, which presumes that two species of the same trophic level cannot coexist in a limited system and, if two species are present in such circumstances, one should become extinct (21). As a corollary, two cooccurring species must occupy niches that differ in some dimensions, e.g., plant hosts and/or soil properties (28). However, there are also indications that neutral ecological processes, as well as niche-defining parameters, may influence AMF diversity and community composition (17, 39). In contrast to niche theory, neutral theory (27) postulates that all individuals of every species at a given trophic level in a food web have ecological equivalence, and thus, all species within trophically defined communities can be regarded as open nonequilibrium assemblages that are solely shaped by dispersal and distinctions in spatiotemporal dimensions. According to the work of Hubbell (27), neutrality is defined at the level of individual organisms with identical probabilities of birth, death, migration, and speciation and not at the species level. In order to explore AMF communities more thoroughly and to test competing hypotheses, such as those raised by the niche and neutral theories, robust methods for high-throughput analyses of the communities are required.Recent investigations of variables that affect the structure of AMF communities have considered relationships between niche-defining dimensions, such as soil types (39) and pH gradients (17), and spatial variations in AMF community structure but not the role of plant diversity or functional traits of host plants. There have been several plant diversity manipulation experiments designed for coanalyzing multiple sets of ecological variables (e.g., the BIODEPTH and Cedar Creek projects) that would have been ideal for detailed examinations of effects of ecological variables on AMF, but previously reported AMF analyses in these experiments have been limited to counts of spores in a single study (11). However, not all AMF species regularly sporulate, and when present, spores poorly reflect AMF diversity (69), since active AMF occur as mycelia in roots and soils (e.g., see references 12 and 26). PCR-based molecular techniques enable much more rigorous characterization of AMF communities in these compartments (e.g., see references 26, 36, and 72), but assessments of broad spatial (42) and/or temporal (52) variations in AMF communities require analysis of large numbers of samples, which is not feasible using conventional PCR amplification followed by cloning and sequencing. This challenge can be potentially met by real-time PCR-based approaches, in which the AMF sequence types present in compartments of interest are first identified and then sequence type-specific probes are used for large-scale screening in real-time PCR TaqMan assays.In the study presented here, we explored AMF diversity in plots used in the Jena Experiment, a grassland plant diversity manipulation of 60 plant species representing four functional groups in 81 plots of 400 m2 (56). The overall AMF diversity and community structure were first assessed by PCR amplification, cloning, and sequencing (55) of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene sequences in soil samples from 23 representative plots. Using the acquired data, we then developed sequence type-specific probes, which were applied in high-throughput real-time PCR TaqMan assays of samples from all 81 experimental plots, and the effects of 15 plant and soil variables on the AMF community assemblage were investigated.  相似文献   


In practically every human culture, the use of arthropods as medicinal resources has been reported. In Mexico, the Mayan people mainly use plants but occasionally also animals and minerals in their medicine. This article is the first to report the traditional use of the tarantula Brachypelma vagans by medicine men in the Chol community, an ancient indigenous group that inhabits the southeastern part of Mexico. We also describe the utility of such arachnids in traditional medicine.


This study was carried out in different Chol communities in the states of Chiapas and Campeche (southeastern Mexico) from 2003 until 2007. We interviewed the local medicine men, patients and non-Chol people in each village visited to collect information about the rituals involved and the effectiveness of this traditional medicine and also their opinion of this traditional medicine.


In all independent villages, the people who present an illness called 'aire de tarantula' or tarantula wind with symptoms including chest pain, coughing and asthma, were treated by the medicine man (called 'hierbatero') with a tarantula-based beverage. From village to village, the beverage has a similar base composition but some variations occur in additional ingredients depending on the individual medicine man. Like in all traditional Mayan medicine, the ritual of the ceremony consists of drinking the tarantula-based beverage and this is principally accompanied by chants and burning of incense.


The recipe of the tarantula-based beverage and the procedure of this ritual ceremony were fairly constant in all the villages visited. Our work shows that despite the tarantula's bad image in several cultures, in others positive use is made of these spiders, as in modern medicine.  相似文献   
The diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and their broad or narrow association with distinct plant species in natural environments are crucial information in the understanding of the ecological role of AM fungi on plant co-existence. This knowledge is also needed for appropriate mycorrhization of nursery-grown seedlings for forestation efforts. Here, we report results from comparative studies on three co-occurring indigenous tree species of the dry Afromontane forests of Ethiopia and their seedlings grown under controlled conditions in soil collected from the sites. AM fungal SSU rDNA fragment was amplified and sequenced from mycorrhizas of adult plants and seedlings of Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata and Prunus africana, and from Podocarpus falcatus seedlings. AM fungal identity, diversity and community structure were analyzed based on sequence types defined by the NS31-AM1 SSU rDNA fragment similarity in order to compare with data from other habitats. A total of 409 sequences, grouped in 32 sequence types, belonging to Glomeraceae, Diversisporaceae and Gigasporaceae were found. Some sequence types are close to the widespread Glomus intraradices, G. hoi, G. etunicatum, G. cf. etunicatum and Gigaspora margarita. However, the majority (59%) of sequence types are so far specific for the sites including 11 new types when compared with previous data from the same area. The AM fungal community associated with adult plants, including data previously obtained from adult Podocarpus falcatus seedlings, and seedlings of a host species differed significantly, where seedlings trapping a surprising large number of native fungi. AM fungal community structure also differed significantly between host species and sites, respectively. The results confirm previous results from the same area indicating distinct fungal communities associated with the diverse tree species and suggests the potential of these indigenous tree seedlings to trap a wide range of AM fungi appropriate for successful afforestation.  相似文献   
The diversity of bacteria in soil is enormous, and soil bacterial communities can vary greatly in structure. Here, we employed a pyrosequencing-based analysis of the V2-V3 16S rRNA gene region to characterize the overall and horizon-specific (A and B horizons) bacterial community compositions in nine grassland soils, which covered three different land use types. The entire data set comprised 752,838 sequences, 600,544 of which could be classified below the domain level. The average number of sequences per horizon was 41,824. The dominant taxonomic groups present in all samples and horizons were the Acidobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes. Despite these overarching dominant taxa, the abundance, diversity, and composition of bacterial communities were horizon specific. In almost all cases, the estimated bacterial diversity (H′) was higher in the A horizons than in the corresponding B horizons. In addition, the H′ was positively correlated with the organic carbon content, the total nitrogen content, and the C-to-N ratio, which decreased with soil depth. It appeared that lower land use intensity results in higher bacterial diversity. The majority of sequences affiliated with the Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Fibrobacteres, Firmicutes, Spirochaetes, Verrucomicrobia, Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria were derived from A horizons, whereas the majority of the sequences related to Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi, Gemmatimonadetes, Nitrospira, TM7, and WS3 originated from B horizons. The distribution of some bacterial phylogenetic groups and subgroups in the different horizons correlated with soil properties such as organic carbon content, total nitrogen content, or microbial biomass.Soil is probably the most complex microbial environment on Earth with respect to species richness and community size. The microbial richness in soils exceeds that of other environments (44) and is higher by orders of magnitude than the biodiversity of plants and animals. Cultivated soil or grassland soil contains an estimated 2 × 109 prokaryotic cells per gram (12). Soil microbial communities are an important factor of agriculturally managed systems, as they are responsible for most nutrient transformations in soil and influence the above-ground plant diversity and productivity (53).To analyze the bacterial community in soils, most approaches target the 16S rRNA gene by PCR amplification and subsequent analysis employing sequencing of clone libraries (10, 24), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) (38), or terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) (17, 52). Most of these approaches provided limited insights into the structure of soil bacterial communities, as the survey sizes and the number of compared sampling sites were small with respect to the enormous bacterial diversity present in different soil samples. For example, the reported clone libraries vary considerably in size, but small sample sizes (500 or fewer 16S rRNA gene sequences) are usually analyzed and employed for the theoretical estimation of species richness (39). This provides snapshots of the predominant bacterial community members, but phylogenetic groups that are present in a low abundance and which may possess important ecosystem functions are not assessed (47). In addition, it has been shown that rich sampling (several thousands of clones) of complex bacterial communities is required to perform robust measurements and estimations of community diversity parameters (37). Thus, the detection bias accompanying analyses of small sample sizes can lead to invalidated assumptions. Genetic profiling techniques such as DGGE and T-RFLP have high-throughput capability. These approaches allow researchers to unravel differences in community structure but are limited for assessing diversity (23, 40). To deeply survey the diversity and the composition of the bacterial communities within different soil samples, large-scale pyrosequencing of partial 16S rRNA genes has been employed recently. Previous pyrosequencing-based studies of soil (1, 30, 34, 43) have generated large data sets, which comprised 39,707 (30) to 152,359 (34) 16S rRNA partial gene sequences. Those studies provided comprehensive insights into the biogeography of bacterial soil communities and taxa that were present in a low abundance. However, all those studies focused on the analysis of microbial communities present in topsoil. The subsoil is also known to harbor an important part of the soil microbial biomass (18). It has been shown that the microbial population in the shallow subsurface is impacted by agricultural production to a similar extent as that in topsoil (5).In this study, we performed large-scale pyrosequencing-based analyses of 16S rRNA genes to assess the bacterial community composition in topsoil and the corresponding subsoil of nine different grassland sites in the Hainich region (Thuringia, Germany). To provide a high level of coverage at the species level (97% genetic distance) and minimize detection bias, we exceeded the above-described numbers of analyzed 16S rRNA gene sequences (752,838 in this study). To examine the impact of land use on bacterial diversity and community composition, the selected grassland sites covered a range of three different land use types, including samples from unfertilized pastures grazed by cattle, fertilized mown pastures grazed by cattle, and fertilized meadows. In many recent studies, surveys were focused on comprehensive analyses of a single soil or a few soil samples (1, 14, 37, 43). This allowed the determination of overall bacterial species richness and community composition, but the assessment of spatial patterns and environmental factors that drive these patterns is hampered by the limited number of examined soils. To assess spatial distribution and the impact of soil edaphic factors and land use on community structure, we used triplicate samples of each land use type from different locations. In addition, composite samples derived from five soil cores after the separation of soil horizons were employed.  相似文献   
Two new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species (Glomeromycota) of genus Glomus, G. africanum and G. iranicum, are described and illustrated. Both species formed spores in loose clusters and singly in soil and G. iranicum sometimes inside roots. G. africanum spores are pale yellow to brownish yellow, globose to subglobose, (60-)87(-125) μm diam, sometimes ovoid to irregular, 80-110 x 90-140 μm. The spore wall consists of a semipermanent, hyaline, outer layer and a laminate, smooth, pale yellow to brownish yellow, inner layer, which always is markedly thinner than the outer layer. G. iranicum spores are hyaline to pastel yellow, globose to subglobose, (13-)40(-56) μm diam, rarely egg-shaped, prolate to irregular, 39-54 x 48-65 μm. The spore wall consists of three smooth layers: one mucilaginous, short-lived, hyaline, outermost; one permanent, semirigid, hyaline, middle; and one laminate, hyaline to pastel yellow, innermost. Only the outermost spore wall layer of G. iranicum stains red in Melzer's reagent. In the field G. africanum was associated with roots of five plant species and an unrecognized shrub colonizing maritime sand dunes of two countries in Europe and two in Africa, and G. iranicum was associated with Triticum aestivum cultivated in southwestern Iran. In one-species cultures with Plantago lanceolata as the host plant G. africanum and G. iranicum formed arbuscular mycorrhizae. Phylogenetic analyses of partial SSU sequences of nrDNA placed the two new species in Glomus group A. Both species were distinctly separated from sequences of described Glomus species.  相似文献   
BackgroundTrachomatous trichiasis (TT) needs to be managed to reduce the risk of vision loss. The long-term impact of epilation (a common traditional practice of repeated plucking of lashes touching the eye) in preventing visual impairment and corneal opacity from TT is unknown. We conducted a randomized controlled trial of epilation versus surgery for the management of minor TT (fewer than six lashes touching the eye) in Ethiopia. Here we report the four-year outcome and the effect on vision and corneal opacity.

Methodology/ Principal Findings

1300 individuals with minor TT were recruited and randomly assigned to quality trichiasis surgery or repeated epilation using high quality epilation forceps by a trained person with good near vision. Participants were examined six-monthly for two-years, and then at four-years after randomisation. At two-years all epilation arm participants were offered free surgery. At four-years 1151 (88.5%) were re-examined: 572 (88%) and 579 (89%) from epilation and surgery arms, respectively. At that time, 21.1% of the surgery arm participants had recurrent TT; 189/572 (33%) of the epilation arm had received surgery, while 383 (67%) declined surgery and had continued epilating (“epilation-only”). Among the epilation-only group, 207 (54.1%) fully controlled their TT, 166 (43.3%) had minor TT and 10 (2.6%) had major TT (>5 lashes). There were no differences between participants in the epilation-only, epilation-to-surgery and surgery arm participants in changes in visual acuity and corneal opacity between baseline and four-years.

Conclusions/ Significance

Most minor TT participants randomised to the epilation arm continued epilating and controlled their TT. Change in vision and corneal opacity was comparable between surgery and epilation-only participants. This suggests that good quality epilation with regular follow-up is a reasonable second-line alternative to surgery for minor TT for individuals who either decline surgery or do not have immediate access to surgical treatment.  相似文献   
To understand the fine‐scale effects of changes in nutrient availability on eukaryotic soil microorganisms communities, a multiple barcoding approach was used to analyse soil samples from four different treatments in a long‐term fertilization experiment. We performed PCR amplification on soil DNA with primer pairs specifically targeting the 18S rRNA genes of all eukaryotes and three protist groups (Cercozoa, Chrysophyceae‐Synurophyceae and Kinetoplastida) as well as the ITS gene of fungi and the 23S plastid rRNA gene of photoautotrophic microorganisms. Amplicons were pyrosequenced, and a total of 88 706 quality filtered reads were clustered into 1232 operational taxonomic units (OTU) across the six data sets. Comparisons of the taxonomic coverage achieved based on overlapping assignment of OTUs revealed that half of the eukaryotic taxa identified were missed by the universal eukaryotic barcoding marker. There were only little differences in OTU richness observed between organic‐ (farmyard manure), mineral‐ and nonfertilized soils. However, the community compositions appeared to be strongly structured by organic fertilization in all data sets other than that generated using the universal eukaryotic 18S rRNA gene primers, whereas mineral fertilization had only a minor effect. In addition, a co‐occurrence based network analysis revealed complex potential interaction patterns between OTUs from different trophic levels, for example between fungivorous flagellates and fungi. Our results demonstrate that changes in pH, moisture and organic nutrients availability caused shifts in the composition of eukaryotic microbial communities at multiple trophic levels.  相似文献   
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