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Satellite telemetry data are a key source of animal distribution information for marine ecosystem management and conservation activities. We used two decades of telemetry data from the East Antarctic sector of the Southern Ocean. Habitat utilization models for the spring/summer period were developed for six highly abundant, wide‐ranging meso‐ and top‐predator species: Adélie Pygoscelis adeliae and emperor Aptenodytes forsteri penguins, light‐mantled albatross Phoebetria palpebrata, Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella, southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina, and Weddell seals Leptonychotes weddellii. The regional predictions from these models were combined to identify areas utilized by multiple species, and therefore likely to be of particular ecological significance. These areas were distributed across the longitudinal breadth of the East Antarctic sector, and were characterized by proximity to breeding colonies, both on the Antarctic continent and on subantarctic islands to the north, and by sea‐ice dynamics, particularly locations of winter polynyas. These areas of important habitat were also congruent with many of the areas reported to be showing the strongest regional trends in sea ice seasonality. The results emphasize the importance of on‐shore and sea‐ice processes to Antarctic marine ecosystems. Our study provides ocean‐basin‐scale predictions of predator habitat utilization, an assessment of contemporary habitat use against which future changes can be assessed, and is of direct relevance to current conservation planning and spatial management efforts.  相似文献   
The functional significance of allometric change in reptiles has received limited attention and the reason for such changes has been regarded as ‘obscure’. In this paper we report data on the Australian Pogona barbata, the eastern bearded dragon, from across their range and review changes in allometric growth among juveniles, and adult males and females and consider the functional relevance of these changes. There were significant differences in the population for mass, tail length, tail width, rear leg length and jaw length. These differences were consistent with differences required in locomotor performance and thus habitat use, together with access to different preferred dietary components.  相似文献   
Open ocean predator‐prey interactions are often difficult to interpret because of a lack of information on prey fields at scales relevant to predator behaviour. Hence, there is strong interest in identifying the biological and physical factors influencing the distribution and abundance of prey species, which may be of broad predictive use for conservation planning and evaluating effects of environmental change. This study focuses on a key Southern Ocean prey species, Antarctic krill Euphausia superba, using acoustic observations of individual swarms (aggregations) from a large‐scale survey off East Antarctica. We developed two sets of statistical models describing swarm characteristics, one set using underway survey data for the explanatory variables, and the other using their satellite remotely sensed analogues. While survey data are in situ and contemporaneous with the swarm data, remotely sensed data are all that is available for prediction and inference about prey distribution in other areas or at other times. The fitted models showed that the primary biophysical influences on krill swarm characteristics included daylight (solar elevation/radiation) and proximity to the Antarctic continental slope, but there were also complex relationships with current velocities and gradients. Overall model performance was similar regardless of whether underway or remotely sensed predictors were used. We applied the latter models to generate regional‐scale spatial predictions using a 10‐yr remotely‐sensed time series. This retrospective modelling identified areas off east Antarctica where relatively dense krill swarms were consistently predicted during austral mid‐summers, which may underpin key foraging areas for marine predators. Spatiotemporal predictions along Antarctic predator satellite tracks, from independent studies, illustrate the potential for uptake into further quantitative modelling of predator movements and foraging. The approach is widely applicable to other krill‐dependent ecosystems, and our findings are relevant to similar efforts examining biophysical linkages elsewhere in the Southern Ocean and beyond.  相似文献   
Primary gastric low-grade B-cell lymphomas are neoplastic mimics of mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) as exemplified by Peyer''s patches in the terminal ileum. Architectural and immunophenotypic properties of the neoplastic cells suggest that they originate from MALT-derived marginal zone B-cells. Paradoxically, the normal human stomach is devoid of organized MALT within which a lymphoma can develop. Lymphoid tissue is acquired in the stomach in response to antigenic stimulation, predominantly associated with Helicobacter pylori infection. Studies of patients with low-grade MALT lymphoma have confirmed a high incidence of H. pylori infection and suggest that the infection predates neoplastic transformation. Certain morphological features of MALT lymphomas suggest that the tumor cells remain responsive to antigen drive. Given the close association between gastric MALT lymphoma and H. pylori, it is possible that this organism provides such a drive. In vitro studies have shown that the tumor cells proliferate in a T-cell-dependent way to the presence of H. pylori. Several studies have now demonstrated that eradication of the organism in patients with low-grade gastric MALT lymphoma can result in regression of the tumor. In cases with a high-grade component, the associated low-grade part may regress, but most high-grade gastric MALT lymphomas are unresponsive to this conservative therapy.  相似文献   
Anthropogenic climate change is resulting in spatial redistributions of many species. We assessed the potential effects of climate change on an abundant and widely distributed group of diving birds, Eudyptes penguins, which are the main avian consumers in the Southern Ocean in terms of biomass consumption. Despite their abundance, several of these species have undergone population declines over the past century, potentially due to changing oceanography and prey availability over the important winter months. We used light-based geolocation tracking data for 485 individuals deployed between 2006 and 2020 across 10 of the major breeding locations for five taxa of Eudyptes penguins. We used boosted regression tree modelling to quantify post-moult habitat preference for southern rockhopper (E. chrysocome), eastern rockhopper (E. filholi), northern rockhopper (E. moseleyi) and macaroni/royal (E. chrysolophus and E. schlegeli) penguins. We then modelled their redistribution under two climate change scenarios, representative concentration pathways RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (for the end of the century, 2071–2100). As climate forcings differ regionally, we quantified redistribution in the Atlantic, Central Indian, East Indian, West Pacific and East Pacific regions. We found sea surface temperature and sea surface height to be the most important predictors of current habitat for these penguins; physical features that are changing rapidly in the Southern Ocean. Our results indicated that the less severe RCP4.5 would lead to less habitat loss than the more severe RCP8.5. The five taxa of penguin may experience a general poleward redistribution of their preferred habitat, but with contrasting effects in the (i) change in total area of preferred habitat under climate change (ii) according to geographic region and (iii) the species (macaroni/royal vs. rockhopper populations). Our results provide further understanding on the regional impacts and vulnerability of species to climate change.  相似文献   
siRNA relieves chronic neuropathic pain   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
Double stranded, short interfering RNAs (siRNA) of 21–22 nt length initiate a sequence-specific, post-trancriptional gene silencing in animals and plants known as RNA interference (RNAi). Here we show that RNAi can block a pathophysiological pain response and provide relief from neuropathic pain in a rat disease model by down regulating an endogenous, neuronally expressed gene. Rats, intrathecally infused with a 21 nt siRNA perfectly complementary to the pain-related cation-channel P2X3, showed diminished pain responses compared to missense (MS) siRNA-treated and untreated controls in models of both agonist-evoked pain and chronic neuropathic pain. This form of delivery caused no adverse effects in any of the animals receiving P2X3 siRNA, MS siRNA or vehicle. Molecular analysis of tissues revealed that P2X3 mRNA expressed in dorsal root ganglia, and P2X3 protein translocated into the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, were significantly diminished. These observations open a path toward use of siRNA as a genetic tool for drug target validation in the mammalian central nervous system, as well as for proof of concept studies and as therapeutic agents in man.  相似文献   
In 12 consecutive unselected patients admitted to a consultant maternity unit one single injection of subarachnoid morphine sulphate 1.5 mg abolished pain during the first stage of labour. Pain in the second stage was abolished in four patients and lessened in three. During the early puerperium, pain at the site of the episitotomy was much reduced. Side effects included itching of the face, nausea and vomiting, and frontal headache, but these were mild and simply treated. They were even less severe in the last four patients, in whom barbotage was not used in administering the morphine. The high rate of forceps delivery and caesarean section (three cases of each) was not thought to be associated with the use of intrathecal morphine. These findings show that intrathecal morphine can abolish the pain of labour, whether spontaneous or induced, while preserving the mother''s full awareness of labour and her co-operation in the second and third stages of labour. Further, controlled, trials are warranted.  相似文献   
In situ hybridization was combined with serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) or tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry and with Fluoro-Gold retrograde labeling of bulbo-spinal pathways in order to investigate the expression of GAP-43 mRNA in monoamine cell groups of the adult rat brain stem. Consistent with previous reports, GAP-43 mRNA was observed in serotonin and dopamine cell groups in the pons. In addition, GAP-43 expressing cells were observed in all the major monoamine cell groups in the medulla. Thus the B1, B2 and B3 serotonin cell groups all showed high GAP-43 expression and all contained many GAP-43 expressing serotonin cells with spinal cord projections. The A1, A2, A5 and A6 noradrenalin cell groups also showed high GAP-43 expression, although cells with spinal cord projections were largely restricted to the A5 group and A6 subcoeruleus region. In all areas, GAP-43 expressing cells with spinal cord projections were also observed which were not serotonergic or noradrenergic.  相似文献   
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