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Levans produced by four Zymomonas mobilis strains showed antitumour activity against sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich carcinoma in Swiss albino mice. Levans from two strains (ZAP and CP4) had the highest effects. NMR analysis showed that the polymers were composed only of fructose units. The results suggested that the antineoplasic effect is associated to the polysaccharide molecular weight and that a particular molecular weight range may be responsible for this effect.  相似文献   
Adjacent serial sections through the rat duodenum were alternately stained for immunofluorescence microscopic studies with specific anti-sera directed to the opioid peptides dynorphin-A(1-17) and dynorphin-A(1-8), respectively. This resulted in the evidence that two separate dynorphinergic neuron populations are present there: intramural neurons, revealing a colocalization of dynorphin-A(1-17) and dynorphin-A(1-8), were round, contained a large and round nucleus and were lying sporadically in the longitudinal muscle layer as well as bulb-shaped neurons expressing only a dynorphin-A(1-8) immunoreactivity. The latter were recognized abundantly in the myenteric plexus. Myenteric plexus nerve fibres and terminals were immunoreactive for dynorphin-A(1-8), but not for dynorphin-A(1-17). Dynorphin-A(1-8) immunostained nerve terminals formed close contacts with large non-dynorphinergic myenteric plexus perikarya. These findings might indicate that dynorphin-A(1-8) is processed directly from its prodynorphin ('preproenkephalin B') precursor within myenteric plexus perikarya and indirectly via dynorphin-A(1-17) within intramural perikarya, indicating the presence of two separate dynorphinergic systems in the rat duodenum.  相似文献   
Recessive mlo resistance alleles of the Mlo locus in barley control a non race-specific resistance response to infection by the obligate biotrophic fungus Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei. All the mlo alleles analysed stop fungal growth at the same developmental stage within a subcellularly restricted, highly localized cell wall apposition directly beneath the site of abortive fungal penetration. We report that near-isogenic lines carrying the alleles mlo 1, mlo 3 or mlo 5 undergo dramatic spontaneous formation of cell wall appositions, not only in the absence of the fungal pathogen but also in sterile grown plants. A comparative study of spontaneous and infection-triggered cell wall appositions reveals a high degree of similarity with respect to structure, chemical composition and distinct localization within plant tissue. We show that the rate of spontaneous apposition formation is dependent on the genetic background of the plant and that its onset is under developmental control. Furthermore, spontaneous formation of wall appositions is specifically triggered by mlo alleles, since it is unaffected in the presence of the race-specific resistance allele Mlg. We propose a model for the function of the Mlo locus that suggests that both Mlo and mlo alleles control qualitatively the same apposition-based resistance mechanism, which, in the presence of the wild-type Mlo allele, is merely less efficient to provide protection against the currently common races of E. graminis f.sp. hordei.  相似文献   
Veterinary use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug diclofenac in South Asia has resulted in the collapse of populations of three vulture species of the genusGyps to the most severe category of global extinction risk. Vultures are exposed to diclofenac when scavenging on livestock treated with the drug shortly before death. Diclofenac causes kidney damage, increased serum uric acid concentrations, visceral gout, and death. Concern about this issue led the Indian Government to announce its intention to ban the veterinary use of diclofenac by September 2005. Implementation of a ban is still in progress late in 2005, and to facilitate this we sought potential alternative NSAIDs by obtaining information from captive bird collections worldwide. We found that the NSAID meloxicam had been administered to 35 captiveGyps vultures with no apparent ill effects. We then undertook a phased programme of safety testing of meloxicam on the African white-backed vultureGyps africanus, which we had previously established to be as susceptible to diclofenac poisoning as the endangered AsianGyps vultures. We estimated the likely maximum level of exposure (MLE) of wild vultures and dosed birds by gavage (oral administration) with increasing quantities of the drug until the likely MLE was exceeded in a sample of 40G. africanus. Subsequently, sixG. africanus were fed tissues from cattle which had been treated with a higher than standard veterinary course of meloxicam prior to death. In the final phase, ten Asian vultures of two of the endangered species(Gyps bengalensis,Gyps indicus) were dosed with meloxicam by gavage; five of them at more than the likely MLE dosage. All meloxicam-treated birds survived all treatments, and none suffered any obvious clinical effects. Serum uric acid concentrations remained within the normal limits throughout, and were significantly lower than those from birds treated with diclofenac in other studies. We conclude that meloxicam is of low toxicity toGyps vultures and that its use in place of diclofenac would reduce vulture mortality substantially in the Indian subcontinent. Meloxicam is already available for veterinary use in India.  相似文献   
Organisms allocate resources to reproduction in response to the costs and benefits of current and future reproductive opportunities. According to the differential allocation hypothesis, females allocate more resources to high-quality males. We tested whether a fish species lacking parental care (zebrafish, Danio rerio) expresses male size-dependent differential allocation in monogamous spawning trials. In addition, we tested whether reproductive allocation by females is affected by previous experience of different-quality males, potentially indicating plasticity in mate choice. To that end, females were conditioned to large, small or random-sized males (controls) for 14 days to manipulate females'' expectations of the future mate quality. Females showed a clear preference for large males in terms of spawning probability and clutch size independent of the conditioning treatment. However, when females experienced variation in male size (random-sized conditioning treatment) they discriminated less against small males compared to females conditioned to large and small males. This might suggest that differential allocation and size-dependent sexual selection is of less relevance in nature than revealed in the present laboratory study.  相似文献   
Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease remain a global health problem, with increasing morbidity and mortality. Despite differences in the causal agents, both diseases exhibit various degrees of inflammatory changes, structural alterations of the airways leading to airflow limitation. The existence of transient disease phenotypes which overlap both diseases and which progressively decline the lung function has complicated the search for an effective therapy. Important characteristics of chronic airway diseases include airway and vascular remodeling, of which the molecular mechanisms are complex and poorly understood. Recently, we and others have shown that airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells are not only structural and contractile components of airways, rather they bear capabilities of producing large number of pro-inflammatory and mitogenic factors. Increase in size and number of blood vessels both inside and outside the smooth muscle layer as well as hyperemia of bronchial vasculature are contributing factors in airway wall remodeling in patients with chronic airway diseases, proposing for the ongoing mechanisms like angiogenesis and vascular dilatation. We believe that vascular changes directly add to the airway narrowing and hyper-responsiveness by exudation and transudation of proinflammatory mediators, cytokines and growth factors; facilitating trafficking of inflammatory cells; causing oedema of the airway wall and promoting ASM accumulation. One of the key regulators of angiogenesis, vascular endothelial growth factor in concerted action with other endothelial mitogens play pivotal role in regulating bronchial angiogenesis. In this review article we address recent advances in pulmonary angiogenesis and remodelling that contribute in the pathogenesis of chronic airway diseases.  相似文献   
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