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Zusammenfassung Untersucht wurden zufällig ausgewählte Leberstückchen normaler Wistarratten. 25 lückenlose Übersichten von periportalen und zentralen Arealen des Leberläppchens, die aus 2564 elektronenmikroskopischen Einzelaufnahmen (Vergrößerung 4600 x) zusammengesetzt waren, wurden bei einer Gesamtvergrößerung von 53000 x mit Hilfe eines Liniengitters nach der Methode. von Loud quantitativ ausgewertet.Die mittlere Cytoplasmafläche eines Hepatocyten, der im Läppchenzentrum liegt, ist größer als diejenige einer in der Peripherie des Läppchens gelegenen Leberzelle, die Zahl der Anschnitte von Mitochondrien pro Cytoplasmafläche im Zentrum geringfügig größer als in der Peripherie. Die Zahl der Lysosomen pro Cytoplasmafläche ist in der Peripherie des Lobulus dreimal höher als in seinem Zentrum.Der Flächenanteil der Mitochondrienanschnitte an der Cytoplasmafläche im Zentrum beträgt 12,3%, im periportalen Bereich 19,3%. Die mittlere Fläche eines Mitochondrienanschnittes ist im periportalen Gebiet doppelt so groß wie im Zentrum, die Membranprofildichte in Mitochondrien periportaler Zellen ist um etwa ein Drittel größer.Schüsselförmige und schlegeloder hantelförmige Mitochondrien mit parallel zur Längsachse ausgerichteten inneren Membranen wurden nur im Zentrum des Leberläppchens gefunden. Dasselbe gilt für Plasmaprotusionen der Hepatocyten in den Disseschen Raum. Glykogenablagerungen sind gleichmäßig über den Lobulus verteilt, auffallend ist jedoch die ungleichmäßige Verteilung auf die einzelnen Zellen.Die quantitativen Daten werden mit histochemischen Befunden und biochemisch ermittelten Enzymaktivitäten verglichen. Die morphologischen Beobachtungen werden im Zusammenhang mit ähnlichen Befunden, die an pathologisch veränderten Lebern erhoben wurden, diskutiert.
Structure of the hepatic lobule of the rat
Summary Small randomly chosen pieces of liver tissue of normal Wistar rats were investigated with the electron microscope. 25 survey pictures, consisting of 2564 individual micrographs, were analyzed quantitatively at a final magnification of 53,000 x by a linear scanning method as described by Loud.The average area of cytoplasm is larger in the centrolobular than in the periportal area. The number of mitochondria per unit of cytoplasmic area was roughly the same throughout a liver lobule. However, in the periportal zone the mitochondria were about two times larger than in the center and displayed a 30% higher membrane profile concentration. It was found that the total mitochondrial area per unit of cytoplasm was 12,3% in the centrolobular region as compared to 19,3% in the periportal zone. The number of lysosomes per unit of cytoplasmic area was about three times higher in the periportal than in the centrolobular zone.Cup- and dumbbell-shaped mitochondria with densely packed and longitudinally arranged internal membranes were only found in the centrolobular area. Irregular protrusions of the liver cell into the space of Disse were also found exclusively in this area. The amount of glycogen varied considerably from cell to cell but no significant difference in this respect could be seen between the two zones of the liver lobule.The quantitative findings are discussed with reference to available bio- and histochemical data. The morphological observations are compared with similar observations made on pathologically altered liver cells.

Herrn Prof. Dr. med. Helmut Ruska zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Cell and Tissue Research - Nach Diskussion der BegriffeHirnödem undHirnschwellung auf Grund der neueren Literatur wird über elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an der menschlichen...  相似文献   
The anatomic size of the capillary-to-fiber (C/F) interface plays an important role in O(2) flux from blood to tissue by determining the surface area available for diffusion and is maintained in relative proportion to fiber mitochondrial volume across a wide range of muscle aerobic capacity. In the present study, we examined an estimate of the anatomic size of the C/F interface [the quotient of the individual C/F ratio and fiber perimeter, C/F perimeter exchange (CFPE) index] and fiber oxidative capacity in different skeletal muscles, or muscle regions, to test the hypothesis that capillarization would be maintained in relative excess of reduced fiber oxidative capacity in aged muscles. The right gastrocnemius, plantaris, and soleus muscles from young adult (8 mo old) and late middle-aged (28-30 mo old) Fischer 344 x Brown Norway F1 hybrid rats were excised for evaluation of flux through electron transport chain complexes I-III and/or morphometric estimation of capillarization. Muscle mass was lower in the gastrocnemius muscles of the older animals (2,076 +/- 32 vs. 1,825 +/- 47 mg in young adult vs. late middle-aged, respectively; mean +/- SE) but not the plantaris or soleus muscles. Fibers were smaller in the white region of gastrocnemius muscles but larger in the red region of gastrocnemius muscles of the older animals. There was no difference in the number of capillaries around a fiber, the individual C/F ratio, or the CFPE index between groups for any muscle/region, whereas flux through complexes I-III was reduced by 29-43% in late middle-aged animals. Thus the greater quotient of indexes of anatomic capillarity (individual C/F ratio or CFPE index) and fiber oxidative capacity in soleus and the white region of gastrocnemius muscles, but not in the red region of gastrocnemius muscles of the older animals, shows that anatomic capillarity is maintained in relative excess of oxidative capacity in some muscle regions in late middle-aged rats.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Nach der von Bachmann und Salpeter angegebenen Methode wurden leicht reproduzierbare Einkornschichten für die elektronenmikroskopische Autoradiographie hergestellt. Eine Modifikation beim Beschichten der Dünnschnitte brachte eine wesentliche Erleichterung des Arbeitsvorganges.Über den Austausch von 3H-markiertem Adeninnucleotid konnte mit Hilfe der elektronenmikroskopischen Autoradiographie direkt nachgewiesen werden, daß der Sitz des endogenen Adeninnucleotidpools im Matrixraum der Mitochondrien liegt. Die Anzahl der nachgewiesenen Photoprozesse wird in Abhängigkeit von der eingesetzten Aktivität diskutiert.
Summary With the method described by Bachmann and Salpeter easily reproducable monolayers were found for the autoradiography with the electron microscope. A modification of coating the ultrathin sections made the specimen preparation considerable easier.With the exchange of 3H-labeled adenine nucleotides we could prove — using the autoradiographic technique with the electron microscope — that the site of the endogenous adenine nucleotid pool is in the matrix-room of mitochondria. The number of developed grains is discussed in relation to the applied activity.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Direct evidence is given for the presence of an N-acetyl-D-galactosamine-specific lectin on the Kupffer cell surface by visualization of ligand binding in electron microscopy. When freshly isolated Kupffer cells are incubated with asialofetuin adsorbed onto colloidal gold particles (ASF-gold), binding and endocytosis of ligand are seen. Recognition of ASF-gold by Kupffer cells is completely abolished in the presence of N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (25 mM) or EGTA (3 mM), but is not significantly reduced by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine or D-mannose (25 mM). ASF particles are endocytosed via the coated pit/vesicle pathway and appear to be transported to the secondary lysosomes by coated vesicles, as shown by the occurrence of coated areas in the secondary lysosome membrane. These observations demonstrate the presence of an asialoglycoprotein receptor on Kupffer cells; therefore, the hepatocyte is not the only cell in the rat liver with D-galactose receptor activity.  相似文献   
Summary The soleus, rectus femoris and gastrocnemius muscles of young rats were studied after 3, 6 and 12 weeks of treadmill training. The muscle fibers were characterized histochemically by their succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and myofibrillar ATPase activity, and morphometrically by their cross-sectional areas, which were corrected for different body weights of control and trained animals.After 12 weeks of training the mean area of fibers in the muscles studied was not significantly different from the controls, as expected. In the soleus muscle the percentage of the fast-twitch fibers was decreased as a result of their transformation into slow-twitch fibers. Trained soleus muscles were the only muscles showing pathologically altered fibers, suggesting overload. The percentages of fiber types and their areas exhibited changes specific for the muscles and muscle regions studied.From these results it is concluded that the adaptation follows the sequence proportional adaptation of morphometrical parameters, disproportional adaptation of the areas of fiber types, and disproportional adaptation of the percentages and/or the areas of the fiber types. It is shown by comparison with the literature that this sequence may be generalized to a sequence of increasing expense necessary for the adaptation to increasing stimuli, and that the most decisive factors for adaptation are work load, frequency of exercise, period of training, and the age of the subject at the initiation of the training.  相似文献   
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