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Infections, microbe sampling and occasional leakage of commensal microbiota and their products across the intestinal epithelial cell layer represent a permanent challenge to the intestinal immune system. The production of reactive oxygen species by NADPH oxidase is thought to be a key element of defense. Patients suffering from chronic granulomatous disease are deficient in one of the subunits of NADPH oxidase. They display a high incidence of Crohn’s disease-like intestinal inflammation and are hyper-susceptible to infection with fungi and bacteria, including a 10-fold increased risk of Salmonellosis. It is not completely understood which steps of the infection process are affected by the NADPH oxidase deficiency. We employed a mouse model for Salmonella diarrhea to study how NADPH oxidase deficiency (Cybb −/−) affects microbe handling by the large intestinal mucosa. In this animal model, wild type S. Typhimurium causes pronounced enteropathy in wild type mice. In contrast, an avirulent S. Typhimurium mutant (S.Tmavir; invGsseD), which lacks virulence factors boosting trans-epithelial penetration and growth in the lamina propria, cannot cause enteropathy in wild type mice. We found that Cybb −/− mice are efficiently infected by S.Tmavir and develop enteropathy by day 4 post infection. Cell depletion experiments and infections in Cybb −/− Myd88 −/− mice indicated that the S.Tmavir-inflicted disease in Cybb −/− mice hinges on CD11c+CX3CR1+ monocytic phagocytes mediating colonization of the cecal lamina propria and on Myd88-dependent proinflammatory immune responses. Interestingly, in mixed bone marrow chimeras a partial reconstitution of Cybb-proficiency in the bone marrow derived compartment was sufficient to ameliorate disease severity. Our data indicate that NADPH oxidase expression is of key importance for restricting the growth of S.Tmavir in the mucosal lamina propria. This provides important insights into microbe handling by the large intestinal mucosa and the role of NADPH oxidase in maintaining microbe-host mutualism at this exposed body surface.  相似文献   
Rad51 and Rad54 are key proteins that collaborate during homologous recombination. Rad51 forms a presynaptic filament with ATP and ssDNA active in homology search and DNA strand exchange, but the precise role of its ATPase activity is poorly understood. Rad54 is an ATP-dependent dsDNA motor protein that can dissociate Rad51 from dsDNA, the product complex of DNA strand exchange. Kinetic analysis of the budding yeast proteins revealed that the catalytic efficiency of the Rad54 ATPase was stimulated by partial filaments of wild-type and Rad51-K191R mutant protein on dsDNA, unambiguously demonstrating that the Rad54 ATPase activity is stimulated under these conditions. Experiments with Rad51-K191R as well as with wild-type Rad51-dsDNA filaments formed in the presence of ATP, ADP or ATP-γ-S showed that efficient Rad51 turnover from dsDNA requires both the Rad51 ATPase and the Rad54 ATPase activities. The results with Rad51-K191R mutant protein also revealed an unexpected defect in binding to DNA. Once formed, Rad51-K191R-DNA filaments appeared normal upon electron microscopic inspection, but displayed significantly increased stability. These biochemical defects in the Rad51-K191R protein could lead to deficiencies in presynapsis (filament formation) and postsynapsis (filament disassembly) in vivo.  相似文献   
Modification interference is a powerful method to identify important functional groups in RNA molecules. We review here recent developments of techniques to screen for chemical modifications that interfere with (i) binding of(pre-)tRNA to bacterial RNase P RNA or (ii) pre-tRNA cleavage by this ribozyme. For example, two studies have analyzed positions at which a substitution of sulfur for thepro-Rp oxygen affects tRNA binding [1] or catalysis [2]. The results emphasize the functional key role of a central core element present in all known RNase P RNA subunits. The four sulfur substitutions identified in one study [2] to inhibit the catalytic step also interfered with binding of tRNA toE. coli RNase P RNA [1]. This suggests that losses in binding energy due to the modification at these positions affect the enzyme-substrate and the enzyme-transition state complex. In addition, the two studies have revealed, for the first time, sites of direct metal ion coordination in RNase P RNA. The potentials, limitations and interpretational ambiguities of modification interference experiments as well as factors influencing their outcome are discussed.Abbreviations nt nucleotide(s) - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
The paired lungs of the newt, Taricha granulosa, are simple, unbranched sacs, 3.5-5.0 cm in length. The inner epithelium overlying the pulmonary vein is differentiated into a mucociliary tract that extends the entire length of the lung. Populations of single, demembranated ciliary axonemes, 12-13 micron in length, can be isolated by extracting whole lungs or primary cultures of the ciliated epithelium with Triton X-100. The motile capabilities of the isolated axonemes are the highest yet obtained for any ciliary model. When exposed to a suitable reactivating medium containing Mg2+ and ATP, nearly 100% of the axonemes become motile. Uniform reactivation of high quality requires short extraction times, minimization of mechanical damage, and strict adherence to optimal conditions throughout the extraction, storage, and reactivation procedures. Significant deviations from either pH 7.0 or 0.12 M salt can lead to a rapid, irreversible decrease in the beat frequency of reactivated axonemes. Both DTT and EDTA serve to stabilize their motility. The isolated axonemes beat at 29.5 Hz in the presence of 1.75 mM ATP at 21 degrees C, matching the beat frequencies measured for cultured cells at the same temperature. With 5 mM ATP, beat frequencies over 40 Hz are measured. Our results show that neither the plasma membrane, accessory structures, nor hydrodynamic coupling of cilia are required for this activity and imply that the lack of these factors is not responsible for the low motile capabilities of ciliary models isolated previously.  相似文献   
A DNA gap repair assay was used to determine the effect of mutations in the DNA damage checkpoint system on the efficiency and outcome (crossover/non-crossover) of recombinational DNA repair. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae gap repair is largely achieved by homologous recombination. As a result the plasmid either integrates into the chromosome (indicative of a crossover outcome) or remains extrachromosomal (indicative of a non-crossover outcome). Deletion mutants of the MEC1 and RAD53 checkpoint kinase genes exhibited a 5-fold decrease in gap repair efficiency, showing that 80% of the gap repair events depended on functional DNA damage checkpoints. Epistasis analysis suggests that the DNA damage checkpoints affect gap repair by modulating Rad51 protein-mediated homologous recombination. While in wild-type cells only ~25% of the gap repair events were associated with a crossover outcome, Mec1-deficient cells exhibited a >80% crossover association. Also mutations in the effector kinases Rad53, Chk1 and Dun1 were found to affect crossover association of DNA gap repair to various degrees. The data suggest that the DNA damage checkpoints are important for the optimal functioning of recombinational DNA repair with multiple terminal targets to modulate the efficiency and outcome of homologous recombination.  相似文献   
Cilia in many organisms undergo a phenomenon called ciliary reversal during which the cilia reverse the beat direction, and the cell swims backwards. Ciliary reversal is typically caused by a depolarizing stimulus that ultimately leads to a rise in intraciliary Ca++ levels. It is this increase in intraciliary Ca++ that triggers ciliary reversal. However, the mechanism by which an increase in intraciliary Ca++ causes ciliary reversal is not known. We have previously mutated the DYH6 gene of Tetrahymena thermophila by targeted gene knockout and shown that the knockout mutants (KO6 mutants) are missing inner arm dynein 1 (I1). In this study, we show that KO6 mutants do not swim backward in response to depolarizing stimuli. In addition to being unable to swim backwards, KO6 mutants swim forward at approximately one half the velocity of wild-type cells. However, the ciliary beat frequency in KO6 mutants is indistinguishable from that of wild-type cells, suggesting that the slow forward swimming of KO6 mutants is caused by an altered waveform rather than an altered beat frequency. Live KO6 cells are also able to increase and decrease their swim speeds in response to stimuli, suggesting that some aspects of their swim speed regulation mechanisms are intact. Detergent-permeabilized KO6 mutants fail to undergo Ca++-dependent ciliary reversals and do not show Ca++-dependent changes in swim speed after MgATP reactivation, indicating that the axonemal machinery required for these responses is insensitive to Ca++ in KO6 mutants. We conclude that Tetrahymena inner arm dynein 1 is not only an essential part of the Ca++-dependent ciliary reversal mechanism but it also may contribute to Ca++-dependent changes in swim speed and to the formation of normal waveform during forward swimming.  相似文献   
The C-type lectin RegIIIβ can kill certain Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The susceptibility of S. Typhimurium depends on the bacterial growth phase, i.e., bacteria from the logarithmic growth phase do bind RegIIIβ and are subsequently killed. Lipid A is one of the bacterial targets for RegIIIβ. However, at the molecular level, it is not understood how RegIIIβ interacts with and kills Gram-negative bacteria. Here, we show that RegIIIβ interacts with Gram-negative bacteria in two distinct steps. Initially, it binds to surface-exposed lipid A. The lipid A can be shielded by the O-antigen of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), as indicated by the exquisite susceptibility of wbaP mutants to RegIIIβ-mediated killing. Increased cell viability after incubation with an anti-lipid A antibody also supports this conclusion. This RegIIIβ-binding permeabilizes the outer membrane to hydrophobic dyes like Ethidium bromide or to bulky bacteriolytic enzymes like lysozyme. Conversely, compromising the outer membrane integrity by the mild detergent Triton X-100 enhances the antibacterial effect of RegIIIβ. Based on our observations, we conclude that RegIIIβ interacts with Gram-negative bacteria in two subsequent steps. Initially, it binds to the outer membrane thus leading to outer membrane permeabilization. This initial step is necessary for RegIIIβ to reach a second, still not well understood target site (presumably localized in the periplasm or the cytoplasmic membrane), thereby triggering bacterial death. This provides novel insights into the outer membrane-step of the bactericidal mechanism of RegIIIβ.  相似文献   
The bacterial enteropathogen Salmonella typhimurium employs a type III secretion system to inject bacterial toxins into the host cell cytosol. These toxins transiently activate Rho family GTP-binding protein-dependent signaling cascades to induce cytoskeletal rearrangements. One of these translocated Salmonella toxins, SopE, can activate Cdc42 in a Dbl-like fashion despite its lack of sequence similarity to Dbl-like proteins, the Rho-specific eukaryotic guanine nucleotide exchange factors. To elucidate the mechanism of SopE-mediated guanine nucleotide exchange, we have analyzed the structure of the complex between a catalytic fragment of SopE and Cdc42. SopE binds to and locks the switch I and switch II regions of Cdc42 in a conformation that promotes guanine nucleotide release. This conformation is strikingly similar to that of Rac1 in complex with the eukaryotic Dbl-like exchange factor Tiam1. However, the catalytic domain of SopE has an entirely different architecture from that of Tiam1 and interacts with the switch regions via different amino acids. Therefore, SopE represents the first example of a non-Dbl-like protein capable of inducing guanine nucleotide exchange in Rho family proteins.  相似文献   
Salmonella typhimurium has emerged as a model pathogen that manipulates host cells in a complex fashion, thus causing disease. In humans, S. typhimurium causes acute intestinal inflammation. Intriguingly, type III secreted virulence proteins have a central role in this process. At the cellular level, the functions of these factors are well characterized; at present, animal models are required for elucidating how these factors trigger inflammatory disease in vivo. Calf infection models have been employed successfully and, recently, a mouse model was identified: in streptomycin-pretreated mice, S. typhimurium causes acute colitis. This mouse model provides a new avenue for research into acute intestinal inflammation because it enables the manipulation and dissection of both the bacterial and host contributions to the disease in unsurpassed detail.  相似文献   
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