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A segment of the gag gene of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (HTLV-IIIB strain), the virus which causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), has been cloned into the bacterial expression vector, pCQV2, and mapped to the right-hand portion of the gag gene containing the carboxyl-terminal portion of p24 and the amino-terminal portion of p15. Nucleic-acid sequencing of the insert-vector junctions further defined the 5'-terminal nucleotide of HIV sequence as nucleotide 997 and the 3'-terminal nucleotide as 1696. When used in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with sera from HIV-infected patients, the cloned antigen reacted with a subset of sera which were positive on a standard ELISA using whole virus as antigen. Western-blot screening of these sera with whole virus indicated that all p24-positive sera were positive with the clone, suggesting that the carboxyl-terminal portion of p24 contains a highly antigenic epitope(s). A serum which was p24-negative p15-positive by Western blot analysis was also highly reactive, indicating that a p15 epitope is present in the cloned antigen. Epitope mapping with a series of monoclonal antibodies to gag resulted in positive ELISA with 2 of 3 anti-p24, 0 of 1 anti-p15, and 0 of 1 anti-p17 Western-blot-positive monoclonal antibodies, suggesting that one of the anti-p24 monoclonal antibodies reacts with epitopes amino-terminal to those coded from nucleotide 997, two anti-p24 monoclonals react with epitopes carboxyl-terminal to those coded from nucleotide 997, and the anti-p15 monoclonal reacts with epitopes carboxyl-terminal to those coded from nucleotide 1696.  相似文献   
This paper describes differences in response in seventeen patients with essential hypertension who participated in a treatment program consisting of electromyograph biofeedback assisted relaxation training. Responders were found to have higher treatment values of urinary and plasma cortisol, Trait Anxiety and forehead muscle tension compared to treatment failures. Responders also sustained greater decreases in plasma, and urinary cortisol after treatment. These data are discussed in light of the ability to predict which hypertensive patients may be most benefitted by a relaxation based treatment.We would like to thank Dr. Charles Spielberger for his permission to use the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. We thank Michael Robinson for assistance with statistical analysis.  相似文献   
The inflammatory response in the CNS begins with the movement of leukocytes across the blood-brain barrier in a multistep process that requires cells to pass through a perivascular space before entering the parenchyma. The molecular mechanisms that orchestrate this movement are not known. The chemokine CXCL12 is highly expressed throughout the CNS by microendothelial cells under normal conditions, suggesting it might play a role maintaining the blood-brain barrier. We tested this hypothesis in the setting of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) by using AMD3100, a specific antagonist of the CXCL12 receptor CXCR4. We demonstrate that the loss of CXCR4 activation enhances the migration of infiltrating leukocytes into the CNS parenchyma. CXCL12 is expressed at the basolateral surface of CNS endothelial cells in normal spinal cord and at the onset of EAE. This polarity is lost in vessels associated with an extensive parenchymal invasion of mononuclear cells during the peak of disease. Inhibition of CXCR4 activation during the induction of EAE leads to loss of the typical intense perivascular cuffs, which are replaced with widespread white matter infiltration of mononuclear cells, worsening the clinical severity of the disease and increasing inflammation. Taken together, these data suggest a novel anti-inflammatory role for CXCL12 during EAE in that it functions to localize CXCR4-expressing mononuclear cells to the perivascular space, thereby limiting the parenchymal infiltration of autoreactive effector cells.  相似文献   
The proteorhodopsin family consists of hundreds of homologous retinal containing membrane proteins found in bacteria in the photic zone of the oceans. They are colour tuned to their environment and act as light-driven proton pumps with a potential energetic and regulatory function. Precise structural details are still unknown. Here, the green proteorhodopsin variant has been selected for a chemical shift analysis of retinal and Schiff base by solid-state NMR. Our data show that the chromophore exists in mainly all-trans configuration in the proteorhodopsin ground state. The optical absorption maximum together with retinal and Schiff base chemical shifts indicate a strong interaction network between chromophore and opsin. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Mark Lorch and Andreas C. Woerner contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   
The effect of EMG biofeedback-assisted relaxation on blood pressure and selected biochemical parameters was evaluated in 38 patients with essential hypertension. Training consisted of 8 weeks of biofeedback and home practice of relaxation exercises. Mean blood pressure decreased in the experimental group from 144/90 to 133/84 mm Hg while the control group remained unchanged. Statistically significant decreases in the experimental group also occurred in muscle tension levels, in plasma aldosterone, and in urinary cortisol. Both aldosterone and cortisol are secreted by the adrenal cortex. It was concluded that the technique taught to the experimental group produced a reduction in skeletal muscle tension and a decrease in stress responding mediated by the adrenal cortex.This work was supported by the Northwestern Ohio Heart Association Grant No. 93298. It was presented as a citation paper at the meetings of the Biofeedback Society in 1979 and 1980.  相似文献   
We report the discovery of an African American Y chromosome that carries the ancestral state of all SNPs that defined the basal portion of the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree. We sequenced ∼240 kb of this chromosome to identify private, derived mutations on this lineage, which we named A00. We then estimated the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) for the Y tree as 338 thousand years ago (kya) (95% confidence interval = 237–581 kya). Remarkably, this exceeds current estimates of the mtDNA TMRCA, as well as those of the age of the oldest anatomically modern human fossils. The extremely ancient age combined with the rarity of the A00 lineage, which we also find at very low frequency in central Africa, point to the importance of considering more complex models for the origin of Y chromosome diversity. These models include ancient population structure and the possibility of archaic introgression of Y chromosomes into anatomically modern humans. The A00 lineage was discovered in a large database of consumer samples of African Americans and has not been identified in traditional hunter-gatherer populations from sub-Saharan Africa. This underscores how the stochastic nature of the genealogical process can affect inference from a single locus and warrants caution during the interpretation of the geographic location of divergent branches of the Y chromosome phylogenetic tree for the elucidation of human origins.  相似文献   
Sub-Saharan Africa has consistently been shown to be the most genetically diverse region in the world. Despite the fact that a substantial portion of this variation is partitioned between groups practicing a variety of subsistence strategies and speaking diverse languages, there is currently no consensus on the genetic relationships of sub-Saharan African populations. San (a subgroup of KhoeSan) and many Pygmy groups maintain hunter-gatherer lifestyles and cluster together in autosomal-based analysis, whereas non-Pygmy Niger-Kordofanian speakers (non-Pygmy NKs) predominantly practice agriculture and show substantial genetic homogeneity despite their wide geographic range throughout sub-Saharan Africa. However, KhoeSan, who speak a set of relatively unique click-based languages, have long been thought to be an early branch of anatomically modern humans based on phylogenetic analysis. To formally test models of divergence among the ancestors of modern African populations, we resequenced a sample of San, Eastern, and Western Pygmies and non-Pygmy NKs individuals at 40 nongenic (~2 kb) regions and then analyzed these data within an Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) framework. We find substantial support for a model of an early divergence of KhoeSan ancestors from a proto-Pygmy-non-Pygmy NKs group ~110 thousand years ago over a model incorporating a proto-KhoeSan-Pygmy hunter-gatherer divergence from the ancestors of non-Pygmy NKs. The results of our analyses are consistent with previously identified signals of a strong bottleneck in Mbuti Pygmies and a relatively recent expansion of non-Pygmy NKs. We also develop a number of methodologies that utilize "pseudo-observed" data sets to optimize our ABC-based inference. This approach is likely to prove to be an invaluable tool for demographic inference using genome-wide resequencing data.  相似文献   
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