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A soil percolation apparatus was used to study the effect of plant extracts on nitrification. Foliar leachates, leaf extracts, and bud extracts of balsam fir (Abies balsamea) and balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) were added to the ammonium percolation solution. Color tests and quantitative measurement of residual ammonium and formed nitrate were applied. Foliar leachates of balsam fir strongly inhibited nitrification; leachates of balsam poplar were slightly less inhibitory. Balsam fir needle and balsam poplar dormant bud extracts (5% w/v) completely prevented the oxidation of ammonium. The same estracts (2% w/v) still prevented the oxidation of ammonium to nitrate to a large extent. Once again balsam fir extracts inhibited the process more strongly than balsam poplar. No evidence was obtained for the presence of a specific inhibitor of nitrifier microorganisms.  相似文献   
Neurofibromatosis 2 or bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis (NF2) is a severe autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the development of multiple tumors of the nervous system, including meningiomas, gliomas, neurofibromas, ependymomas, and particularly acoustic neuromas. Polymorphic DNA markers have revealed frequent loss of one copy of chromosome 22 in the tumor types associated with NF2. Family studies have demonstrated that the primary defect in NF2 is linked to DNA markers on chromosome 22, suggesting that it involves inactivation of a tumor suppressor gene. We have employed a combination of multipoint linkage analysis and examination of deletions in primary tumor specimens to precisely map the NF2 locus between flanking polymorphic DNA markers on chromosome 22. The 13-cM region bracketed by these markers corresponds to 13% of the genetic length of the long arm of chromosome 22 and is expected to contain less than 5 x 10(6) bp of DNA. The delineation of flanking markers for NF2 should permit accurate presymptomatic and prenatal diagnosis for the disorder and greatly facilitate efforts to isolate the defective gene on the basis of its location.  相似文献   
The distribution of complex carbohydrates has been investigated at the light and electron microscope levels in sweat glands of normal subjects and patients with Hurler's or Hunter's disease. Normal sweat glands examined with a battery of light microscopic histochemical methods revealed sulphated complex carbohydrate in secretory granules of the dark cells. These granules lacked affinity for dialysed iron (DI) at the light and electron microscope levels. The DI method demonstrated acid complex carbohydrates ultrastructurally on the surface of the intercellular canaliculi and central lumen in normal sweat glands. DI-reactive acidic material, presumably of mucopolysaccharide nature, surrounded and extended between collagen bundles in the stroma of normal skin, but was absent from the band which ensheathed the sweat gland and consisted of individual rather than bundled collagen fibrils. DI-reactive mucopolysaccharide lined and partially filled vacuoles of dark cells showing a laminar distribution in vacuoles of clear cells in sweat glands of a Hunter patient. The DI method also visualized mucopolysaccharide distributed throughout vacuoles in fibroblasts of this patient. DI-reactive acid material covered the luminal surface of the sweat gland, coated collagen bundles in the stroma and spared the periglandular collagenous sheath in skin from Hurler and Hunter patients as in that from normal controls. Acid phosphatase was localized ultrastructually in vacuoles and nearby cytoplasm and on plasmalemmae of clear cells, dark cells and myoepithelial cells of sweat glands from Hurler and Hunter patients. Vacuoles of dermal fibroblasts and Schwann cells in these specimens also exhibited strong acid phosphatase activity.  相似文献   
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins - This study aimed to characterize, evaluate toxicity and optimize the conditions for the growth and production of bacteriocin-like substances by Lactobacillus...  相似文献   
Resistance (R) proteins in plants confer specificity to the innate immune system. Most R proteins have a centrally located NB-ARC (nucleotide-binding adaptor shared by APAF-1, R proteins, and CED-4) domain. For two tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) R proteins, I-2 and Mi-1, we have previously shown that this domain acts as an ATPase module that can hydrolyze ATP in vitro. To investigate the role of nucleotide binding and hydrolysis for the function of I-2 in planta, specific mutations were introduced in conserved motifs of the NB-ARC domain. Two mutations resulted in autoactivating proteins that induce a pathogen-independent hypersensitive response upon expression in planta. These mutant forms of I-2 were found to be impaired in ATP hydrolysis, but not in ATP binding, suggesting that the ATP- rather than the ADP-bound state of I-2 is the active form that triggers defense signaling. In addition, upon ADP binding, the protein displayed an increased affinity for ADP suggestive of a change of conformation. Based on these data, we propose that the NB-ARC domain of I-2, and likely of related R proteins, functions as a molecular switch whose state (on/off) depends on the nucleotide bound (ATP/ADP).  相似文献   
Monkey mummy bones and teeth originating from the North Saqqara Baboon Galleries (Egypt), soft tissue from a mummified baboon in a museum collection, and nineteenth/twentieth-century skin fragments from mangabeys were used for DNA extraction and PCR amplification of part of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. Sequences aligning with the 12S rRNA gene were recovered but were only distantly related to contemporary monkey mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequences. However, many of these sequences were identical or closely related to human nuclear DNA sequences resembling mitochondrial 12S rRNA (isolated from a cell line depleted in mitochondria) and therefore have to be considered contamination. Subsequently in a separate study we were able to recover genuine mitochondrial 12S rRNA sequences from many extant species of nonhuman Old World primates and sequences closely resembling the human nuclear integrations. Analysis of all sequences by the neighbor-joining (NJ) method indicated that mitochondrial DNA sequences and their nuclear counterparts can be divided into two distinct clusters. One cluster contained all temporary cytoplasmic mitochondrial DNA sequences and approximately half of the monkey nuclear mitochondriallike sequences. A second cluster contained most human nuclear sequences and the other half of monkey nuclear sequences with a separate branch leading to human and gorilla mitochondrial and nuclear sequences. Sequences recovered from ancient materials were equally divided between the two clusters. These results constitute a warning for when working with ancient DNA or performing phylogenetic analysis using mitochondrial DNA as a target sequence: Nuclear counterparts of mitochondrial genes may lead to faulty interpretation of results.Correspondence to: A.C. van der Kuyl  相似文献   
We compared the disaccharide composition of dermatan sulfate (DS) purified from the ventral skin of three species of rays from the Brazilian seacoast, Dasyatis americana, Dasyatis gutatta, Aetobatus narinari and of Potamotrygon motoro, a fresh water species that habits the Amazon River. DS obtained from the four species were composed of non-sulfated, mono-sulfated disaccharides bearing esterified sulfate groups at positions C-4 or C-6 of N-acetyl galactosamine (GalNAc), and disulfated disaccharides bearing esterified sulfate groups at positions C-2 of the uronic acid and at position C-4 or C-6 of GalNAc. However, DS from the skin of P. motoro presented a very low content of the disulfated disaccharides. The anticoagulant actions of ray skin DS, measured by both APTT clotting and HCII-mediated inhibition of thrombin assays, were compared to that of mammalian DS. DS from D. americana had both high APTT and HCII activities, whereas DS from D. gutatta showed activity profiles similar to those of mammalian DS. In contrast, DS from both A. narinari and P. motoro had no measurable activity in the APTT assay. Thus, the anticoagulant activity of ray skin DS is not merely a consequence of their charge density. We speculate that the differences among the anticoagulant activities of these three DS may be related to both different composition and arrangements of the disulfated disaccharide units within their polysaccharide chains.  相似文献   
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