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Microtubule-associated protein tau was purified from bovine brain microtubules by either (1) phosphocellulose chromatography, (2) heat treatment at pH 6.4, (3) heat treatment at pH 2.7, (4) heat treatment at pH 2.7 followed by extraction with perchloric acid and precipitation with glycerol, or (5) by precipitation with ammonium sulfate followed by extraction with perchloric acid. All of these tau preparations reacted specifically with antibodies to Alzheimer paired helical filaments. Affinity purified antibodies to tau labeled both Alzheimer neurofibrillary tangles and plaque neurites but not amyloid in Alzheimer brain tissue sections and labeled paired helical filament polypeptides on Western blots. Human brain tau and paired helical filament polypeptides co-migrated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. These results suggest that tau is a major component of Alzheimer paired helical filaments.  相似文献   
Although considerable effort has been directed at identifying and understanding the function and regulation of stress-induced proteins in herbaceous plants, reports concerning woody plants are limited. Studies with herbaceous crops have revealed similarities in the types of proteins that accumulate in response to a wide array of abiotic stresses and hormonal cues such as the accumulation of abscisic acid. Many of the identified proteins appear to be related to dehydrins (the D-11 subgroup of late-embryogenesis-abundant proteins). The objective of the present study was to determine if seasonal induction of dehydrins is a common feature in woody plants and to see if seasonal patterns existed for other stress-induced proteins. Bark tissues from eight species of woody plants were collected monthly for a period of 1.5 years. The species included: peach (Prunus persica) cv. Loring; apple (Malus domestica) cv. Golden Delicious; thornless blackberry (Rubus sp.) cv. Chester; hybrid poplar (Populus nigra); weeping willow (Salix babylonica); flowering dogwood (Cornus florida); sassafras (Sassafras albidum); and black locust (Robinia pseudo-acacia). Immunoblots of bark proteins were probed with a polyclonal antibody recognizing a conserved region of dehydrin proteins, and monoclonal antibodies directed against members of the HS70 family of heat-shock proteins. Some proteins, immunologically related to dehydrins, appeared to be constitutive; however, distinct seasonal patterns associated with winter acclimation were also observed in all species. The molecular masses of these proteins varied widely, although similarities were observed in related species (willow and poplar). Identification of proteins using the monoclonal antibodies (HSP70, HSC70, BiP) was more definitive because of their inherent specificity, but seasonal patterns were more variable among the eight species examined. This study represents only a precursory examination of several proteins reported to be stress related in herbaceous plants, but the results indicate that these proteins are also common to woody plants and that further research to characterize their regulation and function in relation to stress adaptation and the perennial life cycle of woody plants is warranted.  相似文献   
Isolation of a Bacterial Culture That Degrades Methyl t-Butyl Ether   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
We have isolated a mixed bacterial culture (BC-1) which is capable of degrading the gasoline oxygenate methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE). BC-1 was developed from seed microorganisms present in a chemical plant biotreater sludge. This enrichment culture has been maintained in continuous culture treating high concentrations of MTBE (120 to 200 mg/liter) as the sole carbon source in a simple feed containing NH4+, PO43-, Mg2+, and Ca2+ nutrients. The unit had a stable MTBE removal rate when maintained with a long cell retention time (ca. 80 to 90 days); however, when operated at a ≤50-day cell waste rate, loss of MTBE-degrading activity was observed. The following three noteworthy experimental data show that MTBE is biodegraded extensively by BC-1: (i) the continuous (oxygen-sparged) culture was able to sustain a population of autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria which could nitrify influent NH4+ concentrations at high rates and obtain CO2 (sole carbon source for growth) from the metabolism of the alkyl ether, (ii) BC-1 metabolized radiolabeled either (14CH3O-MTBE) to 14CO2 (40%) and 14C-labeled cells (40%), and (iii) cell suspensions of the culture were capable of degrading (substrate depletion experiments) MTBE to t-butyl alcohol, a primary metabolite of MTBE. BC-1 is a mixed culture containing several bacterial species and is the first culture of its kind which can completely degrade an alkyl ether.  相似文献   
Summary A strain of cerebral endothelial cells was established from isolated cortical microvessels of caprine brain. These cells, which are referred to as ECl cells, can be routinely subcultured to 32 passages without the loss of differentiated morphologic and immunologic traits. The ability to routinely subculture ECl cells is an important asset, given that isolated cerebral endothelial cells in mammals generally lose their differentiated traits after only 2 to 3 passages. ECl cells were shown to contain Factor VIII-related antigen, which is a specific marker for cells of endothelial origin. ECl cells morphologically demonstrated a scarcity of pinocytotic vesicles on their apical surfaces, a lack of trans-cytoplasmic vesicles, and the ability to form in culture confluent monolayers with tight junctional complexes. Therefore, ECl cells possess specific antigenic and ultrastructural features which classify them as being small vessel endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier type. Cytogenetic evaluation of ECl cells demonstrated a normal female goat 60,XX karyotype and confirmed the apparent non-transformed nature of ECl cells due to the lack of chromosome abnormalities or rearrangements. Using scanning electron microscopy, ECl cells were also shown to form confluent monolayers on mixed nitrocellulose filters, a feature that will enable the development of an in vitro system to study trans-endothelial transport. Given that ECl cells are readily subcultured and grow well on nitrocellulose filters, and that they resemble cerebral endothelium in vivo, it seems evident that ECl cells can be used as a versatile model for the study of blood-brain barrier function, regulation, and pathology.  相似文献   
Further characterization and thiophosphorylation of smooth muscle myosin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
(i) Myosin from chicken gizzards was purified by a modification of an earlier procedure (M. N. Malik, 1978,Biochemistry17, 27–32). When this myosin, as well as that prepared by the method of A. Sobieszek and R. D. Bremel (1975,Eur. J. Biochem.55, 49–60), was analyzed by gradient slab gel using the discontinuous buffer system of Neville (1971,J. Biol. Chem.246, 6328–6334), a closely spaced doublet in the heavy chain and four light chains were observed as opposed to one heavy chain and two light chains with the method of Weber and Osborn (1969, J. Biol. Chem.244, 4406–4412). These findings raise the possibility of the existence of myosin isoenzymes in smooth muscle. (ii) The purified gizzard myosin was found to be free of kinase and phosphatase. Phosphorylation or thiophosphorylation of myosin was observed only by exogenously adding kinase. A maximum of 1.2 mol of 32P/mol of myosin and 2.3 mol of 35S/mol of myosin were obtained. The actin-activated ATPase activity depended upon the extent of thiophosphorylation of myosin; a four- to fivefold increase in the activity was observed when myosin was fully thiophosphorylated. Thiophosphorylated myosin was found to be more stable than phosphorylated myosin.  相似文献   
A Ca2+ activated protease(s) capable of hydrolyzing several polypeptides at neutral pH including cytoskeletal proteins, actin, myosin, tubulin and neurofilament triplet was identified in calf brain cortex. The enzyme activity precipitates at 75 mM KCl, pH 6.5 – 7.0 and is inhibited by the sulfhydryl inhibitors, N-ethylmaleimide and para-chloromercuribenzoate and the protease inhibitors, antipain, pepstatin and leupeptin, leupeptin being the most effective.  相似文献   
A subcellular fraction enriched in twisted tubules was obtained by differential centrifugation of a homogenate of neurons isolated from areas of the brain with many neurofibrillary tangles from patients with Alzheimer's presenile-senile dementia. A unique protein (molecular weight 50,000 daltons) which does not co-migrate with either of the two tubulin monomers of the major neurofilament protein, both purified from human brain, was found in this subcellular fraction on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Similarly processed tissue from areas of the brain poor in neurofibrillary tangles contained low levels of this new protein. The new protein band could not be seen in control patients.  相似文献   
Antibody response in mice to scrapie-associated fibril proteins (protease-resistant proteins [PrPs]) was generated to different epitopes depending on the source of antigen. Mice responded differently to PrPs isolated from scrapie-infected animals of homologous (mouse) versus heterologous (hamster) species. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay established to monitor this antibody response in mice immunized with PrPs was unable to detect such a response in scrapie-infected mice. A monoclonal antibody (MAb), 263K 3F4, derived from a mouse immunized with hamster 263K PrPs reacted with hamster but not mouse PrPs. MAb 263K 3F4 also recognized normal host protein of 33 to 35 kilodaltons in brain tissue from hamsters and humans but not from bovine, mouse, rat, sheep, or rabbit brains. This is the first demonstration of epitope differences on this host protein in different species. The defining of various epitopes on PrP through the use of MAbs will lead to a better understanding of the relationship of PrPs to their host precursor protein and to the infectious scrapie agent.  相似文献   
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