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The inhibitory properties of a series of synthetic epimers and analogues of swainsonine towards the multiple forms of human alpha-mannosidases were studied in vitro and in cells in culture. Of the five epimers tested, only the 8a-epimer and 8,8a-diepimer of swainsonine were specific and competitive inhibitors (Ki values of 7.5 x 10(-5) and 2 x 10(-6) M respectively) of lysosomal alpha-mannosidases in vitro and induced storage of mannose-rich oligosaccharides in human fibroblasts in culture. The structures of these storage products indicated that processing alpha-mannosidases had also been inhibited. This was consistent with the observed inhibition in vitro of these enzymes by these compounds. In contrast, the 8-epimer, 1,8-diepimer and 2,8a-diepimer of swainsonine had no appreciable effect on any alpha-mannosidases. The corresponding open-chain analogues of swainsonine, namely 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-D-mannitol, of the 8a-epimer, namely 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-D-talitol, and of the 8,8a-diepimer, namely 1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-L-allitol, were weaker competitive inhibitors of lysosomal alpha-mannosidase, with Ki values of 1.3 x 10(-5), 1.2 x 10(-4) and 1.2 x 10(-4) M respectively. These analogues also proved less effective at inducing oligosaccharide accumulation and in disturbing glycoprotein processing. These compounds offer the opportunity to determine which alterations in the chirality of the swainsonine molecule affect its inhibitory specificity. A comparison of their biological activities has identified reagents that will be useful for studying steps in the biosynthesis and catabolism of glycoproteins and that may be of potential value in chemotherapy.  相似文献   
Whether homotypic neutrophil aggregation depends on the quantitative increase of gp165/95 molecules (Mac 1, CR3) recruited to the cell surface during activation was studied using mAb of the CD11b group that recognize distinct epitopes encoded by the alpha-subunit of this glycoprotein. After the addition of antibody MN41, neutrophils did not aggregate in response to a chemoattractant, FMLP. Blockade of preexisting surface gp165/95 by mAb MN41, followed by removal of the excess antibody from the mixture, was used to show that the molecules of gp165/95 newly expressed in response to stimulation by a chemoattractant were incapable of effectively mediating the induced cell-cell interactions of aggregation. Flow cytometry studies confirmed that binding of unlabeled antibody MN41 did not block further increases in surface expression of gp165/95 after stimulation with FMLP. These data suggest that molecules of gp165/95 exhibit two functionally distinct forms, one, present on the surface of freshly isolated neutrophils, that becomes competent to mediate the aggregation response upon activation by a stimulus and a second form that can be translocated to the cell surface by the stimulus but is greatly diminished if not lacking in the ability to participate in that aggregation event.  相似文献   
Human liver alpha-D-mannosidases A and B were purified 11 500-fold and 2000-fold respectively. Both showed microheterogeneity when analysed by isoelectric focusing. Alpha-D-Mannosidases A and B are immunologically identical but differ in their range of pI values, molecular masses, uptake into fibroblasts and subunit compositions. Alpha-D-Mannosidase A consists of equimolar proportions of subunits of molecular masses 62 kDa and 26 kDa, which are linked by disulphide bridges in the intact enzyme. Alpha-D-Mannosidase B also contains a small subunit, of molecular mass 26 kDa, and a variable mixture of larger subunits, of molecular masses 58 kDa and 62 kDa. The 62 kDa and 58 kDa subunits, but not the 26 kDa one, contain concanavalin A-recognizing glycans. The 58 kDa subunit has a lower pI, contains less high-mannose glycans but probably contains more mannose 6-phosphate than the 62 kDa subunit. It is postulated that the differences in structure and properties of alpha-D-mannosidases A and B are due to differences in the state of processing of the large subunit. This suggestion is consistent with a single locus on chromosome 19 for lysosomal alpha-D-mannosidase.  相似文献   
The association of the class II genes of the DRw10 haplotype from a cell line, NASC, initiated from a member of a well characterized family, was analyzed by sequencing cDNA clones corresponding to DR beta I, DQ alpha, and DQ beta genes. An identical haplotype was also identified in the Raji cell line. In addition to typing as DRw10 and DQw1 with HLA typing sera both, the NASC and Raji cell lines were shown to react strongly with the monoclonal antibodies 109d6 (specific for DRw10 beta 1 and DRw53 beta 2 gene products) and Genox 3.5.3 (specific for DQw1) and exhibited the restriction fragment length polymorphism indicative of a DRw10, DQw1 haplotype. The DR beta 1 gene corresponding to the DRw10 specificity was found to have a first domain sequence different from all other DR beta I genes. Sequence analysis of the 3'-untranslated region of this DR beta-chain gene showed a significant divergence from the 3' untranslated region of the DRw53 family of haplotypes and a lesser divergence from that of the DRw52 and DR1/DR2 families. The sequence of the DQ beta genes corresponding to the DQw1 specificity in the DRw10 haplotype was found to be identical to the DQ beta gene from a DR1, DQw1 haplotype. Surprisingly, however, the DQ alpha gene did not resemble other DQw1-like DQ alpha genes, but was identical in sequence to the DQ alpha gene found in DR4 haplotypes. The novel association of DQ alpha and DQ beta genes in the DRw10 haplotype revealed in these studies may result from a double recombinational event. More consequentially, these studies strongly suggest that the DQw1 specificity recognized by Genox 3.5.3 is determined by the DQ beta chain and is not affected by the DQ alpha-chain.  相似文献   
Multivariate statistical analysis has been applied to time series measurements of aerosol elemental composition from PIXE analysis of filter samples, and principal components have been resolved that represent distinct particle types in an external mixture in the atmosphere. In this study, it is argued that a combination of chemical and statistical analyses of the data may be more powerful in determining chemical species in atmospheric aerosols than studies that employ mainly direct chemical analysis of chemical species in unresolved mixtures of aerosol particle samples. Sulfur is generally associated with mineral dust elements. It is reasoned that the association may represent sulfuric acid coatings on particles that can lead to mineral dissolution and solubilization of significant amounts of aluminum, iron, and other metals. Upon wet or dry deposition to the surface, the fluxes of these metals in biologically-available form may be sufficient to affect primary productivity in the world ocean and cause ecological damage in lakes. As a consequence, the fluxes of biogenic trace gases to the atmosphere may be changed, possibly leading to changes in the tropospheric concentration of ozone. The inputs to lakes of soluble aluminum, which is toxic to fish, may be partly by deposition directly from the atmosphere, thus not limited to leaching of soils by acid deposition. Human inhalation of soluble aluminum and other solulilized mineral metals may account, in part, for the observed geographic pattern of deaths attributed to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that show high rates in cities of the Western US and the southeast region, but low in most of the midwest and northeast.  相似文献   
The enzymic defect and storage products in canine fucosidosis.   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A marked deficiency of alpha-L-fucosidase and the accumulation of fucose-containing glycoasparagines were found in the brains of two English Springer spaniels suffering from a progressive nervous disorder. Both forms of alpha-L-fucosidase in normal brain, which are separable by ion-exchange chromatography, are absent from the affected animals. The storage products were characterized by t.l.c., gel filtration, g.l.c. and fast-atom-bombardment mass spectrometry. The postulated structures of the main components are: (formula; see text) The enzymic defect and nature of storage products justify designation of this disorder as canine fucosidosis.  相似文献   
Normal human spleen contains two forms of membrane-bound beta-glucosidase, distinguishable by their thermostability and kinetic properties. The spleen from a patient with adult Gaucher's disease was deficient in the major, thermolabile, form of the enzyme.  相似文献   
In the avian stretch model, the application of a weight overload to the humerus induces enlargement of the anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle and an increase in muscle fiber number which is accompanied by satellite cell activation. Myofiber injury may be an important stimulus to muscle fiber hyperplasia; therefore, light and electron microscopic evaluation was undertaken to determine if myofiber injury occurs in the stretch-enlarged ALD muscle of the adult quail. Autoradiographic studies were used to determine the terminal differentiation of labeled myogenic cells. A weight equal to 10% of body mass was attached to one wing of 27 adult quail and 3 birds were euthanized at 9 intervals of stretch, from 1 to 30 days. Birds were injected with tritiated thymidine at intervals ranging from 1 hr to 3 days prior to euthanization. Labeled nuclei were detected by light microscopic examination and identified by electron microscopy of a serial section. Three regions of the muscle were examined for disorganization of contractile elements, presence of cytoplasmic vacuoles, and/or phagocytic cell infiltration. The percentage of fibers exhibiting one or more of these criterion was significantly greater in the stretched ALD by Days 5 and 7 and declined at Day 10, reaching near control values by Day 14. Myofiber necrosis and phagocytic cell infiltration were only observed in the middle and distal regions of the stretched ALD muscle. Traditional signs of regeneration and repair were observed, including clusters of labeled myoblast-like cells and myotube formation within an existing basal lamina. New myotube formation with labeled central nuclei was also noted in the interstitial space, outside of basal lamina of persisting fibers. Labeled myonuclei were observed in the stretched fibers. These results demonstrate that chronic stretch produces regional injury and fiber degeneration and resultant regeneration in the ALD muscle of the adult quail. This may be an important stimulus for new fiber formation in this model.  相似文献   
C receptor CR3 (iC3b-receptor, CD11b/CD18) plays an essential role in several phagocytic and adhesive neutrophil functions. Recent evidence suggests that stimulus-induced phosphorylation of the CR3 beta-chain, CD18, may mediate certain neutrophil functions by transiently converting the molecule to an activated state. Staurosporine, a protein kinase C inhibitor that blocks PMA-induced CD18 phosphorylation, was used to study the functional relevance of this event. Neutrophils adhered to glass were assayed for binding and phagocytosis of iC3b-opsonized sheep E (EC3bi) in the presence or absence of PMA and/or staurosporine. Binding of EC3bi was markedly increased, not only by PMA, but also by staurosporine and by a combination of both agents (three- to sevenfold). The enhancement of rosetting by staurosporine was likely caused by increased surface expression of CR3 via exocytosis of specific granular contents. In contrast, staurosporine alone did not stimulate phagocytosis of EC3bi and markedly inhibited PMA-induced phagocytosis. Staurosporine also inhibited phagocytosis of yeast beta glucan particles, a CR3 ligand that, in contrast to EC3bi, is bound and ingested without additional prior treatment with PMA. beta glucan phagocytosis was associated with a low level of CD18 phosphorylation. Staurosporine did not block phagocytosis in general, because this agent had relatively little effect on FcR-mediated phagocytosis. These data demonstrate that phagocytosis mediated by CR3 requires activation of CR3 via a staurosporine-sensitive pathway. Increased binding of EC3bi, a function of increased surface expression of CR3, does not require activation of CR3 by such a pathway, confirming previous evidence for the independence of these two phenomena. A direct role for CD18 phosphorylation in the activation of CR3 for phagocytosis is consistent with these data.  相似文献   
Biochemistry and expression of myelomonocytic antigens   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Six monoclonal antibodies (MAb) which react with myelomonocytic cells representing various stages of differentiation, and which precipitate six different cell surface molecules, were identified. A 50 to 55 kilodalton (Kd) glycoprotein, restricted in expression to mature cells of the monocyte lineage, was detected by immunoprecipitation with antibody MoS39. By using COS-7 cells transfected with a cDNA clone encoding the MoS39 antigen, various well-described anti-monocyte MAb, including Mo2, My4, Leu-M3 (MoP9), MoP15, MoS1, and 63D3, also bound to MoS39-expressing COS-7 cells, suggesting that this group of antibodies reacted with the same glycoprotein. Immature cells of the myelomonocytic lineage were shown to express two distinct molecules: one with an m.w. of 26 to 28 Kd identified by antibody SG133, and the second, a 130 to 140 Kd glycoprotein identified by MoU26. Mature granulocytes were found to express a 60 Kd molecule identified by antibody SG185 which was absent from other cells of this lineage. Two other molecules were shown to be present on both mature and immature cells of the granulocytic and monocytic lineages: a 130 to 140 Kd glycoprotein identified by antibody SG134, and a 160 to 170 Kd glycoprotein recognized by antibody MoU48.  相似文献   
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