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We have used electron microscopic immunocytochemistry to compare the distribution of LAMP-1, a marker for lysosomal membranes, with the intracellular localization of alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2-M) and transferrin at various time points after their endocytosis into cultured NIH 3T3 cells. The purposes of this study were (a) to determine how soon endocytic ligands reach lysosomal organelles, (b) to examine whether the intermediate endocytic vesicles gained lysosomal markers gradually or in a precipitous, discrete event, and (c) to examine the relationship, if any, between the pathway of recycling ligands and lysosomes. At early time points (0-5 min) after initiation of endocytosis, most structures containing alpha 2-M labeled with colloidal gold (receptosomes) were not labeled by anti-LAMP-1 detected using ferritin bridge or peroxidase immunocytochemistry. At late time points (greater than or equal to 15 min), the structures containing alpha 2-M (lysosomes) were strongly labeled by anti-LAMP-1. In contrast, transferrin that was directly labeled with ferritin was mostly located in LAMP-1-negative structures at all time points studied. The proportion of alpha 2-M-gold containing vesicles strongly labeled for LAMP-1 roughly paralleled the proportion of alpha 2-M-gold-containing structures positive for cytochemically detectable acid phosphatase. Our data indicate that ligands such as transferrin that are internalized through coated pits and receptosomes, but not delivered to lysosomes, do not traverse a lysosomal organelle compartment as marked by LAMP-1 content. Ligands such as alpha 2-M that are destined for lysosomal delivery reach a LAMP-1-positive organelle compartment only after they traverse LAMP-1-negative, non-lysosomal vesicles previously described as receptosomes.  相似文献   
35S-Labeled adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) (10 ng/ml) was incubated with 1% Triton X-114 at various pH values varying from 3.0 to 8.0. The detergent phase was separated from the aqueous phase by centrifugation, and the amounts of Ad2 were determined in the two phases. At pH 7.0-8.0, less than 5% of Ad2 was associated with the detergent phase; at pH 5.0 or below, about 60% of Ad2 was associated with the detergent phase. When a mixture of 35S-labeled capsid proteins was used at pH 7.0, 60-70% of the total proteins were associated with the detergent at pH 5.0, but less than 5% of the proteins interacted with detergent at pH 7.0. Among the three major external proteins (hexon, penton base, and fiber), penton base had the highest association with Triton X-114 at pH 5.0. Both intact virus and the capsid proteins that were associated with Triton X-114 at pH 5.0 were released into the aqueous phase on subsequent incubation at pH 7.0. On the basis of these results, it is suggested that mildly acidic pH induces amphiphilic properties in adenovirus capsid proteins and may help Ad2 escape from acidic endocytic vesicles.  相似文献   
Reproductive wastage was evaluated by relating ovulation rate to lambs born or raised in range finewool ewes over a ten-year period. The results indicate that reproductive losses are of large magnitude and that these losses are concentrated in the period of ovulation to implantation and in death losses of lambs born. In this study, 33.5% of the potential lamb crop was lost in the early period. Multiple ovulating ewes showed the greatest embryonic loss. The data do not deviate from the binomial distribution, thus suggesting that these losses are largely due to chance. Further work is indicated in the first seventeen days after ovulation to examine losses due to fertilization failure, chromosomal abnormalities, and implantation failure. Abortion or absorption of the fetus was indicated in only 4% of the ewes sampled. An average of 16% of the potential lamb crop was lost from birth to weaning, with 73% of these losses occurring in the first few weeks. Management practices need to be developed to reduce these losses, and these would be expected to vary from one producer to the next depending on conditions. Increasing ovulation rate is one possible method of improving reproductive efficiency, as results of this study indicate that for each unit increase in ovulation rate, there is an increase of 0.52, 0.46, 0.33, and 0.23 in the average number of embryos surviving, lambs born, lambs marked and lambs weaned, respectively.  相似文献   
Binding sites having the properties of high-affinity receptors for activated alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) have been purified over 100-fold from membranes of spontaneously transformed NIH-3T3 cells (J. A. Hanover, S.-y. Cheng, M. C. Willingham, and I. H. Pastan [1983] J. Biol. Chem. 258, 370-377). To identify the molecular species involved in high-affinity binding, the solubilized receptor has been purified 500-fold by conventional procedures and further purified by affinity chromatography. After radioiodination of the 500-fold-purified preparation, the detergent-solubilized extract was applied to alpha 2M-Sepharose and an 85,000 +/- 5000 Mr species was selectively retained by the column. Binding of the 85,000 +/- 5000 Mr species to the affinity resin was inhibited by EDTA and by excess alpha 2M. Elution from the affinity column could be accomplished with bacitracin, a competitive inhibitor of alpha 2M binding, or with EDTA. Consistent with the previously reported characteristics of the high-affinity alpha 2M receptor, the 85,000 Mr species bound much more efficiently to methylamine-activated alpha 2M-Affigel than to alpha 2M-Affigel which had not been amine-activated. The present data suggest that a protein with a subunit Mr of 85,000 +/- 5000 may represent a component of the high-affinity alpha 2M receptor present on cultured fibroblasts.  相似文献   
Antibodies were raised against the sequence Glu-Glu-Glu-Glu-Tyr-Met-Pro-Met -Glu, which represents a part of the middle T antigen of polyomavirus that is considered to be important in inducing the phenotype of transformed cells. The antibodies reacted with native as well as denatured middle T antigens. In addition, the antibodies immunoprecipitated a cellular protein with an apparent molecular weight of 130,000 (130K) from mouse and rat cells. In some cases, a 33K protein was also immunoprecipitated. Immunoprecipitation of middle T antigen as well as 130K and 33K proteins was blocked by the peptide. The antibodies labeled microfilaments of untransformed mouse, rat, human, and chicken cells by immunofluorescence. This labeling was also blocked by the peptide. The labeling pattern and distribution under a variety of conditions were indistinguishable from those of anti-actin antibodies, although no evidence has been obtained to indicate that the anti-peptide antibodies react with actin. The 130K protein migrated in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis slightly slower than chicken gizzard vinculin (130K) and slightly faster than myosin light-chain kinase of chicken smooth muscle (130K). Neither of these proteins absorbed the anti-peptide antibodies. The 33K protein does not seem to be tropomyosin (32K to 40K).  相似文献   
The seeds of 10 accessions ofLimnanthes, representing 7 species and their varieties were moistened and placed in an 80°F cabinet for up to 14 days. Then they were transferred to 40, 50 or 60°F temperatures for germination. In two accessions, 85% of the seeds became dormant after only 2 days at 80°F. In 6 accessions, up to 80% of the seeds became dormant after 14 days at 80°F. In two other accessions there was little or no dormancy induced. After 16 months, one half the ungerminated seeds in each treatment were dried under room conditions for 2-1/2 months. Then they were again moistened and placed under germination temperatures. Up to 78% of the seeds thus treated germinated, compared with few or none of those maintained continuously under germination conditions.  相似文献   
Domain II mutants of Pseudomonas exotoxin deficient in translocation   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) kills mammalian cells in a complex process that involves cell surface binding, internalization by endocytosis, translocation to the cytosol, and ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor 2. PE is a three-domain protein in which domain I binds to the cell surface, domain II promotes translocation into the cytosol, and domain III carries out ADP-ribosylation. To determine how translocation occurs, we have mutated all the arginine residues in domain II and found that mutations at positions 276 and 279 greatly diminished the cytotoxicity of PE and mutations 330 and 337 substantially reduced cytotoxicity. Biochemical studies indicate that after internalization into an endocytic compartment, the PE molecule undergoes a specific and saturable intracellular interaction, and this interaction is deficient in an Arg276----Gly mutant. Our data suggest that the translocation process of PE involves a specific interaction of Arg276 (and possibly Arg279, Arg330, and Arg337) with components of an intracellular compartment.  相似文献   
We have examined the shape and distribution of clathrin-coated pits in Swiss 3T3 cells at 4 or 37 degrees C using electron microscopy with serial sections and immunofluorescence light microscopy. Both groups were fixed in glutaraldehyde and preserved further using a membrane contrast enhancement technique consisting of sequential osmium-ferrocyanide, thiocarbohydrazide and osmium-ferrocyanide treatment in situ. Concanavalin A-horseradish peroxidase (conA-HRP) was used to identify these structures participating in endocytosis. Two hundred twenty-two clathrin-coated structures were analysed; 126 from cells fixed at 4 degrees C, and 96 from cells fixed after a 3 min warm-up to 37 degrees C. All coated structures labeled with conA-HRP had demonstrable connections to the plasma membrane. These coated structures were morphologically classified into three categories: (a) flat pits; (b) curved pits; and (c) pits with narrow-neck connections to the plasma membrane. At 37 degrees C, 27% of coated pits had narrow neck connections to the plasma membrane whereas at 4 degrees C only 1% had such connections. Receptosomes (endosomes) labeled with conA-HRP were found only after incubation at 37 degrees C, indicating that active endocytosis was occurring in cells at 37 degrees C, but not at 4 degrees C. Immunofluorescence with anti-clathrin antibody was used to quantitate the number of clathrin-coated pits in Swiss 3T3 cells incubated at 4 and 37 degrees C prior to fixation. No difference was detected. There were 426 +/- 122 pits per cell at 37 degrees C and 441 +/- 106 at 4 degrees C. These results support the hypothesis that formation of a narrow neck connected a coated pit to the cell surface is an early step in the mechanism of receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   
Multidrug resistance in human cancer is associated with overexpression of the MDR1 gene which encodes a 170,000 molecular weight membrane glycoprotein that transports cytotoxic drugs out of cancer cells. The MDR1 gene is normally expressed in intestine, kidney, liver, and adrenal glands, and in tumors derived from these tissues, but it is not expressed in normal bone marrow. Transgenic mice that express the MDR1 gene in their bone marrow have been developed, and because of this expression these mice are resistant to the bone marrow-suppressive effects of daunomycin, doxorubicin, taxol, and several other anticancer drugs. These mice can be used in several different ways to develop new types of drugs to treat human cancer.--Pastan, I.; Willingham, M. C.; Gottesman, M. Molecular manipulations of the multidrug transporter: a new role for transgenic mice.  相似文献   
The plasma membrane associated human multidrug resistance (MDR1) gene product, known as the 170-kDa P-glycoprotein or the multidrug transporter, acts as an ATP-dependent efflux pump for various cytotoxic agents. We expressed recombinant human multidrug transporter in a baculovirus expression system to obtain large quantities and further investigate its structure and mechanism of action. MDR1 cDNA was inserted into the genome of the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus under the control of the polyhedrin promoter. Spodoptera frugiperda insect cells synthesized high levels of recombinant multidrug transporter 2-3 days after infection. The transporter was localized by immunocytochemical methods on the external surface of the plasma membranes, in the Golgi apparatus, and within the nuclear envelope. The human multidrug transporter expressed in insect cells is not susceptible to endoglycosidase F treatment and has a lower apparent molecular weight of 140,000, corresponding to the nonglycosylated precursor of its authentic counterpart expressed in multidrug-resistant cells. Labeling experiments showed that the recombinant multidrug transporter is phosphorylated and can be photoaffinity labeled by [3H]-azidopine, presumably at the same two sites as the native protein. Various drugs and reversing agents (e.g., daunomycin greater than verapamil greater than vinblastine approximately vincristine) compete with the [3H]azidopine binding reaction when added in excess, indicating that the recombinant human multidrug transporter expressed in insect cells is functionally similar to its authentic counterpart.  相似文献   
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