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Wounding of quiescent white potato tuber tissue enhances chromatin-boundprotein phosphokinase activity, which exhibits two distinctphases during wound-healing. A moderate activation of the enzymesup to 20 hr after injury is followed by a dramatic increasein activity with a peak at 50 hr. This time-course resemblesthat of chromatinbound DNA-dependent RNA polymerase with a peakin activity at about 48 hr after wounding. The kinases phosphorylateendogenous proteins as well as added histones, phosvitin andcasein. The incorporated phosphate is stable under standardassay conditions, indicating the absence of protein phosphatases.Sensitivity of the incorporated phosphate toward trypsin andalkali, but not DNase, RNase, hydroxylamine or succinic acidpoints to seryl- and threonyl-bonds and proteins as acceptormolecules. Kinases from resting tissues are only weakly stimulatedeven by 100 mM MgCl2, those from wounded tissues exhibit pronouncedMg$$-optima at 5–10 mM with endogenous proteins, phosvitinand casein and 50 mM MgCl2 with histones. Wounding also increasesthe sensitivity of the kinases toward p-hydroxymercuribenzoate. Chromatin preparations from both resting and wounded tissuescontain about 40 protein bands after polyacrylamide disc gelelectrophoresis. In vitro phosphorylation of these proteinsin chromatin from quiescent tissues is comparably low and uniform.Wounding induces changes in the protein and phosphorylationpattern with a general enhancement of phosphorylative capacityand preferential phosphorylation of low molecular weight proteins. (Received August 10, 1981; Accepted November 18, 1981)  相似文献   
Heparan sulphate proteoglycan was solubilized from human glomerular basement membranes by guanidine extraction and purified by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The yield of proteoglycan was approx. 2 mg/g of basement membrane. The glycoconjugate had an apparent molecular mass of 200-400 kDa and consisted of about 75% protein and 25% heparan sulphate. The amino acid composition was characterized by a high content of glycine, proline, alanine and glutamic acid. Hydrolysis with trifluoromethanesulphonic acid yielded core proteins of 160 and 110 kDa (and minor bands of 90 and 60 kDa). Alkaline NaBH4 treatment of the proteoglycan released heparan sulphate chains with an average molecular mass of 18 kDa. HNO2 oxidation of these chains yielded oligosaccharides of about 5 kDa, whereas heparitinase digestion resulted in a more complete degradation. The data suggest a clustering of N-sulphate groups in the peripheral regions of the glycosaminoglycan chains. A polyclonal antiserum raised against the intact proteoglycan showed reactivity against the core protein. It stained all basement membranes in an intense linear fashion in immunohistochemical studies on frozen kidney sections from man and various mammalian species.  相似文献   
The structure of V alpha and J alpha segments in the mouse.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Antigen receptors on most T-cells are heterodimeric glycoproteins, comprised of an alpha chain and a beta chain. These chains are encoded by discontiguous variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J) gene segments that rearrange to produce a contiguous and functional alpha or beta chain gene. To investigate the size and diversity of the germline repertoire of alpha-chain gene segments, we have characterized and sequenced 20 alpha chain cDNAs. Among these cDNA clones, we have found 4 J alpha and 4 V alpha sequences that have not yet been described. The relationship of these "new" gene segments to those already characterized is discussed.  相似文献   
We have isolated an unusual T cell receptor chain cDNA clone (7.1) from a library made from RNA derived from adult thymus of C57BL/Ka mice. This cDNA clone corresponds to the appropriately processed C1 constant region exons preceded by 1.5 kb of J-C1 intron. The 7.1 coding region is extremely homologous to the C1 gene of BALB/c mice, differing at the protein level by a single deletion (alanine 139) and a single substitution. This latter change eliminates the sole N-linked sugar attachment site, providing a basis for strain-specific glycosylation patterns. The J-C1 intronic region contains two DNA segments (termed J1 and J2) that are highly reminiscent of joining (J) segments; both have potentially functional recombination and donor splice sequences flanking an open reading frame. Northern analysis suggests that 7.1 may be derived from a large, variable region-containing precursor.  相似文献   
Willi Jahnen  Klaus Hahlbrock 《Planta》1988,173(4):453-458
Characteristic enzymes of general phenylpropanoid metabolism (phenylalanine ammonialyase) and of the flavonoid-glycoside and furanocoumarin branch pathways (chalcone synthase and S-adenosyl-l-methionine: bergaptol O-methyltransferase, respectively) were localized immuno-histochemically in cross-sections of various aerial parts of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) at different stages of seedling development. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase occurred predominantly in epidermal and oil-duct epithelial cells, but was also detectable in other tissue parts. The two pathway-specific enzymes were localized in the epidermis (chalcone synthase) and in oil ducts (bergaptol O-methyl-transferase). High chalcone-synthase concentrations occurred very early in leaf development and then declined. High levels of the methyltransferase were present at all times investigated. The temporal and spatial at all times investigated. The temporal and spatial distribution of all three enzymes is in agreement with the time courses and sites of accumulation of the biosynthetic end products.Abbreviations BMT S-adenosyl-l-methionine: bergaptol O-methyltransferase - CHS chalcone synthase - PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1. Das Bewegungsverhalten der Coelomzellen des EchinoidenPsammechinus miliaris Gmel. wird an kleinen von Stacheln, Füßchen und Pedicellarien befreiten Stellen der Skelettoberfläche in Periproctnähe untersucht.2. Aus dem freiliegenden Bälkchenwerk treten Coelomzellen aus, von denen nur die rotbraunen Amoebocyten auf dem hellen Kalkuntergrund im Auflicht (Ultropak;E. Leitz) sichtbar sind.3. Nach einigen Stunden ist die Wundfläche mit einer dicken rötlichen Zellmasse bedeckt, dem primären Wundverschluß. Außer den Coelomzellen enthält der Wundverschluß noch verschieden große Kalkpartikel, die vom Abschleifen der Versuchsstelle herrühren.4. Bei direkter Beobachtung ist weder an den rotbraunen Amoebocyten noch am Wundverschluß die geringste Bewegung zu erkennen.5. Zeittransformation (Zeitraffung [Z.R.] auf 1/240 und 1/480) zeigt die mit erheblicher Ortsverlagerung und Metabolie verbundene Bewegung der allein wahrehmbaren rotbraunen Amoebocyten auf der Wundfläche. Im scheinbar in Ruhe befindlichen Wundverschluß findet eine ständig hin- und herwogende Bewegung der Zell-Kalkamsse statt.6. Bereits nach 6 bis 7 Stunden ist das Operationsfeld völlig geglättet; die Lücken im Kalkskelett sind kaum noch zu erkennen infolge der neu eingebauten Kalkelemente. Die eigentlichen Heilungsvorgänge (Wiederherstellung der Feinstruktur des Kalkskelettes) erfolgen unterhalb des primären Wundverschlusses, sind also nicht der Beobachtung zugängig.7. Wird der primäre Wundverschluß im ganzen vorsichtig abgehoben und zerzupft, so kann das Bewegungsverhalten der entstandenen kleinen und großen Aggregate im Durchlicht unter Z.R. untersucht werden.8. Die im zerriebenen Explantat erhaltenen Coelomzell-Aggregate aller Größen weisen erhebliche Ortsveränderungen auf; oft breiten sie sich langsam aus unter Auswanderung zehlreicher randlich liegender Zellen. An den Außenzonen mittlerer und großer Aggregate werden plasmatische Netze sichtbar, die ständig ihre Gestalt und Maschenweite ändern.9. Diese Plasma-Netze bilden die Grundlage der Aggregate; ihre Kontraktionen und Dilatationen bewirken die Ortsverlagerungen der Aggregate (Netzbildende Coelomzellen;Kuhl 1937).10. Wenigzellige Aggregate vereinigen sich in den allermeisten Fällen, sobald ein gewisser Abstand überbrückt ist. Mittlere und große Aggregate gehen häufig eine Verbindung ein; meist werden vorher lockere Coelomzell-Brücken hergestellt. In manchen Fällen gleiten die Aggregate aneinander vorbei.11. Im polarisierten Licht lassen sich bei gekreuzten Nicols die ersten kleinen neugebildeten Kalkkristalle in den skelettbildenden Coelomzellen (= netzbildenden Zellen) nachweisen.12. Der Verschluß kleiner Kratzwunden im noch dünnen primären Wundverschluß (die Kratzer dringen bis zur abgeschliffenen Skelettoberfläche vor) wird unter Z.R. im Ultropak-Auflicht untersucht. Die Ergebnisse am explantierten Wundverschluß im Durchlicht führen zum Verständnis der Bewegungsvorgänge im ungewohnten Auflicht.13. Im zunächst verwirrenden Bewegungsgeschehen (die auffälligen rotbraunen Amoebocyten haben bei der Wundheilung keine Funktion) fallen die durch die Operationsnadel herausgerissenen kleinen Kalktrümmer auf; sie werden passiv durch die Plasmanetze bewegt, gelangen auch zufällig in die Kratzer und werden an den Rändern durch neugebildetes Kalkmaterial festgelegt oder eingebaut. Aus der Tiefe der Kratzer können lose Kalkpartikel heraufbefördert werden; auch diese werden häufig eingebaut. Die entstehenden Kalkbrücken werden schließlich untereinander verbunden und dadurch die kleine Wunde verschlossen. Das eingebaute Kalkmaterial zeigt auch unter starker Z.R. keine passive Bewegung mehr.14. In seltenen Fällen kann der Vorgang des schubweisen Aufsteigens der skelettbildenden Zellen aus dem Panzer und ihre Zusammenballung im Z.R.-Laufbild beobachtet werden.15. Ob der Einbau von herausgerissenem Kalkmaterial temporär oder dauernd ist, muß noch geprüft werden.
The locomotory behaviour of coelom cells ofPsammechinus miliaris (Echinodermata) during wound-healing
In the sea urchinP. miliaris application of time lapse photography allows a study of the very slow movements of coelom cells during the healing process of small wounds on the surface of the calcareous skeleton near the periproct. For observation and time lapse photography LEITZ-Ultropak objectives were used (incident light). Ambulacral feet, spines and pedicellaria were removed, and the animal was fixed in three places in a ring of plexiglass by means of three little screws, which touched the equator of skeleton. The rate of time transformation was 1/240 to 1/480. The film reveals the behaviour of coelom cells, which move out the skeleton to the surface of the small experimental region. Within several hours the white polished surface is covered with hundreds of red-brown amoebocytes; only these are visible on the white lime-ground; they have no function in the healing process, which takes place below the surface of the primäre Wundverschluß and therefore cannot be observed. There are three main types of coelom cells: red-brown amoebocytes, körnchenführende Zellen (white amoebocytes) and leucocytes (netzbildende or skelettbildende Zellen); the flagellated cells may be neglected here. In order to be able to study the behavior of the three main types of coelom cells, the primäre Wundverschluß, i. e. the total cell-covering of the wound, is removed and torn into microscopic fragments. These are studied (time lapse) under normal optical conditions (transmitted light). The slides show many aggregates of different sizes, single cells and little calcareous concrements torn off the skeleton. The aggregates, even the big ones, exhibit slow locomotion and change their positions considerably. If the distance of two aggregates becomes small enough, they fuse. In these cases a loose cell bridge between the two aggregates is formed. Sometimes no union occurs, although the distance is very small. Even big aggregates suddenly show considerable contractions if spreading has preceded. All movements and place changing of cell-aggregates are caused by contractions and dilatations of the plasmatic network which forms the cellular basis. Little wounds in the newly built Wundverschluß scratched with a lancet, heal within several hours. Time lapse shows passive movements of small calcareous fragments, which by chance sometimes enter the small wounds, where they help and accelerate the closing of the injury. The fragments are fixed on the edge of the wound by newly produced lime. Skeleton building coelom cells (netzbildende Coelomzellen) come up in batches from the depth of the sea urchin's skeleton; each cell contains lime crystals.
Age at sexual maturity and timing of the mating season were determined in male Atlantic walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus , L.) from the "North Water" subpopulation in northern Baffin Bay. Testes and epididymides of 174 male walruses (between 0 and 30 yr old) from NW Greenland (1987–1990) were studied macroscopically and a subset of 57 specimens was analyzed microscopically. In physically mature bulls ( i.e. , ≥12 yr old), sperm or apparently ripe spermatids were found between 9 November and 12 July. In younger walruses these signs of fertility were found in a few specimens (7–11 yr old) collected between 9 January and 28 May. The mating season seems to peak in January—April. The youngest sexually mature individual was 7 yr old and the oldest apparently immature individual was 13 yr old. Average age of sexual maturity was 10.9 yr (95% C.I.: 9–6–12.2 yr) and all were sexually mature by the time they were 14 yr old. The non-spermiogenetic testes and epididymides showed accelerated growth between about the 5–6th and about the 12–15th year of life, indicating that sexual maturation occurs during these years. The length of the baculum increased gradually until about 12–15 yr of age, when physical maturity was reached.  相似文献   
Continuous culture may be an efficient way of producing proteins which are susceptible to secondary processing in the course of a fermentation process. Short residence times in these systems support the production of correctly assembled proteins by avoiding substrate limitations and product inhibitions and also minimize the contact of sensitive bioproducts with degrading enzymes. Thus products of increased stability and integrity are obtained from continuous processes. The downstream process following continuous culture has to be adapted to the specific conditions of continuous fermentations, e.g. large liquid volumes and diluted process solutions. In this paper an approach is shown how a fluidized bed adsorption as first recovery operation may be coupled directly to a continuous production. Immobilized hybridoma cells are cultivated in porous glass microcarriers in a continuous fluidized bed process, the cell containing harvest is purified by fluidized bed adsorption using an agarose based cation exchange matrix. By this coupled mode of operation the large biomass containing harvest volume resulting from the continuous cultivation may be applied directly to a fluidized chromatographic matrix without prior clarification, leading to a particle free and initially purified product solution of reduced volume. In an experimental setup a bench-scale fluidized bed bioreactor of 25 ml carrier volume was coupled to a fluidized bed adsorption column operated with 300 ml of adsorbent. This configuration yielded up to 20 mg of monoclonal antibody per day in a cell free solution at fourfold concentration and fivefold purification. The process was run for more than three weeks with consistent product output.The help of H. Schmitz, A. Bader, J. Gätgens and M. Halfar during the experiments is gratefully acknowledged. This work was partially funded by the ministry of science and research of the Federal Republic of Germany within the project Stoffumwandlung mit Biokatalysatoren.  相似文献   
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