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The possibility to utilize fiber sludge, waste fibers from pulp mills and lignocellulose-based biorefineries, for combined production of liquid biofuel and biocatalysts was investigated. Without pretreatment, fiber sludge was hydrolyzed enzymatically to monosaccharides, mainly glucose and xylose. In the first of two sequential fermentation steps, the fiber sludge hydrolysate was fermented to cellulosic ethanol with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although the final ethanol yields were similar, the ethanol productivity after 9.5?h was 3.3?g/l/h for the fiber sludge hydrolysate compared with only 2.2?g/l/h for a reference fermentation with similar sugar content. In the second fermentation step, the spent fiber sludge hydrolysate (the stillage obtained after distillation) was used as growth medium for recombinant Aspergillus niger expressing the xylanase-encoding Trichoderma reesei (Hypocrea jecorina) xyn2 gene. The xylanase activity obtained with the spent fiber sludge hydrolysate (8,500?nkat/ml) was higher than that obtained in a standard medium with similar monosaccharide content (1,400?nkat/ml). Analyses based on deglycosylation with N-glycosidase?F suggest that the main part of the recombinant xylanase was unglycosylated and had molecular mass of 20.7?kDa, while a minor part had N-linked glycosylation and molecular mass of 23.6?kDa. Chemical analyses of the growth medium showed that important carbon sources in the spent fiber sludge hydrolysate included xylose, small aliphatic acids, and oligosaccharides. The results show the potential of converting waste fiber sludge to liquid biofuel and enzymes as coproducts in lignocellulose-based biorefineries.  相似文献   
Predicting the environmental impact of a proposed development is notoriously difficult, especially when future conditions fall outside the current range of conditions. Individual-based approaches have been developed and applied to predict the impact of environmental changes on wintering and staging coastal bird populations. How many birds make use of staging sites is mostly determined by food availability and accessibility, which in the case of many waterbirds in turn is affected by water level. Many water systems are regulated and water levels are maintained at target levels, set by management authorities. We used an individual-based modelling framework (MORPH) to analyse how different target water levels affect the number of migratory Bewick’s swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii staging at a shallow freshwater lake (Lauwersmeer, the Netherlands) in autumn. As an emerging property of the model, we found strong non-linear responses of swan usage to changes in water level, with a sudden drop in peak numbers as well as bird-days with a 0.20 m rise above the current target water level. Such strong non-linear responses are probably common and should be taken into account in environmental impact assessments.  相似文献   
Informational interventions (e.g., awareness campaigns, carbon footprint calculators) are built on the assumption that informing the public about the environmental consequences of their actions should result in increased pro-environmental intentions and behavior. However, empirical support for this reasoning is mixed. In this paper, we argue that informational interventions may succeed in improving people’s knowledge about the negative environmental consequences of one’s actions, but this knowledge will not gain motivational force if people do not consider protecting the environment an important personal value. In an experiment, we measured individual differences in value priorities, and either presented participants a movie clip that portrayed the negative environmental consequences of using bottled water, or a control movie. As predicted, we found that the environmental movie improved recipients’ knowledge of the negative environmental impact of bottled water, but this knowledge only resulted in concomitant changes in intentions and acceptability of related policies among participants who strongly endorsed biospheric (i.e. environmental) values, while having no effect on those who care less about the environment. Interestingly, the results suggest that although informational interventions are perhaps not always successful in directly affecting less environmentally-conscious recipients, they could still have beneficial effects, because they make those who strongly care about the environment more inclined to act on their values.  相似文献   
Phenology, morphology, life history and responses to different temperature and photoperiod conditions were studied in Japanese Stypocaulon durum (Ruprecht) Okamura. Erect thalli of the species were collected year-round, but the mature thalli forming either uniloc-ular sporangia or two different types of plurilocular structures (evidently gametangia) on separate thalli were found only in winter. ln culture, an isomorphic life history is suggested for the species, alternating between a sporophyte forming unilocular sporangia and gam-etophytes forming plurilocular macro- (female) and micro- (male) gametangia. Contents of unilocular sporangia were not released, but germinated in situ, developing into erect thalli forming plurilocular gametangia. Macrogametangia released aplanogametes (oospores), but male gametangia appeared to be non-functional, although flagellated cells were once formed in the loc-uli. This is the first report of plurilocular gametangia in the species. Although the species grew well and matured under considerably lower temperature conditions than European Stypocaulon scoparium (L.) Sauvageau, its temperature requirements showed similarity to northwestern Atlantic Stypocaulon species. This supports the notion that northwestern Atlantic Stypocaulon is conspecific with S. durum.  相似文献   
Cycling on an ergometer is an effective exercise for improving fitness. However, people with back problems or previous spinal surgery are often not aware of whether cycling could be harmful for them. To date, little information exists about spinal loads during cycling. A telemeterized vertebral body replacement allows in vivo measurement of implant loads during the activities of daily living. Five patients with a severe compression fracture of a lumbar vertebral body received these implants. During one measurement session, four of the participants exercised on a bicycle ergometer at various power levels. As the power level increased, the maximum resultant force and the difference between the maximum and minimum force (force range) during each pedal revolution increased. The average maximum-force increases between the two power levels 25 and 85 W were 73, 84, 225 and 75 N for the four patients. The corresponding increases in the force range during a pedal revolution were 84, 98, 166 and 101 N. There were large variations in the measured forces between the patients and also within the same patient, especially for high power levels. In two patients, the maximum forces during high-power cycling were higher than the forces during walking measured on the same day. Therefore, the authors conclude that patients with back problems should not cycle at high power levels shortly after surgery as a precaution.  相似文献   
Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, after improved matrix modification and using Zeeman background correction, was used to measure the serum selenium content of healthy adults living in the Antwerp region (Belgium). The mean serum concentration of 13 men and 13 women, sampled once a month during 1 year, was 84.3 +/- 9.4ng/ml with a broad range of 51.4-121.7 ng/ml. The intra-individual variation was remarkably high. Recent literature on selenium concentrations is reviewed and values are tabulated, with limitation to healthy adults and European countries. The mean serum selenium concentration measured corresponded well to older literature data for Belgium. The obtained values were found to be in the medium range compared with the literature data for other European countries.  相似文献   
This study deals with biochemical and metabolic-physiological aspects of the relationship between variation in in vivo alcohol dehydrogenase activity and fitness in larvae homozygous for the alleles Adh71k, AdhF, AdhS, of Drosophila melanogaster, and for the common Adh allele of Drosophila simulans. The Adh genotypes differ in the maximum oxidation rates of propan-2-ol into acetone in vivo. There are smaller differences between the Adh genotypes in rates of ethanol elimination. Rates of accumulation of ethanol in vivo are negatively associated with larval-to-adult survival of the Adh genotypes. The rank order of the maximum rates of the ADHs in elimination of propan-2-ol, as well as ethanol, is ADH-71k greater than ADH-F greater than ADH-S greater than simulans-ADH. The ratio of this maximum rate to ADH quantity reveals the rank order of ADH-S greater than ADH-F greater than ADH-71k greater than simulans-ADH, suggesting a compensation for allozymic efficiency by the ADH quantity in D. melanogaster.Our findings show that natural selection may act on the Adh polymorphism in larvae via differences in rates of alcohol metabolism.  相似文献   
In this study, experiments are described that were designed to investigate whether fish have an immune regulatory systems similar to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in higher vertebrate species. From combinations of gynogenetic carp showing either slow of fast rejection of skin transplants, the latter were chosen for alloantiserum production by hyperimmunization with peripheral blood leucocytes. The resulting alloantisera were analyzed for hemagglutinating reactivity with gynogenetic siblings and proved to be operationally monoscpecific in absorption experiments. The serologically determined carp erythrocyte specificites were shown to correspond to two codominantly expressed allelic products of a single locus and were designated K1 and K2, respectively. Flow cytometer analysis revealed that the same products are also present on leucocytes from peripheral blood, thymus, spleen, and pronephros.K1-andK2-homozygous second-generation gynogenetic siblings were used to study the histocompatibiligy nature of the K locus products. Skin transplants between K-allogeneic gynogenetic siblings were rejected significantly faster than within K-syngeneic combinations. Taken together, these data suggest that theK locus incorporates MHC class I-like characteristics.  相似文献   
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